blob: e98dfbc2afd79fe9095b5c9c82a225b98b67d0cc [file] [log] [blame]
Misc Todo Items
When modifying repo:ci-management be sure to modify ``*.yaml`` sources or JJB
will not regenerate configs. Ugly faiure mode, release pipelines can
behave like scripts are running from branch=master.
- Baseline build
- Update copyright notices :ref:`Release Task Copyright`
- Pre-branch build
- make help
- make lint
- Build
- make help
- make sterile
- make lint
- make build
- make test
## Post editing on the release branch:
- Update VERSION file to contain X.Y.{1+Z}
- Update .gitreview, defaultbranch=votlha-X.Y
- `bbsim-tests.groovy <>`_
.. code:: groovy
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Intent: Return branch name for the script. A hardcoded value is used
// as a guarantee release jobs are running in an expected sandbox.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
String branchName()
String br = 'master' // <<----** Change to release branch
// "${branch}" is assigned by jenkins
if (br != branch)
String err = [
'ERROR: Detected invalid branch',
"(expected=[${br}] != found=[${branch}])"
].join(' ')
throw new Exception(err) // groovylint-disable-line ThrowException
return (br)
## jb/software-upgrades.yaml
- `jjb/software-upgrades.yaml <>`_
- Update onos packages to released versions.
- Post release edits are needed in both branches:
- branch=master is updated with ``*-SNAPSHOT`` versions
- branch=voltha-2.12 receives the non-SNAPSHOT release versions.
- Tools bbsim and voltctl are versioned for release.
- Track down which test scripts contain hardcoded versions for checkout.
- Command use is all over the place and not all are being frozen.
- Abstract this into makefile targets (~voltctl) or a central script
that simply returns version string for a package. A standalone entity
will simplify maintenance and can be generated/autoamtically frozen
on a branch at release time.
- Consider tool versioning in general. Planning for tool upgrades helps
minimize unplanned breakage.