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As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give
you permission to link this software with independent modules, and
to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your
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#ifndef BCMOLT_API_H_
#define BCMOLT_API_H_
#include <bcmos_system.h>
#include <bcmolt_msg.h>
/** \defgroup api BCM6862x Host API
* Data Types, functions and macros that should be used for BCM6862x device management.
* @{
/** \defgroup api_macros Message Access Macros
* @{
* Message Initialization Macros
/* Initialize request. Internal macro
* \param[in] _h Message header
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _grp message type
* \param[in] _subgrp message subgroup
#define _BCMOLT_REQ_INIT(_h, _obj, _grp, _subgrp) \
(_h)->hdr.dir = BCMOLT_MSG_DIR_REQUEST;\
(_h)->hdr.err = BCM_ERR_OK;\
(_h)->hdr.presence_mask = 0;\
(_h)->hdr.obj_type = bcmolt_obj_id_ ## _obj;\
(_h)-> = _grp;\
(_h)->hdr.subgroup = (uint16_t)_subgrp;\
(_h)->hdr.corr_tag = 0
/** Initialize configuration structure
* \param[in] _s Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _key Object key
#define BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(_s, _obj, _key) \
do {\
bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _cfg *_x_ = _s;\
memset(_x_, 0, sizeof(*_x_));\
_BCMOLT_REQ_INIT(&((_x_)->hdr), _obj, BCMOLT_MGT_GROUP_CFG, 0);\
(_x_)->key = _key;\
} while (0)
/** Initialize statistics structure
* \param[in] _s Statistics structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _key Object key
#define BCMOLT_STAT_INIT(_s, _obj, _key) \
do {\
bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _stat *_x_ = _s;\
memset(_x_, 0, sizeof(*_x_));\
_BCMOLT_REQ_INIT(&((_x_)->hdr), _obj, BCMOLT_MGT_GROUP_STAT, 0);\
(_x_)->key = _key;\
} while (0)
/** Initialize statistic configuration structure
* \param[in] _s Statistics configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _stat Statistic counter name
* \param[in] _key Object key
#define BCMOLT_STAT_CFG_INIT(_s, _obj, _stat, _key) \
do {\
bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _stat_cfg *_x_ = _s;\
memset(_x_, 0, sizeof(*_x_));\
_BCMOLT_REQ_INIT(&((_x_)->hdr), _obj, BCMOLT_MGT_GROUP_STAT_CFG, bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _stat_id_ ## _stat);\
(_x_)->key = _key;\
} while (0)
/** Initialize indication configuration structure
* \param[in] _s Indication configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _key Object key
#define BCMOLT_AUTO_CFG_INIT(_s, _obj, _key) \
do {\
bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _auto_cfg *_x_ = _s;\
memset(_x_, 0, sizeof(*_x_));\
_BCMOLT_REQ_INIT(&((_x_)->hdr), _obj, BCMOLT_MGT_GROUP_AUTO_CFG, 0);\
(_x_)->key = _key;\
} while (0)
/** Initialize operation structure
* \param[in] _s Operation structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _op Operation type
* \param[in] _key Object key
#define BCMOLT_OPER_INIT(_s, _obj, _op, _key) \
do {\
bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _ ## _op *_x_ = _s;\
memset(_x_, 0, sizeof(*_x_));\
_BCMOLT_REQ_INIT(&((_x_)->hdr), _obj, BCMOLT_MGT_GROUP_OPER, bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _oper_id_ ## _op);\
(_x_)->key = _key;\
} while (0)
/** Initialize proxy message structure
* \param[in] _s Operation structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _m Proxy message type
* \param[in] _key Object key
#define BCMOLT_PROXY_INIT(_s, _obj, _m, _key) \
do {\
bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _ ## _m *_x_ = _s;\
memset(_x_, 0, sizeof(*_x_));\
_BCMOLT_REQ_INIT(&((_x_)->hdr), _obj, BCMOLT_MGT_GROUP_PROXY, bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _proxy_id_ ## _m);\
(_x_)->key = _key;\
} while (0)
/** Initialize autonomous indication structure
* \param[in] _s Autonomous indication structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _au Autonomous indication type
#define BCMOLT_AUTO_INIT(_s, _obj, _au) \
do {\
bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _ ## _au *_x_ = _s;\
_BCMOLT_REQ_INIT(&((_x_)->hdr), _obj, BCMOLT_MGT_GROUP_AUTO, bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _auto_id_ ## _au);\
_x_->hdr.hdr.subch = 0;\
_x_->hdr.hdr.presence_mask = (1ULL << (uint64_t)bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _ ## _au ## _id_all_properties) - 1;\
} while (0)
/** Initialize proxy_rx structure
* \param[in] _s Proxy rx message structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _pr Proxy message type
#define BCMOLT_PROXY_RX_INIT(_s, _obj, _pr) \
do {\
bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _ ## _pr *_x_ = _s;\
_BCMOLT_REQ_INIT(&((_x_)->hdr), _obj, BCMOLT_MGT_GROUP_PROXY_RX, bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _proxy_rx_id_ ## _pr);\
_x_->hdr.hdr.subch = 0;\
_x_->hdr.hdr.presence_mask = (1ULL << (uint64_t)bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _ ## _pr ## _id_all_properties) - 1;\
} while (0)
/** Set the memory buffer to use for variable-sized lists within a cfg get
* \param[in] _s Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _buf Pointer to a location in memory in which to store the lists
* \param[in] _len Length of the buffer pointed to by _buf
#define BCMOLT_CFG_LIST_BUF_SET(_s, _obj, _buf, _len) \
do {\
bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _cfg *_x_ = _s;\
_x_->hdr.hdr.list_buf = _buf;\
_x_->hdr.hdr.list_buf_size = _len;\
} while (0)
/* Internal macro: Get a bitmask given a property ID enum */
#define BCMOLT_PROP_MASK_GET(_obj, _grp, _p) \
(bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _grp ## _id_ ## _p == bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _grp ## _id_all_properties ? \
((1ULL << (uint64_t)bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _grp ## _id_ ## _p) - 1) : \
(1ULL << (uint64_t)bcmolt_ ## _obj ## _grp ## _id_ ## _p))
/* Internal macro: Indicate that configuration property is present */
#define _BCMOLT_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _grp, _p) \
do { \
(_m)->hdr.hdr.presence_mask |= BCMOLT_PROP_MASK_GET(_obj, _grp, _p);\
} while (0)
/* Internal macro: check if property is present */
#define _BCMOLT_PROP_IS_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _grp, _p) \
(((_m)->hdr.hdr.presence_mask & BCMOLT_PROP_MASK_GET(_obj, _grp, _p)) ? \
/** Set configuration property in message structure
* \param[in] _m Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
* \param[in] _v Property value
#define BCMOLT_CFG_PROP_SET(_m, _obj, _p, _v) \
do { \
_BCMOLT_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _cfg, _p);\
(_m)->data._p = (_v);\
} while (0)
/** Indicate that configuration property should be read
* \param[in] _m Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMOLT_CFG_PROP_GET(_m, _obj, _p) _BCMOLT_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _cfg, _p)
/** Check if configuration property is set in message structure
* \param[in] _m Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMOLT_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(_m, _obj, _p) _BCMOLT_PROP_IS_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _cfg, _p)
/** Indicate that statistic property should be read
* \param[in] _m Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMOLT_STAT_PROP_GET(_m, _obj, _p) _BCMOLT_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _stat, _p)
/** Check if statistic property is set in message structure
* \param[in] _m Statistic structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMOLT_STAT_PROP_IS_SET(_m, _obj, _p) _BCMOLT_PROP_IS_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _stat, _p)
/** Set operation property in message structure
* \param[in] _m Operation structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _op Operation
* \param[in] _p Property name
* \param[in] _v Property value
#define BCMOLT_OPER_PROP_SET(_m, _obj, _op, _p, _v) \
do { \
_BCMOLT_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _ ## _op, _p);\
(_m)->data._p = (_v);\
} while (0)
/** Check if operation property is set in message structure
* \param[in] _m Operation structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _op Operation
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMOLT_OPER_PROP_IS_SET(_m, _obj, _op, _p) _BCMOLT_PROP_IS_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _op, _p)
/** Indicate that autonomous message configuration property should be read
* \param[in] _m Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMOLT_AUTO_CFG_PROP_GET(_m, _obj, _p) _BCMOLT_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _auto_cfg, _p)
/** Set autonomous message configuration property in message structure
* \param[in] _m Operation structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
* \param[in] _v Property value
#define BCMOLT_AUTO_CFG_PROP_SET(_m, _obj, _p, _v) \
do { \
_BCMOLT_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _auto_cfg, _p);\
(_m)->data._p = (_v);\
} while (0)
/** Check if autonomous message configuration property is set in message structure
* \param[in] _m Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMOLT_AUTO_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(_m, _obj, _p) _BCMOLT_PROP_IS_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _auto_cfg, _p)
/** Set statistic configuration property in message structure
* \param[in] _m Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
* \param[in] _v Property value
#define BCMOLT_STAT_CFG_PROP_SET(_m, _obj, _p, _v) \
do { \
_BCMOLT_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _stat_cfg, _p);\
(_m)->data._p = (_v);\
} while (0)
/** Check if statistic configuration property is set in message structure
* \param[in] _m Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMOLT_STAT_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(_m, _obj, _p) _BCMOLT_PROP_IS_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _stat_cfg, _p)
/** Set proxy message property in message structure
* \param[in] _m Configuration structure
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _grp Proxy message type
* \param[in] _p Property name
* \param[in] _v Property value
#define BCMOLT_PROXY_PROP_SET(_m, _obj, _grp, _p, _v) \
do { \
_BCMOLT_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _ ## _grp, _p);\
(_m)->data._p = (_v);\
} while (0)
/** \defgroup multi_api_func Multi-object property access macros
* @{
* Macros for multi-object configuration and statistics retrieval
/* Internal macro: Indicate that configuration property is present */
#define _BCMOLT_MSGSET_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_set, _obj, _grp, _p) \
do { \
(_set)->presence_mask |= BCMOLT_PROP_MASK_GET(_obj, _grp, _p);\
} while (0)
/* Internal macro: check if property is present */
#define _BCMOLT_MSGSET_PROP_IS_PRESENT(_set, _obj, _grp, _p) \
(((_set)->presence_mask & BCMOLT_PROP_MASK_GET(_obj, _grp, _p)) ? \
/** Indicate that configuration property should be read
* \param[in] _set Message set
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMOLT_MSGSET_CFG_PROP_GET(_set, _obj, _p) _BCMOLT_MSGSET_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_set, _obj, _cfg, _p)
/** Check if configuration property is set in message set
* \param[in] _set Message set
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMOLT_MSGSET_CFG_PROP_IS_SET(_set, _obj, _p) _BCMOLT_MSGSET_PROP_IS_PRESENT(_set, _obj, _cfg, _p)
/** Indicate that statistic should be read
* \param[in] _set Message set
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMOLT_MSGSET_STAT_PROP_GET(_set, _obj, _p) _BCMOLT_MSGSET_PROP_SET_PRESENT(_set, _obj, _stat, _p)
/** Check if statistic property is set in message set
* \param[in] _set Message set
* \param[in] _obj Object type
* \param[in] _p Property name
#define BCMOLT_MSGSET_STAT_PROP_IS_SET(_set, _obj, _p) _BCMOLT_MSGSET_PROP_IS_PRESENT(_m, _obj, _stat, _p)
/** @} */
/** @} */
/** \defgroup api_func API Functions
* @{
typedef void (*system_mode_change_cb)(bcmolt_devid dev);
extern system_mode_change_cb sm_change_cb;
/** Set Configuration
* \param[in] dev Device id
* \param[in] cfg Configuration
* \returns error code
bcmos_errno bcmolt_cfg_set(bcmolt_devid dev, bcmolt_cfg *cfg);
/** Get Configuration
* \param[in] dev Device id
* \param[in] cfg Configuration
* \returns error code
* The error code can indicate local or remote failure
bcmos_errno bcmolt_cfg_get(bcmolt_devid dev, bcmolt_cfg *cfg);
/** Clear Configuration
* \param[in] dev Device id
* \param[in] cfg Configuration
* \returns error code
* The error code can indicate local or remote failure
bcmos_errno bcmolt_cfg_clear(bcmolt_devid dev, bcmolt_cfg *cfg);
/** Get Statistics
* \param[in] dev Device id
* \param[in] stat Configuration
* \param[in] flags Flags
* \returns error code
* The error code can indicate local or remote failure
bcmos_errno bcmolt_stat_get(bcmolt_devid dev, bcmolt_stat *stat, bcmolt_stat_flags flags);
/** Get Statistics Configuration
* \param[in] dev Device id
* \param[in] cfg Configuration
* \returns error code
* The error code can indicate local or remote failure
bcmos_errno bcmolt_stat_cfg_get(bcmolt_devid dev, bcmolt_stat_cfg *cfg);
/** Set Statistics Configuration
* \param[in] dev Device id
* \param[in] cfg Configuration
* \returns error code
* The error code can indicate local or remote failure
bcmos_errno bcmolt_stat_cfg_set(bcmolt_devid dev, bcmolt_stat_cfg *cfg);
/** Get Indication Configuration
* \param[in] dev Device id
* \param[in] cfg Configuration
* \returns error code
* The error code can indicate local or remote failure
bcmos_errno bcmolt_auto_cfg_get(bcmolt_devid dev, bcmolt_auto_cfg *cfg);
/** Set Indication Configuration
* \param[in] dev Device id
* \param[in] cfg Configuration
* \returns error code
* The error code can indicate local or remote failure
bcmos_errno bcmolt_auto_cfg_set(bcmolt_devid dev, bcmolt_auto_cfg *cfg);
/** Submit Operation
* \param[in] dev Device id
* \param[in] oper Operation
* \returns error code
bcmos_errno bcmolt_oper_submit(bcmolt_devid dev, bcmolt_oper *oper);
/** Send Message to ONU
* \param[in] dev Device id
* \param[in] msg Message to be sent
* \returns error code
bcmos_errno bcmolt_proxy_send(bcmolt_devid dev, bcmolt_proxy *msg);
/** Receive callback registration parameters */
typedef struct bcmolt_rx_cfg
bcmolt_obj_id obj_type; /**< Object type. Can be \ref BCMOLT_OBJECT_ANY */
f_bcmolt_msg_handler rx_cb; /**< Receive callback. NULL=unregister */
bcmolt_auto_flags flags; /**< Dispatch flags. Receive callback function can be called
in the context of rx task or application task,
depending on the flags */
bcmos_module_id module; /**< Target module id.
Relevant only if flags == BCMOLT_AUTO_FLAGS_DISPATCH */
uint32_t pon_ni_mask; /**< Bitmask of pon_ni interfaces the registration applies to.
0=all interfaces. Each interface is identified by (1 << pon_ni) bit */
} bcmolt_rx_cfg;
/* (Un)Register Autonomous Indication Message Handler
* \param[in] dev Device id
* \param[in] rx_cfg Receive handler configuration
* \returns error code
bcmos_errno bcmolt_auto_rx_cb_set(bcmolt_devid device, bcmolt_rx_cfg *rx_cfg);
/* (Un)Register Proxy Message Handler
* \param[in] dev Device id
* \param[in] rx_cfg Receive handler configuration
* \returns error code
bcmos_errno bcmolt_proxy_rx_cb_set(bcmolt_devid device, bcmolt_rx_cfg *rx_cfg);
/** \defgroup multi_api_func Multi-object API Functions
* @{
/* Get configuration of multiple objects
* \param[in] olt Device id
* \param[in] filter Object filter. Header of generated bcmolt_xx_cfg structure
* \param[in] filter_flags Optional filtering flags
* \param[in,out] msg_set Message set
bcmos_errno bcmolt_cfg_get_multi(bcmolt_devid olt, bcmolt_cfg *filter,
bcmolt_filter_flags filter_flags, bcmolt_msg_set *msg_set);
/** @} */
/** @} */
/** @} */
#endif /* BCMOLT_API_H_ */