blob: 0d90963c9e60953ffde32e83e5d64433b4cd5edf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import * as $ from 'jquery';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
export interface IRCordGraphReducer {
setup(): void;
export class RCordGraphReducer implements IRCordGraphReducer {
static $inject = [
private XosServiceGraphExtender: any
) {
public setup() {
this.XosServiceGraphExtender.register('coarse', 'ecord-local', (graph: any): any => {
graph.nodes = this.positionCoarseNodes(graph.nodes);
return {
nodes: graph.nodes,
links: graph.links
private getSvgDimensions(graph: string): {width: number, height: number} {
return {
width: $(`${graph} svg`).width(),
height: $(`${graph} svg`).height()
private positionCoarseNodes(nodes: any[]): any[] {
// getting distance between nodes
const hStep = this.getSvgDimensions('xos-coarse-tenancy-graph').width / 4;
const vStep = this.getSvgDimensions('xos-coarse-tenancy-graph').height / 5;
const vtr = _.find(nodes, {label: 'vtr'});
if (vtr) {
vtr.x = hStep * 2;
vtr.y = vStep * 1;
vtr.fixed = true;
const rcord = _.find(nodes, {label: 'rcord'});
if (rcord) {
rcord.x = hStep * 0.5;
rcord.y = vStep * 2;
rcord.fixed = true;
const volt = _.find(nodes, {label: 'volt'});
if (volt) {
volt.x = hStep * 1;
volt.y = vStep * 2;
volt.fixed = true;
const vsg = _.find(nodes, {label: 'vsg'});
if (vsg) {
vsg.x = hStep * 2;
vsg.y = vStep * 2;
vsg.fixed = true;
const vrouter = _.find(nodes, {label: 'vrouter'});
if (vrouter) {
vrouter.x = hStep * 3;
vrouter.y = vStep * 2;
vrouter.fixed = true;
const addressmanager = _.find(nodes, {label: 'addressmanager'});
if (addressmanager) {
addressmanager.x = hStep * 2.5;
addressmanager.y = vStep * 1.5;
addressmanager.fixed = true;
const oc = _.find(nodes, {label: 'ONOS_CORD'});
if (oc) {
oc.x = hStep + (hStep / 2);
oc.y = vStep * 3;
oc.fixed = true;
const vtn = _.find(nodes, {label: 'vtn'});
if (vtn) {
vtn.x = hStep * 1.5;
vtn.y = vStep * 4;
vtn.fixed = true;
const of = _.find(nodes, {label: 'ONOS_Fabric'});
if (of) {
of.x = hStep * 2.5;
of.y = vStep * 3;
of.fixed = true;
const fabric = _.find(nodes, {label: 'fabric'});
if (fabric) {
fabric.x = hStep * 2.5;
fabric.y = vStep * 4;
fabric.fixed = true;
const exampleservice = _.find(nodes, {label: 'exampleservice'});
if (exampleservice) {
exampleservice.x = hStep * 3.5;
exampleservice.y = vStep * 4.5;
exampleservice.fixed = true;
return nodes;