blob: 171046fa60f94b54e1be1794399d98b08ca3366b [file] [log] [blame]
.. _Release Task Golang Mod Update:
GOLANG: Update go.mod opencord package versions
Update go package version dependencies.
NOTE: Files in the vendor/ directory should not be modified
- Sources are checked in purely for bootstrapping.
- Ideally vendor/ will be deleted and populated dynamically by git submodules.
.. code-block:: shell-session
:caption: Update copyrigth notice ending date.
% git clone ssh://
% cd ofagent-go
# ---------------------------------------
# Preview packages and versions to modify
# ---------------------------------------
% grep opencord $(find . ! -path 'vendor/*' -name '*.go' -print)
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Edit go.mod and update dependencies as needed
# --------------------------------------------------------------
% ${EDITOR} $(find . ! -path 'vendor/*' -name '*.go' -print)
% make distclean
# ------------------------------
# Bulk fix golang linting errors
# ------------------------------
% find . ! -path 'vendor/*' -name '*.go' -print0 | xargs -0 gofmt -s -e -w
# ---------------------------
# Invoke go mod vendor
# Invoke go mod tidy
# From within a local sandbox
# ---------------------------
% make mod-update LOCAL_FIX_PERMS=1
# -------------------------
# Check for syntax problems
# -------------------------
% make lint
# -----------------------------------
# Pre-screen for jenkins job problems
# -----------------------------------
% make build
% make test