[SDFAB-601] Add chassis config guide

Change-Id: Ibbf6689c45efc1a128d5057c7e0993dea4a263cf
diff --git a/conf.py b/conf.py
index 55466cb..ec932a7 100644
--- a/conf.py
+++ b/conf.py
@@ -248,6 +248,10 @@
 linkcheck_timeout = 3
 linkcheck_retries = 2
+linkcheck_anchors_ignore = [
+    r"L\d+" # Ignore line anchors from GitHub.
 # -- options for Intersphinx extension ---------------------------------------
 intersphinx_mapping = {
diff --git a/configuration/chassis.rst b/configuration/chassis.rst
index 776321f..1db3b1a 100644
--- a/configuration/chassis.rst
+++ b/configuration/chassis.rst
@@ -1,2 +1,193 @@
-Chassis Configuration
+Stratum Chassis Configuration
+.. tip::
+    Check out `examples <https://github.com/stratum/stratum/tree/main/stratum/hal/config>`_
+    for every platform supported by Stratum.
+    See the `Deployment Guide <../deployment.rst>`_ to learn about how to deploy Stratum
+    with a custom chassis config.
+The Stratum chassis config is the internal data structure that encapsulates the so called
+"config" pushed to the entire chassis. The term "chassis" refers to the a switching box
+with one or more switching nodes managed by a management interface.
+The chassis config file will be placed on the disk of the device and loaded when starting the Stratum.
+The config includes all the not-so-frequent settings that are required before the switch
+can accept flow programming requests from the controller.
+A valid chassis config includes a ``chassis`` and a ``node`` field, and may includes one
+or more ``singleton_port`` field. See each section below for more detail.
+.. note::
+    In Stratum the external interface for pushing config is gNMI.
+    The protobuf realization of the YANG models for the config is internally converted
+    to a chassis config before it is consumed by the internal stack components.
+    The `format of chassis config <https://github.com/stratum/stratum/blob/main/stratum/hal/lib/common/common.proto#L824-L833>`_
+    is based on protobuf text format, check out
+    `the protobuf language guide for more info <https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/overview?hl=en>`_
+A ``chassis`` uniquely identifies a switch with a single management interface.
+Each chassis may contain one or more slots (aka linecards),
+and one or more switching nodes (aka chips) on each slot.
+A chassis contains the following fields:
+* ``platform``: The chassis platform. **Required**
+* ``name``: An arbitrary name for the chassis. **Optional**
+* ``config_params``: Parameters configured for the entire chassis when config is pushed to the the switch. **Optional**
+.. tip::
+    Check out the list of platforms `here <https://github.com/stratum/stratum/blob/main/stratum/hal/lib/common/common.proto#L33-L47>`_
+A ``node`` uniquely identifies a single switching node (aka chip) on a chassis linecard
+and all its flow-related and config-related parameters.
+A node contains the following fields:
+* ``id``: The unique ID of the switch node on the chassis as used by the P4Runtime controller. **Required**
+* ``name``: An arbitrary name for the switching node. **Optional**
+* ``slot``: The 1-base index of the slot (aka linecard) which this node belongs. **Required**
+* ``index``: The optional 1-base index of the node within the chassis. **Optional**
+Singleton Port
+A ``singleton port`` in the chassis configuration uniquely identifies a single physical port on
+a single chassis.
+A singleton port contains the following fields:
+* ``id``: The unique ID of the singleton port. **Required**
+* ``name``: An optional arbitrary name for the singleton port. **Required**
+    The control plan (e.g., ONOS) can use this name to query port information as a gNMI path key.
+* ``slot``: The 1-base index of the slot (aka linecard) of the port. **Required**
+* ``port``: The 1-base index of the singleton port on the slot. **Required**
+* ``channel``: The 1-base channel index. Absence or zero means non-channelized. **Optional**
+* ``speed_bps``: The speed of the port in bps. **Required**
+* ``node``: The id of the corresponding node that the port belongs to. **Required**
+* ``config_params``: Parameters configured for this port. **Optional**
+  * ``admin_state``: The initial admin state for this port, port will be disabled by default.
+  * ``mtu``: The maximum transmission unit for this port.
+  * ``autoneg``: Whether auto-negotiation is enabled or not for this port.
+    * Choose from ``TRI_STATE_FALSE`` or ``TRI_STATE_TRUE``
+    * The initial configuration might be different if this field is empty, based on the
+      platform or the connector you are using.
+  * ``fec_mode``: The
+    * Choose from ``FEC_MODE_ON``, ``FEC_MODE_OFF``, or ``FEC_MODE_AUTO``
+  * ``loopback_mode``:
+Example chassis config
+In this example, we want to set up a **Tofino-based switch** with only one node/slot.
+And we want to set up two ports:
+* Port 1: 100G port without channelization, enabled by default, and disable auto auto-negotiation.
+* Port 2: break out to four 10G ports, uses different channels for each port and enable
+  them by default with auto-negotiation.
+.. image:: ../images/chassis-config-example.svg
+    :width: 500px
+Below is an example of a chassis configuration with a list of singleton port:
+.. code-block::
+    description: "A chassis config example."
+    chassis {
+        name: "leaf-1"
+    }
+    nodes {
+        id: 1
+        slot: 1
+        index: 1
+    }
+    singleton_ports {
+        id: 1
+        name: "1/0"
+        slot: 1
+        port: 1
+        speed_bps: 100000000000 # 100G
+        config_params {
+            admin_state: ADMIN_STATE_ENABLED
+            autoneg: TRI_STATE_FALSE
+        }
+        node: 1
+    }
+    singleton_ports {
+        id: 200
+        name: "2/0"
+        slot: 1
+        port: 2
+        channel: 1
+        speed_bps: 10000000000 # 10G
+        config_params {
+            admin_state: ADMIN_STATE_ENABLED
+            autoneg: TRI_STATE_TRUE
+        }
+        node: 1
+    }
+    singleton_ports {
+        id: 201
+        name: "2/1"
+        slot: 1
+        port: 2
+        channel: 2
+        speed_bps: 10000000000 # 10G
+        config_params {
+            admin_state: ADMIN_STATE_ENABLED
+            autoneg: TRI_STATE_TRUE
+        }
+        node: 1
+    }
+    singleton_ports {
+        id: 202
+        name: "2/2"
+        slot: 1
+        port: 2
+        channel: 3
+        speed_bps: 10000000000 # 10G
+        config_params {
+            admin_state: ADMIN_STATE_ENABLED
+            autoneg: TRI_STATE_TRUE
+        }
+        node: 1
+    }
+    singleton_ports {
+        id: 203
+        name: "2/3"
+        slot: 1
+        port: 2
+        channel: 4
+        speed_bps: 10000000000 # 10G
+        config_params {
+            admin_state: ADMIN_STATE_ENABLED
+            autoneg: TRI_STATE_TRUE
+        }
+        node: 1
+    }
diff --git a/dict.txt b/dict.txt
index c466f85..82b82df 100644
--- a/dict.txt
+++ b/dict.txt
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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