blob: a0c89e482c75bf10f7d725d69901200517e3cbbf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package controller
import (
ofp ""
// AuditEventType type
type AuditEventType uint8
const (
// AuditEventDeviceDisc constant
AuditEventDeviceDisc AuditEventType = 0
// AuditEventDeviceStateChange constant
AuditEventDeviceStateChange AuditEventType = 1
const (
// NNIPortID NNI port id
NNIPortID uint32 = 0x1000000
// AuditDevice structure
type AuditDevice struct {
ctx context.Context
device *Device
timestamp string
event AuditEventType
taskID uint8
stop bool
// NewAuditDevice is constructor for AuditDevice
func NewAuditDevice(device *Device, event AuditEventType) *AuditDevice {
var ad AuditDevice
ad.device = device
ad.stop = false
tstamp := (time.Now()).Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
ad.timestamp = tstamp
ad.event = event
return &ad
// Name returns the task name
func (ad *AuditDevice) Name() string {
return "Device Audit Task"
// TaskID returns the task id
func (ad *AuditDevice) TaskID() uint8 {
return ad.taskID
// Timestamp returns the timestamp for the task
func (ad *AuditDevice) Timestamp() string {
return ad.timestamp
// Stop to stop the task
func (ad *AuditDevice) Stop() {
ad.stop = true
// Start to start the task
func (ad *AuditDevice) Start(ctx context.Context, taskID uint8) error {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Audit Device Task Triggered", log.Fields{"Context": ctx, "taskId": taskID, "Device": ad.device.ID})
ad.taskID = taskID
ad.ctx = ctx
if ad.stop {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Audit Device Task Canceled", log.Fields{"Context": ad.ctx, "Task": ad.taskID})
return tasks.ErrTaskCancelError
ofpps, err := ad.device.VolthaClient().ListLogicalDevicePorts(ad.ctx, &common.ID{Id: ad.device.ID})
if err != nil {
return err
// Compute the difference between the ports received and ports at VGC
// First build a map of all the received ports under missing ports. We
// will eliminate the ports that are in the device from the missing ports
// so that the elements remaining are missing ports. The ones that are
// not in missing ports are added to excess ports which should be deleted
// from the VGC.
missingPorts := make(map[uint32]*ofp.OfpPort)
for _, ofpp := range ofpps.Items {
missingPorts[ofpp.OfpPort.PortNo] = ofpp.OfpPort
logger.Infow(ctx, "Missing Ports", log.Fields{"Ports": ofpp.OfpPort, "missingPorts": missingPorts})
var excessPorts []uint32
processPortState := func(id uint32, vgcPort *DevicePort) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Process Port State Ind", log.Fields{"Port No": vgcPort.ID, "Port Name": vgcPort.Name})
if ofpPort, ok := missingPorts[id]; ok {
if ((vgcPort.State == PortStateDown) && (ofpPort.State == uint32(ofp.OfpPortState_OFPPS_LIVE))) || ((vgcPort.State == PortStateUp) && (ofpPort.State != uint32(ofp.OfpPortState_OFPPS_LIVE))) {
// This port exists in the received list and the map at
// VGC. This is common so delete it
logger.Infow(ctx, "Port State Mismatch", log.Fields{"Port": vgcPort.ID, "OfpPort": ofpPort.PortNo, "ReceivedState": ofpPort.State, "CurrentState": vgcPort.State})
ad.device.ProcessPortState(ctx, ofpPort.PortNo, ofpPort.State)
} else {
//To ensure the flows are in sync with port status and no mismatch due to reboot,
// repush/delete flows based on current port status
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Port State Processing", log.Fields{"Port": vgcPort.ID, "OfpPort": ofpPort.PortNo, "ReceivedState": ofpPort.State, "CurrentState": vgcPort.State})
ad.device.ProcessPortStateAfterReboot(ctx, ofpPort.PortNo, ofpPort.State)
delete(missingPorts, id)
} else {
// This port is missing from the received list. This is an
// excess port at VGC. This must be added to excess ports
excessPorts = append(excessPorts, id)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Processed Port State Ind", log.Fields{"Port No": vgcPort.ID, "Port Name": vgcPort.Name})
// 1st process the NNI port before all other ports so that the device state can be updated.
if vgcPort, ok := ad.device.PortsByID[NNIPortID]; ok {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Processing NNI port state", log.Fields{"PortNo": vgcPort.ID, "PortName": vgcPort.Name, "PortState": vgcPort.State})
processPortState(NNIPortID, vgcPort)
for id, vgcPort := range ad.device.PortsByID {
if id == NNIPortID {
//NNI port already processed
if ad.stop {
processPortState(id, vgcPort)
if ad.stop {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Audit Device Task Canceled", log.Fields{"Context": ad.ctx, "Task": ad.taskID})
return tasks.ErrTaskCancelError
ad.AddMissingPorts(ctx, missingPorts)
ad.DelExcessPorts(ctx, excessPorts)
ad.device.deviceAuditInProgress = false
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Audit Device Task Completed", log.Fields{"Context": ctx, "taskId": taskID, "Device": ad.device.ID})
return nil
// AddMissingPorts to add the missing ports
func (ad *AuditDevice) AddMissingPorts(cntx context.Context, mps map[uint32]*ofp.OfpPort) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Device Audit - Add Missing Ports", log.Fields{"NumPorts": len(mps), "Ports": mps})
addMissingPort := func(mp *ofp.OfpPort) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Process Port Add Ind", log.Fields{"Port No": mp.PortNo, "Port Name": mp.Name})
// Error is ignored as it only drops duplicate ports
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Calling AddPort", log.Fields{"No": mp.PortNo, "Name": mp.Name})
if err := ad.device.AddPort(cntx, mp); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "AddPort Failed", log.Fields{"Port No": mp.PortNo, "Port Name": mp.Name, "Reason": err})
if mp.State == uint32(ofp.OfpPortState_OFPPS_LIVE) {
ad.device.ProcessPortState(cntx, mp.PortNo, mp.State)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Processed Port Add Ind", log.Fields{"Port No": mp.PortNo, "Port Name": mp.Name})
// 1st process the NNI port before all other ports so that the flow provisioning for UNIs can be enabled
if mp, ok := mps[NNIPortID]; ok {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Adding Missing NNI port", log.Fields{"PortNo": mp.PortNo, "Port Name": mp.Name, "Port Status": mp.State})
for portNo, mp := range mps {
if portNo != NNIPortID {
// DelExcessPorts to delete the excess ports
func (ad *AuditDevice) DelExcessPorts(cntx context.Context, eps []uint32) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Device Audit - Delete Excess Ports", log.Fields{"NumPorts": len(eps)})
for _, id := range eps {
// Now delete the port from the device @ VGC
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Device Audit - Deleting Port", log.Fields{"PortId": id})
if err := ad.device.DelPort(cntx, id); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "DelPort Failed", log.Fields{"PortId": id, "Reason": err})