blob: 7cc1eed2c7c40882f94aca6b4de25325d179c325 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package core
import (
omci ""
log ""
const (
UNI_VETH_UP_PFX = "sim_uu"
UNI_VETH_DW_PFX = "sim_ud"
NNI_VETH_UP_PFX = "sim_nu"
NNI_VETH_DW_PFX = "sim_nd"
MAX_ONUS_PER_PON = 64 // This value should be the same with the value in AdapterPlatrorm class
type Server struct {
wg *sync.WaitGroup
Olt *device.Olt
Onumap map[uint32][]*device.Onu
Ioinfos []*Ioinfo
gRPCserver *grpc.Server
gRPCAddress string
gRPCPort uint32
Vethnames []string
IndInterval int
Processes []string
EnableServer *openolt.Openolt_EnableIndicationServer
CtagMap map[string]uint32
cancel context.CancelFunc
stateRepCh chan stateReport
omciIn chan openolt.OmciIndication
omciOut chan openolt.OmciMsg
eapolIn chan *byteMsg
eapolOut chan *byteMsg
dhcpIn chan *byteMsg
dhcpOut chan *byteMsg
type Packet struct {
Info *Ioinfo
Pkt gopacket.Packet
type byteMsg struct {
IntfId uint32
OnuId uint32
Byte []byte
type stateReport struct {
device device.Device
current device.DeviceState
next device.DeviceState
func NewCore(opt *option) *Server {
// TODO: make it decent
oltid := opt.oltid
npon := opt.npon
nonus := opt.nonus
s := Server{
Olt: device.NewOlt(oltid, npon, 1),
Onumap: make(map[uint32][]*device.Onu),
Ioinfos: []*Ioinfo{},
gRPCAddress: opt.address,
gRPCPort: opt.port,
Vethnames: []string{},
IndInterval: opt.intvl,
Processes: []string{},
EnableServer: nil,
stateRepCh: make(chan stateReport, 8),
omciIn: make(chan openolt.OmciIndication, 1024),
omciOut: make(chan openolt.OmciMsg, 1024),
eapolIn: make(chan *byteMsg, 1024),
eapolOut: make(chan *byteMsg, 1024),
dhcpIn: make(chan *byteMsg, 1024),
dhcpOut: make(chan *byteMsg, 1024),
nnni := s.Olt.NumNniIntf
logger.Info("OLT ID: %d was retrieved.", s.Olt.ID)
for intfid := nnni; intfid < npon+nnni; intfid++ {
s.Onumap[intfid] = device.NewOnus(oltid, intfid, nonus, nnni)
//TODO: To be fixed because it is hardcoded
s.CtagMap = make(map[string]uint32)
for i := 0; i < MAX_ONUS_PER_PON; i++ {
oltid := s.Olt.ID
intfid := uint32(1)
sn := convB2S(device.NewSN(oltid, intfid, uint32(i)))
s.CtagMap[sn] = uint32(900 + i) // This is hard coded for BBWF
return &s
func (s *Server) Start() error {
s.wg = &sync.WaitGroup{}
logger.Debug("Start() Start")
defer func() {
logger.Debug("Start() Done")
addressport := s.gRPCAddress + ":" + strconv.Itoa(int(s.gRPCPort))
listener, gserver, err := NewGrpcServer(addressport)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to create gRPC server", err)
return err
s.gRPCserver = gserver
openolt.RegisterOpenoltServer(gserver, s)
if err := gserver.Serve(listener); err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to run gRPC server", err)
return err
return nil
func (s *Server) Stop() {
logger.Debug("Stop() Start")
defer logger.Debug("Stop() Done")
if s.gRPCserver != nil {
// Blocking
func (s *Server) Enable(sv *openolt.Openolt_EnableIndicationServer) error {
olt := s.Olt
defer func() {
for intfid, _ := range s.Onumap {
for _, onu := range s.Onumap[intfid] {
s.updateDevIntState(olt, device.OLT_INACTIVE)
logger.Debug("Enable() Done")
logger.Debug("Enable() Start")
s.EnableServer = sv
if err := s.activateOLT(*sv); err != nil {
return err
s.updateDevIntState(olt, device.OLT_PREACTIVE)
coreCtx := context.Background()
coreCtx, corecancel := context.WithCancel(coreCtx)
s.cancel = corecancel
if err := s.StartPktLoops(coreCtx, *sv); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Server) Disable() {
defer func() {
logger.Debug("Disable() Done")
logger.Debug("Disable() Start")
func (s *Server) updateDevIntState(dev device.Device, state device.DeviceState) {
current := dev.GetIntState()
s.stateRepCh <- stateReport{device: dev, current: current, next: state}
if reflect.TypeOf(dev) == reflect.TypeOf(&device.Olt{}) {
logger.Debug("OLT State updated to:%d", state)
} else if reflect.TypeOf(dev) == reflect.TypeOf(&device.Onu{}) {
logger.Debug("ONU State updated to:%d", state)
} else {
logger.Error("UpdateDevIntState () doesn't support this device: %s", reflect.TypeOf(dev))
func (s *Server) updateOnuIntState (intfid uint32, onuid uint32, state device.DeviceState) error {
onu, err := s.GetOnuByID(onuid) //TODO: IntfID should be included ?
if err != nil {
return err
s.updateDevIntState(onu, state)
return nil
func (s *Server) activateOLT(stream openolt.Openolt_EnableIndicationServer) error {
defer logger.Debug("activateOLT() Done")
logger.Debug("activateOLT() Start")
// Activate OLT
olt := s.Olt
if err := sendOltIndUp(stream, olt); err != nil {
return err
olt.OperState = "up"
logger.Info("OLT %s sent OltInd.", olt.Name)
// OLT sends Interface Indication to Adapter
if err := sendIntfInd(stream, olt); err != nil {
logger.Error("Fail to sendIntfInd: %v", err)
return err
logger.Info("OLT %s sent IntfInd.", olt.Name)
// OLT sends Operation Indication to Adapter after activating each interface
//time.Sleep(IF_UP_TIME * time.Second)
if err := sendOperInd(stream, olt); err != nil {
logger.Error("Fail to sendOperInd: %v", err)
return err
logger.Info("OLT %s sent OperInd.", olt.Name)
// OLT sends ONU Discover Indication to Adapter after ONU discovery
for intfid, _ := range s.Onumap {
device.UpdateOnusOpStatus(intfid, s.Onumap[intfid], "up")
for intfid, _ := range s.Onumap {
sendOnuDiscInd(stream, s.Onumap[intfid])
logger.Info("OLT id:%d sent ONUDiscInd.", olt.ID)
// OLT Sends OnuInd after waiting all of those ONUs up
for {
if IsAllOnuActive(s.Onumap) {
logger.Debug("All the Onus are Activated.")
for intfid, _ := range s.Onumap {
sendOnuInd(stream, s.Onumap[intfid], s.IndInterval)
logger.Info("OLT id:%d sent ONUInd.", olt.ID)
return nil
// Blocking
func (s *Server) StartPktLoops(ctx context.Context, stream openolt.Openolt_EnableIndicationServer) error {
logger.Debug("StartPktLoops () Start")
defer func() {
s.Vethnames = []string{}
s.Ioinfos = []*Ioinfo{}
s.updateDevIntState(s.Olt, device.OLT_PREACTIVE)
logger.Debug("StartPktLoops () Done")
ioinfos, veths, err := createIoinfos(s.Olt.ID, s.Vethnames, s.Onumap)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("createIoinfos failed.", err)
return err
s.Ioinfos = ioinfos
s.Vethnames = veths
logger.Debug("Created vethnames:%v", s.Vethnames)
parent := ctx
child, cancel := context.WithCancel(parent)
s.cancel = cancel
if err = s.runPktLoops(child, stream); err != nil {
logger.Error("runPktLoops failed.", err)
return err
return nil
func (s *Server) StopPktLoops() {
if s.cancel != nil {
cancel := s.cancel
func createIoinfos(oltid uint32, Vethnames []string, onumap map[uint32][]*device.Onu) ([]*Ioinfo, []string, error) {
ioinfos := []*Ioinfo{}
var err error
for intfid, _ := range onumap {
for i := 0; i < len(onumap[intfid]); i++ {
var handler *pcap.Handle
onuid := onumap[intfid][i].OnuID
uniup, unidw := makeUniName(oltid, intfid, onuid)
if handler, Vethnames, err = setupVethHandler(uniup, unidw, Vethnames); err != nil {
logger.Error("setupVethHandler failed (onuid: %d)", onuid, err)
return ioinfos, Vethnames, err
iinfo := Ioinfo{Name: uniup, iotype: "uni", ioloc: "inside", intfid: intfid, onuid: onuid, handler: handler}
ioinfos = append(ioinfos, &iinfo)
oinfo := Ioinfo{Name: unidw, iotype: "uni", ioloc: "outside", intfid: intfid, onuid: onuid, handler: nil}
ioinfos = append(ioinfos, &oinfo)
var handler *pcap.Handle
nniup, nnidw := makeNniName(oltid)
if handler, Vethnames, err = setupVethHandler(nniup, nnidw, Vethnames); err != nil {
logger.Error("setupVethHandler failed for nni", err)
return ioinfos, Vethnames, err
iinfo := Ioinfo{Name: nnidw, iotype: "nni", ioloc: "inside", intfid: 1, handler: handler}
ioinfos = append(ioinfos, &iinfo)
oinfo := Ioinfo{Name: nniup, iotype: "nni", ioloc: "outside", intfid: 1, handler: nil}
ioinfos = append(ioinfos, &oinfo)
return ioinfos, Vethnames, nil
func (s *Server) runPktLoops(ctx context.Context, stream openolt.Openolt_EnableIndicationServer) error {
logger.Debug("runPacketPktLoops Start")
defer logger.Debug("runPacketLoops Done")
errchOmci := make(chan error)
RunOmciResponder(ctx, s.omciOut, s.omciIn, errchOmci)
eg, child := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
child, cancel := context.WithCancel(child)
errchEapol := make(chan error)
RunEapolResponder(ctx, s.eapolOut, s.eapolIn, errchEapol)
errchDhcp := make(chan error)
RunDhcpResponder(ctx, s.dhcpOut, s.dhcpIn, errchDhcp)
eg.Go(func() error {
logger.Debug("runOMCIResponder Start")
defer logger.Debug("runOMCIResponder Done")
select {
case v, ok := <-errchOmci: // Wait for OmciInitialization
if ok { //Error
logger.Error("Error happend in Omci:%s", v)
return v
} else { //Close
s.updateDevIntState(s.Olt, device.OLT_ACTIVE)
case <-child.Done():
return nil
return nil
eg.Go(func() error {
logger.Debug("runEapolResponder Start")
defer logger.Debug("runEapolResponder Done")
select {
case v, ok := <-errchEapol:
if ok { //Error
logger.Error("Error happend in Eapol:%s", v)
return v
case <-child.Done():
return nil
return nil
eg.Go(func() error {
logger.Debug("runDhcpResponder Start")
defer logger.Debug("runDhcpResponder Done")
select {
case v, ok := <-errchDhcp:
if ok { //Error
logger.Error("Error happend in Dhcp:%s", v)
return v
case <-child.Done():
return nil
return nil
eg.Go(func() error {
err := s.runMainPktLoop(child, stream)
return err
if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
logger.Error("Error happend in runPacketLoops:%s", err)
return nil
func (s *Server) runMainPktLoop(ctx context.Context, stream openolt.Openolt_EnableIndicationServer) error {
unichannel := make(chan Packet, 2048)
defer func() {
logger.Debug("Closed unichannel ")
logger.Debug("runMainPktLoop Done")
for intfid, _ := range s.Onumap {
for _, onu := range s.Onumap[intfid] {
onuid := onu.OnuID
ioinfo, err := s.identifyUniIoinfo("inside", intfid, onuid)
if err != nil {
utils.LoggerWithOnu(onu).Error("Fail to identifyUniIoinfo (onuid: %d): %v", onuid, err)
return err
uhandler := ioinfo.handler
go RecvWorker(ioinfo, uhandler, unichannel)
ioinfo, err := s.IdentifyNniIoinfo("inside")
if err != nil {
return err
nhandler, nnichannel := ioinfo.handler, make(chan Packet, 32)
go RecvWorker(ioinfo, nhandler, nnichannel)
defer func() {
data := &openolt.Indication_PktInd{}
for {
select {
case msg := <-s.omciIn:
logger.Debug("OLT %d send omci indication, IF %v (ONU-ID: %v) pkt:%x.", s.Olt.ID, msg.IntfId, msg.OnuId, msg.Pkt)
omci := &openolt.Indication_OmciInd{OmciInd: &msg}
if err := stream.Send(&openolt.Indication{Data: omci}); err != nil {
logger.Error("send omci indication failed.", err)
case msg := <- s.eapolIn:
intfid := msg.IntfId
onuid := msg.OnuId
gemid, err := getGemPortID(intfid, onuid)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to getGemPortID intfid:%d onuid:%d", intfid, onuid)
logger.Debug("OLT %d send eapol packet in (upstream), IF %v (ONU-ID: %v) pkt:%x.", s.Olt.ID, intfid, onuid)
data = &openolt.Indication_PktInd{PktInd: &openolt.PacketIndication{IntfType: "pon", IntfId: intfid, GemportId: gemid, Pkt: msg.Byte}}
if err := stream.Send(&openolt.Indication{Data: data}); err != nil {
logger.Error("Fail to send EAPOL PktInd indication.", err)
return err
case msg := <- s.dhcpIn: //TODO: We should put omciIn, eapolIn, dhcpIn toghether
intfid := msg.IntfId
onuid := msg.OnuId
gemid, err := getGemPortID(intfid, onuid)
bytes := msg.Byte
pkt := gopacket.NewPacket(bytes, layers.LayerTypeEthernet, gopacket.Default)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to getGemPortID intfid:%d onuid:%d", intfid, onuid)
onu, err := s.GetOnuByID(onuid)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to GetOnuByID:%d", onuid)
sn := convB2S(onu.SerialNumber.VendorSpecific)
if ctag, ok := s.CtagMap[sn]; ok == true {
tagpkt, err := PushVLAN(pkt, uint16(ctag), onu)
if err != nil {
"gemId": gemid,
}).Error("Fail to tag C-tag")
} else {
pkt = tagpkt
} else {
"gemId": gemid,
"cTagMap": s.CtagMap,
}).Error("Could not find onuid in CtagMap", onuid, sn, s.CtagMap)
logger.Debug("OLT %d send dhcp packet in (upstream), IF %v (ONU-ID: %v) pkt:%x.", s.Olt.ID, intfid, onuid)
data = &openolt.Indication_PktInd{PktInd: &openolt.PacketIndication{IntfType: "pon", IntfId: intfid, GemportId: gemid, Pkt: msg.Byte}}
if err := stream.Send(&openolt.Indication{Data: data}); err != nil {
logger.Error("Fail to send DHCP PktInd indication.", err)
return err
case unipkt := <-unichannel:
onuid := unipkt.Info.onuid
onu, _ := s.GetOnuByID(onuid)
utils.LoggerWithOnu(onu).Debug("Received packet from UNI in grpc Server")
if unipkt.Info == nil || unipkt.Info.iotype != "uni" {
logger.Debug("WARNING: This packet does not come from UNI ")
intfid := unipkt.Info.intfid
gemid, err := getGemPortID(intfid, onuid)
if err != nil {
pkt := unipkt.Pkt
layerEth := pkt.Layer(layers.LayerTypeEthernet)
le, _ := layerEth.(*layers.Ethernet)
ethtype := le.EthernetType
if ethtype == layers.EthernetTypeEAPOL {
"gemId": gemid,
}).Info("Received upstream packet is EAPOL.")
} else if layerDHCP := pkt.Layer(layers.LayerTypeDHCPv4); layerDHCP != nil {
"gemId": gemid,
}).Info("Received upstream packet is DHCP.")
sn := convB2S(onu.SerialNumber.VendorSpecific)
if ctag, ok := s.CtagMap[sn]; ok == true {
tagpkt, err := PushVLAN(pkt, uint16(ctag), onu)
if err != nil {
"gemId": gemid,
}).Error("Fail to tag C-tag")
} else {
pkt = tagpkt
} else {
"gemId": gemid,
"cTagMap": s.CtagMap,
}).Error("Could not find onuid in CtagMap", onuid, sn, s.CtagMap)
} else {
"gemId": gemid,
}).Info("Received upstream packet is of unknow type, skipping.")
utils.LoggerWithOnu(onu).Info("sendPktInd - UNI Packet")
data = &openolt.Indication_PktInd{PktInd: &openolt.PacketIndication{IntfType: "pon", IntfId: intfid, GemportId: gemid, Pkt: pkt.Data()}}
if err := stream.Send(&openolt.Indication{Data: data}); err != nil {
logger.Error("Fail to send PktInd indication.", err)
return err
case nnipkt := <-nnichannel:
logger.Debug("Received packet from NNI")
if nnipkt.Info == nil || nnipkt.Info.iotype != "nni" {
logger.Debug("WARNING: This packet does not come from NNI ")
onuid := nnipkt.Info.onuid
onu, _ := s.GetOnuByID(onuid)
utils.LoggerWithOnu(onu).Info("Received packet from NNI in grpc Server.")
intfid := nnipkt.Info.intfid
pkt := nnipkt.Pkt
data = &openolt.Indication_PktInd{PktInd: &openolt.PacketIndication{IntfType: "nni", IntfId: intfid, Pkt: pkt.Data()}}
if err := stream.Send(&openolt.Indication{Data: data}); err != nil {
logger.Error("Fail to send PktInd indication.", err)
return err
case <-ctx.Done():
logger.Debug("Closed nnichannel ")
return nil
return nil
func (s *Server) onuPacketOut(intfid uint32, onuid uint32, rawpkt gopacket.Packet) error {
layerEth := rawpkt.Layer(layers.LayerTypeEthernet)
onu, _ := s.GetOnuByID(onuid)
if layerEth != nil {
pkt, _ := layerEth.(*layers.Ethernet)
ethtype := pkt.EthernetType
if ethtype == layers.EthernetTypeEAPOL {
utils.LoggerWithOnu(onu).Info("Received downstream packet is EAPOL.")
eapolPkt := byteMsg{IntfId:intfid, OnuId:onuid, Byte: rawpkt.Data()}
s.eapolOut <- &eapolPkt
return nil
} else if layerDHCP := rawpkt.Layer(layers.LayerTypeDHCPv4); layerDHCP != nil {
"payload": layerDHCP.LayerPayload(),
"type": layerDHCP.LayerType().String(),
}).Info("Received downstream packet is DHCP.")
rawpkt, _, _ = PopVLAN(rawpkt)
rawpkt, _, _ = PopVLAN(rawpkt)
logger.Debug("%s", rawpkt.Dump())
dhcpPkt := byteMsg{IntfId:intfid, OnuId:onuid, Byte: rawpkt.Data()}
s.dhcpOut <- &dhcpPkt
return nil
} else {
utils.LoggerWithOnu(onu).Info("WARNING: Received packet is not EAPOL or DHCP")
return nil
ioinfo, err := s.identifyUniIoinfo("inside", intfid, onuid)
if err != nil {
return err
handle := ioinfo.handler
SendUni(handle, rawpkt, onu)
return nil
utils.LoggerWithOnu(onu).Info("WARNING: Received packet does not have layerEth")
return nil
func (s *Server) uplinkPacketOut(rawpkt gopacket.Packet) error {
poppkt, _, err := PopVLAN(rawpkt)
poppkt, _, err = PopVLAN(poppkt)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("%s", err)
return err
ioinfo, err := s.IdentifyNniIoinfo("inside")
if err != nil {
return err
handle := ioinfo.handler
logger.Debug("%s", poppkt.Dump())
SendNni(handle, poppkt)
return nil
func IsAllOnuActive(onumap map[uint32][]*device.Onu) bool {
for _, onus := range onumap {
for _, onu := range onus {
if onu.GetIntState() != device.ONU_ACTIVE {
return false
return true
func (s *Server) isAllOnuOmciActive() bool {
for _, onus := range s.Onumap {
for _, onu := range onus{
if onu.GetIntState() != device.ONU_OMCIACTIVE {
return false
return true
func getGemPortID(intfid uint32, onuid uint32) (uint32, error) {
logger.Debug("getGemPortID(intfid:%d, onuid:%d)", intfid, onuid)
gemportid, err := omci.GetGemPortId(intfid, onuid)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("%s", err)
return 0, err
return uint32(gemportid), nil
func getOnuBySN(onumap map[uint32][]*device.Onu, sn *openolt.SerialNumber) (*device.Onu, error) {
for _, onus := range onumap {
for _, onu := range onus {
if device.ValidateSN(*sn, *onu.SerialNumber) {
return onu, nil
err := errors.New("No mathced SN is found ")
logger.Error("%s", err)
return nil, err
func (s *Server) GetOnuByID(onuid uint32) (*device.Onu, error) {
return getOnuByID(s.Onumap, onuid)
func getOnuByID(onumap map[uint32][]*device.Onu, onuid uint32) (*device.Onu, error) {
for _, onus := range onumap {
for _, onu := range onus {
if onu.OnuID == onuid {
return onu, nil
err := errors.New("No matched OnuID is found ")
"onumap": onumap,
"onuid": onuid,
return nil, err
func convB2S(b []byte) string {
s := ""
for _, i := range b {
s = s + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i/16), 16) + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i%16), 16)
return s