| help: |
| @echo "release - build binaries using cross compliing for the support architectures" |
| @echo "build - build the binary as a local executable" |
| @echo "install - build and install the binary into \$$GOPATH/bin" |
| @echo "run - runs voltctl using the command specified as \$$CMD" |
| @echo "lint-style - Verify code is properly gofmt-ed" |
| @echo "lint-sanity - Verify that 'go vet' doesn't report any issues" |
| @echo "lint-mod - Verify the integrity of the 'mod' files" |
| @echo "lint - run static code analysis" |
| @echo "sca - Runs various SCA through golangci-lint tool" |
| @echo "test - run unity tests" |
| @echo "check - runs targets that should be run before a commit" |
| @echo "clean - remove temporary and generated files" |
| |
| SHELL=bash -e -o pipefail |
| |
| VERSION=$(shell cat ./VERSION) |
| GITCOMMIT=$(shell git rev-parse HEAD) |
| ifeq ($(shell git ls-files --others --modified --exclude-standard 2>/dev/null | wc -l | sed -e 's/ //g'),0) |
| GITDIRTY=false |
| else |
| GITDIRTY=true |
| endif |
| GOVERSION=$(shell go version 2>&1 | sed -E 's/.*(go[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\1/g') |
| HOST_OS=$(shell uname -s | tr A-Z a-z) |
| ifeq ($(shell uname -m),x86_64) |
| HOST_ARCH ?= amd64 |
| else |
| HOST_ARCH ?= $(shell uname -m) |
| endif |
| BUILDTIME=$(shell date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") |
| |
| LDFLAGS=-ldflags \ |
| "-X \"github.com/opencord/voltctl/internal/pkg/cli/version.Version=$(VERSION)\" \ |
| -X \"github.com/opencord/voltctl/internal/pkg/cli/version.VcsRef=$(GITCOMMIT)\" \ |
| -X \"github.com/opencord/voltctl/internal/pkg/cli/version.VcsDirty=$(GITDIRTY)\" \ |
| -X \"github.com/opencord/voltctl/internal/pkg/cli/version.GoVersion=$(GOVERSION)\" \ |
| -X \"github.com/opencord/voltctl/internal/pkg/cli/version.Os=$(HOST_OS)\" \ |
| -X \"github.com/opencord/voltctl/internal/pkg/cli/version.Arch=$(HOST_ARCH)\" \ |
| -X \"github.com/opencord/voltctl/internal/pkg/cli/version.BuildTime=$(BUILDTIME)\"" |
| |
| # Release related items |
| # Generates binaries in $RELEASE_DIR with name $RELEASE_NAME-$RELEASE_OS_ARCH |
| # Inspired by: https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases |
| RELEASE_DIR ?= release |
| RELEASE_NAME ?= voltctl |
| RELEASE_OS_ARCH ?= linux-amd64 linux-arm64 windows-amd64 darwin-amd64 |
| |
| # tool containers |
| |
| GO = docker run --rm --user $$(id -u):$$(id -g) -v ${CURDIR}:/app $(shell test -t 0 && echo "-it") -v gocache:/.cache -v gocache-${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}:/go/pkg voltha/voltha-ci-tools:${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}-golang go |
| GO_SH = docker run --rm --user $$(id -u):$$(id -g) -v ${CURDIR}:/app $(shell test -t 0 && echo "-it") -v gocache:/.cache -v gocache-${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}:/go/pkg voltha/voltha-ci-tools:${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}-golang sh -c |
| GO_JUNIT_REPORT = docker run --rm --user $$(id -u):$$(id -g) -v ${CURDIR}:/appecho -i voltha/voltha-ci-tools:${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}-go-junit-report go-junit-report |
| GOCOVER_COBERTURA = docker run --rm --user $$(id -u):$$(id -g) -v ${CURDIR}:/app -i voltha/voltha-ci-tools:${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}-gocover-cobertura gocover-cobertura |
| GOLANGCI_LINT = docker run --rm --user $$(id -u):$$(id -g) -v ${CURDIR}:/app $(shell test -t 0 && echo "-it") -v gocache:/.cache -v gocache-${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}:/go/pkg -e GOGC=10 voltha/voltha-ci-tools:${VOLTHA_TOOLS_VERSION}-golangci-lint golangci-lint |
| |
| release: |
| @mkdir -p $(RELEASE_DIR) |
| @${GO_SH} ' \ |
| set -e -o pipefail; \ |
| for x in ${RELEASE_OS_ARCH}; do \ |
| OUT_PATH="$(RELEASE_DIR)/$(RELEASE_NAME)-$(subst -dev,_dev,$(VERSION))-$$x"; \ |
| echo "$$OUT_PATH"; \ |
| GOOS=$${x%-*} GOARCH=$${x#*-} go build -mod=vendor -v $(LDFLAGS) -o "$$OUT_PATH" cmd/voltctl/voltctl.go; \ |
| done' |
| ## Local Development Helpers |
| local-lib-go: |
| ifdef LOCAL_LIB_GO |
| rm -rf vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v5/pkg |
| mkdir -p vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v5/pkg |
| cp -r ${LOCAL_LIB_GO}/pkg/* vendor/github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v5/pkg/ |
| endif |
| |
| build: local-lib-go |
| go build -mod=vendor $(LDFLAGS) cmd/voltctl/voltctl.go |
| |
| install: |
| go install -mod=vendor $(LDFLAGS) cmd/voltctl/voltctl.go |
| |
| run: |
| go run -mod=vendor $(LDFLAGS) cmd/voltctl/voltctl.go $(CMD) |
| |
| lint-mod: |
| @echo "Running dependency check..." |
| @${GO} mod verify |
| @echo "Dependency check OK. Running vendor check..." |
| @git status > /dev/null |
| @git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- go.mod go.sum vendor || (echo "ERROR: Staged or modified files must be committed before running this test" && git status -- go.mod go.sum vendor && exit 1) |
| @[[ `git ls-files --exclude-standard --others go.mod go.sum vendor` == "" ]] || (echo "ERROR: Untracked files must be cleaned up before running this test" && git status -- go.mod go.sum vendor && exit 1) |
| ${GO} mod tidy |
| ${GO} mod vendor |
| @git status > /dev/null |
| @git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- go.mod go.sum vendor || (echo "ERROR: Modified files detected after running go mod tidy / go mod vendor" && git status -- go.mod go.sum vendor && git checkout -- go.mod go.sum vendor && exit 1) |
| @[[ `git ls-files --exclude-standard --others go.mod go.sum vendor` == "" ]] || (echo "ERROR: Untracked files detected after running go mod tidy / go mod vendor" && git status -- go.mod go.sum vendor && git checkout -- go.mod go.sum vendor && exit 1) |
| @echo "Vendor check OK." |
| |
| lint: lint-mod |
| |
| sca: |
| @rm -rf ./sca-report |
| @mkdir -p ./sca-report |
| @echo "Running static code analysis..." |
| @${GOLANGCI_LINT} run --deadline=20m --out-format junit-xml ./... | tee ./sca-report/sca-report.xml |
| @echo "" |
| @echo "Static code analysis OK" |
| |
| test: |
| @mkdir -p ./tests/results |
| @${GO} test -mod=vendor -v -coverprofile ./tests/results/go-test-coverage.out -covermode count ./... 2>&1 | tee ./tests/results/go-test-results.out ;\ |
| RETURN=$$? ;\ |
| ${GO_JUNIT_REPORT} < ./tests/results/go-test-results.out > ./tests/results/go-test-results.xml ;\ |
| ${GOCOVER_COBERTURA} < ./tests/results/go-test-coverage.out > ./tests/results/go-test-coverage.xml ;\ |
| exit $$RETURN |
| |
| view-coverage: |
| go tool cover -html ./tests/results/go-test-coverage.out |
| |
| check: lint sca test |
| |
| clean: |
| rm -rf voltctl voltctl.cp release sca-report |
| |
| mod-update: |
| ${GO} mod tidy |
| ${GO} mod vendor |