[VOL-3960] Adding VOLTHA 2.7 release notes alongside PM counters update and ONU SW update.

Change-Id: I37a99f566b63c7315458fce152481ff471a78879
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 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
+   :caption: Operations
+   ONU software update <voltha-openonu-adapter-go/ONU_Upgrade_Notes.md>
+   ONU Performance Metrics <voltha-openonu-adapter-go/PM_Notes.md>
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   :hidden:
    :caption: Testing
    VOLTHA system tests <voltha-system-tests/README.md>
diff --git a/release_notes/voltha_2.6.rst b/release_notes/voltha_2.6.rst
index 57be200..c4a7f0b 100644
--- a/release_notes/voltha_2.6.rst
+++ b/release_notes/voltha_2.6.rst
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
-Voltha-2.6 tests are available on `Jenkins <https://jenkins.opencord.org/view/VOLTHA-2.6/>`_.
+Voltha-2.6 tests are available on `Jenkins <https://jenkins.opencord.org/>`_.
 - Multi-OLT tests with a single voltha stack on Physical Hardware and BBSim
 - Use of the full suite of tests for openonu-go, both on hardware and BBSim
diff --git a/release_notes/voltha_2.7.rst b/release_notes/voltha_2.7.rst
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/release_notes/voltha_2.7.rst
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+VOLTHA 2.7 Release Notes
+The release of VOLTHA-2.7 and ONOS 2.2.8 focused on in-service software upgrade capability and specific improvements
+targeted at production deployments.
+VOLTHA and ONOS now support in-service minor software upgrades with no impact to the user dataplane. The upgrade
+capability has been introduced for all the VOLTHA services: of-agent, rw-core, olt adapter and onu adapter.
+Similarly, the ONOS apps - sadis, olt, aaa, kafka, dhcpl2relay, mac-learning, igmpproxy, and mcast - can be upgraded
+with no impact to the user. The “minor” software upgrade qualifier refers to an upgrade that does not involve API
+changes, which in VOLTHA, refers to a change to the protos or to voltha-lib-go, and in ONOS to a change in the Java
+interfaces, CLI commands or REST APIs. Changes to data-structures in storage (etcd for VOLTHA and Atomix for ONOS) are
+also out of scope for in-service upgrades. Such changes qualify as “major” software upgrades that typically involve
+maintenance windows.
+Software upgrade capability has also been introduced for ONU software images. The golang based openonu adapter is
+now capable of downloading a new image to the ONU via OMCI and activating it, thereby allowing update of remote
+devices at subscriber locations without truck-rolls.
+Several new features have been introduced as a result of other needs in production deployments. Performance Metrics
+and Alarms capabilities allow the operator to better monitor the status of their network and receive early
+notification of possible issues. AES encryption for the GEM ports improves security. The capability to distinguish
+between OLT reboot and disconnect prevents service disruption if the olt-adapter and olt-agent temporarily
+lose connectivity.
+VOLTHA 2.7 also comes with PPPoE intermediate agent support, thanks to extensions in the core and a new ONOS
+application which installs trap rules to capture and handle PPPoE packets, allowing for user authentication and
+dataplane provisioning. The PPPoE application also provides PPPoE statistics. In addition, an olt-topology application
+was also introduced to allow operators to gather OLT peer switch information. Enhancements and bug fixes have been
+introduced in the olt, igmpproxy and mcast applications to better support TT multicast at scale.
+All the described features, with the exception of the PPPoE and olt-topology apps, come with both a BBSim
+implementation and integration tests on hardware and software pods. The robot based integration tests that run
+nightly on hardware pods in the ONF infrastructure have now reached over 180+ tests. Preliminary tests have also
+been introduced at scale for multicast in the Turk Telekom workflow, and long-term soak tests have been operational
+for two weeks at the time of this release in a dedicated hardware soak-pod.
+Along with VOLTHA 2.7, the Device Management Brigade also released a new version
+(`0.12.0 <https://github.com/opencord/device-management-interface/releases/tag/v0.12.0>`_) of the interface,
+which has been implemented on BBSIM and has initial robot test cases. This DMI release introduces specific components,
+better error reporting, startup config and logging capabilities.
+Features & Improvements
+- In service software upgrade with minor versions for VOLTHA components and ONOS apps.
+  - ONOS apps api version separated from app version to allow restart
+  - OLT pipeliner driver extracted from ONOS.
+  - ONU software upgrade capability
+- Production requirements in the openonu adapter
+  - Performance Metrics
+  - Alarms
+  - MIB audit and synchronization
+  - Reconciliation and in service restart
+  - Configurable list of ONU vendors.
+  - VEIP ONUs support
+- Distinction between OLT channel disconnection and OLT reboot.
+- AES encryption for GEM ports
+- Integration of the OLT app with the mac learning for TT workflow.
+- OLT Topology application to learn about OLT peers
+- PPPoE support in VOLTHA stack with Intermediate Agent Application on ONOS
+- Flow Error reporting form adapter to the core and to ONOS
+- Scale improvements and fixes:
+- Validation of TCONT and Gem Port IDs at scale (both via OMCI and flows)
+- Igmpproxy, mcast and olt for TT mcast workflow.
+Development/Deployment process
+- | Introduction of the voltha-infra and voltha-stack helm charts to deploy the across-stack
+  | infrastructure and the per stack volta services respectively.
+Voltha-2.7 tests are available on `Jenkins <https://jenkins.opencord.org/>`_.
+- VOLTHA components and ONOS Apps Software Update
+- ONU software upgrade test on BBSIM
+- Openonu adapter
+  - restart and reconciliation tests
+  - multi-OLT
+  - ETCD data
+  - Performance Metrics
+- OLT reboot vs disconnect
+- TT scale multicast
+- Enable/Disable Pon Port
+- BBSIM per patchest sanity verification
+- Soak tests for 15 days (stable with 515 ONUs)
+Design Discussions
+- Minor and Major In Service Software Update
+- Storage and High Availability
+- MPLS support
+- Updated documentation with new voltha-stack and voltha-infra charts and published on https://docs.voltha.org
+Known Issues
+- | When using in-band mode of management at the OLT, it is observed that the host CPU in-band interface does not get
+  | IP sometimes. The Qumran switch drops the DHCP OFFER packets in the downstream (CS00011119237) sometimes.
+  | The work around is to reboot the OLT.
+Certification Program
+Thanks to the `Continuous Certification <https://opennetworking.org/continuous-certification-program>`_ program at
+ONF we can also ensure that the following ONF member products are compatible with the VOLTHA 2.7 release:
+- Edgecore ASGVolt64 GPON OLT
+- Edgecore ASXVolt16 XGSGPON OLT
+- Sercomm FG1000 GPON ONU
+- Sercomm Glasfaser GPON ONU
+- Edgecore 6712-32X Switch
+- Edgecore 7712-32X Switch
+Jira stories
+A full list of stories and bugs completed can be found under the
+`VOLTHA 2.7 <https://jira.opencord.org/projects/VOL/versions/11900>`_ release page in Jira.
+Component Versions in VOLTHA 2.7 release
+- `ONOS 2.2 LTS <https://github.com/opennetworkinglab/onos/releases/tag/2.2.8>`_: ``2.2.8``
+ONOS Apps:
+- `aaa <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=aaa.git;a=summary>`_: ``2.3.0``
+- `dhcpl2relay <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=dhcpl2relay.git;a=summary>`_: ``2.4.0``
+- `igmpproxy <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=igmpproxy.git;a=summary>`_: ``2.2.0``
+- `kafka <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=kafka-onos.git;a=summary>`_: ``2.6.0``
+- `mcast <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=mcast.git;a=summary>`_: ``2.3.0``
+- `olt <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=olt.git;a=summary>`_: ``4.4.0``
+- `sadis <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=sadis.git;a=summary>`_: ``5.3.0``
+- `bng <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=bng.git;a=summary>`_: ``2.0.0``
+- `pppoeagent <https://gerrit.opencord.org/plugins/gitiles/pppoeagent/>`_: ``1.0.0``
+- `olttopology <https://gerrit.opencord.org/plugins/gitiles/olttopology/>`_: ``1.0.3``
+VOLTHA Components:
+- `Helm Charts (voltha-helm-charts) <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=voltha-helm-charts.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/voltha-2.7>`_ - ``2.7.0``
+- `bbsim <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=bbsim.git;a=tree>`_- ``1.5.2`` with `chart <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=helm-charts.git;a=tree;f=bbsim>`_ ``4.2.0``
+- `voltha-go <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=voltha-go.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/voltha-2.7>`_ - ``2.7.0`` with chart ``2.8.3``
+- `ofagent-go <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=ofagent-go.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/voltha-2.7>`_ - ``1.5.2``  with chart ``2.8.3``
+- `voltctl <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=voltctl.git;a=tree>`_ - ``1.4.4``
+- `voltha-openolt-adapter <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=voltha-openolt-adapter.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/voltha-2.7>`_ - ``3.1.8`` with chart ``2.8.8``
+- `voltha-openonu-adapter-go <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=voltha-openonu-adapter-go.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/voltha-2.7>`_ - ``1.2.8`` with chart ``2.7.15``
+- `voltha-onos <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=voltha-onos.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/voltha-2.7>`_ -  ``4.3.1`` with chart ``0.1.13``
+- `openolt agent <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=openolt.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/voltha-2.7>`_ - ``3.3.3``
+- `voltha-protos <https://github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/releases/tag/v4.0.5>`_ - ``4.0.16``
+- `voltha-lib-go <https://github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/releases/tag/v4.0.3>`_ - ``4.1.1``
+- `Bbsim-sadis-server <https://github.com/opencord/bbsim-sadis-server/releases/tag/v0.1.3>`_ - ``0.1.4`` with chart ``0.1.1``
+- `kind-voltha <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=kind-voltha.git>`_ -  ``6.1.0``
+Helm Chart Versions:
+This section refers to the macro charts to deploy the required infrastructure and a (or many) VOLTHA stacks:
+- Voltha-infra: ``0.1.13``
+- Voltha-stack: ``0.1.17``
+**Available from EdgeCore site**
+- Out of band management
+  - ONL version (both GPON and XGSPON) ONL-onl-4.14_ONL-OS8_2020-04-14.1946-72b95a7_AMD64_INSTALLED_INSTALLER available
+    at /ASXvOLT16/OpenOLT_Agent/From_ONF_Distribution
+  - for ASFVOLT16 available, from /ASFvOLT16/OpenOLT_Agent/From_ONF_Distribution/voltha-2.7/OUT-OF-BAND.:
+    - ``openolt_asfvolt16-3.3.3-1a5d68b50d8bcc5ba6cb1630d3294c30c37cd2f5-100G-NNI.deb`` if 100G NNI port is used
+    - ``openolt_asfvolt16-3.3.3-1a5d68b50d8bcc5ba6cb1630d3294c30c37cd2f5-40G-NNI.deb`` if 40G NNI port is used.
+  - for ASGVOLT64 available at /ASGvOLT64/OpenOLT_Agent/From_ONF_Distribution/voltha-2.7/OUT-OF-BAND:
+    - ``openolt_asgvolt64-3.3.3-1a5d68b50d8bcc5ba6cb1630d3294c30c37cd2f5-100G-NNI.deb`` if 100G NNI port is used
+    - ``openolt_asgvolt64-3.3.3-1a5d68b50d8bcc5ba6cb1630d3294c30c37cd2f5-40G-NNI.deb`` if 40G NNI port is used.
+- In band management
+  - use ONL image, comprising of Bal and openolt (available from edgecore site) for ASFVOLT16
+    ONL-onl-4.14_ONL-OS8_2021-03-19.0322-72b95a7_AMD64_INSTALLED_INSTALLER-40G-NNI,
+    available at /ASXvOLT16/OpenOLT_Agent/From_ONF_Distribution/voltha-2.7/IN-BAND.
+    Note that debian package available as part of the ONL support 40G NNI by default.
+Get access credentials for https://edgecore.quickconnect.to and then login
+and navigate to File_Station -> EdgecoreNAS, and then the folder
+/ASXvOLT16/OpenOLT_Agent/From_ONF_Distribution/ and pick the version above