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All Rights Reserved
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agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed
to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
(the "GPL"), available at,
with the following added to such license:
As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give
you permission to link this software with independent modules, and
to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your
choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent
module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module.
An independent module is a module which is not derived from this
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Not withstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine
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written consent.
#include "bcmos_system.h"
typedef struct ht_block ht_block;
struct ht_block
ht_block *next_chain;
typedef struct
uint16_t obj_len;
uint8_t key_len;
uint32_t data_offset;
uint32_t ht_lookup_tbl_entries;
uint32_t ht_max_data_entries;
bcmos_blk_pool key_data_pool;
ht_block *look_up_entries_tbl;
uint32_t ht_cur_entries;
} hash_table;
typedef struct
const hash_table *ht;
uint32_t cur_idx;
ht_block *cur_block;
bcmos_bool removed_at;
bcmos_bool still_valid;
} ht_iterator;
/** Create a hash table
* \param[in] max_data_entries Maximum entries the hash table needs to hold
* \param[in] entry_size Size of each entry in bytes
* \param[in] key_size Size of each key in bytes
* \param[in] pool_name Friendly name to identify the hash table's memory pool
* \return pointer to newly created hash table
hash_table *hash_table_create(uint32_t max_data_entries,
uint16_t entry_size,
uint8_t key_size,
char *pool_name);
/** Removes all entries from a HashTable.
* \param[in] ht Hash table to remove all entries from
void hash_table_clear(hash_table *ht);
/** Gets a pointer to an entry within the hash table (if exists)
* \param[in] ht Hashtable in question
* \param[in] key Key to look for.
* \return Non null if we found a data item associated with KEY.
void *hash_table_get(const hash_table *ht, const uint8_t *key);
/** Returns pointers to the key and value that an iterator is pointing at. Warning: key may not be uint32_t aligned.
* this use ht_iterator_remove_at
* \param[in] hti Iterator
* \param[in] key Pointer to key to fill
* \param[in] obj Pointer to obj to fill.
void ht_iterator_deref(const ht_iterator *hti, uint8_t **key, void **obj);
/** Get an interator for traversing a hashtable.
* \param[in] ht Hashtable to traverse
* \return The iterator.
ht_iterator ht_iterator_get(const hash_table *ht);
/** Get an interator for traversing a hashtable based on an entry's key.
* \param[in] ht Hashtable to traverse
* \param[in] key key of entry to return
* \return The iterator.
ht_iterator ht_iterator_get_by_key(const hash_table *ht, const uint8_t *key);
/** Advances a HashTable iterator to the next location within the HashTable.
* \param[in] it Iterator to advance
* \return TRUE if there was a next element
bcmos_bool ht_iterator_next(ht_iterator *it);
/** Deletes the entry where the iterator points to and advances the iterator returning whether the advance worked or
* not.
* \param[in] ht Writable reference to the hash table (the iterator only has read permission)
* \param[in] it Itreator pointing at entry to delete.
void ht_iterator_remove_at(hash_table *ht, ht_iterator *it);
/** Attempts to associate key with val in the hash table. If key already exists overwrites what was at key with val.
* Otherwise allocates an entry within the hashtable for key and copies val into it.
* \param[in] ht Hashtable to add or modify
* \param[in] key Key to try and associate with val.
* \param[in] val Val to associate
* \return NULL if fail, else pointer to just added block.
void *hash_table_put(hash_table *ht, const uint8_t *key, const void *val);
/** Removes an entry (if exists) from the hash table.
* \param[in] ht HashTable to remove from.
* \param[in] key Key to remove
* \return BCMOS_TRUE if anything was removed, otherwise BCMOS_FALSE.
bcmos_bool hash_table_remove(hash_table *ht, const uint8_t *key);
#endif /* Hash.h */