blob: ea359b03162d7e98d3564af7a32c41a4b3c15a40 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/bash
# Github Developer Git Checkout
# Delete remote branch qpimd: git push origin :qpimd
# (git push origin :refs/heads/branch_to_delete)
# Delete remote tag v0.139: git push origin :v0.139
# (git push origin :refs/tags/tag_to_delete)
# Create remote-tracking branch: git checkout -b pim0.142 origin/pim0.142
# Rename branch qpimd to pim: git branch -m qpimd pim
# Commit changes: git commit -a
# Send changes: git push --all
# Recipe to re-sync with Quagga repository:
# git clone
# cd qpimd
# git checkout master
# git pull git clone master
# git checkout -b pim origin/pim
# git rebase master pim
# # Test, then push back into Github repository:
# git push origin :pim ;# delete remote branch pim
# git push --all
# $QuaggaId: $Format:%an, %ai, %h$ $
git clone