Document jira link creation and persistent content.

  o Added a howto for attaching URLs to a jira ticket.
  o Note jenkins jobs disappear due to aging, suggest including a {gerrit,github} url as well.

[HOWTO: test]
% git clone ssh://
% cd voltha-docs
% git review -d I6582baab45ebafc37324cddd5afd5f8331e0c6d1

% make reload

% make lint
% make test

Change-Id: I6582baab45ebafc37324cddd5afd5f8331e0c6d1
diff --git a/overview/contributing/jira_tickets.rst b/overview/contributing/jira_tickets.rst
index 1f372d7..2140a5b 100644
--- a/overview/contributing/jira_tickets.rst
+++ b/overview/contributing/jira_tickets.rst
@@ -56,6 +56,45 @@
 - While viewing a jira ticket, the 'More' navigation pulldown menu at the top
   is useful for creating sub tickets or creating links to external resources.
+Suggestions: Additional ticket documentation
+.. list-table:: Persistent resources for reproduction
+   :widths: 20,80
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Resource
+     - Notes
+   * - `VOL-5214 <>`__
+     - Jira ticket
+   * - `jenkins <>`_
+     - Capture job URLs to document errors and log messages.
+   * - `gerrit:34854 <>`_
+     - Capture gerrit patch URLs for state and job reconstruction.
+- NOTE: Jenkins logs become unavailable due to aging
+  - Jenkins job logs become inaccessible over time after growing old or
+    due to volume job runs.  To avoid lost problem reproduction steps always
+    include a gerrit patch link which can be used to reproduce state or job
+    results when original job logs disappear.
+- Document as links VS textual comments.
+  - Visit jira `VOL-5214 <>`__
+  - Select [M]ore from the menu above Description and Details.
+  - Select [L]ink
+  - Select Web Link in the left margin
+  - Paste a gerrit or jenkins URL into the URL text box.
+  - Enter a summry in the link text box -- job number or gerrit ID.
+  - Click the [Link] butotn.
+- Example `VOL-5009 <>`_
+  - Items added as linked URLs will appear in the "Issue Links" section
+    beneath the description where they are easily found.
 See Also