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* <:copyright-BRCM:2016:DUAL/GPL:standard
* Copyright (c) 2016 Broadcom
* All Rights Reserved
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed
* to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* (the "GPL"), available at,
* with the following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give
* you permission to link this software with independent modules, and
* to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your
* choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent
* module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module.
* An independent module is a module which is not derived from this
* software. The special exception does not apply to any modifications
* of the software.
* Not withstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine
* this software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided
* under a license other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior
* written consent.
* :>
* @file bal_objs.h
* @brief The file provides an enumeration of all BAL objects
#ifndef BALOBJS_H
#define BALOBJS_H
#include <bcmolt_host_api.h>
#include "bal_common.h"
#include "bal_model_ids.h"
#include "bal_model_types.h"
/** \ingroup api
* @{
static char *bal_obj_str[] =
[bcmbal_obj_id_access_terminal] = "access_terminal object",
[bcmbal_obj_id_interface] = "interface object",
[bcmbal_obj_id_subscriber_terminal] = "subscriber_terminal object",
[bcmbal_obj_id_flow] = "flow object",
[bcmbal_obj_id_packet] = "packet object",
[bcmbal_obj_id_group] = "group object",
[bcmbal_obj_id_tm_sched] = "scheduler object",
[bcmbal_obj_id_tm_queue] = "queue object",
/* Ensure that the name array size matches the associated enum */
BAL_STATIC_ASSERT (BCMBAL_OBJ_ID__NUM_OF == (sizeof (bal_obj_str) / sizeof (char *)), bcmbal_obj_id);
static inline char *bcmbal_objtype_str(bcmbal_obj_id obj)
return (BCMBAL_OBJ_ID__NUM_OF >= obj) ? bal_obj_str[obj] : "unknown";
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Internal BCMBAL macros used to manipulate the BAL object elements
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Initialize request. Internal macro
* \ingroup api
* \param[in] _h Message header
* \param[in] _obj Object name (i.e. flow)
* \param[in] _grp message type
* \param[in] _subgrp message subgroup
#define _BCMBAL_REQ_INIT(_h, _obj, _grp, _subgrp) \
(_h)->obj_init_val = BCMBAL_OBJ_INIT_VAL; \
(_h)->version = BCMBAL_OBJ_VERSION; \
(_h)->status = BCM_ERR_OK; \
(_h)->presence_mask = 0; \
(_h)->obj_type = bcmbal_obj_id_ ## _obj; \
(_h)->group = _grp; \
(_h)->subgroup = _subgrp;
/** Initialize set structure
* \ingroup api
* \param[in] _s Set structure
* \param[in] _obj Object name (i.e. flow)
* \param[in] _key Object key
#define BCMBAL_CFG_INIT(_s, _obj, _key) \
do { \
bcmbal_ ## _obj ## _cfg *_x_ = _s; \
memset(_x_, 0, sizeof(*_x_)); \
_BCMBAL_REQ_INIT(&((_x_)->hdr.hdr), _obj, BCMBAL_MGT_GROUP_CFG, 0); \
(_x_)->key = _key; \
} while (0)
/** Initialize statistics structure
* \ingroup api
* \param[in] _s Statistics structure
* \param[in] _obj Object name (i.e. flow)
* \param[in] _key Object key
#define BCMBAL_STAT_INIT(_s, _obj, _key) \
do { \
bcmbal_ ## _obj ## _stat *_x_ = _s; \
memset(_x_, 0, sizeof(*_x_)); \
_BCMBAL_REQ_INIT(&((_x_)->hdr.hdr), _obj, BCMBAL_MGT_GROUP_STAT, 0); \
(_x_)->key = _key; \
} while (0)
/** Set the memory buffer to use for variable-sized lists within a cfg get
* \ingroup api
* \param[in] _s Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _buf Pointer to a location in memory in which to store the lists
* \param[in] _len Length of the buffer pointed to by _buf
#define BCMBAL_CFG_LIST_BUF_SET(_s, _obj, _buf, _len) \
do { \
bcmbal_ ## _obj ## _cfg *_x_ = _s; \
_x_->hdr.hdr.list_buf = _buf; \
_x_->hdr.hdr.list_buf_size = _len; \
} while (0)
/* Set the object progress state
* \ingroup api
* \param[in] _s Object structure
* \param[in] _p New object in-progress state: BCMOS_TRUE, or BCMOS_FALSE
#define BCMBAL_OBJ_IN_PROGRESS_SET(_s, _p) ((_s)->hdr.hdr.is_inprogress = _p )
/* Return the object progress state
* \ingroup api
* \param[in] _s Object structure
#define BCMBAL_OBJ_IN_PROGRESS_GET(_s) ((_s)->hdr.hdr.is_inprogress)
/* Internal macro: Get a bitmask given a property ID enum */
#define BCMBAL_PROP_MASK_GET(_obj, _grp, _p) \
(bcmbal_ ## _obj ## _grp ## _id_ ## _p == bcmbal_ ## _obj ## _grp ## _id_all_properties ? \
((1ULL << (uint64_t)bcmbal_ ## _obj ## _grp ## _id_ ## _p) - 1) : \
(1ULL << (uint64_t)bcmbal_ ## _obj ## _grp ## _id_ ## _p))
/* Macro: Indicate that configuration property is present - USE WITH CAUTION */
#define BCMBAL_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _grp, _p) \
do { \
(_m)->hdr.hdr.presence_mask |= BCMBAL_PROP_MASK_GET(_obj, _grp, _p); \
} while (0)
/* Internal macro: Indicate that configuration property is not present */
#define BCMBAL_PROP_CLEAR_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _grp, _p) \
do { \
(_m)->hdr.hdr.presence_mask &= ~(BCMBAL_PROP_MASK_GET(_obj, _grp, _p));\
} while (0)
/* Internal macro: check if property is present */
#define _BCMBAL_PROP_IS_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _grp, _p) \
(((_m)->hdr.hdr.presence_mask & BCMBAL_PROP_MASK_GET(_obj, _grp, _p)) ? \
/** Set configuration property in message structure
* \ingroup api
* \param[in] _m Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
* \param[in] _v Property value
#define BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(_m, _obj, _p, _v) \
do { \
BCMBAL_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _cfg, _p);\
(_m)->data._p = (_v);\
} while (0)
/** Indicate that configuration property should be read
* \ingroup api
* \param[in] _m Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_GET(_m, _obj, _p) BCMBAL_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _cfg, _p)
/** clear object property in message structure
* \ingroup api
* \param[in] _m Object structure pointer
* \param[in] _obj Object name (i.e. flow)
* \param[in] _p Attribute name (i.e. admin_state)
#define BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_CLEAR(_m, _obj, _p) \
do { \
BCMBAL_PROP_CLEAR_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _cfg, _p); \
memset(&((_m)->data._p), 0, sizeof((_m)->data._p)); \
} while (0)
/** Check if configuration property is set in message structure
* \ingroup api
* \param[in] _m Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(_m, _obj, _p) _BCMBAL_PROP_IS_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _cfg, _p)
/** Indicate that statistic property should be read
* \ingroup api
* \param[in] _m Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMBAL_STAT_PROP_GET(_m, _obj, _p) BCMBAL_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _stat, _p)
/** Check if statistic property is set in message structure
* \ingroup api
* \param[in] _m Statistic structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMBAL_STAT_PROP_IS_SET(_m, _obj, _p) _BCMBAL_PROP_IS_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _stat, _p)
** Macros for setting attribute values where an attribute supports a presence_mask
/* Internal macro: Get a bitmask given a attribute element property ID enum */
#define BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_MASK_GET(_attr, _p) bcmbal_ ## _attr ## _id_ ## _p
/* Internal macro: Indicate that configuration property is present */
#define _BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_SET_PRESENT(p_attr, _attr,_p) \
do { \
(p_attr)->presence_mask |= BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_MASK_GET(_attr, _p); \
} while (0)
/* Internal macro: Indicate that configuration property is not present */
#define _BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_CLEAR_PRESENT(p_attr, _attr,_p) \
do { \
(p_attr)->presence_mask &= ~(BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_MASK_GET(_attr, _p)); \
} while (0)
/** Set attribute element property in message structure
* \param[in] _p_attr Attribute structure pointer
* \param[in] _attr Attribute name
* \param[in] _p Element name (i.e. o_tpid)
* \param[in] _v Element value
#define BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_SET(_p_attr, _attr, _p, _v) \
do { \
(_p_attr)->_p = (_v); \
} while (0)
/** Clear attribute element property in message structure
* \param[in] _p_attr Attribute structure pointer
* \param[in] _attr Attribute name
* \param[in] _p Element name (i.e. o_tpid)
#define BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_CLEAR(_p_attr, _attr, _p) \
do { \
memset(&((_p_attr)->_p), 0, sizeof((_p_attr)->_p)); \
} while (0)
/* Internal macro: check if an attribute element is present */
#define _BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_IS_PRESENT(_p_attr, _attr, _p) \
(((_p_attr)->presence_mask & BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_MASK_GET(_attr, _p)) ? \
/** Check if attribute element property is set in message structure
* \param[in] _p_attr Attribute structure pointer
* \param[in] _attr Attribute name
* \param[in] _p Element name (i.e. o_tpid)
#define BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_IS_SET(_p_attr, _attr, _p) _BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_IS_PRESENT(_p_attr, _attr, _p)
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Internal BCMBAL macros used to manipulate cmds_bitmask of action parameters
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Check if action cmd id is set in action structure
* \param[in] _m Object structure pointer
* \param[in] _b cmd Id bitmask
#define BCMBAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_IS_SET(_m, _b) \
(((_m)->cmds_bitmask & (_b)) ? \
/** Set action cmd id in action structure
* \param[in] _m Object structure pointer
* \param[in] _b cmd Id bitmask
#define BCMBAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_SET(_m, _b) \
do { \
(_m)->cmds_bitmask |= (_b);\
} while (0)
/** Clear action cmd id in action structure
* \param[in] _m Object structure pointer
* \param[in] _b cmd Id bitmask
#define BCMBAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_CLEAR(_m, _b) \
do { \
(_m)->cmds_bitmask &= ~(_b);\
} while (0)
static inline void bcmbal_flow_object_overlay_w_src_priority(bcmbal_flow_cfg *dstobj, bcmbal_flow_cfg *srcobj)
BUG_ON(NULL == dstobj);
BUG_ON(NULL == srcobj);
bcmbal_presence_mask dest_presence_mask;
/* First, copy the common object and keys in their entirety, except for preserving the presence_mask */
dest_presence_mask = dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask;
dstobj->hdr = srcobj->hdr;
dstobj->key = srcobj->key;
dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask = dest_presence_mask;
/* Now copy only the fields that have been specified in the source object */
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, admin_state))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, admin_state, srcobj->data.admin_state);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, access_int_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, access_int_id, srcobj->data.access_int_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, network_int_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, network_int_id, srcobj->data.network_int_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, sub_term_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, sub_term_id, srcobj->data.sub_term_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, svc_port_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, svc_port_id, srcobj->data.svc_port_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, agg_port_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, agg_port_id, srcobj->data.agg_port_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, resolve_mac))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, resolve_mac, srcobj->data.resolve_mac);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, queue))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, queue, srcobj->data.queue);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, action))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, action, srcobj->data.action);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, classifier))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, classifier, srcobj->data.classifier);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, sla))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, sla, srcobj->data.sla);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, group_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, group_id, srcobj->data.group_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, cookie))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, cookie, srcobj->data.cookie);
static inline void bcmbal_flow_object_overlay_w_dst_priority(bcmbal_flow_cfg *dstobj, bcmbal_flow_cfg *srcobj)
BUG_ON(NULL == dstobj);
BUG_ON(NULL == srcobj);
bcmbal_presence_mask dest_presence_mask;
/* First, copy the common object and keys in their entirety,
* except for preserving the presence_mask */
dest_presence_mask = dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask;
dstobj->hdr = srcobj->hdr;
dstobj->key = srcobj->key;
dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask = dest_presence_mask;
/* Now copy only the fields that have been specified in the source and are not already set in the dst object */
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, admin_state))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, flow, admin_state))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, admin_state, srcobj->data.admin_state);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, access_int_id))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, flow, access_int_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, access_int_id, srcobj->data.access_int_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, network_int_id))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, flow, network_int_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, network_int_id, srcobj->data.network_int_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, sub_term_id))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, flow, sub_term_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, sub_term_id, srcobj->data.sub_term_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, svc_port_id))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, flow, svc_port_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, svc_port_id, srcobj->data.svc_port_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, agg_port_id))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, flow, agg_port_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, agg_port_id, srcobj->data.agg_port_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, resolve_mac))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, flow, resolve_mac))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, resolve_mac, srcobj->data.resolve_mac);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, queue))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, flow, queue))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, queue, srcobj->data.queue);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, action))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, flow, action))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, action, srcobj->data.action);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, classifier))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, flow, classifier))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, classifier, srcobj->data.classifier);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, sla))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, flow, sla))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, sla, srcobj->data.sla);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, group_id))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, flow, group_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, group_id, srcobj->data.group_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, flow, cookie))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, flow, cookie))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, flow, cookie, srcobj->data.cookie);
static inline void bcmbal_sub_term_object_overlay_w_src_priority(bcmbal_subscriber_terminal_cfg *dstobj,
bcmbal_subscriber_terminal_cfg *srcobj)
BUG_ON(NULL == dstobj);
BUG_ON(NULL == srcobj);
bcmbal_presence_mask dest_presence_mask;
/* First, copy the common object and keys in their entirety, except for preserving the presence_mask */
dest_presence_mask = dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask;
dstobj->hdr = srcobj->hdr;
dstobj->key = srcobj->key;
dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask = dest_presence_mask;
/* Now copy only the fields that have been specified in the source object */
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, admin_state))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, admin_state, srcobj->data.admin_state);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, serial_number))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, serial_number, srcobj->data.serial_number);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, password))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, password, srcobj->data.password);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, registration_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, registration_id, srcobj->data.registration_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, svc_port_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, svc_port_id, srcobj->data.svc_port_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, ds_tm))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, ds_tm, srcobj->data.ds_tm);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, us_tm))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, us_tm, srcobj->data.us_tm);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, mac_address))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, mac_address, srcobj->data.mac_address);
static inline void bcmbal_sub_term_object_overlay_w_dst_priority(bcmbal_subscriber_terminal_cfg *dstobj,
bcmbal_subscriber_terminal_cfg *srcobj)
BUG_ON(NULL == dstobj);
BUG_ON(NULL == srcobj);
bcmbal_presence_mask dest_presence_mask;
/* First, copy the common object and keys in their entirety, except for preserving the presence_mask */
dest_presence_mask = dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask;
dstobj->hdr = srcobj->hdr;
dstobj->key = srcobj->key;
dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask = dest_presence_mask;
/* Now copy only the fields that have been specified in the source object */
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, admin_state))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, admin_state))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, admin_state, srcobj->data.admin_state);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, serial_number))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, serial_number))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, serial_number, srcobj->data.serial_number);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, password))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, password))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, password, srcobj->data.password);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, registration_id))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, registration_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, registration_id, srcobj->data.registration_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, svc_port_id))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, svc_port_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, svc_port_id, srcobj->data.svc_port_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, ds_tm))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, ds_tm))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, ds_tm, srcobj->data.ds_tm);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, us_tm))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, us_tm))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, us_tm, srcobj->data.us_tm);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, subscriber_terminal, mac_address))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, mac_address))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, subscriber_terminal, mac_address, srcobj->data.mac_address);
static inline void bcmbal_tm_sched_object_overlay_w_src_priority(bcmbal_tm_sched_cfg *dstobj, bcmbal_tm_sched_cfg *srcobj)
BUG_ON(NULL == dstobj);
BUG_ON(NULL == srcobj);
bcmbal_presence_mask dest_presence_mask;
/* First, copy the common object and keys in their entirety, except for preserving the presence_mask */
dest_presence_mask = dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask;
dstobj->hdr = srcobj->hdr;
dstobj->key = srcobj->key;
dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask = dest_presence_mask;
/* Now copy only the fields that have been specified in the source object */
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_sched, owner))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, owner, srcobj->data.owner);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_sched, sched_type))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, sched_type, srcobj->data.sched_type);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_sched, sched_parent))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, sched_parent, srcobj->data.sched_parent);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_sched, sched_child_type))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, sched_child_type, srcobj->data.sched_child_type);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_sched, rate))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, rate, srcobj->data.rate);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_sched, tcont_sla))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, tcont_sla, srcobj->data.tcont_sla);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_sched, creation_mode))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, creation_mode, srcobj->data.creation_mode);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_sched, num_priorities))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, num_priorities, srcobj->data.num_priorities);
static inline void bcmbal_tm_sched_object_overlay_w_dst_priority(bcmbal_tm_sched_cfg *dstobj, bcmbal_tm_sched_cfg *srcobj)
BUG_ON(NULL == dstobj);
BUG_ON(NULL == srcobj);
bcmbal_presence_mask dest_presence_mask;
/* First, copy the common object and keys in their entirety,
* except for preserving the presence_mask */
dest_presence_mask = dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask;
dstobj->hdr = srcobj->hdr;
dstobj->key = srcobj->key;
dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask = dest_presence_mask;
/* Now copy only the fields that have been specified in the source and are not already set in the dst object */
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_sched, owner))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, owner))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, owner, srcobj->data.owner);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_sched, sched_type))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, sched_type))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, sched_type, srcobj->data.sched_type);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_sched, sched_parent))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, sched_parent))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, sched_parent, srcobj->data.sched_parent);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_sched, sched_child_type))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, sched_child_type))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, sched_child_type, srcobj->data.sched_child_type);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_sched, rate))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, rate))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, rate, srcobj->data.rate);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_sched, tcont_sla))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, tcont_sla))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, tcont_sla, srcobj->data.tcont_sla);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_sched, creation_mode))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, creation_mode))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_sched, creation_mode, srcobj->data.creation_mode);
static inline void bcmbal_tm_queue_object_overlay(bcmbal_tm_queue_cfg *dstobj, bcmbal_tm_queue_cfg *srcobj)
BUG_ON(NULL == dstobj);
BUG_ON(NULL == srcobj);
bcmbal_presence_mask dest_presence_mask;
/* First, copy the common object and keys in their entirety, except for preserving the presence_mask */
dest_presence_mask = dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask;
dstobj->hdr = srcobj->hdr;
dstobj->key = srcobj->key;
dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask = dest_presence_mask;
/* Now copy only the fields that have been specified in the source object */
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_queue, priority))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_queue, priority, srcobj->data.priority);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_queue, weight))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_queue, weight, srcobj->data.weight);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_queue, rate))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_queue, rate, srcobj->data.rate);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, tm_queue, bac))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, tm_queue, bac, srcobj->data.bac);
static inline bcmos_errno bal_obj_key_str_get(bcmbal_obj *obj, char *p_obj_key_str)
BUG_ON(NULL == p_obj_key_str);
bcmos_errno ret = BCM_ERR_OK;
switch (obj->obj_type)
sprintf(p_obj_key_str, "unit:%d",
((bcmbal_access_terminal_cfg *)obj)->key.access_term_id);
sprintf(p_obj_key_str, "intf_id:%d, type:%s",
((bcmbal_interface_cfg *)obj)->key.intf_id,
((bcmbal_interface_cfg *)obj)->key.intf_type == BCMBAL_INTF_TYPE_NNI ? "NNI" :
((bcmbal_interface_cfg *)obj)->key.intf_type == BCMBAL_INTF_TYPE_PON ? "PON" :
sprintf(p_obj_key_str, "sub_term_id:%d, intf_id:%d",
((bcmbal_subscriber_terminal_cfg *)obj)->key.sub_term_id,
((bcmbal_subscriber_terminal_cfg *)obj)->key.intf_id);
sprintf(p_obj_key_str, "flow_id:%d, type:%s",
((bcmbal_flow_cfg *)obj)->key.flow_id,
((bcmbal_flow_cfg *)obj)->key.flow_type == BCMBAL_FLOW_TYPE_UPSTREAM ? "upstream" :
((bcmbal_flow_cfg *)obj)->key.flow_type == BCMBAL_FLOW_TYPE_DOWNSTREAM ? "downstream" :
((bcmbal_flow_cfg *)obj)->key.flow_type == BCMBAL_FLOW_TYPE_BROADCAST ? "broadcast" :
((bcmbal_flow_cfg *)obj)->key.flow_type == BCMBAL_FLOW_TYPE_MULTICAST ? "multicast" :
sprintf(p_obj_key_str, "group_id:%d",
((bcmbal_group_cfg *)obj)->key.group_id);
sprintf(p_obj_key_str, "dir:%s, id:%d",
((bcmbal_tm_sched_cfg *)obj)->key.dir == BCMBAL_TM_SCHED_DIR_US ? "upstream" :
((bcmbal_tm_sched_cfg *)obj)->key.dir == BCMBAL_TM_SCHED_DIR_DS ? "downstream" :
((bcmbal_tm_sched_cfg *)obj)->
sprintf(p_obj_key_str, "sched_id:%d, sched_dir:%s, id:%d",
((bcmbal_tm_queue_cfg *)obj)->key.sched_id,
((bcmbal_tm_queue_cfg *)obj)->key.sched_dir == BCMBAL_TM_SCHED_DIR_US ? "upstream" :
((bcmbal_tm_queue_cfg *)obj)->key.sched_dir == BCMBAL_TM_SCHED_DIR_DS ? "downstream" :
((bcmbal_tm_queue_cfg *)obj)->
sprintf(p_obj_key_str, " ");
sprintf(p_obj_key_str, " ");
return ret;
static inline void bcmbal_interface_object_overlay_w_dst_priority(bcmbal_interface_cfg *dstobj, bcmbal_interface_cfg *srcobj)
BUG_ON(NULL == dstobj);
BUG_ON(NULL == srcobj);
bcmbal_presence_mask dest_presence_mask;
/* First, copy the common object and keys in their entirety,
* except for preserving the presence_mask */
dest_presence_mask = dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask;
dstobj->hdr = srcobj->hdr;
dstobj->key = srcobj->key;
dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask = dest_presence_mask;
/* Now copy only the fields that have been specified in the source and are not already set in the dst object */
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, admin_state))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, interface, admin_state))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, admin_state, srcobj->data.admin_state);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, min_data_agg_port_id))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, interface, min_data_agg_port_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, min_data_agg_port_id, srcobj->data.min_data_agg_port_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, min_data_svc_port_id))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, interface, min_data_svc_port_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, min_data_svc_port_id, srcobj->data.min_data_svc_port_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, transceiver_type))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, interface, transceiver_type))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, transceiver_type, srcobj->data.transceiver_type);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, ds_miss_mode))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, interface, ds_miss_mode))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, ds_miss_mode, srcobj->data.ds_miss_mode);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, mtu))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, interface, mtu))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, mtu, srcobj->data.mtu);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, flow_control))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, interface, flow_control))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, flow_control, srcobj->data.flow_control);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, ds_tm))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, interface, ds_tm))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, ds_tm, srcobj->data.ds_tm);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, us_tm))
if(!BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(dstobj, interface, us_tm))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, us_tm, srcobj->data.us_tm);
static inline void bcmbal_interface_object_overlay_w_src_priority(bcmbal_interface_cfg *dstobj,
bcmbal_interface_cfg *srcobj)
BUG_ON(NULL == dstobj);
BUG_ON(NULL == srcobj);
bcmbal_presence_mask dest_presence_mask;
/* First, copy the common object and keys in their entirety, except for preserving the presence_mask */
dest_presence_mask = dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask;
dstobj->hdr = srcobj->hdr;
dstobj->key = srcobj->key;
dstobj->hdr.hdr.presence_mask = dest_presence_mask;
/* Now copy only the fields that have been specified in the source object */
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, admin_state))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, admin_state, srcobj->data.admin_state);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, min_data_agg_port_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, min_data_agg_port_id, srcobj->data.min_data_agg_port_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, min_data_svc_port_id))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, min_data_svc_port_id, srcobj->data.min_data_svc_port_id);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, transceiver_type))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, transceiver_type, srcobj->data.transceiver_type);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, ds_miss_mode))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, ds_miss_mode, srcobj->data.ds_miss_mode);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, mtu))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, mtu, srcobj->data.mtu);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, flow_control))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, flow_control, srcobj->data.flow_control);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, ds_tm))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, ds_tm, srcobj->data.ds_tm);
if(BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(srcobj, interface, us_tm))
BCMBAL_CFG_PROP_SET(dstobj, interface, us_tm, srcobj->data.us_tm);
#endif /* BALOBJS_H */