blob: a795fe78233f0cadd9b1019280ae59266ad24ec7 [file] [log] [blame]
package protoparse
//lint:file-ignore SA4006 generated parser has unused values
import (
// fields inside this union end up as the fields in a structure known
// as ${PREFIX}SymType, of which a reference is passed to the lexer.
file *fileNode
fileDecls []*fileElement
syn *syntaxNode
pkg *packageNode
imprt *importNode
msg *messageNode
msgDecls []*messageElement
fld *fieldNode
mapFld *mapFieldNode
mapType *mapTypeNode
grp *groupNode
oo *oneOfNode
ooDecls []*oneOfElement
ext *extensionRangeNode
resvd *reservedNode
en *enumNode
enDecls []*enumElement
env *enumValueNode
extend *extendNode
extDecls []*extendElement
svc *serviceNode
svcDecls []*serviceElement
mtd *methodNode
rpcType *rpcTypeNode
opts []*optionNode
optNm []*optionNamePartNode
cmpctOpts *compactOptionsNode
rngs []*rangeNode
names []*compoundStringNode
cid *compoundIdentNode
sl []valueNode
agg []*aggregateEntryNode
aggName *aggregateNameNode
v valueNode
il *compoundIntNode
str *compoundStringNode
s *stringLiteralNode
i *intLiteralNode
f *floatLiteralNode
id *identNode
b *basicNode
err error
// any non-terminal which returns a value needs a type, which is
// really a field name in the above union struct
%type <file> file
%type <syn> syntax
%type <fileDecls> fileDecl fileDecls
%type <imprt> import
%type <pkg> package
%type <opts> option compactOption compactOptionDecls rpcOption rpcOptions
%type <optNm> optionName optionNameRest optionNameComponent
%type <cmpctOpts> compactOptions
%type <v> constant scalarConstant aggregate uintLit floatLit
%type <il> intLit negIntLit
%type <id> name keyType
%type <cid> ident typeIdent
%type <aggName> aggName
%type <sl> constantList
%type <agg> aggFields aggField aggFieldEntry
%type <fld> field oneofField
%type <oo> oneof
%type <grp> group oneofGroup
%type <mapFld> mapField
%type <mapType> mapType
%type <msg> message
%type <msgDecls> messageItem messageBody
%type <ooDecls> oneofItem oneofBody
%type <names> fieldNames
%type <resvd> msgReserved enumReserved reservedNames
%type <rngs> tagRange tagRanges enumRange enumRanges
%type <ext> extensions
%type <en> enum
%type <enDecls> enumItem enumBody
%type <env> enumField
%type <extend> extend
%type <extDecls> extendItem extendBody
%type <str> stringLit
%type <svc> service
%type <svcDecls> serviceItem serviceBody
%type <mtd> rpc
%type <rpcType> rpcType
// same for terminals
%token <s> _STRING_LIT
%token <i> _INT_LIT
%token <f> _FLOAT_LIT
%token <id> _NAME
%token <id> _DOUBLE _FLOAT _INT32 _INT64 _UINT32 _UINT64 _SINT32 _SINT64 _FIXED32 _FIXED64 _SFIXED32 _SFIXED64
%token <err> _ERROR
// we define all of these, even ones that aren't used, to improve error messages
// so it shows the unexpected symbol instead of showing "$unk"
%token <b> '=' ';' ':' '{' '}' '\\' '/' '?' '.' ',' '>' '<' '+' '-' '(' ')' '[' ']' '*' '&' '^' '%' '$' '#' '@' '!' '~' '`'
file : syntax {
$$ = &fileNode{syntax: $1}
$$.setRange($1, $1)
protolex.(*protoLex).res = $$
| fileDecls {
$$ = &fileNode{decls: $1}
if len($1) > 0 {
$$.setRange($1[0], $1[len($1)-1])
protolex.(*protoLex).res = $$
| syntax fileDecls {
$$ = &fileNode{syntax: $1, decls: $2}
var end node
if len($2) > 0 {
end = $2[len($2)-1]
} else {
end = $1
$$.setRange($1, end)
protolex.(*protoLex).res = $$
| {
fileDecls : fileDecls fileDecl {
$$ = append($1, $2...)
| fileDecl
fileDecl : import {
$$ = []*fileElement{{imp: $1}}
| package {
$$ = []*fileElement{{pkg: $1}}
| option {
$$ = []*fileElement{{option: $1[0]}}
| message {
$$ = []*fileElement{{message: $1}}
| enum {
$$ = []*fileElement{{enum: $1}}
| extend {
$$ = []*fileElement{{extend: $1}}
| service {
$$ = []*fileElement{{service: $1}}
| ';' {
$$ = []*fileElement{{empty: $1}}
| error ';' {
| error {
syntax : _SYNTAX '=' stringLit ';' {
if $3.val != "proto2" && $3.val != "proto3" {
lexError(protolex, $3.start(), "syntax value must be 'proto2' or 'proto3'")
$$ = &syntaxNode{syntax: $3}
$$.setRange($1, $4)
import : _IMPORT stringLit ';' {
$$ = &importNode{ name: $2 }
$$.setRange($1, $3)
| _IMPORT _WEAK stringLit ';' {
$$ = &importNode{ name: $3, weak: true }
$$.setRange($1, $4)
| _IMPORT _PUBLIC stringLit ';' {
$$ = &importNode{ name: $3, public: true }
$$.setRange($1, $4)
package : _PACKAGE ident ';' {
$$ = &packageNode{name: $2}
$$.setRange($1, $3)
ident : name {
$$ = &compoundIdentNode{val: $1.val}
$$.setRange($1, $1)
| ident '.' name {
$$ = &compoundIdentNode{val: $1.val + "." + $3.val}
$$.setRange($1, $3)
option : _OPTION optionName '=' constant ';' {
n := &optionNameNode{parts: $2}
n.setRange($2[0], $2[len($2)-1])
o := &optionNode{name: n, val: $4}
o.setRange($1, $5)
$$ = []*optionNode{o}
optionName : ident {
$$ = toNameParts($1, 0)
| '(' typeIdent ')' {
p := &optionNamePartNode{text: $2, isExtension: true}
p.setRange($1, $3)
$$ = []*optionNamePartNode{p}
| '(' typeIdent ')' optionNameRest {
p := &optionNamePartNode{text: $2, isExtension: true}
p.setRange($1, $3)
ps := make([]*optionNamePartNode, 1, len($4)+1)
ps[0] = p
$$ = append(ps, $4...)
optionNameRest : optionNameComponent
| optionNameComponent optionNameRest {
$$ = append($1, $2...)
optionNameComponent : typeIdent {
$$ = toNameParts($1, 1 /* exclude leading dot */)
| '.' '(' typeIdent ')' {
p := &optionNamePartNode{text: $3, isExtension: true}
p.setRange($2, $4)
$$ = []*optionNamePartNode{p}
constant : scalarConstant
| aggregate
scalarConstant : stringLit {
$$ = $1
| uintLit
| negIntLit {
$$ = $1
| floatLit
| name {
if $1.val == "true" {
$$ = &boolLiteralNode{identNode: $1, val: true}
} else if $1.val == "false" {
$$ = &boolLiteralNode{identNode: $1, val: false}
} else if $1.val == "inf" {
f := &compoundFloatNode{val: math.Inf(1)}
f.setRange($1, $1)
$$ = f
} else if $1.val == "nan" {
f := &compoundFloatNode{val: math.NaN()}
f.setRange($1, $1)
$$ = f
} else {
$$ = $1
uintLit : _INT_LIT {
i := &compoundUintNode{val: $1.val}
i.setRange($1, $1)
$$ = i
| '+' _INT_LIT {
i := &compoundUintNode{val: $2.val}
i.setRange($1, $2)
$$ = i
negIntLit : '-' _INT_LIT {
if $2.val > math.MaxInt64 + 1 {
lexError(protolex, $2.start(), fmt.Sprintf("numeric constant %d would underflow (allowed range is %d to %d)", $2.val, int64(math.MinInt64), int64(math.MaxInt64)))
i := &compoundIntNode{val: -int64($2.val)}
i.setRange($1, $2)
$$ = i
intLit : negIntLit
| _INT_LIT {
// we don't allow uintLit because this is for enum numeric vals, which don't allow '+'
checkUint64InInt32Range(protolex, $1.start(), $1.val)
i := &compoundIntNode{val: int64($1.val)}
i.setRange($1, $1)
$$ = i
floatLit : _FLOAT_LIT {
$$ = $1
| '-' _FLOAT_LIT {
f := &compoundFloatNode{val: -$2.val}
f.setRange($1, $2)
$$ = f
| '+' _FLOAT_LIT {
f := &compoundFloatNode{val: $2.val}
f.setRange($1, $2)
$$ = f
| '+' _INF {
f := &compoundFloatNode{val: math.Inf(1)}
f.setRange($1, $2)
$$ = f
| '-' _INF {
f := &compoundFloatNode{val: math.Inf(-1)}
f.setRange($1, $2)
$$ = f
stringLit : _STRING_LIT {
$$ = &compoundStringNode{val: $1.val}
$$.setRange($1, $1)
| stringLit _STRING_LIT {
$$ = &compoundStringNode{val: $1.val + $2.val}
$$.setRange($1, $2)
aggregate : '{' aggFields '}' {
a := &aggregateLiteralNode{elements: $2}
a.setRange($1, $3)
$$ = a
aggFields : aggField
| aggFields aggField {
$$ = append($1, $2...)
| {
$$ = nil
aggField : aggFieldEntry
| aggFieldEntry ',' {
$$ = $1
| aggFieldEntry ';' {
$$ = $1
| error ',' {
| error ';' {
| error {
aggFieldEntry : aggName ':' scalarConstant {
a := &aggregateEntryNode{name: $1, val: $3}
a.setRange($1, $3)
$$ = []*aggregateEntryNode{a}
| aggName ':' '[' ']' {
s := &sliceLiteralNode{}
s.setRange($3, $4)
a := &aggregateEntryNode{name: $1, val: s}
a.setRange($1, $4)
$$ = []*aggregateEntryNode{a}
| aggName ':' '[' constantList ']' {
s := &sliceLiteralNode{elements: $4}
s.setRange($3, $5)
a := &aggregateEntryNode{name: $1, val: s}
a.setRange($1, $5)
$$ = []*aggregateEntryNode{a}
| aggName ':' '[' error ']' {
| aggName ':' aggregate {
a := &aggregateEntryNode{name: $1, val: $3}
a.setRange($1, $3)
$$ = []*aggregateEntryNode{a}
| aggName aggregate {
a := &aggregateEntryNode{name: $1, val: $2}
a.setRange($1, $2)
$$ = []*aggregateEntryNode{a}
| aggName ':' '<' aggFields '>' {
s := &aggregateLiteralNode{elements: $4}
s.setRange($3, $5)
a := &aggregateEntryNode{name: $1, val: s}
a.setRange($1, $5)
$$ = []*aggregateEntryNode{a}
| aggName '<' aggFields '>' {
s := &aggregateLiteralNode{elements: $3}
s.setRange($2, $4)
a := &aggregateEntryNode{name: $1, val: s}
a.setRange($1, $4)
$$ = []*aggregateEntryNode{a}
| aggName ':' '<' error '>' {
| aggName '<' error '>' {
aggName : name {
n := &compoundIdentNode{val: $1.val}
n.setRange($1, $1)
$$ = &aggregateNameNode{name: n}
$$.setRange($1, $1)
| '[' typeIdent ']' {
$$ = &aggregateNameNode{name: $2, isExtension: true}
$$.setRange($1, $3)
| '[' error ']' {
constantList : constant {
$$ = []valueNode{$1}
| constantList ',' constant {
$$ = append($1, $3)
| constantList ';' constant {
$$ = append($1, $3)
| '<' aggFields '>' {
s := &aggregateLiteralNode{elements: $2}
s.setRange($1, $3)
$$ = []valueNode{s}
| constantList ',' '<' aggFields '>' {
s := &aggregateLiteralNode{elements: $4}
s.setRange($3, $5)
$$ = append($1, s)
| constantList ';' '<' aggFields '>' {
s := &aggregateLiteralNode{elements: $4}
s.setRange($3, $5)
$$ = append($1, s)
| '<' error '>' {
| constantList ',' '<' error '>' {
| constantList ';' '<' error '>' {
typeIdent : ident
| '.' ident {
$$ = &compoundIdentNode{val: "." + $2.val}
$$.setRange($1, $2)
field : _REQUIRED typeIdent name '=' _INT_LIT ';' {
checkTag(protolex, $5.start(), $5.val)
lbl := fieldLabel{identNode: $1, required: true}
$$ = &fieldNode{label: lbl, fldType: $2, name: $3, tag: $5}
$$.setRange($1, $6)
| _OPTIONAL typeIdent name '=' _INT_LIT ';' {
checkTag(protolex, $5.start(), $5.val)
lbl := fieldLabel{identNode: $1}
$$ = &fieldNode{label: lbl, fldType: $2, name: $3, tag: $5}
$$.setRange($1, $6)
| _REPEATED typeIdent name '=' _INT_LIT ';' {
checkTag(protolex, $5.start(), $5.val)
lbl := fieldLabel{identNode: $1, repeated: true}
$$ = &fieldNode{label: lbl, fldType: $2, name: $3, tag: $5}
$$.setRange($1, $6)
| typeIdent name '=' _INT_LIT ';' {
checkTag(protolex, $4.start(), $4.val)
$$ = &fieldNode{fldType: $1, name: $2, tag: $4}
$$.setRange($1, $5)
| _REQUIRED typeIdent name '=' _INT_LIT compactOptions ';' {
checkTag(protolex, $5.start(), $5.val)
lbl := fieldLabel{identNode: $1, required: true}
$$ = &fieldNode{label: lbl, fldType: $2, name: $3, tag: $5, options: $6}
$$.setRange($1, $7)
| _OPTIONAL typeIdent name '=' _INT_LIT compactOptions ';' {
checkTag(protolex, $5.start(), $5.val)
lbl := fieldLabel{identNode: $1}
$$ = &fieldNode{label: lbl, fldType: $2, name: $3, tag: $5, options: $6}
$$.setRange($1, $7)
| _REPEATED typeIdent name '=' _INT_LIT compactOptions ';' {
checkTag(protolex, $5.start(), $5.val)
lbl := fieldLabel{identNode: $1, repeated: true}
$$ = &fieldNode{label: lbl, fldType: $2, name: $3, tag: $5, options: $6}
$$.setRange($1, $7)
| typeIdent name '=' _INT_LIT compactOptions ';' {
checkTag(protolex, $4.start(), $4.val)
$$ = &fieldNode{fldType: $1, name: $2, tag: $4, options: $5}
$$.setRange($1, $6)
compactOptions: '[' compactOptionDecls ']' {
$$ = &compactOptionsNode{decls: $2}
$$.setRange($1, $3)
compactOptionDecls : compactOptionDecls ',' compactOption {
$$ = append($1, $3...)
| compactOption
compactOption: optionName '=' constant {
n := &optionNameNode{parts: $1}
n.setRange($1[0], $1[len($1)-1])
o := &optionNode{name: n, val: $3}
o.setRange($1[0], $3)
$$ = []*optionNode{o}
group : _REQUIRED _GROUP name '=' _INT_LIT '{' messageBody '}' {
checkTag(protolex, $5.start(), $5.val)
if !unicode.IsUpper(rune($3.val[0])) {
lexError(protolex, $3.start(), fmt.Sprintf("group %s should have a name that starts with a capital letter", $3.val))
lbl := fieldLabel{identNode: $1, required: true}
$$ = &groupNode{groupKeyword: $2, label: lbl, name: $3, tag: $5, decls: $7}
$$.setRange($1, $8)
| _OPTIONAL _GROUP name '=' _INT_LIT '{' messageBody '}' {
checkTag(protolex, $5.start(), $5.val)
if !unicode.IsUpper(rune($3.val[0])) {
lexError(protolex, $3.start(), fmt.Sprintf("group %s should have a name that starts with a capital letter", $3.val))
lbl := fieldLabel{identNode: $1}
$$ = &groupNode{groupKeyword: $2, label: lbl, name: $3, tag: $5, decls: $7}
$$.setRange($1, $8)
| _REPEATED _GROUP name '=' _INT_LIT '{' messageBody '}' {
checkTag(protolex, $5.start(), $5.val)
if !unicode.IsUpper(rune($3.val[0])) {
lexError(protolex, $3.start(), fmt.Sprintf("group %s should have a name that starts with a capital letter", $3.val))
lbl := fieldLabel{identNode: $1, repeated: true}
$$ = &groupNode{groupKeyword: $2, label: lbl, name: $3, tag: $5, decls: $7}
$$.setRange($1, $8)
oneof : _ONEOF name '{' oneofBody '}' {
c := 0
for _, el := range $4 {
if el.field != nil {
if c == 0 {
lexError(protolex, $1.start(), "oneof must contain at least one field")
$$ = &oneOfNode{name: $2, decls: $4}
$$.setRange($1, $5)
oneofBody : oneofBody oneofItem {
$$ = append($1, $2...)
| oneofItem
| {
$$ = nil
oneofItem : option {
$$ = []*oneOfElement{{option: $1[0]}}
| oneofField {
$$ = []*oneOfElement{{field: $1}}
| oneofGroup {
$$ = []*oneOfElement{{group: $1}}
| ';' {
$$ = []*oneOfElement{{empty: $1}}
| error ';' {
| error {
oneofField : typeIdent name '=' _INT_LIT ';' {
checkTag(protolex, $4.start(), $4.val)
$$ = &fieldNode{fldType: $1, name: $2, tag: $4}
$$.setRange($1, $5)
| typeIdent name '=' _INT_LIT compactOptions ';' {
checkTag(protolex, $4.start(), $4.val)
$$ = &fieldNode{fldType: $1, name: $2, tag: $4, options: $5}
$$.setRange($1, $6)
oneofGroup : _GROUP name '=' _INT_LIT '{' messageBody '}' {
checkTag(protolex, $4.start(), $4.val)
if !unicode.IsUpper(rune($2.val[0])) {
lexError(protolex, $2.start(), fmt.Sprintf("group %s should have a name that starts with a capital letter", $2.val))
$$ = &groupNode{groupKeyword: $1, name: $2, tag: $4, decls: $6}
$$.setRange($1, $7)
mapField : mapType name '=' _INT_LIT ';' {
checkTag(protolex, $4.start(), $4.val)
$$ = &mapFieldNode{mapType: $1, name: $2, tag: $4}
$$.setRange($1, $5)
| mapType name '=' _INT_LIT compactOptions ';' {
checkTag(protolex, $4.start(), $4.val)
$$ = &mapFieldNode{mapType: $1, name: $2, tag: $4, options: $5}
$$.setRange($1, $6)
mapType : _MAP '<' keyType ',' typeIdent '>' {
$$ = &mapTypeNode{mapKeyword: $1, keyType: $3, valueType: $5}
$$.setRange($1, $6)
keyType : _INT32
| _INT64
| _UINT32
| _UINT64
| _SINT32
| _SINT64
| _FIXED32
| _FIXED64
extensions : _EXTENSIONS tagRanges ';' {
$$ = &extensionRangeNode{ranges: $2}
$$.setRange($1, $3)
| _EXTENSIONS tagRanges compactOptions ';' {
$$ = &extensionRangeNode{ranges: $2, options: $3}
$$.setRange($1, $4)
tagRanges : tagRanges ',' tagRange {
$$ = append($1, $3...)
| tagRange
tagRange : _INT_LIT {
if $1.val > internal.MaxTag {
lexError(protolex, $1.start(), fmt.Sprintf("range includes out-of-range tag: %d (should be between 0 and %d)", $1.val, internal.MaxTag))
r := &rangeNode{stNode: $1, enNode: $1, st: int32($1.val), en: int32($1.val)}
r.setRange($1, $1)
$$ = []*rangeNode{r}
if $1.val > internal.MaxTag {
lexError(protolex, $1.start(), fmt.Sprintf("range start is out-of-range tag: %d (should be between 0 and %d)", $1.val, internal.MaxTag))
if $3.val > internal.MaxTag {
lexError(protolex, $3.start(), fmt.Sprintf("range end is out-of-range tag: %d (should be between 0 and %d)", $3.val, internal.MaxTag))
if $1.val > $3.val {
lexError(protolex, $1.start(), fmt.Sprintf("range, %d to %d, is invalid: start must be <= end", $1.val, $3.val))
r := &rangeNode{stNode: $1, enNode: $3, st: int32($1.val), en: int32($3.val)}
r.setRange($1, $3)
$$ = []*rangeNode{r}
if $1.val > internal.MaxTag {
lexError(protolex, $1.start(), fmt.Sprintf("range start is out-of-range tag: %d (should be between 0 and %d)", $1.val, internal.MaxTag))
r := &rangeNode{stNode: $1, enNode: $3, st: int32($1.val), en: internal.MaxTag}
r.setRange($1, $3)
$$ = []*rangeNode{r}
enumRanges : enumRanges ',' enumRange {
$$ = append($1, $3...)
| enumRange
enumRange : intLit {
checkInt64InInt32Range(protolex, $1.start(), $1.val)
r := &rangeNode{stNode: $1, enNode: $1, st: int32($1.val), en: int32($1.val)}
r.setRange($1, $1)
$$ = []*rangeNode{r}
| intLit _TO intLit {
checkInt64InInt32Range(protolex, $1.start(), $1.val)
checkInt64InInt32Range(protolex, $3.start(), $3.val)
if $1.val > $3.val {
lexError(protolex, $1.start(), fmt.Sprintf("range, %d to %d, is invalid: start must be <= end", $1.val, $3.val))
r := &rangeNode{stNode: $1, enNode: $3, st: int32($1.val), en: int32($3.val)}
r.setRange($1, $3)
$$ = []*rangeNode{r}
| intLit _TO _MAX {
checkInt64InInt32Range(protolex, $1.start(), $1.val)
r := &rangeNode{stNode: $1, enNode: $3, st: int32($1.val), en: math.MaxInt32}
r.setRange($1, $3)
$$ = []*rangeNode{r}
msgReserved : _RESERVED tagRanges ';' {
$$ = &reservedNode{ranges: $2}
$$.setRange($1, $3)
| reservedNames
enumReserved : _RESERVED enumRanges ';' {
$$ = &reservedNode{ranges: $2}
$$.setRange($1, $3)
| reservedNames
reservedNames : _RESERVED fieldNames ';' {
rsvd := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, n := range $2 {
if _, ok := rsvd[n.val]; ok {
lexError(protolex, n.start(), fmt.Sprintf("name %q is reserved multiple times", n.val))
rsvd[n.val] = struct{}{}
$$ = &reservedNode{names: $2}
$$.setRange($1, $3)
fieldNames : fieldNames ',' stringLit {
$$ = append($1, $3)
| stringLit {
$$ = []*compoundStringNode{$1}
enum : _ENUM name '{' enumBody '}' {
c := 0
for _, el := range $4 {
if el.value != nil {
if c == 0 {
lexError(protolex, $1.start(), "enums must define at least one value")
$$ = &enumNode{name: $2, decls: $4}
$$.setRange($1, $5)
enumBody : enumBody enumItem {
$$ = append($1, $2...)
| enumItem
| {
$$ = nil
enumItem : option {
$$ = []*enumElement{{option: $1[0]}}
| enumField {
$$ = []*enumElement{{value: $1}}
| enumReserved {
$$ = []*enumElement{{reserved: $1}}
| ';' {
$$ = []*enumElement{{empty: $1}}
| error ';' {
| error {
enumField : name '=' intLit ';' {
checkInt64InInt32Range(protolex, $3.start(), $3.val)
$$ = &enumValueNode{name: $1, number: $3}
$$.setRange($1, $4)
| name '=' intLit compactOptions ';' {
checkInt64InInt32Range(protolex, $3.start(), $3.val)
$$ = &enumValueNode{name: $1, number: $3, options: $4}
$$.setRange($1, $5)
message : _MESSAGE name '{' messageBody '}' {
$$ = &messageNode{name: $2, decls: $4}
$$.setRange($1, $5)
messageBody : messageBody messageItem {
$$ = append($1, $2...)
| messageItem
| {
$$ = nil
messageItem : field {
$$ = []*messageElement{{field: $1}}
| enum {
$$ = []*messageElement{{enum: $1}}
| message {
$$ = []*messageElement{{nested: $1}}
| extend {
$$ = []*messageElement{{extend: $1}}
| extensions {
$$ = []*messageElement{{extensionRange: $1}}
| group {
$$ = []*messageElement{{group: $1}}
| option {
$$ = []*messageElement{{option: $1[0]}}
| oneof {
$$ = []*messageElement{{oneOf: $1}}
| mapField {
$$ = []*messageElement{{mapField: $1}}
| msgReserved {
$$ = []*messageElement{{reserved: $1}}
| ';' {
$$ = []*messageElement{{empty: $1}}
| error ';' {
| error {
extend : _EXTEND typeIdent '{' extendBody '}' {
c := 0
for _, el := range $4 {
if el.field != nil || != nil {
if c == 0 {
lexError(protolex, $1.start(), "extend sections must define at least one extension")
$$ = &extendNode{extendee: $2, decls: $4}
$$.setRange($1, $5)
extendBody : extendBody extendItem {
$$ = append($1, $2...)
| extendItem
| {
$$ = nil
extendItem : field {
$$ = []*extendElement{{field: $1}}
| group {
$$ = []*extendElement{{group: $1}}
| ';' {
$$ = []*extendElement{{empty: $1}}
| error ';' {
| error {
service : _SERVICE name '{' serviceBody '}' {
$$ = &serviceNode{name: $2, decls: $4}
$$.setRange($1, $5)
serviceBody : serviceBody serviceItem {
$$ = append($1, $2...)
| serviceItem
| {
$$ = nil
// NB: doc suggests support for "stream" declaration, separate from "rpc", but
// it does not appear to be supported in protoc (doc is likely from grammar for
// Google-internal version of protoc, with support for streaming stubby)
serviceItem : option {
$$ = []*serviceElement{{option: $1[0]}}
| rpc {
$$ = []*serviceElement{{rpc: $1}}
| ';' {
$$ = []*serviceElement{{empty: $1}}
| error ';' {
| error {
rpc : _RPC name '(' rpcType ')' _RETURNS '(' rpcType ')' ';' {
$$ = &methodNode{name: $2, input: $4, output: $8}
$$.setRange($1, $10)
| _RPC name '(' rpcType ')' _RETURNS '(' rpcType ')' '{' rpcOptions '}' {
$$ = &methodNode{name: $2, input: $4, output: $8, options: $11}
$$.setRange($1, $12)
rpcType : _STREAM typeIdent {
$$ = &rpcTypeNode{msgType: $2, streamKeyword: $1}
$$.setRange($1, $2)
| typeIdent {
$$ = &rpcTypeNode{msgType: $1}
$$.setRange($1, $1)
rpcOptions : rpcOptions rpcOption {
$$ = append($1, $2...)
| rpcOption
| {
$$ = []*optionNode{}
rpcOption : option {
$$ = $1
| ';' {
$$ = []*optionNode{}
| error ';' {
| error {
name : _NAME
| _INF
| _NAN
| _INT32
| _INT64
| _UINT32
| _UINT64
| _SINT32
| _SINT64
| _FIXED32
| _FIXED64
| _MAP
| _TO
| _MAX
| _RPC