blob: 149d0512900efab2f96cddb1f592c04f7f080ff1 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _troubleshooting_guide:
Troubleshooting Guide
In this section we are going to provide hints and useful commands to help you troubleshoot traffic-related problems
or k8s related issues. It is important to remember that these two types of issues are highly related as both
control plane software and data plane software are containerized and deployed as Kubernetes services in SD-Fabric.
Please refer to :ref:`architecture_design` for further details.
K8s troubleshooting
We assume that the tool ``kubectl`` have been install already on your local machine.
First step is to setup the proper ``kubeconfig`` file to access the k8s cluster you want to troubleshoot:
.. code-block::
$ export KUBECONFIG=~/kubeconfig/dev-sdfabric-menlo
$ kubectl config use-context dev-sdfabric-menlo
Switched to context "dev-sdfabric-menlo".
You can get the list of the k8s namespaces using ``kubectl get`` command:
.. code-block::
$ kubectl get namespaces
kube-node-lease Active 68d
kube-public Active 68d
kube-system Active 68d
security-scan Active 68d
sdfabric Active 26h
Let's assume that SD-Fabric resources are deployed under the namespace ``sdfabric``, so make sure that the ``sdfabric``
namespace has been properly created (additionally other namespaces could be created - please check your overarching chart).
If the deployment is not successful,
a first check is to make sure there are enough available nodes in the target cluster.
You can check the available nodes through ``kubectl get nodes`` command:
.. code-block::
$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
compute1 Ready controlplane,etcd,worker 39d v1.18.8 <none> Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS 5.4.0-73-generic docker://20.10.9
compute2 Ready controlplane,etcd,worker 39d v1.18.8 <none> Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS 5.4.0-73-generic docker://19.3.15
compute3 Ready controlplane,etcd,worker 39d v1.18.8 <none> Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS 5.4.0-73-generic docker://19.3.15
leaf1 Ready worker 39d v1.18.8 <none> Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 4.14.49-OpenNetworkLinux docker://19.3.15
leaf2 Ready worker 39d v1.18.8 <none> Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 4.14.49-OpenNetworkLinux docker://19.3.15
You should have at least `3+N` available nodes, where N depends on the deployed network topology. Please note that ONOS
cannot be scheduled on the network devices (these are special worker nodes), and different ONOS cannot share the same worker
node (the same applies for Atomix).
At least you should have some basic containers that are present in each deployment.
You can get the list of the pods by using ``kubectl get pods -n sdfabric``:
.. code-block::
$ kubectl get pods -n sdfabric -o wide
onos-tost-atomix-0 1/1 Running 0 6h31m compute3 <none> <none>
onos-tost-atomix-1 1/1 Running 0 6h31m compute1 <none> <none>
onos-tost-atomix-2 1/1 Running 0 6h31m compute2 <none> <none>
onos-tost-onos-classic-0 1/1 Running 0 98m compute3 <none> <none>
onos-tost-onos-classic-1 1/1 Running 0 6h31m compute1 <none> <none>
onos-tost-onos-classic-2 1/1 Running 0 6h31m compute2 <none> <none>
onos-tost-onos-classic-onos-config-loader-ddc9d68bb-lq97t 1/1 Running 0 6h19m compute3 <none> <none>
stratum-bwlvh 1/1 Running 0 6h31m leaf1 <none> <none>
stratum-gh842 1/1 Running 0 6h31m leaf2 <none> <none>
3 Atomix nodes and 3 ONOS nodes are needed for HA. `onos-config-loader` is equally important, because without ONOS
cannot be properly configured. The number of Stratum pods depend on the deployed topology. If the status of the pods
is not `Running` you can check the events published by k8s components to have a first idea of what is happening:
.. code-block::
$ kubectl get events -n sdfabric --sort-by='.lastTimestamp'
12m Normal Scheduled pod/telegraf-75b959574d-sl8qb Successfully assigned tost/telegraf-75b959574d-sl8qb to compute3
12m Normal SuccessfulCreate replicaset/telegraf-75b959574d Created pod: telegraf-75b959574d-sl8qb
12m Normal ScalingReplicaSet deployment/telegraf Scaled up replica set telegraf-75b959574d to 1
12m Normal Pulled pod/telegraf-75b959574d-sl8qb Container image "telegraf:1.17" already present on machine
12m Normal AddedInterface pod/telegraf-75b959574d-sl8qb Add eth0 []
12m Normal Started pod/telegraf-75b959574d-sl8qb Started container telegraf
12m Normal Created pod/telegraf-75b959574d-sl8qb Created container telegraf
The option ``--sort-by='.lastTimestamp'`` is typically used to get the events sorted by time. The previous command
will report all the events happened in the ``sdfabric`` namespace, if you want to have more insights on a specific
pod, it is possible to use the command ``kubectl describe pods``:
.. code-block::
$ kubectl describe pods -n sdfabric onos-tost-onos-classic-0
Name: onos-tost-onos-classic-0
Namespace: sdfabric
Priority: 0
Node: compute3/
Start Time: Mon, 11 Oct 2021 10:35:43 +0200
Type Reason Age From Message
org.onosproject.segmentrouting is not yet ready
The ``Events`` section provides typically useful information about the issues the pod is facing.
Both ONOS and Atomix define readiness probes which will make sure that the pods are ready before any configuration
will take place. As consequence of this, if the probes fail for a given pod you will notice in the output of the command
``kubectl get pods``` near its name ``0/1`` under the column ``READY``. We report in `ONOS pod not ready (1)`_ and
`ONOS pod not ready (2)`_ two scenarios frequently faced by the SD-Fabric developers.
Logs of the SD-Fabric pods can be accessed by using ``kubectl logs`` command
.. code-block::
$ kubectl -n sdfabric logs onos-tost-onos-classic-0
2021-10-12 04:46:17,955 INFO [EventAdminConfigurationNotifier] Sending Event Admin notification (configuration successful) to org/ops4j/pax/logging/Configuration
2021-10-12 04:46:18,991 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:
2021-10-12 04:46:18,991 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Region: root
2021-10-12 04:46:18,991 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Bundles to install:
ONOS Troubleshooting
You can get the ONOS CLI by establishing SSH connection to the port ``8101`` (default password is `karaf`):
.. code-block::
$ kubectl -n tost port-forward onos-tost-onos-classic-0 8101
// In another terminal or you can send to /dev/null the port-forward
$ ssh -p 8101 karaf@localhost
The authenticity of host '[localhost]:8101 ([]:8101)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:Mlaax9tHmIR6WwK0B3okC1O4mpAuoXjI7Z5+KKelxOo.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:8101' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Password authentication
Welcome to Open Network Operating System (ONOS)!
____ _ ______ ____
/ __ \/ |/ / __ \/ __/
/ /_/ / / /_/ /\ \
Mailing lists:
Come help out! Find out how at:
Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
Hit '<ctrl-d>' or type 'logout' to exit ONOS session.
karaf@root >
Alternatively, if this is not possible to establish an ssh connection with the ONOS pods,
it is possible to use ``kubectl exec`` command on the target pod:
.. code-block::
$ kubectl -n tost exec -it onos-tost-onos-classic-0 -- bash apache-karaf-4.2.9/bin/client
Welcome to Open Network Operating System (ONOS)!
____ _ ______ ____
/ __ \/ |/ / __ \/ __/
/ /_/ / / /_/ /\ \
Mailing lists:
Come help out! Find out how at:
Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
Hit '<ctrl-d>' or type 'logout' to exit ONOS session.
You can attach to the ONOS logs by using the ``log:tail`` command:
.. code-block::
$ karaf@root > log:tail
20:19:40.188 DEBUG [DefaultRoutingHandler] device:spine1 -> device:leaf1
20:19:40.188 DEBUG [DefaultRoutingHandler] device:spine2 -> device:leaf1
20:19:40.188 DEBUG [DefaultRoutingHandler] device:leaf1 -> device:spine1
20:19:40.188 DEBUG [DefaultRoutingHandler] device:leaf2 -> device:spine1
The command will display continuously the log entries - this is useful for a live debugging session.
Complete ONOS logs can be accessed by using ``kubectl logs`` command as explained in the previous section.
If anything can be figured out from the logs, you can access
to the ONOS state by issuing specific CLI commands. We report in the section `Frequently Used Commands`_ few commands we frequently use
when troubleshooting SD-Fabric.
In the case where you can't figure out what is going wrong, you can seek help on SD-Fabric developer mailing list
```` or you can reach out on the ``sdfabric-dev`` Slack channel. There are a few
things we would like you to attach:
- **Issue description**
- **Environment description**, such as SD-Fabric version, switch model and SDE version
- **Steps of reproduction**, as detail as possible
- **Diagnostics**.
We have built a tool `onos-diagnostics-k8s <>`_
to help you easily collect and package ONOS diagnostics.
UP4 Troubleshooting
.. note::
More information of UP4 troubleshoot is coming soon
Common Issues
.. note::
Here is a list of common issues.
More details of each case are coming soon
ONOS pod not ready (1)
ONOS pod not ready (2)
ONOS pods not configured
Packet-In not working
Device offline
Frequently Used Commands
In this subsection, we are going to introduce a few commands we frequently used when troubleshooting SD-Fabric.
To execute following ONOS CLI commands,
- Create K8s port forwarding by `kubectl -n tost port-forward onos-tost-onos-classic-0 8101`
- Login to ONOS CLI by `ssh -p 8101 karaf@localhost`. Default password is `karaf`
ONOS basics
- `flows`: List flow tables. `-s` for simplified output.
- `groups`: List group tables. `-s` for simplified output.
- `devices`: List device information. `-s` for simplified output.
- `ports`: List port information. `-e` to list enabled ports only.
- `links`: List discovered links
- `hosts`: List discovered hosts. `-s` for simplified output.
- `netcfg`: List network configuration
- `interfaces`: List interface configuration
- `sr-pr-list`: List current recovery phase of each device
- `sr-device-subnets`: List device-subnet mapping
- `slices`: List network slices
- `tcs`: List traffic classes of given slice
- `read-interfaces`: List all interfaces installed in the data plane
- `read-pdrs`: List all PDRs installed in the data plane
- `read-fars`: List all FARS installed in the data plane
- `read-flows`: List all UE data flows installed in the data plane)
To execute following BF Shell commands,
- Login to Stratum switch by `ssh root@<switch_ip>`. Default password is `onl`
- Attach to Stratum docker container by `docker attach \`docker ps | grep stratum-bfrt | awk \'{print $1}\'\``
- Hit `enter` for the prompt
- Use `<Ctrl-P><Ctrl-Q>` to exit the container. Do not use `<Ctrl-C>` since it will terminate the process.
BF Shell
- ``: List port configurations. `-a` to list all ports.