blob: 6252a456b066536cf6701f2b33fe21ef11d484a4 [file] [log] [blame]
Broadcom Proprietary and Confidential.(c) 2016 Broadcom
All Rights Reserved
Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed
to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
(the "GPL"), available at,
with the following added to such license:
As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give
you permission to link this software with independent modules, and
to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your
choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent
module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module.
An independent module is a module which is not derived from this
software. The special exception does not apply to any modifications
of the software.
Not withstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine
this software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided
under a license other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior
written consent.
#define MH_EXIT_IF(cond, error) \
do \
{ \
if (cond) \
{ \
if ((error) != BCM_ERR_OK && (error) != BCM_ERR_NO_MORE) \
{ \
} \
err = (error); \
goto cleanup; \
} \
} while (BCMOS_FALSE)
/* Macro for declaring cfg_get_multi handlers, since the format is perfectly regular */
static bcmos_errno mh_##obj##_cfg_get_multi( \
const bcmolt_##obj##_cfg *filter, \
bcmolt_filter_flags flags, \
bcmolt_msg_set *msg_set) \
{ \
bcmolt_##obj##_cfg cfg; \
uint8_t *filter_packed = NULL; \
uint8_t *msg_packed = NULL; \
bcmos_errno err; \
bcmos_bool success; \
uint32_t len; \
bcmolt_buf buf; \
bcmos_bool is_match; \
bcmolt_msg dummy_hdr; \
bcmolt_##obj##_key_id dummy_prop_id; \
/* assume we didn't finish all objects unless told otherwise */ \
msg_set->more = BCMOS_TRUE; \
/* start with the key included in the filter */ \
*((bcmolt_##obj##_key *)msg_set->next_key) = filter->key; \
/* if the filter's key contains any wildcards, get the first real key */ \
err = mh_##obj##_key_resolve_wildcards(msg_set->next_key); \
MH_EXIT_IF(err != BCM_ERR_OK, err); \
/* if the initial key is invalid, exit early */ \
!bcmolt_##obj##_key_bounds_check(msg_set->next_key, BCMOLT_PRESENCE_MASK_ALL, &dummy_prop_id), \
err = mh_##obj##_key_validate(&dummy_hdr, msg_set->next_key); \
MH_EXIT_IF(err != BCM_ERR_OK, err); \
/* pack filter data (including presence mask) for comparisons */ \
len = bcmolt_##obj##_cfg_data_get_packed_length(&filter->data, filter->hdr.hdr.presence_mask); \
filter_packed = bcmos_calloc(len); \
MH_EXIT_IF(len > 0 && filter_packed == NULL, BCM_ERR_NOMEM); \
bcmolt_buf_init(&buf, len, filter_packed, BCMOLT_BUF_ENDIAN_FIXED); \
success = bcmolt_##obj##_cfg_data_pack(&filter->data, &buf, filter->hdr.hdr.presence_mask); \
while (msg_set->num_instances < msg_set->max_instances) \
{ \
/* initialize the cfg structure with the key and pass it to the MH cfg_get handler */ \
BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&cfg, obj, *((bcmolt_##obj##_key *)msg_set->next_key)); \
/* (get all properties that were requested or are being filtered on) */ \
cfg.hdr.hdr.presence_mask = msg_set->presence_mask | filter->hdr.hdr.presence_mask; \
cfg.hdr.hdr.type = BCMOLT_MSG_TYPE_GET; \
cfg.hdr.hdr.dir = BCMOLT_MSG_DIR_RESPONSE; \
cfg.hdr.hdr.err = mh_##obj##_cfg_get(&cfg.hdr.hdr, &cfg.key, &; \
MH_EXIT_IF(cfg.hdr.hdr.err != BCM_ERR_OK, cfg.hdr.hdr.err); \
/* pack the resulting message data */ \
len = bcmolt_##obj##_cfg_data_get_packed_length(&, filter->hdr.hdr.presence_mask); \
msg_packed = bcmos_calloc(len); \
MH_EXIT_IF(len > 0 && msg_packed == NULL, BCM_ERR_NOMEM); \
bcmolt_buf_init(&buf, len, msg_packed, BCMOLT_BUF_ENDIAN_FIXED); \
success = bcmolt_##obj##_cfg_data_pack(&, &buf, filter->hdr.hdr.presence_mask); \
/* check the packed message against the filter */ \
is_match = (memcmp(filter_packed, msg_packed, len) == 0); \
{ \
is_match = !is_match; \
} \
bcmos_free(msg_packed); \
msg_packed = NULL; \
if (is_match) \
{ \
/* if there is a match, include this message in the message set */ \
msg_set->msg[msg_set->num_instances] = NULL; \
err = bcmolt_msg_clone(&msg_set->msg[msg_set->num_instances], &cfg.hdr.hdr); \
MH_EXIT_IF(err != BCM_ERR_OK, err); \
msg_set->num_instances++; \
} \
/* get next key, break if no more keys are found */ \
err = mh_##obj##_key_iterate(msg_set->next_key); \
MH_EXIT_IF(err != BCM_ERR_OK, err); \
} \
cleanup: \
if (filter_packed != NULL) \
{ \
bcmos_free(filter_packed); \
} \
if (msg_packed != NULL) \
{ \
bcmos_free(msg_packed); \
} \
if (err == BCM_ERR_NO_MORE) \
{ \
err = BCM_ERR_OK; \
msg_set->more = BCMOS_FALSE; \
} \
return err; \
#endif /* _BCMOLT_MH_UTILS_H_ */