blob: 2140a5be1cd7d8ab5560bc490b2ecb4c550f5624 [file] [log] [blame]
Jira tickets for code changes
Please open a `jira ticket <>`_ describing the issue/feature.
- For large or multi-part features create a containing ticket with several
sub-tickets tracking individual features or problems.
.. list-table:: Multi-part ticket with subtask
:widths: 10, 10, 40
:header-rows: 1
* - Jira
- Type
- Problem
* - `VOL-5125 <>`_
- Epic
- Tracking ticket for bbsim failures in jenkins vip job view.
* - `VOL-5024 <>`_
- sub-task
- bbsim unit test job reporting status=UNSTABLE
* - `VOL-5157 <>`_
- sub-task
- verify_bbsim_unit-test failures in history
* - `VOL-5154 <>`_
- sub-task
- Triage test failure in periodic-voltha-unitag-subscriber-tt-test-bbsim
- Description - include relevant information
- Error messages
- Use preformatting to improve readability (else message becomes a run-on sentence).
- In ticket description click plus icon on the right side.
- Select preformatted
- Copy and patest text into the preformatted box to retain structure.
- Reproduction step(s) for problems
- Web URLs, links to jenkins job logs are very helpful.
- Note: Jenkins job logs will age out and disappear over time.
- To prevent this view the job history panel in jenkins UI
- `View a jenkins job page <>`_
- Two links are available in history (lower left corner), colored icon on the left and #job on the right.
- Click the #job link to view job.
- Top right corner will contain a clickable button "Keep this build forever".
- At some point in the future after a ticket has been resolved
remember to revisit the job log and unfreeze it (click button:
Do not keep this build forever)
- Assign field ``Fix Version/s:`` VOLTHA-X.Y
- This will enables searching for feature by release.
- Leveraged during release to document fixes and enhancements in release notes.
- While viewing a jira ticket, the 'More' navigation pulldown menu at the top
is useful for creating sub tickets or creating links to external resources.
Suggestions: Additional ticket documentation
.. list-table:: Persistent resources for reproduction
:widths: 20,80
:header-rows: 1
* - Resource
- Notes
* - `VOL-5214 <>`__
- Jira ticket
* - `jenkins <>`_
- Capture job URLs to document errors and log messages.
* - `gerrit:34854 <>`_
- Capture gerrit patch URLs for state and job reconstruction.
- NOTE: Jenkins logs become unavailable due to aging
- Jenkins job logs become inaccessible over time after growing old or
due to volume job runs. To avoid lost problem reproduction steps always
include a gerrit patch link which can be used to reproduce state or job
results when original job logs disappear.
- Document as links VS textual comments.
- Visit jira `VOL-5214 <>`__
- Select [M]ore from the menu above Description and Details.
- Select [L]ink
- Select Web Link in the left margin
- Paste a gerrit or jenkins URL into the URL text box.
- Enter a summry in the link text box -- job number or gerrit ID.
- Click the [Link] butotn.
- Example `VOL-5009 <>`_
- Items added as linked URLs will appear in the "Issue Links" section
beneath the description where they are easily found.
See Also
- `jira :: VOLTHA <>`_