blob: 66cd0456de230195e8960447040d83b49dd8da4c [file] [log] [blame]
Release: Checklist
================== (repo: voltha-docs)
- Create release notes
- Review core contributors
VOLTHA Repositories
- Create release branch voltha-X.YY in each repository.
- Update .gitreview, assign `defaultbranch=voltha-2.12 <>`_.
Release Builds
- components/onos_components
- Build and record version for all external VOLTHA dependencies.
- `VOL-4925 <>`_.
- Upgrade Maven Plugins listed in pom.xml
- Package `aaa <>`_
- Versions
- New 2.10.3
- Old 2.9.0
- DEPS: sadis
- Package `sadis <>`_
- Versions
- `New: 5.11.1-SNAPSHOT <>`_
- `Old: (5.10.0) <>`_
- `gerrit <>`_
- `github <>`_
Release Notes
- Capture version information and packages for all builds.
Helm Charts
Once dependent packages are built update helm charts: charts/index
Voltha with golang source
Review all repositories that contain golang sources.
Version(s) of external packages in the vendor/ directory may need to be updated.
.. code-block: shell-session
:hilight: 2, 4
# Clone repo:voltha-go
git clone ssh://
cd voltha-go
make help
.. list-table:: make targets
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20,50
* - Command
- Description
* - make lint
- syntax check sources
* - make lint-dockerfile
- syntax check docker config
* - make lint-mod
- syntax check golang dependencies
.. list-table:: build & test targets
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20,50
* - Command
- Description
* - make build
- Build core docker image
* - make test
- Requires docker, test local build
* - make sca
- Generate a static code analysis report
.. list-table:: Developer targets
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20,50
* - Command
- Description
* - make local-lib-go
- Create a local version of voltha-lib-go beneath vendor/
* - make local-protos
- Create a local version of voltha-protos beneath vendor/
* - make fmt
- Run gofmt on sources
* - make mod-update
- Update go mod files