| # Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| images: |
| repository: "" #default docker hub |
| tags: |
| init: omecproject/pod-init:1.0.0 |
| amf: omecproject/5gc-amf:master-c250161 |
| nrf: omecproject/5gc-nrf:master-a431afa |
| smf: omecproject/5gc-smf:master-b73f587 |
| ausf: omecproject/5gc-ausf:master-1bfd38d |
| nssf: omecproject/5gc-nssf:master-93cd53b |
| pcf: omecproject/5gc-pcf:master-0e90976 |
| udr: omecproject/5gc-udr:master-c9c04fe |
| udm: omecproject/5gc-udm:master-5992f3f |
| webui: omecproject/5gc-webui:master-fec9bfc |
| sctplb: omecproject/sctplb:master-538dad6 |
| metricfunc: metricfunc:0.0.1-dev-local0 |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| |
| resources: |
| enabled: false |
| sctplb: |
| requests: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| limits: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| amf: |
| requests: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| limits: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| nrf: |
| requests: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| limits: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| smf: |
| requests: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| limits: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| ausf: |
| requests: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| limits: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| nssf: |
| requests: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| limits: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| pcf: |
| requests: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| limits: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| udr: |
| requests: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| limits: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| udm: |
| requests: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| limits: |
| cpu: 2 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| webui: |
| requests: |
| cpu: 1 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| limits: |
| cpu: 1 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| |
| metricfunc: |
| requests: |
| cpu: 1 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| limits: |
| cpu: 1 |
| memory: 1Gi |
| |
| kafka: |
| deploy: false |
| nfKafka: |
| urls: |
| - "sd-core-kafka-headless:9092" |
| topic: "sdcore-nf-data-source" |
| |
| mongodb: |
| deploy: true |
| fullnameOverride: mongodb |
| persistence: |
| enabled: false |
| auth: |
| enabled: false |
| serviceAccount: |
| create: false |
| #clusterDomain: cluster.local |
| #architecture: replicaset |
| #replicaCount: 3 |
| |
| config: |
| managedByConfigPod: # config comes from helm by default, if enabled true, then discard |
| enabled: false # helm chart config and use the config from config Pod |
| syncUrl: "" # Get the config from adapater in case control plane is down |
| useExistingConfigMap: false |
| imagePath: /free5gc |
| coreDump: |
| enabled: false |
| path: /tmp/coredump |
| mongodb: |
| name: free5gc |
| url: mongodb://mongodb |
| grpc: |
| golog_verbosity: "99" |
| severity: "info" |
| trace: "all" |
| verbosity: "debug" |
| logger: |
| # network function |
| AMF: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| SMF: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| UDR: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| UDM: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| NRF: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| PCF: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| AUSF: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| N3IWF: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| # library |
| NAS: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| FSM: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| NGAP: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| NamfComm: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| NamfEventExposure: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| NsmfPDUSession: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| NudrDataRepository: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| OpenApi: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| Aper: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| CommonConsumerTest: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| PFCP: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| MongoDBLibrary: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| PathUtil: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| # webui |
| WEBUI: |
| debugLevel: info |
| ReportCaller: false |
| webui: |
| deploy: true |
| #podAnnotations: |
| serviceType: ClusterIP |
| urlport: |
| port: 5000 |
| # Provide nodePort when serviceType is NodePort |
| #nodePort: 35000 |
| grpc: |
| port: 9876 |
| ingress: |
| enabled: false |
| hostname: free5gc.local |
| path: / |
| pathType: Prefix |
| # extraHosts: |
| # - host: free5gc.local |
| # path: / |
| cfgFiles: |
| # https://github.com/free5gc/free5gc/blob/main/config/webuicfg.yaml |
| webuicfg.conf: |
| info: |
| version: 1.0.0 |
| description: WebUI initial local configuration |
| configuration: |
| spec-compliant-sdf: false |
| udm: |
| deploy: true |
| #podAnnotations: |
| serviceType: ClusterIP |
| sbi: |
| port: 29503 |
| # Provide nodePort when serviceType is NodePort |
| #nodePort: 30074 |
| cfgFiles: |
| # https://github.com/free5gc/free5gc/blob/main/config/udmcfg.yaml |
| udmcfg.conf: |
| info: |
| version: 1.0.0 |
| description: UDM initial local configuration |
| configuration: |
| nrfUri: http://nrf:29510 |
| plmnList: |
| - plmnId: |
| mcc: "208" |
| mnc: "93" |
| - plmnId: |
| mcc: "222" |
| mnc: "88" |
| serviceNameList: |
| - nudm-sdm |
| - nudm-uecm |
| - nudm-ueau |
| - nudm-ee |
| - nudm-pp |
| sbi: |
| scheme: http |
| bindingIPv4: "" |
| registerIPv4: udm |
| tls: |
| log: free5gc/udmsslkey.log |
| pem: free5gc/support/TLS/udm.pem |
| key: free5gc/support/TLS/udm.key |
| keys: |
| udmProfileAHNPublicKey: 5a8d38864820197c3394b92613b20b91633cbd897119273bf8e4a6f4eec0a650 |
| udmProfileAHNPrivateKey: c53c22208b61860b06c62e5406a7b330c2b577aa5558981510d128247d38bd1d |
| udmProfileBHNPublicKey: 0472DA71976234CE833A6907425867B82E074D44EF907DFB4B3E21C1C2256EBCD15A7DED52FCBB097A4ED250E036C7B9C8C7004C4EEDC4F068CD7BF8D3F900E3B4 |
| udmProfileBHNPrivateKey: F1AB1074477EBCC7F554EA1C5FC368B1616730155E0041AC447D6301975FECDA |
| udr: |
| deploy: true |
| #podAnnotations: |
| serviceType: ClusterIP |
| sbi: |
| port: 29504 |
| # Provide nodePort when serviceType is NodePort |
| #nodePort: 30074 |
| cfgFiles: |
| # https://github.com/free5gc/free5gc/blob/main/config/udrcfg.yaml |
| udrcfg.conf: |
| info: |
| version: 1.0.0 |
| description: UDR initial local configuration |
| configuration: |
| nrfUri: http://nrf:29510 |
| plmnSupportList: |
| - plmnId: |
| mcc: "208" |
| mnc: "93" |
| - plmnId: |
| mcc: "333" |
| mnc: "88" |
| sbi: |
| scheme: http |
| bindingIPv4: "" |
| registerIPv4: udr |
| pcf: |
| deploy: true |
| #podAnnotations: |
| serviceType: ClusterIP |
| sbi: |
| port: 29507 |
| # Provide nodePort when serviceType is NodePort |
| #nodePort: 30077 |
| cfgFiles: |
| # https://github.com/free5gc/free5gc/blob/main/config/pcfcfg.yaml |
| pcfcfg.conf: |
| info: |
| version: 1.0.0 |
| description: PCF initial local configuration |
| configuration: |
| pcfName: PCF |
| nrfUri: http://nrf:29510 |
| sbi: |
| scheme: http |
| bindingIPv4: "" |
| registerIPv4: pcf |
| defaultBdtRefId: BdtPolicyId- |
| plmnList: |
| - plmnId: |
| mcc: "208" |
| mnc: "93" |
| - plmnId: |
| mcc: "333" |
| mnc: "88" |
| serviceList: |
| - serviceName: npcf-am-policy-control |
| - serviceName: npcf-smpolicycontrol |
| suppFeat: 3fff |
| - serviceName: npcf-bdtpolicycontrol |
| - serviceName: npcf-policyauthorization |
| suppFeat: 3 |
| - serviceName: npcf-eventexposure |
| - serviceName: npcf-ue-policy-control |
| nssf: |
| deploy: true |
| #podAnnotations: |
| serviceType: ClusterIP |
| sbi: |
| port: 29531 |
| # Provide nodePort when serviceType is NodePort |
| #nodePort: 30081 |
| cfgFiles: |
| # https://github.com/free5gc/free5gc/blob/main/config/nssfcfg.yaml |
| nssfcfg.conf: |
| info: |
| version: 1.0.0 |
| description: NSSF initial local configuration |
| configuration: |
| nssfName: NSSF |
| nrfUri: http://nrf:29510 |
| sbi: |
| scheme: http |
| bindingIPv4: "" |
| registerIPv4: nssf |
| serviceNameList: |
| - nnssf-nsselection |
| - nnssf-nssaiavailability |
| supportedPlmnList: |
| - mcc: "208" |
| mnc: "93" |
| supportedNssaiInPlmnList: |
| - plmnId: |
| mcc: "208" |
| mnc: "93" |
| supportedSnssaiList: |
| - sst: 1 |
| sd: "010203" |
| nsiList: |
| - snssai: |
| sst: 1 |
| sd: "010203" |
| nsiInformationList: |
| - nrfId: http://nrf:29510/nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances |
| nsiId: 22 |
| sctplb: |
| deploy: false |
| podAnnotations: |
| field.cattle.io/workloadMetrics: '[{"path":"/metrics","port":9089,"schema":"HTTP"}]' |
| serviceType: ClusterIP |
| sctp_grpc: |
| port: 9000 |
| #nodePort: 30088 |
| ngapp: |
| #externalIp: |
| port: 38412 |
| #nodePort: 30071 |
| cfgFiles: |
| # https://github.com/free5gc/free5gc/blob/main/config/amfcfg.yaml |
| sctplb.yaml: |
| info: |
| version: 1.0.0 |
| description: SCTPLB initial local configuration |
| logger: |
| sctpLogs: info |
| dispatcherLogs: info |
| clientdiscLogs: info |
| configuration: |
| serviceNames: |
| - "amf-headless" |
| ngapIpList: |
| - "" |
| amf: |
| deploy: true |
| podAnnotations: |
| field.cattle.io/workloadMetrics: '[{"path":"/metrics","port":9089,"schema":"HTTP"}]' |
| serviceType: ClusterIP |
| prometheus: |
| port: 9089 |
| # Provide nodePort when serviceType is NodePort |
| #nodePort: 30084 |
| sctp_grpc: |
| port: 9000 |
| #nodePort: 30088 |
| sbi: |
| port: 29518 |
| #nodePort: 30088 |
| ngapp: |
| #externalIp: |
| port: 38412 |
| #nodePort: 30071 |
| cfgFiles: |
| # https://github.com/free5gc/free5gc/blob/main/config/amfcfg.yaml |
| amfcfg.conf: |
| info: |
| version: 1.0.0 |
| description: AMF initial local configuration |
| configuration: |
| ngapIpList: |
| - "" |
| amfName: AMF |
| nrfUri: http://nrf:29510 |
| sbi: |
| scheme: http |
| bindingIPv4: "" |
| registerIPv4: amf |
| serviceNameList: |
| - namf-comm |
| - namf-evts |
| - namf-mt |
| - namf-loc |
| - namf-oam |
| servedGuamiList: |
| - plmnId: |
| mcc: "208" |
| mnc: "93" |
| amfId: cafe00 |
| supportTaiList: |
| - plmnId: |
| mcc: "208" |
| mnc: "93" |
| tac: 1 |
| plmnSupportList: |
| - plmnId: |
| mcc: "208" |
| mnc: "93" |
| snssaiList: |
| - sst: 1 |
| sd: "010203" |
| supportDnnList: |
| - internet |
| security: |
| integrityOrder: |
| - NIA1 |
| - NIA2 |
| cipheringOrder: |
| - NEA0 |
| networkName: |
| full: Aether5G |
| short: Aether |
| networkFeatureSupport5GS: # 5gs Network Feature Support IE, refer to TS 24.501 |
| enable: true # append this IE in Registration accept or not |
| imsVoPS: 0 # IMS voice over PS session indicator (uinteger, range: 0~1) |
| emc: 0 # Emergency service support indicator for 3GPP access (uinteger, range: 0~3) |
| emf: 0 # Emergency service fallback indicator for 3GPP access (uinteger, range: 0~3) |
| iwkN26: 0 # Interworking without N26 interface indicator (uinteger, range: 0~1) |
| mpsi: 0 # MPS indicator (uinteger, range: 0~1) |
| emcN3: 0 # Emergency service support indicator for Non-3GPP access (uinteger, range: 0~1) |
| mcsi: 0 # MCS indicator (uinteger, range: 0~1) |
| t3502Value: 720 # timer value (seconds) at UE side |
| t3512Value: 3600 # timer value (seconds) at UE side |
| non3gppDeregistrationTimerValue: 3240 # timer value (seconds) at UE side |
| # retransmission timer for paging message |
| t3513: |
| enable: true # true or false |
| expireTime: 6s # default is 6 seconds |
| maxRetryTimes: 4 # the max number of retransmission |
| # retransmission timer for NAS Deregistration Request message |
| t3522: |
| enable: true # true or false |
| expireTime: 6s # default is 6 seconds |
| maxRetryTimes: 4 # the max number of retransmission |
| # retransmission timer for NAS Registration Accept message |
| t3550: |
| enable: true # true or false |
| expireTime: 6s # default is 6 seconds |
| maxRetryTimes: 4 # the max number of retransmission |
| # retransmission timer for NAS Authentication Request/Security Mode Command message |
| t3560: |
| enable: true # true or false |
| expireTime: 6s # default is 6 seconds |
| maxRetryTimes: 4 # the max number of retransmission |
| # retransmission timer for NAS Notification message |
| t3565: |
| enable: true # true or false |
| expireTime: 6s # default is 6 seconds |
| maxRetryTimes: 4 # the max number of retransmission |
| nrf: |
| deploy: true |
| #podAnnotations: |
| serviceType: ClusterIP |
| sbi: |
| port: 29510 |
| # Provide nodePort when serviceType is NodePort |
| #nodePort: 30070 |
| cfgFiles: |
| # https://github.com/free5gc/free5gc/blob/main/config/nrfcfg.yaml |
| nrfcfg.conf: |
| info: |
| version: 1.0.0 |
| description: NRF initial local configuration |
| configuration: |
| sbi: |
| scheme: http |
| bindingIPv4: "" |
| registerIPv4: nrf |
| DefaultPlmnId: |
| mcc: "208" |
| mnc: "93" |
| serviceNameList: |
| - nnrf-nfm |
| - nnrf-disc |
| smf: |
| deploy: true |
| podAnnotations: |
| field.cattle.io/workloadMetrics: '[{"path":"/metrics","port":9089,"schema":"HTTP"}]' |
| serviceType: ClusterIP |
| n4: |
| port: 8805 |
| # Provide nodePort when serviceType is NodePort |
| #nodePort: 30021 |
| prometheus: |
| port: 9089 |
| #nodePort: 30084 |
| sbi: |
| port: 29502 |
| #nodePort: 30080 |
| cfgFiles: |
| uerouting.conf: |
| info: |
| version: 1.0.0 |
| description: Routing information for UE |
| # https://github.com/free5gc/free5gc/blob/main/config/smfcfg.yaml |
| smfcfg.conf: |
| info: |
| version: 1.0.0 |
| description: SMF initial local configuration |
| configuration: |
| pfcp: |
| addr: "POD_IP" |
| smfName: SMF |
| nrfUri: http://nrf:29510 |
| sbi: |
| scheme: http |
| bindingIPv4: "" |
| registerIPv4: smf |
| tls: |
| key: gofree5gc/support/TLS/smf.key |
| pem: gofree5gc/support/TLS/smf.pem |
| serviceNameList: |
| - nsmf-pdusession |
| - nsmf-event-exposure |
| snssaiInfos: |
| - dnnInfos: |
| - dnn: "internet" |
| dns: # the IP address of DNS |
| ipv4: "" |
| ipv6: "2001:4860:4860::8888" |
| ueSubnet: # should be CIDR type |
| sNssai: |
| sd: "010203" |
| sst: 1 |
| userplane_information: |
| up_nodes: |
| gNB1: |
| type: AN |
| UPF: |
| type: UPF |
| node_id: upf |
| sNssaiUpfInfos: # S-NSSAI information list for this UPF |
| - sNssai: # S-NSSAI (Single Network Slice Selection Assistance Information) |
| sst: 1 # Slice/Service Type (uinteger, range: 0~255) |
| sd: "010203" # Slice Differentiator (3 bytes hex string, range: 000000~FFFFFF) |
| dnnUpfInfoList: # DNN information list for this S-NSSAI |
| - dnn: "internet" |
| plmnId: |
| mcc: "208" |
| mnc: "93" |
| - sNssai: # S-NSSAI (Single Network Slice Selection Assistance Information) |
| sst: 1 # Slice/Service Type (uinteger, range: 0~255) |
| sd: "112233" # Slice Differentiator (3 bytes hex string, range: 000000~FFFFFF) |
| dnnUpfInfoList: # DNN information list for this S-NSSAI |
| - dnn: "internet" |
| plmnId: |
| mcc: "208" |
| mnc: "93" |
| interfaces: # Interface list for this UPF |
| - interfaceType: N3 # the type of the interface (N3 or N9) |
| endpoints: # the IP address of this N3/N9 interface on this UPF |
| - upf |
| networkInstance: internet # Data Network Name (DNN) |
| |
| links: |
| - A: gNB1 |
| B: UPF |
| ausf: |
| deploy: true |
| #podAnnotations: |
| serviceType: ClusterIP |
| sbi: |
| port: 29509 |
| # Provide nodePort when serviceType is NodePort |
| #nodePort: 30082 |
| cfgFiles: |
| # https://github.com/free5gc/free5gc/blob/main/config/ausfcfg.yaml |
| ausfcfg.conf: |
| info: |
| version: 1.0.0 |
| description: AUSF initial local configuration |
| configuration: |
| nrfUri: http://nrf:29510 |
| sbi: |
| scheme: http |
| bindingIPv4: "" |
| registerIPv4: ausf |
| serviceNameList: |
| - nausf-auth |
| plmnSupportList: |
| - mcc: "208" |
| mnc: "93" |
| groupId: ausfGroup001 |
| metricfunc: |
| deploy: false |
| serviceType: ClusterIP |
| prometheus: |
| port: 9089 |
| cfgFiles: |
| metricscfg.conf: |
| info: |
| version: 1.0.0 |
| description: Metrics initial local configuration |
| logger: |
| logLevel: "debug" |
| configuration: |
| nfStream: |
| urls: |
| - "sd-core-kafka-headless:9092" |
| topic: |
| name: "sdcore-nf-data-source" |
| group: |
| analytics: "analytics" |
| mongodb: "mongodb" |
| restapi: "restapi" |
| prometheus: "prometheus" |
| analyticsStream: |
| enable: true |
| urls: |
| - "sd-core-kafka-headless:9092" |
| topic: "sdcore-analytics-feed" |
| |