blob: 8785b06dc5526717df9b231288f63b7acd144f1b [file] [log] [blame]
VOLTHA Components: voltha-protos
- update go.mod
- voltha-protos
- Based on VERSION file contents in root directory of the repository.
<<<<<<< HEAD
- Bump VERSION file to a non-dev semantic version.
- See Validate above
- Commit and approve to trigger a build
<<<<<<< HEAD
- Bump VERSION file to a non-dev semantic version.
- See Validate above
- Commit and approve to trigger a build
- Bump /opencord/ component versions in go.mod
- make distclean
- make mod-update
- Review and commit changes.
- make lint-mod
- When ready to release a new component version of voltha-lib-go
- Bump VERSION file to a non-dev semantic version.
- Commit changes and create a pull request.
- Once approved a jenkins job will launch.
>>>>>>> cb4f2e0 (VOL-4840 - Tracking ticket for release documentation.)
>>>>>>> f854950 (VOL-4840 - Tracking ticket for release documentation.)