blob: b4dfdcd9f1f88ae20ee5bb2683b0b181c9b53593 [file] [log] [blame]
# git_refs
# This file contains a list of repos, paths within those repos, and git
# references (branch/tag/commit hash) that are checked out with `git checkout
# <ref>` during creation of documentation.
# - First column is the git repo name
# - Second column is the subdirectory of the repo to symlink into the
# docs directory
# - Third column is the reference (branch/tag/commit) to checkout
bbsim / master
cord-tester / master
ofagent-go / master
openolt / master
voltctl / master
voltha-go / master
voltha-openolt-adapter / master
voltha-openonu-adapter-go / master
voltha-protos / master
voltha-system-tests / master
device-management-interface / master
voltha-helm-charts / master