blob: dab93cb243bff0db97d902fc236e820a279c1d91 [file] [log] [blame]
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#include <bcmos_system.h>
#include <bcmolt_api.h>
#include <bcmolt_model_types.h>
#include <bcm_dev_log.h>
#include <bcmos_common.h>
#include "bcmolt_user_appl_ps.h"
#include "bcmolt_user_appl_ps_internal.h"
static bcmos_errno ps_handle_ni_no_reports(bcmolt_ps_global_cfg * global_cfg, const bcmolt_ps_pon *pon, const bcmolt_epon_ni_no_reports * ind)
if (ind->data.alarm_status == BCMOLT_STATUS_OFF)
PS_INFO("<%d:%d> LoS alarm cleared\n", pon->device_id, pon->pon_id);
return BCM_ERR_OK;
PS_INFO("<%d:%d> LoS alarm raised\n", pon->device_id, pon->pon_id);
if (global_cfg->switch_condition == BCMOLT_PS_SWITCH_CONDITION_MANUAL)
/* don't react to the switch if we're in manual switch mode */
return BCM_ERR_OK;
return bcmolt_ps_switch_perform(pon);
static bcmos_errno ps_handle_logical_link_discovered(bcmolt_ps_global_cfg * global_cfg, const bcmolt_ps_pon *pon, const bcmolt_epon_link_mpcp_discovered * ind)
bcmolt_ps_pon_state state;
bcmolt_ps_pon partner;
bcmos_errno result;
if (global_cfg->mirror_mode != BCMOLT_PS_MIRROR_MODE_AUTO)
return BCM_ERR_OK;
//At this point we know we have a link discovered on a PON that is in the PROTECTED WORKING state.
//This means we want to make sure that is is setup on the PROCTECTED STANDBY PON. It is possible
//That this link has been previously configured on the STANDBY PON so we have to handle that case
//gracefully as well.
result = bcmolt_ps_pon_state_get(pon, &state, &partner);
PS_INFO("pon %d, bcmolt_ps_pon_state_get result == %d, state == %d, partner.pon_id == %d\n", pon->pon_id, result, state, partner.pon_id);
if ((BCM_ERR_OK == result) && (state == BCMOLT_PS_PON_STATE_WORKING))
bcmolt_epon_ni_add_protected_standby_link add_standby = {};
bcmolt_epon_ni_key key = {};
PS_INFO("Mirroring received link discovered on working PON\n");
key.epon_ni = (bcmolt_epon_ni)partner.pon_id; //Setup the standby PON as the location to add the link.
//Setup operation key for api call.
BCMOLT_OPER_INIT(&add_standby, epon_ni, add_protected_standby_link, key);
//Copy over the data from the received messages:
BCMOLT_OPER_PROP_SET(&add_standby, epon_ni, add_protected_standby_link, mac_address, ind->key.mac_address);
BCMOLT_OPER_PROP_SET(&add_standby, epon_ni, add_protected_standby_link, working_link_info, ind->data.link_info);
result = bcmolt_oper_submit(partner.device_id, &add_standby.hdr);
//We have multiple acceptable return codes here:
// BCM_ERR_OK - Indicates new entry created.
// BCM_ERR_ALREADY - Indicates the entry already exists (possible after deregistration/reregistration).
PS_INFO("Mirroring add protected standby link result %d\n", result);
if ( (result == BCM_ERR_OK) || (result == BCM_ERR_ALREADY) )
bcmolt_epon_link_static_registration static_reg = {};
bcmolt_epon_link_key link_key = {};
link_key.epon_ni = (bcmolt_epon_ni)partner.pon_id;
link_key.mac_address = ind->key.mac_address;
//Setup operation key for api call.
BCMOLT_OPER_INIT(&static_reg, epon_link, static_registration, link_key);
BCMOLT_OPER_PROP_SET(&static_reg, epon_link, static_registration, laseron_time_tq, ind->data.link_info.onu_laser_on_time_tq);
BCMOLT_OPER_PROP_SET(&static_reg, epon_link, static_registration, laseroff_time_tq, ind->data.link_info.onu_laser_off_time_tq);
BCMOLT_OPER_PROP_SET(&static_reg, epon_link, static_registration, range_value_tq, ind->data.link_info.range_value_tq);
BCMOLT_OPER_PROP_SET(&static_reg, epon_link, static_registration, pending_grants, ind->data.link_info.pending_grants);
result = bcmolt_oper_submit(partner.device_id, &static_reg.hdr);
if (result != BCM_ERR_OK)
PS_ERR("Static registration failed %d\n", result);
PS_INFO("Static registration success\n");
PS_ERR("Add protected standby failed %d\n", result);
return BCM_ERR_OK;
bcmos_errno ps_process_ind_epon(const bcmolt_ps_pon *pon, const bcmolt_auto *ind)
bcmos_errno err;
bcmolt_ps_global_cfg global_cfg;
err = bcmolt_ps_global_cfg_get(&global_cfg);
if (err != BCM_ERR_OK)
return err;
PS_INFO("ps_process_ind_epon Type: %d CFG_ID: %d\n", ind->hdr.obj_type, ind->hdr.subgroup);
switch (ind->hdr.obj_type)
switch (ind->hdr.subgroup)
return ps_handle_ni_no_reports(&global_cfg, pon, ((const bcmolt_epon_ni_no_reports *)ind));
return BCM_ERR_OK;
switch (ind->hdr.subgroup)
return ps_handle_logical_link_discovered(&global_cfg, pon, ((const bcmolt_epon_link_mpcp_discovered *)ind));
return BCM_ERR_OK;
return BCM_ERR_OK;
return BCM_ERR_OK;
bcmos_errno ps_move_to_standby_epon(const bcmolt_ps_pon *pon)
bcmolt_epon_ni_set_epon_ni_en_state set_pon_state;
bcmolt_epon_ni_key key = {};
key.epon_ni = pon->pon_id;
BCMOLT_OPER_INIT(&set_pon_state, epon_ni, set_epon_ni_en_state, key);
BCMOLT_OPER_PROP_SET(&set_pon_state, epon_ni, set_epon_ni_en_state, new_state, BCMOLT_EPON_NI_EN_STATE_PROTECTED_STANDBY);
return bcmolt_oper_submit(pon->device_id, &set_pon_state.hdr);
bcmos_errno ps_move_to_working_epon(const bcmolt_ps_pon *pon)
bcmolt_epon_ni_set_epon_ni_en_state set_pon_state;
bcmolt_epon_ni_key key = {};
key.epon_ni = pon->pon_id;
BCMOLT_OPER_INIT(&set_pon_state, epon_ni, set_epon_ni_en_state, key);
BCMOLT_OPER_PROP_SET(&set_pon_state, epon_ni, set_epon_ni_en_state, new_state, BCMOLT_EPON_NI_EN_STATE_PROTECTED_WORKING);
return bcmolt_oper_submit(pon->device_id, &set_pon_state.hdr);