| Contributing to VOLTHA |
| ====================== |
| |
| We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to the VOLTHA project. There are |
| just a few small guidelines you need to follow. |
| |
| Guides, Rules and Best Practices |
| -------------------------------- |
| |
| VOLTHA follows `Google's Engineering Practices <https://google.github.io/eng-practices/>`_, |
| `Golang Formatting Guide <https://go.dev/doc/effective_go#formatting>`_. Use these documents as a guide when |
| writing, submitting or reviewing code. |
| VOLTHA uses gerrit to submit, review, tests and finally merge patches. |
| |
| Submitting Code |
| +++++++++++++++ |
| |
| Some additional points for developers: |
| |
| - Submit your changes early and often. Code and design review input |
| with corrections early in the process prevent huge changes later. |
| - :doc:`Create a Jira ticket for code changes <contributing/jira_tickets>` (required) |
| - :doc:`Update copyright notices <contributing/copyright>` |
| - `Commit message <https://docs.voltha.org/master/howto/code/commit-message.html#pull-request-commit-message>`_ and jenkins automation. |
| |
| - To enable automation, prefix your commit message with a jira ticket |
| |
| - ``[VOL-4550]`` - Spiffy enhancement/feature/problem summary |
| |
| - This addition will allow jenkins to magically update tickets |
| with processed job status. |
| - :doc:`Request a code review <contributing/code_review>` |
| |
| Steps to successful PRs |
| +++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| 1. Checkout the code base and prepare your patch. |
| 2. Workflow to modify VOLTHA code through gerrit is identical to `onos-classic` |
| and is described in `Sample Gerrit Workflow page <https://wiki.onosproject.org/display/ONOS/Sample+Gerrit+Workflow>`_ |
| 3. Before submitting your patch via `git review` please pre-screen your changes to ensure code quality. |
| |
| .. list-table:: Patch Pre-Screening |
| :widths: 10, 40 |
| |
| * - Command |
| - Description |
| * - `make lint <https://docs.voltha.org/master/howto/code/linting.html>`_ |
| - Syntax check source for problems (lint, lint-shelcheck, lint-doc8) |
| * - make sca |
| - Static Code Analysis |
| * - make build |
| - Assemble, compile, generate, link, ... |
| * - make test |
| - Invoke VOLTHA test suite(s) |
| * - make help |
| - Show available targets: make help | grep lint |
| |
| 4. :ref:`Commit message syntax and testing directives <pull-request--commit-message>` |
| |
| 5. Submitting your patch will initiate a validation |
| `jenkins job <https://jenkins.opencord.org>`_. |
| Wait for job completion status before proceeding. |
| |
| - Job status will be sent to you asynchronously in email at job completion. |
| - For direct monitoring :doc:`review gerrit Change Log<contributing/patch_followup>` for your patch. |
| |
| - If testing fails please fix your patch with step 3 then repeat 2 and 3 as needed. |
| |
| **Passing CI verification is mandatory.** |
| |
| To view accumulated job status: |
| |
| - `navigate to a patch <https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/ci-management/+/34599>`_ |
| - View "Submit requirements" in the top left. |
| - Verified ``+1 Jenkins Technical User`` will indicate SUCCESS. |
| - Verified ``-1 Jenkins Technical User`` will indicate FAILURE. |
| |
| If the CI check does not start or fails and you believe the issue is |
| un-related to a changeset you can re-trigger by commenting on the |
| patch with `recheck <https://docs.voltha.org/master/howto/code/pull_request.html#development-and-code-reviews>`_ |
| |
| If failures persist `ask for assistance <https://wiki.opencord.org>`_ in slack or a mailing list. |
| |
| 6. When patch comments are offered please make the appropriate fixes and then |
| amend your commit with `git commit --amend` and re-upload to gerrit with `git review`. |
| |
| 7. Await review. Everyone can comment on code changes, but only Core contributors |
| can give final review approval. |
| |
| **All changes must acquire +2 Approval**. |
| |
| Join one of the `communication channels <https://wiki.opencord.org>`_ |
| to request a review or to bring additional attention to your patch. |
| |
| 8. A patch will be ready to submit a merge request when |
| |
| - "Submit requirements" in the top left is showing: |
| |
| - Code-Review: +2 approval (or 2 x +1 approval) |
| - Verified ``+1 Jenkins Technical User`` |
| |
| Versioning |
| ++++++++++ |
| |
| All of the VOLTHA components and the charts include a VERSION file that specifies |
| the version of the service, library, protobuf, test suite included in the repository. |
| |
| - The `VERSION <https://gerrit.opencord.org/plugins/gitiles/voltha-go/+/refs/heads/master/VERSION>`_ file can be found in a repository root directory. |
| - One exception: maven based builds using pom.xml files. |
| |
| The VERSION is in the format and follows the `SemVer principles <https://semver.org>`_ |
| VOLTHA also follows the guidelines on how to increment versions as described in the |
| `SemVer specification <https://semver.org/#semantic-versioning-specification-semver>`_. |
| |
| Each increment of the VERSION file in a patch automatically triggers publishing of the repository |
| artifact, e.g. docker images, with that tag. |
| In VOLTHA we also use a `x.y.z-dev` format which identifies a non-released component (what is `master`). |
| When a patch is merged with the `-dev` suffix in the VERSION file no artifact is published except for `master` |
| docker images. The `-dev` suffix should be removed when a feature being worked on and the component |
| is ready for release. |
| |
| We expect contributions to the VOLTHA codebase to follow these rules when submitting a patch |
| and the same rules to be enforced by reviewers during the core review process. |
| |
| |
| Core Contributors |
| ----------------- |
| |
| Anyone with a Gerrit account can open new issues, comment on existing issues, or |
| contribute code by opening a review. |
| |
| A **“core contributor”** is someone who can manage, approve and |
| merge patches, and create new branches in the main repository. |
| |
| Core contributors are responsible for maintaining the quality of contributions |
| to the codebase. The goal of this program is to have a diverse group of |
| individuals whose expertise in aggregate covers the entire project. |
| |
| The benefits of being a core contributor include: |
| - Increased influence of the direction of the project |
| - The ability to create branches in the main repository and after others approve it |
| merge your own code |
| - Community recognition and visibility for their contributions and expertise. |
| |
| Becoming a Core Contributor |
| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| Core contributor candidates need to have a demonstrated proficiency with the |
| VOLTHA codebase and a track record of code reviews. Members of the Technical |
| Steering Team (TST) and existing core contributors will regularly invite people |
| to become new core contributors. Nominations can also be made (including |
| self-nominations) to the VOLTHA TST (`voltha-tst@opennetworking.org`) at any time. |
| |
| A good nomination will include details about who the person is (including their email |
| and Github and/or Gerrit username) and outline their experience with the VOLTHA codebase |
| and project at large. |
| Nominations are intended to start a conversation that results in a decision to |
| make the person a core contributor – anyone whose nomination is not initially |
| approved is encouraged to gain more experience with code submission and code |
| review in order to gain further mastery over the codebase. Partial approval is |
| also possible (e.g. a person may be granted the ability to handles patches only |
| on a certain repository), and full approval may be granted after the contributor |
| has gained more experience. |
| |
| New core contributors will be assigned a mentor that is either a TST member or |
| existing core contributor. The mentor will serve as the primary point of contact |
| to help onboard the new core contributors and answer any questions they have |
| with their new responsibilities. The mentor is not the only point of contact, |
| and core contributors should feel free to reach out to others if and when they |
| have questions or concerns. |
| |
| Guidelines for Core Contributors |
| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| Contributions in VOLTHA can should be merged after two different +1 arrive on a |
| given patch-set that is verified by CI as well. |
| For your own contributions, you now have the ability to approve and merge your |
| own code, pending that you received two other positive reviews. |
| For larger or potentially controversial reviews, please give the |
| community an opportunity (at least a few business days) to review your |
| contribution. Please always ask for comments on the #voltha-dev Slack channel. |
| **With great power comes great responsibility; please don't abuse |
| this privilege.** |
| |
| All Core Contributors have +2 and merge capabilities on all the repositories related |
| to the VOLTHA project, but we expect that they are responsible and exercise their |
| privilege **only** on patches and repositories they have expertise in and are comfortable reviewing and merging. |
| |
| To help patchset verification the VOLTHA test infrastructure offers Per-Patchset Verification Jobs |
| triggered by specific keyword used in the patch. More information can be found in the |
| `testing automation page <https://docs.voltha.org/master/testing/voltha_test_automation.html#per-patchset-verification-jobs>`_ |
| We suggest Core contributors to use these triggers when they would like more checks on a patch they are uncertain about |
| or that might have differences when applied to hardware pods. |
| |
| VOLTHA follows `Google’s best practices for code review <https://google.github.io/eng-practices/review/reviewer/>`_. |
| You should apply these guidelines strictly and with confidence when reviewing |
| submissions. |
| |
| If you are unsure about something in an issue or a review, leave a comment |
| that outlines your concerns. If a resolution is difficult to reach in the |
| comments section, the TST meetings are a good place to raise your concerns and |
| have a discussion. |
| |
| Current Core Contributors |
| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| This is a list of core contributors divided by area of expertise: |
| |
| Adapter openonu and omci-lib-go: |
| |
| - `Chip Boling <chip.boling@tibitcom.com>`_ |
| - `Ozge Ayaz <ozge.ayaz@netsia.com>`_ |
| |
| Voltha-system-tests: |
| |
| - to be assigned |
| |
| Openolt agent: |
| |
| - `Thiyagarajan Subramani <Thiyagarajan.Subramani@radisys.com>`_ |
| - `Burak Gurdag <burak.gurdag@netsia.com>`_ |
| |
| ONOS apps: |
| |
| - `Gamze Abaka <gamze.abaka@netsia.com>`_ |
| - `Yasin Sapli <yasin.sapli@netsia.com>`_ |
| - `Tunahan Sezen <tunahan.sezen@netsia.com>`_ |
| |
| Olt adapter, rw-core: |
| |
| - `Abhilash Satish Laxmeshwar <abhilash.laxmeshwar@radisys.com>`_ |
| - `Gamze Abaka <gamze.abaka@netsia.com>`_ |
| |
| Build system, makefiles, reviews: |
| |
| - `Joey Armstrong <joey@opennetworking.org>`_ |
| - `David Ferguson <daf@opennetworking.org>`_ |
| |
| All of the codebase: |
| |
| - `Mahir Gunyel <mahir.gunyel@netsia.com>`_ |
| - `Serkant Uluderya <serkant.uluderya@netsia.com>`_ |
| - `Amit Ghosh <Amit.Ghosh@radisys.com>`_ |
| - `Suhas Gururaj Rao <suhas.gururaj@radisys.com>`_ |
| |
| Community Guidelines |
| -------------------- |
| |
| This project follows `Google's Open Source Community Guidelines <https://opensource.google/conduct/>`_ |
| |
| and ONF's `Code of Conduct <https://opennetworking.org/wp-content/themes/onf/img/onf-code-of-conduct.pdf>`_. |