| # Check kernel mcast cache |
| ! qpimd on last-hop router |
| ! . attached to mcast receiver |
| ! . runnning both PIM-SSM and IGMPv3 |
| show ip mroute (kernel mcast programming is correct?) |
| show ip pim upstream (we joined our upstream?) |
| show ip pim neighbor (upstream is neighbor?) |
| show ip pim interface (pim enabled on interfaces?) |
| show ip multicast (multicast enabled at all?) |
| show ip rib SRC (unicast route towards source?) |
| show ip igmp sources (receiver joined on interface?) |
| show ip igmp interface (igmp enabled on receiver interface?) |
| ! qpimd on intermmediate routers |
| ! . may be attached to mcast source |
| ! . runnning only PIM-SSM, not IGMPv3 |
| show ip mroute (kernel mcast programming is correct?) |
| show ip pim upstream (we joined our upstream?) |
| show ip pim join (downstream joined us?) |
| show ip pim neighbor (downstream is neighbor?) |
| show ip pim interface (pim enabled on interfaces?) |
| show ip multicast (multicast enabled at all?) |
| show ip rib SRC (unicast route towards source?) |