blob: 6db554e39e0a24c87ebee00b8499ad186bf7c2a0 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _Release Notes Legend for VOLTHA:
# Release Matrix Legend
.. list-table:: VOLTHA Components
:widths: 10, 60
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Description
* - VOLTHA Ver
- Package version defined by a repository VERSION file.
* - Cart Ver
- Chart.yaml version string for the package.
* - Gerrit URL
- Gerrit repository release tag.
* - Github URL
- Gerrit repository release tag.
* - Docker URL
- Docker image artifact for the repository.
* - Golang URL
- Golang package repository artifact
* - Pypi URL
- Python package repository artifact
* - Released
- Release WIP tracking, ``N`` signifies repository release is pending.