blob: c903d4b24da94fb495c124143e057fb0ba0d02fa [file] [log] [blame]
package internal
import (
var typeOfBytes = reflect.TypeOf([]byte(nil))
// GetUnrecognized fetches the bytes of unrecognized fields for the given message.
func GetUnrecognized(msg proto.Message) []byte {
val := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(msg))
u := val.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized")
if u.IsValid() && u.Type() == typeOfBytes {
return u.Interface().([]byte)
// Fallback to reflection for API v2 messages
get, _, _, ok := unrecognizedGetSetMethods(val)
if !ok {
return nil
return get.Call([]reflect.Value(nil))[0].Convert(typeOfBytes).Interface().([]byte)
// SetUnrecognized adds the given bytes to the unrecognized fields for the given message.
func SetUnrecognized(msg proto.Message, data []byte) {
val := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(msg))
u := val.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized")
if u.IsValid() && u.Type() == typeOfBytes {
// Just store the bytes in the unrecognized field
ub := u.Interface().([]byte)
ub = append(ub, data...)
// Fallback to reflection for API v2 messages
get, set, argType, ok := unrecognizedGetSetMethods(val)
if !ok {
existing := get.Call([]reflect.Value(nil))[0].Convert(typeOfBytes).Interface().([]byte)
if len(existing) > 0 {
data = append(existing, data...)
func unrecognizedGetSetMethods(val reflect.Value) (get reflect.Value, set reflect.Value, argType reflect.Type, ok bool) {
// val could be an APIv2 message. We use reflection to interact with
// this message so that we don't have a hard dependency on the new
// version of the protobuf package.
refMethod := val.MethodByName("ProtoReflect")
if !refMethod.IsValid() {
if val.CanAddr() {
refMethod = val.Addr().MethodByName("ProtoReflect")
if !refMethod.IsValid() {
refType := refMethod.Type()
if refType.NumIn() != 0 || refType.NumOut() != 1 {
ref := refMethod.Call([]reflect.Value(nil))
getMethod, setMethod := ref[0].MethodByName("GetUnknown"), ref[0].MethodByName("SetUnknown")
if !getMethod.IsValid() || !setMethod.IsValid() {
getType := getMethod.Type()
setType := setMethod.Type()
if getType.NumIn() != 0 || getType.NumOut() != 1 || setType.NumIn() != 1 || setType.NumOut() != 0 {
arg := setType.In(0)
if !arg.ConvertibleTo(typeOfBytes) || getType.Out(0) != arg {
return getMethod, setMethod, arg, true