blob: 7ab4c4fda86bf144a80740fed5f5a39180931c9b [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- makefile -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Intent:
# o Construct a find command able to gather python files with filtering.
# o Used by library makefiles and for iteration.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Intent: Construct a string for invoking find \( excl-pattern \) -prune
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
gen-python-find-excl = \
$(strip \
-name '__ignored__' \
$(foreach dir,$($(1)),-o -name $(dir)) \
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Intent: Construct a find command to gather a list of python files
## with exclusions.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Usage:
# $(activate) & $(call gen-python-find-cmd) | $(args-n1) pylint
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
gen-python-find-cmd = \
$(strip \
find . \
\( $(call gen-python-find-excl,onf-excl-dirs) \) -prune \
-o -name '*.py' \
-print0 \
# [EOF]