blob: d17e209403cf4e4f8f13293186b1dc6f2a6a572b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package application
import (
cntlr "voltha-go-controller/internal/pkg/controller"
// IgmpGroupChannel structure
type IgmpGroupChannel struct {
Device string
GroupID uint32
GroupName string
GroupAddr net.IP
Mvlan of.VlanType
Exclude int
ExcludeList []net.IP
IncludeList []net.IP
Version uint8
ServVersion *uint8 `json:"-"`
CurReceivers map[string]*IgmpGroupPort `json:"-"`
NewReceivers map[string]*IgmpGroupPort `json:"-"`
proxyCfg **IgmpProfile
IgmpProxyIP **net.IP `json:"-"`
// NewIgmpGroupChannel is constructor for a channel. The default IGMP version is set to 3
// as the protocol defines the way to manage backward compatibility
// The implementation handles simultaneous presense of lower versioned
// receivers
func NewIgmpGroupChannel(igd *IgmpGroupDevice, groupAddr net.IP, version uint8) *IgmpGroupChannel {
var igc IgmpGroupChannel
igc.Device = igd.Device
igc.GroupID = igd.GroupID
igc.GroupName = igd.GroupName
igc.GroupAddr = groupAddr
igc.Mvlan = igd.Mvlan
igc.Version = version
igc.CurReceivers = make(map[string]*IgmpGroupPort)
igc.NewReceivers = make(map[string]*IgmpGroupPort)
igc.proxyCfg = &igd.proxyCfg
igc.IgmpProxyIP = &igd.IgmpProxyIP
igc.ServVersion = igd.ServVersion
return &igc
// NewIgmpGroupChannelFromBytes create the IGMP group channel from a byte slice
func NewIgmpGroupChannelFromBytes(b []byte) (*IgmpGroupChannel, error) {
var igc IgmpGroupChannel
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &igc); err != nil {
return nil, err
igc.CurReceivers = make(map[string]*IgmpGroupPort)
igc.NewReceivers = make(map[string]*IgmpGroupPort)
return &igc, nil
// RestorePorts to restore ports
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) RestorePorts(cntx context.Context) {
ports, _ := db.GetIgmpRcvrs(cntx, igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupAddr, igc.Device)
for _, port := range ports {
b, ok := port.Value.([]byte)
if !ok {
logger.Warn(ctx, "The value type is not []byte")
if igp, err := NewIgmpGroupPortFromBytes(b); err == nil {
igc.NewReceivers[igp.Port] = igp
logger.Infow(ctx, "Group Port Restored", log.Fields{"IGP": igp})
} else {
logger.Warn(ctx, "Failed to decode port from DB")
if err := igc.WriteToDb(cntx); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group channel Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"mvlan": igc.Mvlan, "GroupAddr": igc.GroupAddr})
// WriteToDb is utility to write IGMPGroupChannel Info to database
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) WriteToDb(cntx context.Context) error {
b, err := json.Marshal(igc)
if err != nil {
return err
if err1 := db.PutIgmpChannel(cntx, igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupName, igc.Device, igc.GroupAddr, string(b)); err1 != nil {
return err1
logger.Info(ctx, "IGC Updated")
return nil
// InclSourceIsIn checks if a source is in include list
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) InclSourceIsIn(src net.IP) bool {
return IsIPPresent(src, igc.IncludeList)
// ExclSourceIsIn checks if a source is in exclude list
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) ExclSourceIsIn(src net.IP) bool {
return IsIPPresent(src, igc.ExcludeList)
// AddInclSource adds a source is in include list
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) AddInclSource(src net.IP) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Adding Include Source for Channel", log.Fields{"Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Device": igc.Device, "Src": src})
igc.IncludeList = append(igc.IncludeList, src)
// AddExclSource adds a source is in exclude list
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) AddExclSource(src net.IP) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Adding Exclude Source for Channel", log.Fields{"Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Device": igc.Device, "Src": src})
igc.ExcludeList = append(igc.ExcludeList, src)
// UpdateExclSource update excl source list for the given channel
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) UpdateExclSource(srcList []net.IP) bool {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Updating Exclude Source for Channel", log.Fields{"Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Device": igc.Device, "Current List": igc.ExcludeList, "Incoming List": srcList})
if !igc.IsExclListChanged(srcList) {
return false
if igc.NumReceivers() == 1 {
igc.ExcludeList = srcList
} else {
igc.ExcludeList = igc.computeExclList(srcList)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Updated Exclude Source for Channel", log.Fields{"Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Device": igc.Device, "Updated Excl List": igc.ExcludeList})
return true
// computeExclList computes intersection of pervious & current src list
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) computeExclList(srcList []net.IP) []net.IP {
updatedSrcList := []net.IP{}
for _, src := range srcList {
for _, excl := range igc.ExcludeList {
if src.Equal(excl) {
updatedSrcList = append(updatedSrcList, src)
return updatedSrcList
// IsExclListChanged checks if excl list has been updated
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) IsExclListChanged(srcList []net.IP) bool {
srcPresent := false
if len(igc.ExcludeList) != len(srcList) {
return true
for _, src := range srcList {
for _, excl := range igc.ExcludeList {
srcPresent = false
if src.Equal(excl) {
srcPresent = true
if !srcPresent {
return true
return false
// DelInclSource deletes a source is in include list
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) DelInclSource(src net.IP) {
mvp := GetApplication().GetMvlanProfileByTag(igc.Mvlan)
/* If the SSM proxy is configured, then we can del the src ip from igc as whatever is in proxy that is final list */
if _, ok := mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName]; !ok {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Deleting Include Source for Channel", log.Fields{"Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Device": igc.Device, "Src": src})
for _, igp := range igc.CurReceivers {
if igp.InclSourceIsIn(src) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Skipping deletion: Source Present for another Receiver", log.Fields{"Receiver": igp.Port})
for _, igp := range igc.NewReceivers {
if igp.InclSourceIsIn(src) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Skipping deletion: Source Present for another Receiver", log.Fields{"Receiver": igp.Port})
} else {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Proxy configured, not Deleting Include Source for Channel")
for i, addr := range igc.IncludeList {
if addr.Equal(src) {
igc.IncludeList = append(igc.IncludeList[:i], igc.IncludeList[i+1:]...)
// DelExclSource deletes a source is in exclude list
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) DelExclSource(src net.IP) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Deleting Exclude Source for Channel", log.Fields{"Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Device": igc.Device, "Src": src})
for _, igp := range igc.CurReceivers {
if igp.ExclSourceIsIn(src) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Skipping deletion: Source Present for another Receiver", log.Fields{"Receiver": igp.Port})
for _, igp := range igc.NewReceivers {
if igp.ExclSourceIsIn(src) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Skipping deletion: Source Present for another Receiver", log.Fields{"Receiver": igp.Port})
for i, addr := range igc.ExcludeList {
if addr.Equal(src) {
igc.ExcludeList = append(igc.ExcludeList[:i], igc.ExcludeList[i+1:]...)
// ProcessSources process the received list of either included sources or the excluded sources
// The return value indicate sif the group is modified and needs to be informed
// to the upstream multicast servers
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) ProcessSources(cntx context.Context, port string, ip []net.IP, incl bool) (bool, bool) {
groupChanged := false
groupExclUpdated := false
receiverSrcListEmpty := false
// If the version type is 2, there isn't anything to process here
if igc.Version == IgmpVersion2 && *igc.ServVersion == IgmpVersion2 {
return false, false
igp := igc.GetReceiver(port)
if igp == nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Receiver not found", log.Fields{"Port": port})
return false, false
mvp := GetApplication().GetMvlanProfileByTag(igc.Mvlan)
if incl {
for _, src := range ip {
if igp.ExclSourceIsIn(src) {
if igc.ExclSourceIsIn(src) {
groupChanged = true
// If the source is not in the list of include sources for the port
// add it. If so, check also if it is in list of include sources
// at the device level.
if !igp.InclSourceIsIn(src) {
if !igc.InclSourceIsIn(src) {
groupChanged = true
/* If any of the existing ip in the source list is removed we need to remove from the list in igp and igc */
if _, ok := mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName]; ok {
/* If we get leave message from any subscriber, we do not have to delete the entries in the src list
Only if ther is any modification in the src list by proxy config update only then we need to update */
if len(ip) != 0 && len(ip) != len(igc.IncludeList) {
for i := len(igc.IncludeList) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
src := igc.IncludeList[i]
if !IsIPPresent(src, ip) {
groupChanged = true
} else {
for _, src := range ip {
if igp.InclSourceIsIn(src) {
if igc.InclSourceIsIn(src) {
groupChanged = true
if len(igp.IncludeList) == 0 {
receiverSrcListEmpty = true
// If the source is not in the list of exclude sources for the port
// add it. If so, check also if it is in list of include sources
// at the device level.
if !igp.ExclSourceIsIn(src) {
/* If there is any update in the src list of proxy we need to update the igc */
if _, ok := mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName]; ok {
if !igc.ExclSourceIsIn(src) {
groupChanged = true
/* If any of the existing ip in the source list is removed we need to remove from the list in igp and igc */
if _, ok := mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName]; ok {
if len(ip) != len(igc.ExcludeList) {
for i := len(igc.ExcludeList) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
src := igc.ExcludeList[i]
if !IsIPPresent(src, ip) {
groupChanged = true
groupExclUpdated = igc.UpdateExclSource(ip)
if err := igp.WriteToDb(cntx, igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupAddr, igc.Device); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group port Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"mvlan": igc.Mvlan, "GroupAddr": igc.GroupAddr})
return (groupChanged || groupExclUpdated), receiverSrcListEmpty
// GetReceiver to get receiver info
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) GetReceiver(port string) *IgmpGroupPort {
igp := igc.NewReceivers[port]
if igp == nil {
igp = igc.CurReceivers[port]
return igp
// AddReceiver add the receiver to the device and perform other actions such as adding the group
// to the physical device, add members, add flows to point the MC packets to the
// group. Also, send a IGMP report upstream if there is a change in the group
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) AddReceiver(cntx context.Context, port string, group *layers.IGMPv3GroupRecord, cvlan uint16, pbit uint8) bool {
var igp *IgmpGroupPort
var groupModified = false
var isNewReceiver = false
var ip []net.IP
incl := false
mvp := GetApplication().GetMvlanProfileByTag(igc.Mvlan)
if _, ok := mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName]; ok {
if mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName].Mode == common.Include {
incl = true
ip = mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName].SourceList
} else if group != nil {
incl = isIncl(group.Type)
ip = group.SourceAddresses
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Attempting to add receiver", log.Fields{"Version": igc.Version, "Port": port, "Incl": incl, "srcIp": ip})
//logger.Infow(ctx, "Receivers", log.Fields{"New": igc.NewReceivers, "Current": igc.CurReceivers})
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Receiver Group", log.Fields{"Igd GId": igc.GroupID})
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Receiver Channel", log.Fields{"Igd addr": igc.GroupAddr})
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Receiver Mvlan", log.Fields{"Igd mvlan": igc.Mvlan})
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Receiver Sources", log.Fields{"Igd addr": ip})
ponPortID := GetApplication().GetPonPortID(igc.Device, port)
// Process the IGMP receiver. If it is already in, we should only process the changes
// to source list.
var newRcvExists bool
igp, newRcvExists = igc.NewReceivers[port]
if !newRcvExists {
// Add the receiver to the list of receivers and make the necessary group modification
// if this is the first time the receiver is added
var curRcvExists bool
if igp, curRcvExists = igc.CurReceivers[port]; curRcvExists {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Existing IGMP receiver", log.Fields{"Group": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Port": port})
delete(igc.CurReceivers, port)
igp.QueryTimeoutCount = 0
igc.NewReceivers[port] = igp
} else {
// New receiver who wasn't part of earlier list
// Need to send out IGMP group modification for this port
igp = NewIgmpGroupPort(port, cvlan, pbit, igc.Version, incl, uint32(ponPortID))
igc.NewReceivers[port] = igp
isNewReceiver = true
logger.Debugw(ctx, "New IGMP receiver", log.Fields{"Group": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Port": port})
if len(igc.NewReceivers) == 1 && len(igc.CurReceivers) == 0 {
groupModified = true
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Added New Flow", log.Fields{"Group": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Port": port})
if !incl {
// Process the include/exclude list which may end up modifying the group
if change, _ := igc.ProcessSources(cntx, port, ip, incl); change {
groupModified = true
igc.ProcessMode(port, incl)
// If the group is modified as this is the first receiver or due to include/exclude list modification
// send a report to the upstream multicast servers
if groupModified {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Group Modified and IGMP report sent to the upstream server")
} else if newRcvExists {
return false
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Channel Receiver Added", log.Fields{"Group Channel": igc.GroupAddr, "Group Port": igp})
if err := igc.WriteToDb(cntx); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group channel Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"mvlan": igc.Mvlan, "GroupAddr": igc.GroupAddr})
if err := igp.WriteToDb(cntx, igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupAddr, igc.Device); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group port Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"mvlan": igc.Mvlan, "GroupAddr": igc.GroupAddr})
return isNewReceiver
// DelReceiver is called when Query expiry happened for a receiver. This removes the receiver from the
// the group
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) DelReceiver(cntx context.Context, port string, incl bool, srcList []net.IP) bool {
// The receiver may exist either in NewReceiver list or
// the CurReceivers list. Find and remove it from either
// of the lists.
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Deleting Receiver from Channel", log.Fields{"Port": port, "SrcList": srcList, "Incl": incl})
logger.Debugw(ctx, "New Receivers", log.Fields{"New": igc.NewReceivers})
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Current Receivers", log.Fields{"Current": igc.CurReceivers})
receiversUpdated := false
groupModified, receiverSrcListEmpty := igc.ProcessSources(cntx, port, srcList, incl)
if len(srcList) == 0 || len(igc.IncludeList) == 0 || receiverSrcListEmpty {
if igp, ok := igc.NewReceivers[port]; ok {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Deleting from NewReceivers")
delete(igc.NewReceivers, port)
receiversUpdated = true
if igp.Exclude {
} else {
if igp, ok1 := igc.CurReceivers[port]; ok1 {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Deleting from CurReceivers")
delete(igc.CurReceivers, port)
receiversUpdated = true
if igp.Exclude {
} else {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Receiver doesnot exist. Dropping Igmp leave")
return false
_ = db.DelIgmpRcvr(cntx, igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupAddr, igc.Device, port)
if igc.NumReceivers() == 0 {
mvp := GetApplication().GetMvlanProfileByTag(igc.Mvlan)
/* If proxy is configured and NumReceivers is 0, then we can reset the igc src list so that we send leave */
if _, ok := mvp.Proxy[igc.GroupName]; ok {
igc.IncludeList = []net.IP{}
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Deleted the receiver Flow", log.Fields{"Num Receivers": igc.NumReceivers()})
return true
if groupModified {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Updated SourceList for Channel", log.Fields{"Current": igc.CurReceivers, "New": igc.NewReceivers})
if err := igc.WriteToDb(cntx); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Igmp group channel Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"mvlan": igc.Mvlan, "GroupAddr": igc.GroupAddr})
logger.Infow(ctx, "Updated Receiver info for Channel", log.Fields{"Current": igc.CurReceivers, "New": igc.NewReceivers})
return receiversUpdated
// DelAllReceivers deletes all receiver for the provided igmp device
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) DelAllReceivers(cntx context.Context) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Deleting All Receiver for Channel", log.Fields{"Device": igc.Device, "Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String()})
_ = db.DelAllIgmpRcvr(cntx, igc.Mvlan, igc.GroupAddr, igc.Device)
igc.Exclude = 0
logger.Infow(ctx, "MC Flow deleted and Leave sent", log.Fields{"Channel": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Device": igc.Device})
// Igmpv2ReportPacket build an IGMPv2 Report for the upstream servers
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) Igmpv2ReportPacket() ([]byte, error) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Buidling IGMP version 2 Report", log.Fields{"Device": igc.Device})
return IgmpReportv2Packet(igc.GroupAddr, igc.Mvlan, (*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpCos, **igc.IgmpProxyIP)
// Igmpv3ReportPacket build an IGMPv3 Report for the upstream servers
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) Igmpv3ReportPacket() ([]byte, error) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Buidling IGMP version 3 Report", log.Fields{"Device": igc.Device, "Exclude": igc.Exclude})
if igc.Exclude > 0 {
return Igmpv3ReportPacket(igc.GroupAddr, igc.Mvlan, (*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpCos, **igc.IgmpProxyIP, false, igc.ExcludeList)
return Igmpv3ReportPacket(igc.GroupAddr, igc.Mvlan, (*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpCos, **igc.IgmpProxyIP, true, igc.IncludeList)
// SendReport send a consolidated report to the server
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) SendReport(isQuery bool) {
var report []byte
var err error
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Checking Version", log.Fields{"IGC Version": igc.Version, "Proxy Version": (*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpVerToServer,
"Result": (getVersion((*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpVerToServer) == IgmpVersion2)})
| IGMP version(towards BNG) Configured at VGC |
| v2 | v3 |
| Received From RG | V2 Join | Process and Send as V2 to BNG | Process, Convert to v3 and Send to BNG |
| | | | Process, Send as v2, if the BNG is v2 |
| V3 Join | Process and Send as V2 to BNG | Process, Send v3 to BNG |
| | | Process, Convert, Send as v2, if the |
| | | BNG is v2 |
| Received From BNG | V2 Query | V2 response to BNG | V2 response to BNG |
| V3 Query | Discard | V3 response to BNG |
// igc.Version: igmp version received from RG.
// igc.ServVersion: igmp version received from BNG or IgmpVerToServer present in proxy igmp conf.
if isQuery && *igc.ServVersion == IgmpVersion3 && getVersion((*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpVerToServer) == IgmpVersion2 {
// This is the last scenario where we must discard the query processing.
logger.Debug(ctx, "Dropping query packet since the server verion is v3 but igmp proxy version is v2")
if *igc.ServVersion == IgmpVersion2 || getVersion((*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpVerToServer) == IgmpVersion2 {
report, err = igc.Igmpv2ReportPacket()
} else {
report, err = igc.Igmpv3ReportPacket()
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Error Preparing Report", log.Fields{"Device": igc.Device, "Ver": igc.Version, "Reason": err.Error()})
nni, err := GetApplication().GetNniPort(igc.Device)
if err == nil {
_ = cntlr.GetController().PacketOutReq(igc.Device, nni, nni, report, false)
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Didn't find NNI port", log.Fields{"Device": igc.Device})
// AddMcFlow adds flow to the device when the first receiver joins
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) AddMcFlow(cntx context.Context) {
flow, err := igc.BuildMcFlow()
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "MC Flow Build Failed", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
port, _ := GetApplication().GetNniPort(igc.Device)
_ = cntlr.GetController().AddFlows(cntx, port, igc.Device, flow)
// DelMcFlow deletes flow from the device when the last receiver leaves
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) DelMcFlow(cntx context.Context) {
flow, err := igc.BuildMcFlow()
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "MC Flow Build Failed", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
flow.ForceAction = true
device := GetApplication().GetDevice(igc.Device)
if mvpIntf, _ := GetApplication().MvlanProfilesByTag.Load(igc.Mvlan); mvpIntf != nil {
mvp := mvpIntf.(*MvlanProfile)
err := mvp.DelFlows(cntx, device, flow)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Delering IGMP Flow for device failed ", log.Fields{"Device": device, "err": err})
// BuildMcFlow builds the flow using which it is added/deleted
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) BuildMcFlow() (*of.VoltFlow, error) {
flow := &of.VoltFlow{}
flow.SubFlows = make(map[uint64]*of.VoltSubFlow)
//va := GetApplication()
logger.Infow(ctx, "Building Mcast flow", log.Fields{"Mcast Group": igc.GroupAddr.String(), "Mvlan": igc.Mvlan.String()})
uintGroupAddr := ipv4ToUint(igc.GroupAddr)
subFlow := of.NewVoltSubFlow()
mvp := GetApplication().GetMvlanProfileByTag(igc.Mvlan)
//nni, err := va.GetNniPort(igc.Device)
//if err != nil {
// return nil, err
//inport, err := va.GetPortID(nni)
//if err != nil {
// return nil, err
cookiePort := uintGroupAddr
subFlow.Cookie = uint64(cookiePort)<<32 | uint64(igc.Mvlan)
subFlow.Priority = of.McFlowPriority
metadata := uint64(mvp.PonVlan)
flow.SubFlows[subFlow.Cookie] = subFlow
logger.Infow(ctx, "Built Mcast flow", log.Fields{"cookie": subFlow.Cookie, "subflow": subFlow})
return flow, nil
// IgmpLeaveToServer sends IGMP leave to server. Called when the last receiver leaves the group
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) IgmpLeaveToServer() {
if leave, err := IgmpLeavePacket(igc.GroupAddr, igc.Mvlan, (*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpCos, **igc.IgmpProxyIP); err == nil {
nni, err1 := GetApplication().GetNniPort(igc.Device)
if err1 == nil {
_ = cntlr.GetController().PacketOutReq(igc.Device, nni, nni, leave, false)
// SendLeaveToServer delete the group when the last receiver leaves the group
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) SendLeaveToServer() {
| IGMP version(towards BNG) Configured at VGC |
| v2 | v3 |
| Received From RG | V2 Leave | Process and Send as V2 to BNG | Process, Convert to V3 and Send to BNG/ |
| | | | Process, Send as V2, if the BNG is V2 |
| V3 Leave | Process and Send as V2 to BNG | Process, Send V3 to BNG |
| | | Process, Convert, Send as V2, if the |
| | | BNG is v2 |
// igc.Version: igmp version received from RG.
// igc.ServVersion: igmp version received from BNG or IgmpVerToServer present in proxy igmp conf.
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Sending IGMP leave upstream", log.Fields{"Device": igc.Device})
if *igc.ServVersion == IgmpVersion2 || getVersion((*igc.proxyCfg).IgmpVerToServer) == IgmpVersion2 {
} else {
// NumReceivers returns total number of receivers left on the group
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) NumReceivers() uint32 {
return uint32(len(igc.CurReceivers) + len(igc.NewReceivers))
// SendQuery sends query to the receivers for counting purpose
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) SendQuery() {
//var b []byte
//var err error
for portKey, port := range igc.NewReceivers {
igc.CurReceivers[portKey] = port
igc.NewReceivers = make(map[string]*IgmpGroupPort)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Sending Query to receivers", log.Fields{"Receivers": igc.CurReceivers})
for port, groupPort := range igc.CurReceivers {
if port == StaticPort {
if queryPkt, err := igc.buildQuery(igc.GroupAddr, of.VlanType(groupPort.CVlan), groupPort.Pbit); err == nil {
_ = cntlr.GetController().PacketOutReq(igc.Device, port, port, queryPkt, false)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Query Sent", log.Fields{"Device": igc.Device, "Port": port, "Packet": queryPkt})
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Query Creation Failed", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
// buildQuery to build query packet
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) buildQuery(groupAddr net.IP, cVlan of.VlanType, pbit uint8) ([]byte, error) {
if igc.Version == IgmpVersion2 {
return Igmpv2QueryPacket(igc.GroupAddr, cVlan, **igc.IgmpProxyIP, pbit, (*igc.proxyCfg).MaxResp)
return Igmpv3QueryPacket(igc.GroupAddr, cVlan, **igc.IgmpProxyIP, pbit, (*igc.proxyCfg).MaxResp)
// ProcessMode process the received mode and updated the igp
func (igc *IgmpGroupChannel) ProcessMode(port string, incl bool) {
/* Update the mode in igp if the mode has changed */
igp := igc.GetReceiver(port)
if igp.Exclude && incl {
igp.Exclude = !incl
if igc.Exclude > 0 {
} else if !incl && !igp.Exclude {
igp.Exclude = !incl