| VOLTHA Components (wip) |
| ======================= |
| |
| - `Jenkins Release Job <https://jenkins.opencord.org/job/onos-app-release/>`_ |
| |
| - Initiate a build for the target component, specify appVersion & apiVersion. |
| - Job will modify pom.xml and create pull requests based on version strings. |
| - Approve and merge the pom.xml changes. |
| - Next a jenkins job will publish changes to maven central. |
| |
| - A user login is required. |
| - `Wait until artifacts are published <https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:org.opencord>`_ |
| - Verify status then manually initiate. |
| - `Visit <https://oss.sonatype.org>`_ |
| - Select app to release. |
| - Click Show all versions. |
| - TODO: Girish to provide remaining steps. |