blob: e06d3e92bec30cba255445d8b796576d887e1313 [file] [log] [blame]
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As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give
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Not withstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine
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written consent.
#include "bcm_dev_log.h"
extern dev_log_id dpoe_sec_log_id[];
typedef void* dpoe_sec_sha1_hash; /* A data type for holding an SHA1 hash context */
typedef uint8_t dpoe_sec_sha1_digest[20]; /* A data type for holding an SHA1 hash */
typedef void* dpoe_sec_md5_hash; /* A data type for holding an MD5 hash context */
typedef uint8_t dpoe_sec_md5_digest[16]; /* A data type for holding an MD5 hash */
typedef void* dpoe_sec_rsa_key; /* A data type for holding an RSA key */
typedef void* dpoe_sec_aes_key; /* A data type for holding an AES key */
static inline void dpoe_sec_sha1_init(dpoe_sec_sha1_hash *sha1)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should initialize/reset an SHA1 hash context\n");
static inline void dpoe_sec_sha1_update(dpoe_sec_sha1_hash *sha1, const void* data, size_t len)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should update an SHA1 hash context\n");
static inline void dpoe_sec_sha1_final(dpoe_sec_sha1_digest md, dpoe_sec_sha1_hash *sha1)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should finalize an SHA1 hash context\n");
static inline void dpoe_sec_md5_init(dpoe_sec_md5_hash *md5)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should initialize/reset an MD5 hash context\n");
static inline void dpoe_sec_md5_update(dpoe_sec_md5_hash *md5, const void* data, size_t len)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should update an MD5 hash context\n");
static inline void dpoe_sec_md5_final(dpoe_sec_md5_digest md, dpoe_sec_md5_hash *md5)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should finalize an MD5 hash context\n");
static inline void dpoe_sec_prf_expand_4346(
uint8_t *secret,
uint32_t secret_len,
const uint8_t *label,
uint32_t label_len,
const uint8_t *seed,
uint32_t seed_len,
uint8_t *output,
uint32_t output_len)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should perform the pseudo-random function for expansion of secrets as defined in RFC 4346, section 5\n");
static inline dpoe_sec_rsa_key *dpoe_sec_rsa_generate_key(int bits)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should generate an RSA key\n");
static inline void dpoe_sec_rsa_key_free(dpoe_sec_rsa_key *rsa)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should release any resources allocated for an RSA key by either dpoe_sec_rsa_generate_key or dpoe_sec_x509_pub_key_get\n");
static inline bcmos_bool dpoe_sec_rsa_public_get(dpoe_sec_rsa_key *rsa, uint8_t *rsa_modulus, uint8_t *rsa_exp)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should retrieve the public modulus and exponent of an RSA key\n");
static inline int dpoe_sec_rsa_size(dpoe_sec_rsa_key *rsa)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should return the size of an RSA key in bytes\n");
static inline int dpoe_sec_rsa_private_decrypt(
int flen,
const uint8_t *from,
uint8_t *to,
dpoe_sec_rsa_key *rsa)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should perform RSA decryption using a private key\n");
static inline int dpoe_sec_rsa_public_decrypt(
int flen,
const uint8_t *from,
uint8_t *to,
dpoe_sec_rsa_key *rsa)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should perform RSA decryption using a public key (also known as signature verification)\n");
static inline dpoe_sec_rsa_key *dpoe_sec_x509_pub_key_get(const uint8_t *cert, uint32_t cert_len)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should retrieve an RSA public key from an X.509 cetificate\n");
static inline void dpoe_sec_aes_set_encrypt_key(const uint8_t *user_key, const int bits, dpoe_sec_aes_key *key)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should initialize the AES key with the provided data\n");
static inline void dpoe_sec_aes_wrap_key(
dpoe_sec_aes_key *key,
uint8_t *out,
const uint8_t *in,
uint32_t len)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should perform an AES key wrap on in\n");
static inline void dpoe_sec_aes_cmac(uint8_t *key, uint8_t *msg, uint32_t len, uint8_t *code)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should perform AES CMAC\n");
static inline void dpoe_sec_aes_cmac_kdf(
uint8_t *key,
const char *label,
uint8_t *ctx,
uint32_t ctx_len,
uint8_t *out_buf)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should perform the AES CMAC key derivation function\n");
static inline bcmos_errno dpoe_sec_send_eapol(
bcmolt_devid device,
bcmolt_epon_link_key *link_key,
uint8_t *eapol,
uint16_t length)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should transmit an EAPOL frame to the specified link\n");
static inline bcmos_errno dpoe_sec_rng_seed(void)
BCM_LOG(INFO, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should seed a cryptographically valid pseudo-random number generator\n");
return BCM_ERR_OK;
static inline void dpoe_sec_generate_n_byte_random_number(uint8_t *output, int length)
BCM_LOG(ERROR, dpoe_sec_log_id[current_device], "This function should generate a pseudo-random number of the specified length\n");
#endif /* _DPOE_SEC_USER_CFG_H_ */