tree: 9e42e39cfa1bb7396049ad91d59ca4e7f0a76c74 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .gitignore
  2. .gitreview
  3. Gopkg.lock
  4. Gopkg.toml
  6. Makefile
  9. assets/
  10. cmd/
  11. internal/
  12. pkg/
  13. vendor/
  14. voltctl.config

License Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. Maintenance made-with-python GitHub contributors GitHub issues GitHub issues-closed Last Commit

voltctl - A command line tools to access VOLTHA

In today's VOLTHA implementation the operator interacts with VOLTHA via a CLI that is accessed by SSHing to the VOLTHA tool. While is can be convenent as it requires not external tool to be installed it is an abirtation in terms of industry trends for tools such as docker and kubernetes, which are both tools that VOLTHA leverages.

This repository contains a tool that attempts to provide a use model for VOLTHA that is similar to that of docker and kubernetes in that a simple control application is provided to invoke various funcs and the output can be displayed as a customized/filtered table or as JSON.

Build / Install

To install the voltctl command you can use the following:

mkdir myworkdir
cd myworkdir
export GOPATH=$(pwd)
git clone src/
cd src/
make build
cp ./voltctl <to any place you want in your path>

voltctl has only been tested with go version 1.12.x.

Shell Completion

voltctl supports shell completion for the bash shell. To enable shell Completion you can use the following command on most *nix based system.

source <(voltctl completion bash)

If this does not work on your system, as is the case with the standard bash shell on MacOS, then you can try the following command:

source /dev/stdin <<<"$(voltctl completion bash)"

If you which to make bash shell completion automatic when you login to your account you can append the output of voltctl completion bash to your $HOME/.bashrc:

voltctl completion base >> $HOME/.bashrc


Currently the configuration only supports the specification of the VOLTHA server. There is a sample configuration file name voltctl.config. You can copy this to ~/.volt/config and modify the server parameter to your environment. Alternatively you can specify the server on the command line as well, voltctl -server host:port ....


Currently only two commands are working

  • voltctl adapter list - displays the installed adapters
  • voltctl device list - displays the devices in the system
  • voltctl device create [-t type] [-i ipv4] [-m mac] [-H host_and_port] - create or pre-provision a device
  • voltctl delete DEVICE_ID [DEVICE_ID...] - delete one or more devices
  • voltctl enable DEVICE_ID [DEVICE_ID...] - enable one or more devices
  • voltctl disable DEVICE_ID [DEVICE_ID...] - disable one or more devices
  • voltctl version - display the client and server version

Output Format

Each command has a default output table format. This can be overriden from the command line using the voltctl --format=... option. The specification of the format is roughly equivalent to the docker or kubectl command. If the prefix table is specified a table with headers will be displayed, else each line will be output as specified.

The output of a command may also be written as JSON or YAML by using the --outputas or -o command line option. Valid values for this options are table, json, or yaml.


voltctl adapter list
ID                      VENDOR                       VERSION
acme                    Acme Inc.                    0.1
adtran_olt              ADTRAN, Inc.                 1.36
adtran_onu              ADTRAN, Inc.                 1.25
asfvolt16_olt           Edgecore                     0.98
brcm_openomci_onu       Voltha project               0.50
broadcom_onu            Voltha project               0.46
cig_olt                 CIG Tech                     0.11
cig_openomci_onu        CIG Tech                     0.10
dpoe_onu                Sumitomo Electric, Inc.      0.1
maple_olt               Voltha project               0.4
microsemi_olt           Microsemi / Celestica        0.2
openolt                 OLT white box vendor         0.1
pmcs_onu                PMCS                         0.1
ponsim_olt              Voltha project               0.4
ponsim_onu              Voltha project               0.4
simulated_olt           Voltha project               0.1
simulated_onu           Voltha project               0.1
tellabs_olt             Tellabs Inc.                 0.1
tellabs_openomci_onu    Tellabs Inc.                 0.1
tibit_olt               Tibit Communications Inc.    0.1
tibit_onu               Tibit Communications Inc.    0.1
tlgs_onu                TLGS                         0.1
voltctl device list
00015bbbfdb3c068    ponsim_olt    true     0001aabbccddeeff    0       ENABLED       ACTIVE        REACHABLE
0001552615104a2c    ponsim_onu    false    00015bbbfdb3c068    PSMO12345678      128     ENABLED       ACTIVE        REACHABLE
voltctl device list --format 'table{{.Id}}\t{{.SerialNumber}}\t{{.ConnectStatus}}'
00015bbbfdb3c068    REACHABLE
0001552615104a2c    PSMO12345678      REACHABLE
voltctl --server voltha:50555 device list --format '{{.Id}},{{.SerialNumber}},{{.ConnectStatus}}'
voltctl device list --outputas json

WIP - just barely started