blob: 66408cad3d93d48fa1f7ffc9de73087413610520 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package application
import (
common "voltha-go-controller/internal/pkg/types"
const (
// MigrationComplete Represents the Migration Complete
MigrationComplete = "Completed"
// MigrationInProgress Represents the Migration Inprogress
MigrationInProgress = "InProgress"
// MigrationFailed Represents the Migration Failed
MigrationFailed = "Failed"
// StatusNone for no operations
StatusNone = "NONE"
// ModuleToBeDeleted - module where old version is deleted
ModuleToBeDeleted = "ModuleToBeDeleted"
// DataMigration represents the Version and Status info for Major Version Upgrade.
type DataMigration struct {
ModuleVer map[string]string // eg. "service": "v1"
Version string
Status string
type paramsMigrationFunc func(context.Context, []byte) string
// map to store conversion functions
var migrationMap = map[string]paramsMigrationFunc{
database.ServicePath: MigrateServices,
database.DevicePath: MigrateDevices,
database.DevicePortPath: MigrateDevicePorts,
database.DeviceFlowPath: MigrateDeviceFlows,
database.DeviceGroupPath: MigrateDeviceGroups,
database.DeviceMeterPath: MigrateDeviceMeters,
database.VnetPath: MigrateVnets,
database.VpvPath: MigrateVpvs,
database.MvlanPath: MigrateMvlans,
database.MeterPath: MigrateMeters,
database.IgmpConfPath: MigrateIgmpConfs,
database.IgmpGroupPath: MigrateIgmpGroups,
database.IgmpDevicePath: MigrateIgmpDevices,
database.IgmpChannelPath: MigrateIgmpChannels,
database.IgmpPortPath: MigrateIgmpPorts,
database.IgmpProfPath: MigrateIgmpProfs,
database.McastConfigPath: MigrateMcastConfs,
database.LogLevelPath: MigrateLogLevels,
database.HealthPath: MigrateHealth,
database.PonCounterPath: MigratePonCounters,
database.ChannelCounterPath: MigrateChannelCounters,
database.ServiceCounterPath: MigrateServiceCounters,
database.NbDevicePath: MigrateNbDevices,
database.DeviceFlowHashPath: MigrateDeviceFlowHash,
// WriteToDb write a meter profile to DB
func (md *DataMigration) WriteToDb(cntx context.Context) error {
b, err := json.Marshal(md)
if err != nil {
return err
if err1 := db.PutMigrationInfo(cntx, string(b)); err1 != nil {
return err1
return nil
// DelFromDb delete a meter profile from DB
func (md *DataMigration) DelFromDb(cntx context.Context) {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Received Delete from Db")
if err := db.DelMigrationInfo(cntx); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "DelMigrationInfo Failed", log.Fields{"Error": err})
// GetMigrationInfo to get data migration info
func GetMigrationInfo(cntx context.Context, dmInfo *DataMigration) error {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Get Migration Info")
var migrationInfo string
var err error
if db == nil {
db = database.GetDatabase()
if migrationInfo, err = db.GetMigrationInfo(cntx); err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(migrationInfo), &dmInfo)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, "Unmarshal of migrationinfo failed")
return err
return nil
// CheckIfMigrationRequired Checks if Migration is Completed
// Only Data Migration and Reboot would be handled in the Below function
// When Roll back happens just Delete of DB keys has to happen
// which will be done once delete key request is received from MSM
func CheckIfMigrationRequired(ctx context.Context) bool {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Check If Migration Required")
Migrate := new(DataMigration)
var NoDataInDB bool
err := GetMigrationInfo(ctx, Migrate)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Migration data", log.Fields{"DataMigration": Migrate})
// No DB entry represents N version Bring Up for the First time
if err != nil {
NoDataInDB = true
logger.Warn(ctx, "Failed to read the Migration Data from DB ")
// Covers N version bringup and Reboot Scenarios
if NoDataInDB {
logger.Info(ctx, "Data Migration Not Required")
Migrate.Version = database.PresentVersion
Migrate.Status = MigrationComplete
Migrate.ModuleVer = database.PresentVersionMap
if err := Migrate.WriteToDb(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "DB Write failed for Migration Path", log.Fields{"error": err})
// MigrateProbestatus has to be Updated to Complete when No Migration is Required
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Migration Probe Status", log.Fields{"Migration Probe": Migrate.Status})
// probe.UpdateDBMigrationStatus(ctx, true)
return false
// Migration required when vgc moves to Higher Versions
} else if Migrate.ModuleVer == nil {
// This case will hit when DataMigration is present with old schema
// and DataMigration schema has changed.
// In this case compare previous and current version configured in the models.
for key, currVer := range database.PresentVersionMap {
if currVer > database.PreviousVersionMap[key] {
logger.Infow(ctx, "DB Migration needed for", log.Fields{"comp": key})
return true
} else {
var isVersionChanged bool
// Compare the current version with previous version present in DB.
// This case will also hit in case of POD restart.
for key, currVer := range database.PresentVersionMap {
if dbVer := Migrate.ModuleVer[key]; dbVer != "" {
if currVer > dbVer {
logger.Infow(ctx, "DB Migration needed for", log.Fields{"comp": key})
isVersionChanged = true
database.DBVersionMap = Migrate.ModuleVer // Store DB data
if isVersionChanged {
return true
// In case Service Reboots/Rolls Back then Probe Success to MSM
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Migration Probe Status", log.Fields{"Migration Probe": Migrate.Status})
//probe.UpdateDBMigrationStatus(ctx, true)
return false
// InitiateDataMigration Migrates the DB data
// depending on the bool value returned by CheckIfMigrationDone
func InitiateDataMigration(ctx context.Context) {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Initiate Data Migration")
var err error
Migrate := new(DataMigration)
var migrationWG sync.WaitGroup
// Keeping it outside to avoid race condition where the
// wait check is reached before the go toutine for data migraiton is triggered
go func() {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Started Go Routine for data migration")
err = MigrateDBData(ctx)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to Migrate the Data", log.Fields{"error": err})
Migrate.Status = MigrationFailed
if err = Migrate.WriteToDb(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "DB Write failed to Migration Path", log.Fields{"error": err})
logger.Debug(ctx, "Completed Go Routine for data migration")
Migrate.Version = database.PresentVersion
Migrate.Status = MigrationInProgress
Migrate.ModuleVer = database.PresentVersionMap
if err = Migrate.WriteToDb(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "DB Write failed for Migration Path", log.Fields{"error": err})
// Failure Senario can be Exceptions, incase of panic Update the status as failed
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Migration failure due to Exception happened", log.Fields{"reason": err})
Migrate.Status = MigrationFailed
if err := Migrate.WriteToDb(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "DB Write failed for Migration Path", log.Fields{"error": err})
//probe.UpdateDBMigrationStatus(ctx, false)
// Wait for all the Db data migration to complete
//probe.UpdateDBMigrationStatus(ctx, true)
Migrate.Status = MigrationComplete
if err := Migrate.WriteToDb(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "DB Write failed for Migration Path", log.Fields{"error": err})
logger.Infow(ctx, "Migration completed successfully", log.Fields{"Status": Migrate.Status})
// MigrateDBData to migrate database data
func MigrateDBData(cntx context.Context) error {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Migrate DB Data")
var err error
for module, currentVersion := range database.PresentVersionMap {
if currentVersion == database.DBVersionMap[module] {
logger.Infow(ctx, "No Data Migration required for module", log.Fields{"Table": module, "Version": currentVersion})
if _, ok := migrationMap[module]; ok {
switch module {
case database.DeviceFlowPath,
err = FetchAndMigrateDeviceDBData(module)
err = FetchAndMigrateDBData(cntx, module)
} else {
logger.Infow(ctx, "No Data Migration handling found for module", log.Fields{"Table": module, "Version": currentVersion})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in data migration for module %s : %w", module, err)
return nil
// FetchAndMigrateDeviceDBData fetchs the data from database and migrte the same to latest versions and store ot back ot database
func FetchAndMigrateDeviceDBData(module string) error {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for Device DB Data", log.Fields{"Table": module})
return nil
// FetchAndMigrateDBData fetchs the data from database and migrte the same to latest versions and store ot back ot database
func FetchAndMigrateDBData(cntx context.Context, module string) error {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Fetch And Migrate DB Data", log.Fields{"Module": module})
previousPath := database.GetModuleKeypath(module, database.PreviousVersionMap[module])
dbPathKeysValueMap, err := db.List(cntx, previousPath)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "failed to Fetch the Keys from Redis", log.Fields{"error": err})
// No return required, Data might not be present in DB
return nil
if len(dbPathKeysValueMap) == 0 {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "No data present in DB for the path", log.Fields{"dbPath": module})
return nil
// Fetch each Path from previous version and store to present version after data migration changes
for hash, value := range dbPathKeysValueMap {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "DB path", log.Fields{"hash": hash})
// convert the value to a specific type based on the dbPath
b, ok := value.Value.([]byte)
if !ok {
return errors.New("Error-in-migration, The value type is not []byt")
presentParams := migrationMap[module](cntx, b)
logger.Infow(ctx, "Migrated data", log.Fields{"presentParams": presentParams})
if "" == presentParams {
return errors.New("Error-in-migration")
} else if ModuleToBeDeleted == presentParams {
return nil
presentPath := database.GetKeyPath(module) + hash
logger.Infow(ctx, "Before writing to DB", log.Fields{"presentParams": presentParams})
if err := db.Put(cntx, presentPath, presentParams); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Update Params failed", log.Fields{"key": presentPath, "presentparams": presentParams})
return err
return nil
// MigrateServices modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateServices(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Migrate Services")
var vs VoltService
var updatedData, updatedData1 []byte
var vsmap map[string]interface{}
var err1 error
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &vsmap)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Unmarshal of VPV failed", log.Fields{"error": err})
return ""
// changes to handle change in data type of MacLearning parameter
if updatedData1, err1 = json.Marshal(&vsmap); err1 != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Marshal of Service failed", log.Fields{"Error": err1.Error()})
return ""
if err2 := json.Unmarshal(updatedData1, &vs); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Unmarshal-failed", log.Fields{"err": err2})
return ""
if vsmap["MacLearning"] == true {
vs.MacLearning = Learn
// Migration
vs.PendingFlows = make(map[string]bool)
vs.AssociatedFlows = make(map[string]bool)
vs.DeleteInProgress = false
vs.PonPort = 0xFF
if updatedData, err = vs.JSONMarshal(); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Marshal of Service failed", log.Fields{"Error": err.Error()})
return ""
logger.Infow(ctx, "Service Migrated", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "PresentVersion": database.PresentVersionMap[database.ServicePath]})
return string(updatedData)
// MigrateDevices modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateDevices(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for Devices")
return ""
// MigrateDevicePorts modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateDevicePorts(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for Ports")
return ""
// MigrateDeviceFlows modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateDeviceFlows(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for Flows")
return ""
// MigrateDeviceGroups modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateDeviceGroups(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for Groups")
return ""
// MigrateDeviceMeters modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateDeviceMeters(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for Meters")
return ""
// MigrateDeviceFlowHash modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateDeviceFlowHash(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for FlowHash")
return ""
// MigrateVnets modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateVnets(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Migrate Vnets")
var vnet VoltVnet
var updatedData []byte
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &vnet)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Unmarshal of VNET failed", log.Fields{"error": err})
return ""
if vnet.SVlanTpid == 0 {
vnet.SVlanTpid = layers.EthernetTypeDot1Q
// MacLeanring parameter was not stored in vnets in 2.7 release.
if vnet.DhcpRelay || vnet.ArpLearning {
vnet.MacLearning = Learn
} else if !vnet.DhcpRelay && !vnet.ArpLearning {
vnet.MacLearning = MacLearningNone
vnet.PendingDeleteFlow = make(map[string]map[string]bool)
vnet.DeleteInProgress = false
if updatedData, err = vnet.JSONMarshal(); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Marshal of Vnet failed", log.Fields{"Error": err.Error()})
return ""
logger.Infow(ctx, "Vnet Migrated", log.Fields{"Vnet Name": vnet.Name, "PresentVersion": database.PresentVersionMap[database.VnetPath]})
return string(updatedData)
// MigrateVpvs modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateVpvs(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Migrate Vpvs")
var vpv VoltPortVnet
var updatedData, updatedData1 []byte
var vpvmap map[string]interface{}
var err1 error
var usFlowsApplied, dsFlowsApplied bool
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &vpvmap)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Unmarshal of VPV failed", log.Fields{"error": err})
return ""
// changes to handle change in data type of MacLearning parameter
if updatedData1, err1 = json.Marshal(&vpvmap); err1 != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Marshal of Service failed", log.Fields{"Error": err1.Error()})
return ""
if err2 := json.Unmarshal(updatedData1, &vpv); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Unmarshal-failed", log.Fields{"err": err2})
if vpvmap["MacLearning"] == true {
vpv.MacLearning = Learn
if vpvmap["UsFlowsApplied"] == true {
usFlowsApplied = true
if vpvmap["DsFlowsApplied"] == true {
dsFlowsApplied = true
if usFlowsApplied && dsFlowsApplied {
vpv.FlowsApplied = true
// Migration
if vpv.SVlanTpid == 0 {
vpv.SVlanTpid = layers.EthernetTypeDot1Q
vpv.VnetName = VnetKey(vpv.SVlan, vpv.CVlan, vpv.UniVlan)
vpv.PendingDeleteFlow = make(map[string]bool)
vpv.PonPort = 0xFF
if updatedData, err = vpv.JSONMarshal(); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Marshal of VPV failed", log.Fields{"Error": err.Error()})
return ""
logger.Infow(ctx, "VPV Migrated", log.Fields{"Device": vpv.Device, "port": vpv.Port, "SVlan": vpv.SVlan,
"CVlan": vpv.CVlan, "UniVlan": vpv.UniVlan, "PresentVersion": database.PresentVersionMap[database.VpvPath]})
return string(updatedData)
// MigrateMvlans modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateMvlans(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Migrate Mvlans")
var mvp MvlanProfile
var updatedData []byte
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &mvp)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, "Unmarshal of VPV failed")
return ""
// Mvlan Migration
mvp.IgmpServVersion = make(map[string]*uint8)
for srNo := range mvp.DevicesList {
var servVersion uint8
mvp.IgmpServVersion[srNo] = &servVersion
if updatedData, err = mvp.JSONMarshal(); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Marshal of Mvlan Profile failed", log.Fields{"Error": err.Error()})
return ""
logger.Infow(ctx, "Mvlan Profile Migrated", log.Fields{"MvlanProfileName": mvp.Name, "PresentVersion": database.PresentVersionMap[database.MvlanPath]})
return string(updatedData)
// MigrateMeters modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateMeters(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for Meters")
return ""
// MigrateIgmpConfs modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateIgmpConfs(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Migrate IgmpConfs")
var igmpProfile IgmpProfile
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &igmpProfile)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, "Unmarshal of IGMP failed")
return ""
if err := igmpProfile.WriteToDb(cntx); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Igmp profile Write to DB failed", log.Fields{"profileID": igmpProfile.ProfileID})
logger.Infow(ctx, "Igmp Conf Migrated", log.Fields{"Profile": igmpProfile, "PresentVersion": database.PresentVersionMap[database.VpvPath]})
return ModuleToBeDeleted
// MigrateIgmpGroups modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateIgmpGroups(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for IGMP Groups")
return ""
// MigrateIgmpDevices modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateIgmpDevices(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for IGMP Device")
return ""
// MigrateIgmpChannels modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateIgmpChannels(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for IGMP Channels")
return ""
// MigrateIgmpPorts modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateIgmpPorts(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for IGMP Ports")
return ""
// MigrateIgmpProfs modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateIgmpProfs(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for IGMP Profs")
return ""
// MigrateMcastConfs modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateMcastConfs(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for Mcast Confs")
return ""
// MigrateLogLevels modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateLogLevels(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for Log Levels")
return ""
// MigrateHealth modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateHealth(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for Health")
return ""
// MigratePonCounters modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigratePonCounters(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for Pon Counters")
return ""
// MigrateChannelCounters modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateChannelCounters(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for Channel Counters")
return ""
// MigrateServiceCounters modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateServiceCounters(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for Service Counters")
return ""
// MigrateNbDevices modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateNbDevices(cntx context.Context, data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for NB Devices")
return ""
// MigrateFlowHash modifyies the old data as per current version requirement and updates the database
func MigrateFlowHash(data []byte) string {
logger.Error(ctx, "Data Migration not implemented for FLow Hash")
return ""
// DeleteDbPathKeys Deleted the paths from DB
func DeleteDbPathKeys(cntx context.Context, keyPath string) error {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Deleting paths for version", log.Fields{"Path": keyPath})
// Delete all the keys
err := db.DeleteAll(cntx, keyPath)
if err != nil && err.Error() != common.ErrEntryNotFound.Error() {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Delete Key failed", log.Fields{"error": err})
return err
return nil