blob: 4c146c3540beb1486d07866ecaaaef797bd81685 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Open Networking Foundation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-ONF-Member-Only-1.0
module onf-application {
namespace "";
prefix app;
import ietf-inet-types{ prefix ietf; }
import ietf-yang-types{ prefix yg; }
import onf-aether-types{ prefix at; }
import onf-enterprise{ prefix ent; }
organization "Open Networking Foundation.";
contact "Scott Baker";
"An Aether Application is an application that devices may
connect to. Includes a set of endpoints where services are
revision "2021-09-10" {
description "Aether Application.";
reference "RFC 6087";
typedef application-id {
type yg:yang-identifier {
length 1..32;
container application {
description "The top level container";
list application {
key "id";
"List of applications";
leaf id {
type application-id;
description "ID for this application.";
leaf display-name {
type string {
length 1..80;
description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
leaf description {
type at:description;
description "description of this application";
leaf address {
type ietf:host;
mandatory true;
"Address of this application. Either a hostname, an IP, or a subnet.";
list endpoint {
key "name";
leaf name {
type string;
"Name of this endpoint";
leaf port-start {
type ietf:port-number;
mandatory true;
"First port in range";
leaf port-end {
type ietf:port-number;
"Last port in range";
leaf protocol {
type at:protocol;
"Protocol of this endpoint";
container mbr {
description "Maximum bitrate";
leaf uplink {
type at:bitrate;
units mbr;
description "Per-Device per-Application mbr uplink data rate in mbps";
leaf downlink {
type at:bitrate;
units mbr;
description "Per-Device per application mbr downlink data rate in mbps";
leaf enterprise {
type leafref {
path "/ent:enterprise/ent:enterprise/ent:id";
mandatory true;
"Link to enterprise that owns this Application. May be set to None if the application is global to all Enterprises.";