blob: 27d33af7cb7b29364a9904b14ecd1b78df12941e [file] [log] [blame]
* <:copyright-BRCM:2016:DUAL/GPL:standard
* Copyright (c) 2016 Broadcom
* All Rights Reserved
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed
* to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* (the "GPL"), available at,
* with the following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give
* you permission to link this software with independent modules, and
* to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your
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* An independent module is a module which is not derived from this
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* :>
* @file bal_esw_flow.c
* @brief BAL Switch util functions that handle flow requests
* @addtogroup sw_util
#include <bal_common.h>
#include <bcm_dev_log.h>
#include <bal_msg.h>
#include "bal_switch_flow.h"
#include "flow_fsm.h"
#include "bcmos_errno.h"
#include "bal_switch_util.h"
#include <bcm/types.h>
#include <sal/core/libc.h>
#ifndef sal_memset
#define sal_memset memset
#include <bcm/port.h>
#include <bcm/vlan.h>
#include <bcm/field.h>
#include <bcm/error.h>
#include <sal/core/libc.h>
#include "bal_switch_acc_term.h"
#include "bal_esw_flow.h"
* @brief The acl add function add an Access Control Rule in the switch VCAP/ICAP/ECAP
* to perform action based on flow classifier
* @param unit the switch unit this rule is to be added
* @param p_flow a pointer to the flow definition the created rule will be based on
* @return error code
static bcm_field_group_t esw_group_id = 0;
/* add an ingress ACL rule */
static bcmos_errno bal_swapp_esw_acl_add(int unit, bcmbal_flow_cfg *p_flow)
uint32_t ret, j;
uint32_t nni_phy;
int vid;
bcm_field_qset_t qset;
bcm_field_entry_t eid;
bcm_mac_t bcast_mac = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
bcm_mac_t dst_mask = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
vid = p_flow->data.classifier.o_vid;
/* VCAP - bcmFieldQualifyStageLookup, ICAP - bcmFieldQualifyStageIngress, ECAP - bcmFieldQualifyStageEgress */
/* The KT2 resources allow only limit number of qset - indexed by esw_group_id, create qset when necessary */
if (0 == esw_group_id)
BCM_FIELD_QSET_ADD(qset, bcmFieldQualifyStageLookup);
BCM_FIELD_QSET_ADD(qset, bcmFieldQualifyOuterVlan);
BCM_FIELD_QSET_ADD(qset, bcmFieldQualifyInPort);
BCM_FIELD_QSET_ADD(qset, bcmFieldQualifyDstMac);
ret = bcm_field_group_create(unit, qset, BCM_FIELD_GROUP_PRIO_ANY, &esw_group_id);
if (ret != BCM_E_NONE)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow fail to create field - %d\n", ret );
/* if action is to drop broadcast, add an ACL in nni VCAP to drop it */
if ( p_flow->data.action.cmds_bitmask & BCMBAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_DISCARD_DS_BCAST)
/* loop through all nni ports */
for(j=0; -1 != (nni_phy = bal_bcm_net_inf_pbm_get(j)); j++)
if ( bal_bcm_net_inf_dev_get(j) != unit)
ret = bcm_field_entry_create(unit, esw_group_id, &eid);
if (ret != BCM_E_NONE)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow fail to create field entry for port %d - ret = %d\n", nni_phy, ret );
ret = bcm_field_qualify_DstMac(unit, eid, bcast_mac, dst_mask);
if (ret != BCM_E_NONE)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow fail to set field dst mac qualifier %d - ret = %d\n", nni_phy, ret );
ret = bcm_field_qualify_OuterVlanId(unit, eid, vid, 0xffff);
if (ret != BCM_E_NONE)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow fail to set field outer vlan qualifier %d - ret = %d\n", nni_phy, ret );
ret = bcm_field_action_add(unit, eid, bcmFieldActionDrop, 0, 0);
if (ret != BCM_E_NONE)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow fail to add action to the field entry %d - ret = %d\n", nni_phy, ret );
ret = bcm_field_entry_install(unit, eid);
if (ret != BCM_E_NONE)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow fail to install field entry %d - ret = %d\n", nni_phy, ret );
} /* for loop */
} /* if drop bcast */
} while(0);
if (ret != BCM_E_NONE)
return BCM_ERR_OK;
* @brief The ingress vlan translation function program switch to
* translate packet vlan attributes before the switch vaidate the
* vlan membership of the packets
* @param unit the switch unit this translation is perfromed
* @param p_flow a pointer to the flow that contains translation action
* @return error code
static bcmos_errno bal_swapp_esw_ivlanx(int unit, bcmbal_flow_cfg *p_flow)
bcmos_errno ret = BCM_ERR_OK;
bcm_gport_t pon_gport;
uint32_t pon_phy_pbm;
int bcm_rc;
/* find out which PON this action is to be performed */
/* map pon logical port to physical port */
pon_phy_pbm = bal_bcm_pon_inf_pbm_get(p_flow->data.access_int_id);
/* create local gport based on pon physical port number */
BCM_GPORT_LOCAL_SET(pon_gport, pon_phy_pbm);
/* For TR-156 1:1 uptream single tagged packets,
S-tag add acton is performed in the INGRESS vlan translator.
if (BCMBAL_FLOW_TYPE_UPSTREAM == p_flow->key.flow_type)
if ( p_flow->data.action.cmds_bitmask & BCMBAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_ADD_OUTER_TAG )
uint32_t u_ovid, u_ivid;
bcm_vlan_action_set_t u_action;
/* set gpon ingress translaton to add outer tag on upstream packets */
u_action.new_outer_vlan = p_flow->data.action.o_vid;
u_action.priority = p_flow->data.action.o_pbits;
u_action.ot_outer = bcmVlanActionAdd;
u_action.ot_outer_pkt_prio = bcmVlanActionReplace;
u_ovid = p_flow->data.classifier.o_vid;
u_ivid = BCM_VLAN_NONE;
default: /* not supported, goto while(0) */
u_ovid = BCM_VLAN_NONE;
u_ivid = BCM_VLAN_NONE;
/* enable ingress vlan translation on specified port */
bcm_rc = bcm_vlan_control_port_set(unit, pon_gport, bcmVlanTranslateIngressEnable, 1);
if (bcm_rc != BCM_E_NONE)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow fail to enable ingress vlan translation on port %d - %d\n",
pon_phy_pbm, bcm_rc );
/* set the outer vlan id as lookup key - i.e. packet filtering key */
bcm_rc = bcm_vlan_control_port_set(unit, pon_gport, bcmVlanPortTranslateKeyFirst, bcmVlanTranslateKeyOuter);
if (bcm_rc != BCM_E_NONE)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow fail to set upstream lookup key on port %d - %d\n",
pon_phy_pbm, bcm_rc );
/* install the action into ingress vlan translation table */
bcm_rc = bcm_vlan_translate_action_add(unit, pon_gport, bcmVlanTranslateKeyOuter, u_ovid, u_ivid, &u_action);
if (bcm_rc != BCM_E_NONE)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow fail to set ingress action on port %d - %d\n",
pon_phy_pbm, bcm_rc );
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow upstream action 0x%x not supported\n", p_flow->data.action.cmds_bitmask);
} while(0);
return ret;
* @brief The engress vlan translation function program switch to
* translate packet vlan attributes before the packets were sent out
* @param unit the switch unit this translation is perfromed
* @param p_flow a pointer to the flow that contains translation action
* @return error code
static bcmos_errno bal_swapp_esw_evlanx(int unit, bcmbal_flow_cfg *p_flow)
bcmos_errno ret = BCM_ERR_OK;
bcm_gport_t pon_gport;
uint32_t pon_phy_pbm;
int bcm_rc;
/* find out which PON this action is to be performed */
/* map pon logical port to physical port */
pon_phy_pbm = bal_bcm_pon_inf_pbm_get(p_flow->data.access_int_id);
/* create local gport based on pon physical port number */
BCM_GPORT_LOCAL_SET(pon_gport, pon_phy_pbm);
/* For TR-156 1:1 downstream double tagged packets,
S-tag remove acton is performed in the EGRESS vlan translator.
if (BCMBAL_FLOW_TYPE_DOWNSTREAM == p_flow->key.flow_type)
if ( p_flow->data.action.cmds_bitmask & BCMBAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_REMOVE_OUTER_TAG )
/* set gpon egress translaton to drop outer tag of double tag downstream packets */
uint32_t d_ovid, d_ivid;
bcm_vlan_action_set_t d_action;
d_action.dt_outer = bcmVlanActionDelete;
d_ovid = p_flow->data.classifier.o_vid;
d_ivid = p_flow->data.classifier.i_vid;
default: /* not supported, goto while(0) */
d_ovid = BCM_VLAN_NONE;
d_ivid = BCM_VLAN_NONE;
/* enable egress vlan translation on specified port */
bcm_rc = bcm_vlan_control_port_set(unit, pon_gport, bcmVlanTranslateEgressEnable, 1);
if (bcm_rc != BCM_E_NONE)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow fail to enable egress vlan translation on port %d - %d\n",
pon_phy_pbm, bcm_rc );
/* install the action into egress vlan translation table */
bcm_rc = bcm_vlan_translate_egress_action_add(unit, pon_gport, d_ovid, d_ivid, &d_action);
if (bcm_rc != BCM_E_NONE)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow fail to set egress action on port %d - %d\n",
pon_phy_pbm, bcm_rc );
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow downstream action 0x%x not supported\n", p_flow->data.action.cmds_bitmask);
} while(0);
return ret;
* @brief The flow add function program KT2 to forward packets that have
* specified attributes to the designated ports.
* The packets is modified before egress
* On the downstream, an access id (outer vlan tag) is added to the packets
* On the upstream, outer vlan tag (access id) is removed from the packets
* @param iwf_mode The InterWorking Function mode - DIRECT or PER-FLOW
* @param p_flow A pointer to the requested add flow info
* @return error code
bcmos_errno bal_sw_util_esw_flow_add(bcmbal_iwf_mode iwf_mode, bcmbal_flow_cfg *p_flow)
bcmos_errno ret = BCM_ERR_OK;
bcm_gport_t pon_gport;
uint32_t pon_phy_pbm;
bcm_vlan_t vlan_id;
bcm_gport_t nni_gport;
uint32_t nni_phy_pbm;
int ii;
int bcm_rc;
int unit = bal_bcm_pon_inf_dev_get(p_flow->data.access_int_id);
BCM_LOG(INFO, log_id_sw_util,
" Got an ESW flow request - iwf_mode=%d flow_id=%d sub_port=%d svc_id=%d\n",
p_flow->key.flow_id, p_flow->data.access_int_id, p_flow->data.svc_port_id);
BCM_LOG(DEBUG, log_id_sw_util,
" classifier - mask=0x%llx otpid=%x itpid=%x ovid=%x ivid=%x\n",
(unsigned long long)p_flow->data.classifier.presence_mask,
p_flow->data.classifier.o_tpid, p_flow->data.classifier.i_tpid,
p_flow->data.classifier.o_vid, p_flow->data.classifier.i_vid);
* First, validate that the specified PON has at least one NNI port on the same device.
* If not, return an error, as this is not supported.
ii = 0;
/* walk through the entire mapping table */
while(-1 != bal_bcm_net_inf_pbm_get(ii))
if(bal_bcm_net_inf_dev_get(ii) == unit)
ret = BCM_ERR_OK;
ii++; /* Next NNI */
* Check return code from device check above. Return if there was an error.
if(BCM_ERR_OK != ret)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" ERROR: no network port is on the same device as access port %d\n", p_flow->data.access_int_id);
/* create vlan domain for this flow */
vlan_id = (bcm_vlan_t)p_flow->data.classifier.o_vid;
bcm_rc = bcm_vlan_create(unit, vlan_id);
/* if OK or already existed, continue */
if (bcm_rc != BCM_E_NONE && bcm_rc != BCM_E_EXISTS)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" failed to create vlan %d on unit %d - bcm_rc:%d\n", vlan_id, unit, bcm_rc );
BCM_LOG(INFO, log_id_sw_util,
" vlan %d %s on unit %d - bcm_rc:%d\n",
(BCM_E_EXISTS == bcm_rc) ? "reused" : "created",
bcm_rc );
/* map pon logical port to physical port */
pon_phy_pbm = bal_bcm_pon_inf_pbm_get(p_flow->data.access_int_id);
/* create gport based on pon physical port number */
BCM_GPORT_LOCAL_SET(pon_gport, pon_phy_pbm);
/* add the specified pon to vlan */
bcm_rc = bcm_vlan_gport_add(unit, vlan_id, pon_gport, BCM_VLAN_GPORT_ADD_VP_VLAN_MEMBERSHIP);
if (bcm_rc != BCM_E_NONE)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow fail to add pon %d (pbm %d, gport %d) into vlan %d - %d\n",
p_flow->data.access_int_id, pon_phy_pbm, pon_gport, vlan_id, bcm_rc );
/* Add all the NNI ports that are on the same device to the vlan as well */
ii = 0; /* Start with the first NNI logical interface */
/* map nni logical ports to physical ports */
while(-1 != (nni_phy_pbm = bal_bcm_net_inf_pbm_get(ii)))
if ( bal_bcm_net_inf_dev_get(ii) != unit)
/* create gport based on nni physical port number */
BCM_GPORT_LOCAL_SET(nni_gport, nni_phy_pbm);
bcm_rc = bcm_vlan_gport_add(unit, vlan_id, nni_gport, BCM_VLAN_GPORT_ADD_VP_VLAN_MEMBERSHIP);
if (bcm_rc != BCM_E_NONE)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow fail to add nni %d (pbm %d, gport %d) into vlan %d - %d\n",
ii, nni_phy_pbm, nni_gport, vlan_id, bcm_rc );
ii++; /* Next NNI */
/* perform the ACTION */
if (BCMOS_TRUE == BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(p_flow, flow, action)
/* && BCMOS_TRUE == BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(&p_flow->data.action, action, action_cmds_bitmask) */
BCM_LOG(INFO, log_id_sw_util,
" Got a flow action - flow type = %d, cmd=%d in_ovid=%d, out_ovid=%d\n",
p_flow->key.flow_type, p_flow->data.action.cmds_bitmask,
p_flow->data.classifier.i_vid, p_flow->data.classifier.o_vid);
/* enable vlan translation */
bcm_rc = bcm_vlan_control_set(unit, bcmVlanTranslate, 1);
if (bcm_rc != BCM_E_NONE)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, log_id_sw_util,
" flow fail to enable vlan translation - %d\n",
bcm_rc );
/* For TR-156 1:1 downstream,
ACTIONs are performed on the EGRESS vlan translator.
For TR-156 1:1 upstream,
ACTIONs are perform on the INGRESS vlan translator.
For TR-156 N:1 there is no actions for switch
The outer tag adding is per PON base, i.e. upstream packets with same
inner vid can add different outer vid based on receiving PON
if (BCMBAL_FLOW_TYPE_UPSTREAM == p_flow->key.flow_type)
if ( p_flow->data.action.cmds_bitmask & BCMBAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_ADD_OUTER_TAG )
ret = bal_swapp_esw_ivlanx(unit, p_flow);
else if (BCMBAL_FLOW_TYPE_DOWNSTREAM == p_flow->key.flow_type)/* downstream */
if ( p_flow->data.action.cmds_bitmask & BCMBAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_REMOVE_OUTER_TAG )
ret = bal_swapp_esw_evlanx(unit, p_flow);
else /* broadcast */
if ( p_flow->data.action.cmds_bitmask & BCMBAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_DISCARD_DS_BCAST)
ret = bal_swapp_esw_acl_add(unit, p_flow);
} /* end if ACTION set */
} while(0);
return ret;
* @brief The flow remove function remove switch resource that were allocated during ADD
* @param iwf_mode The InterWorking Function mode - DIRECT or PER-FLOW
* @param p_flow A pointer to the requested add flow info
* @return error code
bcmos_errno bal_sw_util_esw_flow_remove(bcmbal_iwf_mode iwf_mode, bcmbal_flow_cfg *p_flow)
return BCM_ERR_OK;
#endif /* #ifndef TEST_SW_UTIL_LOOPBACK */