blob: 98c38ef1ce4b2649fd56958c2b7deadc0c8baa7e [file] [log] [blame]
Docker Images
- VOLTHA images released to and hosted on Docker.
- Images are built by jenkins then consumed as dogfood by testing.
.. list-table:: VOLTHA Docker Images
:widths: 20, 110
:header-rows: 1
* - Image
- Description
* - `Search=voltha* <>`_
- All Docker images with prefix='voltha'
* - `bbsim <:vol-docker:'bbsim'>`_
- BroadBand Simulator (BBSim) is a tool to simulate a PON network with OLTs, ONUs and RGs.
* - `bbsim-sadis-server <:vol-docker:'bbsim-sadis-server'>`_
- BBSim Sadis Server.
Designed to aggregate Sadis entries from multiple BBSim instances running on the same kubernetes cluster.
* - `voltha-rw-core <:vol-docker:'voltha-rw-core'>`_
- Voltha Core
* - `voltha-openolt-adapter <:vol-docker:'voltha-openolt-adapter'>`_
- Open OLT adapter
* - `voltha-openonu-adapter-go <:vol-docker:'voltha-openonu-adapter-go'>`_
- Open ONU adapter
* - `voltha-ci-tools <:vol-docker:'voltha-ci-tools'>`_
- Versioned containers for running CI process on VOLTHA codebase
* - `voltha-cli <:vol-docker:'voltha-cli'>`_
- Provides SSH access to the VOLTHA CLI
* - `voltha-ofagent-go <:vol-docker:'voltha-ofagent-go'>`_
- OpenFlow management interface for Voltha
* - `voltha-onos <:vol-docker:'voltha-onos'>`_
- Provides a version of ONOS with the required VOLTHA control plane applications installed