blob: 4e3946fefa7a87ed897f7b0fff66a6323a8d17ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package commands
import (
flags ""
type VersionDetails struct {
Version string `json:"version"`
GoVersion string `json:"goversion"`
VcsRef string `json:"gitcommit"`
VcsDirty string `json:"gitdirty"`
BuildTime string `json:"buildtime"`
Os string `json:"os"`
Arch string `json:"arch"`
type VersionOutput struct {
Client VersionDetails `json:"client"`
Cluster VersionDetails `json:"cluster"`
type VersionOpts struct {
ClientOnly bool `long:"clientonly" description:"Display only client version information"`
var versionOpts = VersionOpts{}
var versionInfo = VersionOutput{
Client: VersionDetails{
Version: version.Version,
GoVersion: version.GoVersion,
VcsRef: version.VcsRef,
VcsDirty: version.VcsDirty,
Os: version.Os,
Arch: version.Arch,
BuildTime: version.BuildTime,
Cluster: VersionDetails{
Version: "unknown-version",
GoVersion: "unknown-goversion",
VcsRef: "unknown-vcsref",
VcsDirty: "unknown-vcsdirty",
Os: "unknown-os",
Arch: "unknown-arch",
BuildTime: "unknown-buildtime",
func RegisterVersionCommands(parent *flags.Parser) {
_, err := parent.AddCommand("version", "display version", "Display client and server version", &versionOpts)
if err != nil {
Error.Fatalf("Unable to register version command: %s", err.Error())
const ClientOnlyFormat = `Client:
Version {{.Version}}
Go version: {{.GoVersion}}
Vcs reference: {{.VcsRef}}
Vcs dirty: {{.VcsDirty}}
Built: {{.BuildTime}}
OS/Arch: {{.Os}}/{{.Arch}}
const DefaultFormat = `Client:
Version {{.Client.Version}}
Go version: {{.Client.GoVersion}}
Vcs reference: {{.Client.VcsRef}}
Vcs dirty: {{.Client.VcsDirty}}
Built: {{.Client.BuildTime}}
OS/Arch: {{.Client.Os}}/{{.Client.Arch}}
Version {{.Cluster.Version}}
Go version: {{.Cluster.GoVersion}}
Vcs feference: {{.Cluster.VcsRef}}
Vcs dirty: {{.Cluster.VcsDirty}}
Built: {{.Cluster.BuildTime}}
OS/Arch: {{.Cluster.Os}}/{{.Cluster.Arch}}
func (options *VersionOpts) clientOnlyVersion(args []string) error {
outputFormat := CharReplacer.Replace(options.Format)
if outputFormat == "" {
outputFormat = GetCommandOptionWithDefault("version", "format", ClientOnlyFormat)
if options.Quiet {
outputFormat = "{{.Version}}"
result := CommandResult{
Format: format.Format(outputFormat),
OutputAs: toOutputType(options.OutputAs),
NameLimit: options.NameLimit,
Data: versionInfo.Client,
return nil
func (options *VersionOpts) Execute(args []string) error {
if options.ClientOnly {
return options.clientOnlyVersion(args)
conn, err := NewConnection()
if err != nil {
return err
defer conn.Close()
client := voltha.NewVolthaServiceClient(conn)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), GlobalConfig.Current().Grpc.Timeout)
defer cancel()
voltha, err := client.GetVoltha(ctx, &empty.Empty{})
if err != nil {
return err
info := make(map[string]interface{})
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(voltha.Version), &info)
if err != nil {
versionInfo.Cluster.Version = strings.ReplaceAll(voltha.Version, "\n", "")
} else {
var ok bool
if _, ok = info["version"]; ok {
versionInfo.Cluster.Version = info["version"].(string)
} else {
versionInfo.Cluster.Version = "unknown-version"
if _, ok = info["goversion"]; ok {
versionInfo.Cluster.GoVersion = info["goversion"].(string)
} else {
versionInfo.Cluster.GoVersion = "unknown-goversion"
if _, ok = info["vcsref"]; ok {
versionInfo.Cluster.VcsRef = info["vcsref"].(string)
} else {
versionInfo.Cluster.VcsRef = "unknown-vcsref"
if _, ok = info["vcsdirty"]; ok {
versionInfo.Cluster.VcsDirty = info["vcsdirty"].(string)
} else {
versionInfo.Cluster.VcsDirty = "unknown-vcsdirty"
if _, ok = info["buildtime"]; ok {
versionInfo.Cluster.BuildTime = info["buildtime"].(string)
} else {
versionInfo.Cluster.BuildTime = "unknown-buildtime"
if _, ok = info["os"]; ok {
versionInfo.Cluster.Os = info["os"].(string)
} else {
versionInfo.Cluster.Os = "unknown-os"
if _, ok = info["arch"]; ok {
versionInfo.Cluster.Arch = info["arch"].(string)
} else {
versionInfo.Cluster.Arch = "unknown-arch"
outputFormat := CharReplacer.Replace(options.Format)
if outputFormat == "" {
outputFormat = GetCommandOptionWithDefault("version", "format", DefaultFormat)
if options.Quiet {
outputFormat = "{{.Client.Version}}"
result := CommandResult{
Format: format.Format(outputFormat),
OutputAs: toOutputType(options.OutputAs),
NameLimit: options.NameLimit,
Data: versionInfo,
return nil