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#include "bcmos_hash_table.h"
#define ht_overhead sizeof(void *)
/** Create a hash table using a block pool
* \param[in] pool_parm pointer to block pool parameters
* \param[in] max_data_entries Maximum entries the hash table needs to hold
* \param[in] entry_size Size of each entry in bytes
* \param[in] key_size Size of each key in bytes
* \return pointer to newly created hash table
static hash_table *hash_table_create_in_pool(bcmos_blk_pool_parm *pool_parm,
uint32_t max_data_entries,
uint16_t entry_size,
uint8_t key_size)
uint32_t lookup_table_entries = max_data_entries + (max_data_entries / 4);
hash_table *ht;
bcmos_errno err;
if (pool_parm == NULL)
return NULL;
entry_size += key_size;
ht = bcmos_alloc(sizeof(hash_table));
if (ht == NULL)
return NULL;
ht->obj_len = entry_size;
ht->key_len = key_size;
ht->data_offset = ht_overhead;
ht->ht_lookup_tbl_entries = lookup_table_entries;
ht->ht_max_data_entries = max_data_entries;
ht->look_up_entries_tbl = bcmos_alloc(lookup_table_entries * sizeof(ht_block));
if (ht->look_up_entries_tbl == NULL)
return NULL;
ht->ht_cur_entries = 0;
err = bcmos_blk_pool_create(&ht->key_data_pool, pool_parm);
if (err != BCM_ERR_OK)
return NULL;
if (ht->ht_max_data_entries > ht->ht_lookup_tbl_entries)
ht->obj_len -= ht->key_len;
memset(ht->look_up_entries_tbl, 0, lookup_table_entries * sizeof(ht_block));
return ht;
hash_table *hash_table_create(uint32_t max_data_entries,
uint16_t entry_size,
uint8_t key_size,
char *pool_name)
bcmos_blk_pool_parm parm = {0}; = pool_name;
parm.blk_size = entry_size + key_size + ht_overhead;
parm.num_blks = max_data_entries;
return hash_table_create_in_pool(&parm, max_data_entries, entry_size, key_size);
/** Hash a length of bytes into a uint32_t
* \param[in] key Bytes to hash
* \param[in] len Number of bytes in key
* \return The hash as a uint32_t
static uint32_t get_hash_for_key(const uint8_t *key, uint8_t len)
uint32_t hash = 5381;
uint8_t i;
const uint8_t *tmp = key;
for (i = 0; i < len; tmp++, i++)
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + (*tmp);
return hash;
/** Gets a hash key used for the keyDataPool in the HashTable
* \param[in] ht Associated hashtable we are getting hash for key for
* \param[in] key Key we are getting hash for
* \return An index into the keyDataPool
static uint32_t get_hash_val_for_key(const hash_table *ht, const uint8_t *key)
return get_hash_for_key(key, ht->key_len) % ht->ht_lookup_tbl_entries;
/** Returns the location of the key within an HtBlock
* \param[in] ht Hash table in question
* \param[in] block HtBlock in question
* \return pointer to the data within the block
static uint8_t *get_key_from_block_in_table(const hash_table *ht, ht_block *block)
return(uint8_t *) block + ht->data_offset + ht->obj_len;
/** Gets and populates a HtBlock with all of its data
* \param[in] next Next block in this buckets chain
* \param[in] ht Hash table in question
* \param[in] key This blocks key
* \param[in] val This blocks data
* \return The block that we allocated and returned
static ht_block *fill_ht_block(ht_block *next,
hash_table *ht,
const uint8_t *key,
const void *val)
ht_block *dest_block = bcmos_blk_pool_alloc(&ht->key_data_pool);
if (dest_block != NULL)
/* storage is nextobj ptr, hash obj,
key which keeps all uint32_t aligned. */
dest_block->next_chain = next;
if (val != NULL)
memcpy((uint8_t *) dest_block + ht->data_offset, val, ht->obj_len);
memset((uint8_t *) dest_block + ht->data_offset,0,ht->obj_len);
/* Need to put key in after obj */
(uint8_t *) dest_block + ht->data_offset + ht->obj_len,
return dest_block;
/** Determine whether two keys in a particular hash table match
* \param[in] ht Hashtable
* \param[in] key_a first key to compare
* \param[in] key_b second key to compare
* \return whether they are the same
static bcmos_bool is_key_match(const hash_table *ht, const uint8_t *key_a, const uint8_t *key_b)
return memcmp(key_a, key_b, ht->key_len) == 0;
/** Searches a chained bucket looking for an instance of the key. If found returns the block if found the key in.
* Prev guy is set to the block in the chain before the block we returned (except in the case * where there is no
* block before the one we returned.
* \param[in] ht HashTable in question
* \param[in] key_to_find Key we wonder if exists
* \param[in] chain_start Where to start looking in the chain
* \param[in] prev_block The previous guy before the block we returned (if exists)
* \return The block that matches doesExists (if exists)
static ht_block *get_key_loc_in_chain(
const hash_table *ht,
const uint8_t *key_to_find,
ht_block *chain_start,
ht_block **prev_block)
*prev_block = NULL;
while (chain_start != NULL)
if (is_key_match(ht, key_to_find, get_key_from_block_in_table(ht, chain_start)))
return chain_start;
*prev_block = chain_start;
chain_start = chain_start->next_chain;
return NULL;
bcmos_bool hash_table_remove(hash_table *ht, const uint8_t *key)
uint32_t hash_val = get_hash_val_for_key(ht, key);
ht_block *prev_entry;
ht_block *entry = get_key_loc_in_chain(
if (entry == NULL)
/* No one to delete */
if (prev_entry == NULL)
/* last entry */
ht->look_up_entries_tbl[hash_val].next_chain = entry->next_chain;
prev_entry->next_chain = entry->next_chain;
return BCMOS_TRUE;
/** Returns a pointer to the data within the HT
* \param[in] ht Hashtable in question
* \param[in] block_ptr HtBlock that we wonder where its data is
static void *get_ht_data_ptr(const hash_table *ht, ht_block *block_ptr)
return(uint8_t*)block_ptr + ht->data_offset;
/** Get an entry in the hash table
* \param[in] ht pointer to hash table
* \param[in] key pointer to key data
* \param[in] hash_val hash value of key
* \return pointer to hash table entry
static inline void *ht_get_internal(const hash_table *ht,
const uint8_t *key,
uint32_t hash_val)
ht_block *tmp;
ht_block *ret;
ret = get_key_loc_in_chain(
if (ret != NULL)
return get_ht_data_ptr(ht,ret);
return ret;
void *hash_table_get(const hash_table *ht, const uint8_t *key)
uint32_t hashVal = get_hash_val_for_key(ht, key);
return ht_get_internal(ht,key,hashVal);
void *hash_table_put(hash_table *ht, const uint8_t *key, const void *val)
void *ret_block;
uint32_t hash_val;
if (ht->ht_cur_entries >= ht->ht_max_data_entries)
return NULL;
hash_val = get_hash_val_for_key(ht, key);
ret_block = ht_get_internal((const hash_table *) ht, key, hash_val);
if (ret_block != NULL)
/* replace existing value with new value */
if (val != NULL)
memcpy(ret_block, val, ht->obj_len);
memset(ret_block, 0, ht->obj_len);
return ret_block;
ht_block *new_block=fill_ht_block(
ht->look_up_entries_tbl[hash_val].next_chain, ht, key, val);
if (new_block != NULL)
ht->look_up_entries_tbl[hash_val].next_chain = new_block;
return get_ht_data_ptr(ht,new_block);
return NULL;
ht_iterator ht_iterator_get(const hash_table *ht)
ht_iterator to_ret; = ht;
to_ret.cur_idx = 0;
to_ret.removed_at = BCMOS_FALSE;
to_ret.still_valid = BCMOS_TRUE;
to_ret.cur_block = NULL;
return to_ret;
ht_iterator ht_iterator_get_by_key(const hash_table *ht, const uint8_t *key)
ht_block *tmp;
uint32_t hash_val = get_hash_val_for_key(ht, key);
ht_iterator to_ret = {}; = ht;
to_ret.removed_at = BCMOS_FALSE;
to_ret.cur_block = get_key_loc_in_chain(ht, key, ht->look_up_entries_tbl[hash_val].next_chain, &tmp);
to_ret.still_valid = (to_ret.cur_block != NULL);
to_ret.cur_idx = hash_val;
return to_ret;
/** Advance linear scan iterator
* \param[in] it Iterator to advance
static void ht_iterator_scan_adv(ht_iterator *it)
if (it->cur_block != NULL)
it->cur_block = it->cur_block->next_chain;
if (it->cur_block != NULL)
it->still_valid = BCMOS_TRUE;
/* find non null entry */
while (it->cur_idx < it->ht->ht_lookup_tbl_entries)
if (it->ht->look_up_entries_tbl[it->cur_idx].next_chain != NULL)
it->cur_block = it->ht->look_up_entries_tbl[it->cur_idx].next_chain;
it->still_valid = BCMOS_TRUE;
it->still_valid = BCMOS_FALSE;
void ht_iterator_deref(const ht_iterator *hti, uint8_t **key, void **obj)
if (!hti->still_valid)
BCMOS_TRACE_ERR("%s: Invalid deref\n", __FUNCTION__);
*key = get_key_from_block_in_table(hti->ht, hti->cur_block);
*obj = get_ht_data_ptr(hti->ht, hti->cur_block); /* to data */
void ht_iterator_remove_at(hash_table *ht, ht_iterator *it)
if (ht != it->ht)
BCMOS_TRACE_ERR("%s: Incorrect writeable hash table pointer\n", __FUNCTION__);
else if (it->removed_at)
BCMOS_TRACE_ERR("%s: No delete twice\n", __FUNCTION__);
uint8_t *key;
uint8_t *obj;
ht_iterator_deref(it, &key, (void **) &obj);
it->removed_at = BCMOS_TRUE;
it->still_valid = ht_iterator_next(it);
if (!hash_table_remove(ht, key))
BCMOS_TRACE_ERR("%s: Remove error\n", __FUNCTION__);
bcmos_bool ht_iterator_next(ht_iterator *it)
if (it->still_valid)
if (it->removed_at)
it->removed_at = BCMOS_FALSE;
return it->still_valid; /* No entry found */
void hash_table_clear(hash_table *ht)
ht_iterator it = ht_iterator_get(ht);
while (ht_iterator_next(&it))
ht_iterator_remove_at(ht, &it);