blob: 0f74c721aae3de5a2b73c3d12dc28e43c8e1d0ea [file] [log] [blame]
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Static Jenkins Site Generator (SJSG)
- Add more metadata (links, specs, etc.)
- Organization of results by metadata (ex: list all products by a
Vendor, all products by Type, etc)
static files:
- Add images of products
- Regex support in filters
- Use correct functions to build file paths, not just string concat
- ?
Theory of Operation
This tool has two parts:
1. ````, which reads a configuration file containing metadata
and describing Jenkins jobs, then retrieves information about those jobs
from the Jenkins API and stores that metadata, extracted data, and job
artifacts in directory structure.
2. ````, which reads the data from the directory structure and
builds static HTML site using Jinja2 templates.
Running the scripts
Make sure you have a working Python 3.6 or later instance, and ``virtualenv``
Run ``make site``. Scrape and render will both be run, and site will be
generated in the ``site/`` subdirectory.
Run ``make help`` for information on other Makefile targets.
Changing the look and feel of the Site
Modify the templates in ``templates/``. These are `Jinja2
<>`_ format files.
Static content is kept in ``static/``, and is copied into ``site/`` as a part
of the site render.
To view the site locally, run ``make serve``, then use a web browser to go to
`http://localhost:8000 <http://localhost:8000>`_.
Scrape Files
For each Jenkins job you want to scrape, you need to create a Scrape File. The
default scrape file is at ``scrape.yaml``. All data is required unless
speicifed as optional.
This file is in YAML format, and contains information about the job(s) to
scrape. You can put multiple YAML documents within one file, separated with the
``---`` document start line.
These keys are required in the Scrape File:
- ``product_name`` (string): Human readable product name
- ``onf_project`` (string): ONF Project name
- ``jenkins_jobs`` (list): list of groups of jobs
- ``group`` (string): Name of group of jobs. Used mainly for maintaining
version separation
- ``jenkins_url`` (string): Bare URL to the Jenkins instance for this group -
ex: ````
- ``credentials`` (string, optional): Path to a credentials YAML file with
Jenkins API Tokens, if trying to access private jobs on the server. See
``credentials.yaml.example`` for examples.
- ``jobs`` (list of dicts): List of jobs to be pulled for this
- ``name`` (string): Job name in Jenkins
- ``name_override`` (string, optional): Override for name shown in the
output, used to keep job names private.
- ``extract`` (dictionary): Name keys and JSONPath values, which are extracted
from the individual Job output JSON files and put in the output.
- ``filter`` (dictionary, optional): Set of name keys and literal values used to filter
which builds are included for this product. After the ``extract`` step is
run, the for each key in filter the extracted values are compared with the
literal value, and if they match, then the build is retained.
The JSONpath library used is `jsonpath-ng
<>`_, which seems to be the most regularly
maintained Python implementation.
Arbitrary variables can also be included in the Scrape File, and will be merged
into to the output of every JSON file generated by the collector. This can and
should include "marketing friendly" information used to modify the Jinja2
output - for example, links to product pages, names for static images, etc.
The Scrape File also be used to set default values that are only replaced when
extracted data isn't available - when a JSONPath query returns no results, it
will contain an empty list, which is ignored in the merge. If an extracted
value is found, that value will replace the value given in the Scrape File.
Design Consideration
Metadata addition is needed to avoid adding that metadata to the Jenkins jobs.
Filesystem storage was used because of arbitrary artifacts, and to reduce the
number of API calls, especially when filtering the same list of builds with
multiple products. Raw job output is kept in ``jobs/`` by default. Processed
job output is kept in ``builds/`` on a per-product basis.
Jenkins infrastructure is always changing:
- Jobs are Added, Renamed, or Removed
- Naming schemes may not match up with marketing names
- Data should be retained even if the job is deleted
- Fields will differ between products and projects
``make test`` will check YAML, static check python, and run tox tests.
Currently there are no unit tests, but everything is in place to add them.