blob: 5d7bc43482eaa4cb03f5a19e928cccbeeaef67d8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package application
import (
infraerrorCodes "voltha-go-controller/internal/pkg/errorcodes"
cntlr "voltha-go-controller/internal/pkg/controller"
errorCodes "voltha-go-controller/internal/pkg/errorcodes"
const (
// DSLAttrEnabled constant
DSLAttrEnabled string = "ENABLED"
// DeviceAny constant
DeviceAny string = "DEVICE-ANY"
// VoltServiceCfg structure
// Name - Uniquely identifies a service across the entire application
// UniVlan - The VLAN of the packets entering the UNI of ONU
// CVlan - The VLAN to transalate to/from on the PON link
// SVlan - The outer VLAN to be used on the NNI of OLT.
// - In general, 4096 is used as NO VLAN for all the above
// SVlanTpid - SVlan Tag Protocol Identifier
// Pbits - Each bit of uint8 represents one p-bit. MSB is pbit 7
// DhcpRelay - Whether it is turned on/off
// CircuitId - The circuit id to be used with DHCP relay. Unused otherwise
// RemoveId - Same as above
// Port - The access port for the service. Each service has a single access
// port. The converse is not always true
// MacLearning - If MAC learning is turned on, the MAC address learned from the
// the service activation is used in programming flows
// MacAddress - The MAC hardware address learnt on the UNI interface
// MacAddresses - Not yet implemented. To be used to learn more MAC addresses
type VoltServiceCfg struct {
Pbits []of.PbitType
Name string
CircuitID string
Port string
UsMeterProfile string
DsMeterProfile string
AggDsMeterProfile string
VnetID string
MvlanProfileName string
RemoteIDType string
DataRateAttr string
ServiceType string
DsRemarkPbitsMap map[int]int // Ex: Remark case {0:0,1:0} and No-remark case {1:1}
RemoteID []byte
MacAddr net.HardwareAddr
ONTEtherTypeClassification int
SchedID int
Trigger ServiceTrigger
MacLearning MacLearningType
PonPort uint32
MinDataRateUs uint32
MinDataRateDs uint32
MaxDataRateUs uint32
MaxDataRateDs uint32
TechProfileID uint16
SVlanTpid layers.EthernetType
UniVlan of.VlanType
CVlan of.VlanType
SVlan of.VlanType
UsPonCTagPriority of.PbitType
UsPonSTagPriority of.PbitType
DsPonSTagPriority of.PbitType
DsPonCTagPriority of.PbitType
VlanControl VlanControl
IsOption82Enabled bool
IgmpEnabled bool
McastService bool
AllowTransparent bool
EnableMulticastKPI bool
IsActivated bool
// VoltServiceOper structure
type VoltServiceOper struct {
Metadata interface{}
PendingFlows map[string]bool
AssociatedFlows map[string]bool
BwAvailInfo string
//MacLearning bool
//MacAddr net.HardwareAddr
Device string
Ipv4Addr net.IP
Ipv6Addr net.IP
ServiceLock sync.RWMutex `json:"-"`
UsMeterID uint32
DsMeterID uint32
AggDsMeterID uint32
UpdateInProgress bool
DeleteInProgress bool
DeactivateInProgress bool
ForceDelete bool
// Multiservice-Fix
UsHSIAFlowsApplied bool
DsHSIAFlowsApplied bool
UsDhcpFlowsApplied bool
DsDhcpFlowsApplied bool
IgmpFlowsApplied bool
Icmpv6FlowsApplied bool
// VoltService structure
type VoltService struct {
Version string
// ServiceTrigger - Service activation trigger
type ServiceTrigger int
const (
// NBActivate - Service added due to NB Action
NBActivate ServiceTrigger = 0
// ServiceVlanUpdate - Service added due to Svlan Update
ServiceVlanUpdate ServiceTrigger = 1
// AppMutexes structure
type AppMutexes struct {
ServiceDataMutex sync.Mutex `json:"-"`
VnetMutex sync.Mutex `json:"-"`
// MigrateServiceMetadata - migrate services request metadata
type MigrateServiceMetadata struct {
NewVnetID string
RequestID string
// AppMutex variable
var AppMutex AppMutexes
// NewVoltService for constructor for volt service
func NewVoltService(cfg *VoltServiceCfg) *VoltService {
var vs VoltService
vs.VoltServiceCfg = *cfg
vs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied = false
vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied = false
vs.DeleteInProgress = false
vs.DeactivateInProgress = false
//vs.MacAddr, _ = net.ParseMAC("00:00:00:00:00:00")
vs.IsOption82Enabled = cfg.IsOption82Enabled
vs.MacAddr = cfg.MacAddr
vs.Ipv4Addr = net.ParseIP("")
vs.Ipv6Addr = net.ParseIP("::")
vs.PendingFlows = make(map[string]bool)
vs.AssociatedFlows = make(map[string]bool)
return &vs
// WriteToDb commit a service to the DB if service delete is not in-progress
func (vs *VoltService) WriteToDb(cntx context.Context) {
defer vs.ServiceLock.RUnlock()
if vs.DeleteInProgress {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Skipping Redis Update for Service, Service delete in progress", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name})
// ForceWriteToDb force commit a service to the DB
func (vs *VoltService) ForceWriteToDb(cntx context.Context) {
b, err := json.Marshal(vs)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Json Marshal Failed for Service", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name})
if err1 := db.PutService(cntx, vs.Name, string(b)); err1 != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "DB write oper failed for Service", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name})
// isDataRateAttrPresent to check if data attribute is present
func (vs *VoltService) isDataRateAttrPresent() bool {
return vs.DataRateAttr == DSLAttrEnabled
// DelFromDb delete a service from DB
func (vs *VoltService) DelFromDb(cntx context.Context) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Deleting Service from DB", log.Fields{"Name": vs.Name})
// TODO - Need to understand and delete the second call
// Calling twice has worked though don't know why
_ = db.DelService(cntx, vs.Name)
_ = db.DelService(cntx, vs.Name)
// MatchesVlans find the service that matches the VLANs. In this case it is
// purely based on CVLAN. The CVLAN can sufficiently be used to
// match a service
func (vs *VoltService) MatchesVlans(vlans []of.VlanType) bool {
if len(vlans) != 1 {
return false
if vlans[0] == vs.CVlan {
return true
return false
// MatchesPbits allows matching a service to a pbit. This is used
// to search for a service matching the pbits, typically to identify
// attributes for other flows such as DHCP, IGMP, etc.
func (vs *VoltService) MatchesPbits(pbits []of.PbitType) bool {
for _, pbit := range pbits {
for _, pb := range vs.Pbits {
if pb == pbit {
return true
return false
// IsPbitExist allows matching a service to a pbit. This is used
// to search for a service matching the pbit
func (vs *VoltService) IsPbitExist(pbit of.PbitType) bool {
for _, pb := range vs.Pbits {
if pb == pbit {
return true
return false
// AddHsiaFlows - Adds US & DS HSIA Flows for the service
func (vs *VoltService) AddHsiaFlows(cntx context.Context) {
if err := vs.AddUsHsiaFlows(cntx); err != nil {
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
if err := vs.AddDsHsiaFlows(cntx); err != nil {
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
// DelHsiaFlows - Deletes US & DS HSIA Flows for the service
func (vs *VoltService) DelHsiaFlows(cntx context.Context) {
if err := vs.DelUsHsiaFlows(cntx); err != nil {
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
if err := vs.DelDsHsiaFlows(cntx); err != nil {
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
func (vs *VoltService) AddMeterToDevice(cntx context.Context) error {
if vs.DeleteInProgress || vs.UpdateInProgress {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Ignoring Meter Push, Service deleteion In-Progress", log.Fields{"Device": vs.Device, "Service": vs.Name})
va := GetApplication()
logger.Infow(ctx, "Configuring Meters for FTTB", log.Fields{"ServiceName": vs.Name})
device, err := va.GetDeviceFromPort(vs.Port)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Getting Device", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
return errorCodes.ErrDeviceNotFound
} else if device.State != controller.DeviceStateUP {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Device state Down. Ignoring Meter Push", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "Port": vs.Port})
return nil
va.AddMeterToDevice(vs.Port, device.Name, vs.UsMeterID, 0)
va.AddMeterToDevice(vs.Port, device.Name, vs.DsMeterID, vs.AggDsMeterID)
return nil
// AddUsHsiaFlows - Add US HSIA Flows for the service
func (vs *VoltService) AddUsHsiaFlows(cntx context.Context) error {
if vs.DeleteInProgress || vs.UpdateInProgress {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Ignoring US HSIA Flow Push, Service deleteion In-Progress", log.Fields{"Device": vs.Device, "Service": vs.Name})
return nil
va := GetApplication()
logger.Infow(ctx, "Configuring US HSIA Service Flows", log.Fields{"ServiceName": vs.Name})
if !vs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied || vgcRebooted {
device, err := va.GetDeviceFromPort(vs.Port)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Getting Device", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
return errorCodes.ErrDeviceNotFound
} else if device.State != controller.DeviceStateUP {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Device state Down. Ignoring US HSIA Flow Push", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "Port": vs.Port})
return nil
vs.Device = device.Name
/* In case of DPU_MGMT_TRAFFIC the meters will be configured before US flow creation*/
if vs.ServiceType != DpuMgmtTraffic {
va.AddMeterToDevice(vs.Port, device.Name, vs.UsMeterID, 0)
va.AddMeterToDevice(vs.Port, device.Name, vs.DsMeterID, vs.AggDsMeterID)
logger.Infow(ctx, "Adding HSIA flows", log.Fields{"Name": vs.Name})
pBits := vs.Pbits
// If no pbits configured for service, hence add PbitNone for flows
if len(vs.Pbits) == 0 {
pBits = append(pBits, PbitMatchNone)
for _, pbits := range pBits {
usflows, err := vs.BuildUsHsiaFlows(pbits)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Building HSIA US flows", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
usflows.MigrateCookie = vgcRebooted
if err := vs.AddFlows(cntx, device, usflows); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error adding HSIA US flows", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
vs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied = true
logger.Infow(ctx, "Pushed US HSIA Service Flows", log.Fields{"ServiceName": vs.Name})
return nil
// AddDsHsiaFlows - Add DS HSIA Flows for the service
func (vs *VoltService) AddDsHsiaFlows(cntx context.Context) error {
if vs.DeleteInProgress {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Ignoring DS HSIA Flow Push, Service deleteion In-Progress", log.Fields{"Device": vs.Device, "Service": vs.Name})
return nil
va := GetApplication()
logger.Infow(ctx, "Configuring DS HSIA Service Flows", log.Fields{"ServiceName": vs.Name})
if !vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied || vgcRebooted {
device, err := va.GetDeviceFromPort(vs.Port)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Getting Device", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
return errorCodes.ErrDeviceNotFound
} else if device.State != controller.DeviceStateUP {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Device state Down. Ignoring DS HSIA Flow Push", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "Port": vs.Port})
return nil
va.AddMeterToDevice(vs.Port, device.Name, vs.DsMeterID, vs.AggDsMeterID)
logger.Infow(ctx, "Adding HSIA flows", log.Fields{"Name": vs.Name})
//If no pbits configured for service, hence add PbitNone for flows
if len(vs.DsRemarkPbitsMap) == 0 {
dsflows, err := vs.BuildDsHsiaFlows(of.PbitType(of.PbitMatchNone))
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Building HSIA DS flows", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
return err
dsflows.MigrateCookie = vgcRebooted
if err = vs.AddFlows(cntx, device, dsflows); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to add HSIA DS flows", log.Fields{"Reason": err})
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
} else {
// if all 8 p-bits are to be remarked to one-pbit, configure all-to-one remarking flow
if _, ok := vs.DsRemarkPbitsMap[int(of.PbitMatchAll)]; ok {
dsflows, err := vs.BuildDsHsiaFlows(of.PbitType(of.PbitMatchAll))
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Building HSIA DS flows", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
return err
logger.Debug(ctx, "Add-one-match-all-pbit-flow")
dsflows.MigrateCookie = vgcRebooted
if err := vs.AddFlows(cntx, device, dsflows); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to add HSIA DS flows", log.Fields{"Reason": err})
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
} else {
for matchPbit := range vs.DsRemarkPbitsMap {
dsflows, err := vs.BuildDsHsiaFlows(of.PbitType(matchPbit))
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Building HSIA DS flows", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
dsflows.MigrateCookie = vgcRebooted
if err := vs.AddFlows(cntx, device, dsflows); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to Add HSIA DS flows", log.Fields{"Reason": err})
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied = true
logger.Infow(ctx, "Pushed DS HSIA Service Flows", log.Fields{"ServiceName": vs.Name})
return nil
// DelUsHsiaFlows - Deletes US HSIA Flows for the service
func (vs *VoltService) DelUsHsiaFlows(cntx context.Context) error {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Removing US HSIA Services", log.Fields{"Services": vs.Name})
if vs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied || vgcRebooted {
device, err := GetApplication().GetDeviceFromPort(vs.Port)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Getting Device", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
return errorCodes.ErrDeviceNotFound
logger.Infow(ctx, "Removing HSIA flows", log.Fields{"Name": vs.Name})
pBits := vs.Pbits
// If no pbits configured for service, hence add PbitNone for flows
if len(vs.Pbits) == 0 {
pBits = append(pBits, PbitMatchNone)
for _, pbits := range pBits {
usflows, err := vs.BuildUsHsiaFlows(pbits)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Building HSIA US flows", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
usflows.MigrateCookie = vgcRebooted
if err = vs.DelFlows(cntx, device, usflows); err != nil {
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
vs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied = false
return nil
// DelDsHsiaFlows - Deletes DS HSIA Flows for the service
func (vs *VoltService) DelDsHsiaFlows(cntx context.Context) error {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Removing DS HSIA Services", log.Fields{"Services": vs.Name})
if vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied || vgcRebooted {
device, err := GetApplication().GetDeviceFromPort(vs.Port)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Getting Device", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
return errorCodes.ErrDeviceNotFound
logger.Infow(ctx, "Removing HSIA flows", log.Fields{"Name": vs.Name})
var matchPbit int
// If no pbits configured for service, hence add PbitNone for flows
if len(vs.DsRemarkPbitsMap) == 0 {
dsflows, err := vs.BuildDsHsiaFlows(of.PbitType(PbitMatchNone))
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Building HSIA DS flows", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
return err
dsflows.MigrateCookie = vgcRebooted
if err = vs.DelFlows(cntx, device, dsflows); err != nil {
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
} else if _, ok := vs.DsRemarkPbitsMap[int(PbitMatchAll)]; ok {
dsflows, err := vs.BuildDsHsiaFlows(of.PbitType(int(PbitMatchAll)))
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Building HSIA DS flows", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
return err
dsflows.MigrateCookie = vgcRebooted
if err = vs.DelFlows(cntx, device, dsflows); err != nil {
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
} else {
for matchPbit = range vs.DsRemarkPbitsMap {
dsflows, err := vs.BuildDsHsiaFlows(of.PbitType(matchPbit))
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Building HSIA DS flows", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error()})
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
dsflows.MigrateCookie = vgcRebooted
if err = vs.DelFlows(cntx, device, dsflows); err != nil {
statusCode, statusMessage := infraerrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(err)
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(statusCode, statusMessage)
vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied = false
logger.Infow(ctx, "Deleted HSIA DS flows from DB successfully", log.Fields{"ServiceName": vs.Name})
// Post HSIA configuration success indication on message bus
return nil
// BuildDsHsiaFlows build the DS HSIA flows
// Called for add/delete HSIA flows
func (vs *VoltService) BuildDsHsiaFlows(pbits of.PbitType) (*of.VoltFlow, error) {
flow := &of.VoltFlow{}
flow.SubFlows = make(map[uint64]*of.VoltSubFlow)
// Get the out and in ports for the flows
device, err := GetApplication().GetDeviceFromPort(vs.Port)
if err != nil {
return nil, errorCodes.ErrDeviceNotFound
inport, _ := GetApplication().GetPortID(device.NniPort)
outport, _ := GetApplication().GetPortID(vs.Port)
// PortName and PortID to be used for validation of port before flow pushing
flow.PortID = outport
flow.PortName = vs.Port
allowTransparent := 0
if vs.AllowTransparent {
allowTransparent = 1
// initialized actnPbit to 0 for cookie genration backward compatibility.
var actnPbit of.PbitType
remarkPbit, remarkExists := vs.DsRemarkPbitsMap[int(pbits)]
generateDSCookie := func(vlan of.VlanType, valToShift uint64) uint64 {
// | 12-bit cvlan/UniVlan | 4 bits action pbit | <32-bits uniport>| 16-bits HSIA mask OR flow mask OR pbit |
cookie := uint64(vlan)<<52 + uint64(actnPbit)<<48 + uint64(outport)<<16 | of.HsiaFlowMask
cookie = cookie | of.DsFlowMask
cookie = cookie + (valToShift << 4) + uint64(pbits)
return cookie
l2ProtoValue, err := GetMetadataForL2Protocol(vs.SVlanTpid)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "DS HSIA flow push failed: Invalid SvlanTpid", log.Fields{"SvlanTpid": vs.SVlanTpid, "Service": vs.Name})
return nil, err
// Add Table-0 flow that deals with the outer VLAN in pOLT
subflow1 := of.NewVoltSubFlow()
if pbits != PbitMatchNone {
if remarkExists && (of.PbitType(remarkPbit) != pbits) {
// match & action pbits are different, set remark-pbit action
actnPbit = of.PbitType(remarkPbit)
// mask remark p-bit to 4bits
actnPbit = actnPbit & 0x0F
if err := vs.setDSMatchActionVlanT0(subflow1); err != nil {
return nil, err
logger.Infow(ctx, "HSIA DS flows MAC Learning & MAC", log.Fields{"ML": vs.MacLearning, "Mac": vs.MacAddr})
if NonZeroMacAddress(vs.MacAddr) {
subflow1.Priority = of.HsiaFlowPriority
/* WriteMetaData 8 Byte(uint64) usage:
| Byte8 | Byte7 | Byte6 | Byte5 | Byte4 | Byte3 | Byte2 | Byte1 |
| reserved | reserved | TpID | TpID | uinID | uniID | uniID | uniID | */
metadata := uint64(vs.CVlan)<<48 + uint64(vs.TechProfileID)<<32 + uint64(outport)
if vs.ServiceType == FttbSubscriberTraffic {
metadata = uint64(of.VlanAny)<<48 + uint64(vs.TechProfileID)<<32 + uint64(outport)
/* TableMetaData 8 Byte(uint64) Voltha usage: (Considering MSB bit as 63rd bit and LSB bit as 0th bit)
| Byte8 | Byte7 | Byte6 | Byte5 | Byte4 | Byte3 | Byte2 | Byte1 |
| 0000 | 00 | 0 | 0 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 0000 0000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000|
| reserved | svlanTpID | Buff us | AT | schedID | schedID | onteth vlanCtrl | unitag | unitag | ctag | ctag | */
/* TableMetaData 8 Byte(uint64) Community usage: (Considering MSB bit as 63rd bit and LSB bit as 0th bit)
| Byte8 | Byte7 | Byte6 | Byte5 | Byte4 | Byte3 | Byte2 | Byte1 |
| 0000 | 00 | 0 | 0 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 0000 0000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 00000000|
| reserved | svlanTpID | Buff us | AT | schedID | schedID | onteth vlanCtrl | ctag | ctag | ctag | ctag | */
if vs.ServiceType != FttbSubscriberTraffic {
metadata = uint64(l2ProtoValue)<<58 | uint64(allowTransparent)<<56 | uint64(vs.SchedID)<<40 | uint64(vs.ONTEtherTypeClassification)<<36 | uint64(vs.VlanControl)<<32 | uint64(vs.CVlan)
// TODO - We are using cookie as key and must come up with better cookie
// allocation algorithm
* Cokies may clash when -
* on same uni-port we have two sub-service
* 1. U=10, C=100, S=310, p-bit=4 - VLAN_Control = OLT_CVLAN_OLT_SVLAN
* 2. U=10, C=10, S=320, p-bit=4 - VLAN_control = ONU_CVLAN_ONU_SVLAN
* However, this p-bit re-use will not be allowed by sub-mgr.
if vs.VlanControl == OLTCVlanOLTSVlan {
* The new cookie generation is only for OLT_CVLAN_OLT_SVLAN case (TEF residential case) within a UNI.
* After vgc upgrade, if we have to deactivate an already existing TEF residential service, then we have to
* use old cookie.
subflow1.Cookie = generateDSCookie(vs.UniVlan, 0)
if vgcRebooted {
subflow1.OldCookie = generateDSCookie(vs.CVlan, 0)
} else {
// In case of Olt_Svlan , CVLAN=UNIVLAN so cookie can be constructed with CVLAN as well
subflow1.Cookie = generateDSCookie(vs.CVlan, 0)
flow.SubFlows[subflow1.Cookie] = subflow1
logger.Infow(ctx, "Building downstream HSIA flow for T0", log.Fields{"cookie": subflow1.Cookie,
"subflow": subflow1})
// Add Table-1 flow that deals with inner VLAN at the ONU
subflow2 := of.NewVoltSubFlow()
if NonZeroMacAddress(vs.MacAddr) {
if err := vs.setDSMatchActionVlanT1(subflow2); err != nil {
return nil, err
if pbits != PbitMatchNone {
if remarkExists && (of.PbitType(remarkPbit) != pbits) {
// refer Table-0 flow generation for byte information
metadata := uint64(vs.CVlan)<<48 + uint64(vs.TechProfileID)<<32 + uint64(outport)
if vs.ServiceType == FttbSubscriberTraffic {
metadata = uint64(of.VlanAny)<<48 + uint64(vs.TechProfileID)<<32 + uint64(outport)
// Table-1 and inport is NNI: It is a DS flow for ONU, add uniport in metadata to make it unique
if util.IsNniPort(inport) {
metadata = uint64(outport)
} else {
// refer Table-0 flow generation for byte information
metadata = uint64(l2ProtoValue)<<58 | uint64(allowTransparent)<<56 | uint64(vs.SchedID)<<40 | uint64(vs.ONTEtherTypeClassification)<<36 | uint64(vs.VlanControl)<<32 | uint64(vs.CVlan)
// Setting of Cookie - TODO - Improve the allocation algorithm
if vs.VlanControl == OLTCVlanOLTSVlan {
* The new cookie generation is only for OLT_CVLAN_OLT_SVLAN case (TEF residential case) within a UNI.
* After vgc upgrade, if we have to deactivate an already existing TEF residential service, then we have to
* use old cookie.
subflow2.Cookie = generateDSCookie(vs.UniVlan, 1)
if vgcRebooted {
subflow2.OldCookie = generateDSCookie(vs.CVlan, 1)
} else {
// In case of Olt_Svlan , CVLAN=UNIVLAN so cookie can be constructed with CVLAN as well
subflow2.Cookie = generateDSCookie(vs.CVlan, 1)
subflow2.Priority = of.HsiaFlowPriority
flow.SubFlows[subflow2.Cookie] = subflow2
logger.Infow(ctx, "Building downstream HSIA flow for T1", log.Fields{"cookie": subflow2.Cookie,
"subflow": subflow2})
return flow, nil
// BuildUsHsiaFlows build the US HSIA flows
// Called for add/delete HSIA flows
func (vs *VoltService) BuildUsHsiaFlows(pbits of.PbitType) (*of.VoltFlow, error) {
flow := &of.VoltFlow{}
flow.SubFlows = make(map[uint64]*of.VoltSubFlow)
// Get the out and in ports for the flows
device, err := GetApplication().GetDeviceFromPort(vs.Port)
if err != nil {
return nil, errorCodes.ErrDeviceNotFound
outport, _ := GetApplication().GetPortID(device.NniPort)
inport, _ := GetApplication().GetPortID(vs.Port)
// PortName and PortID to be used for validation of port before flow pushing
flow.PortID = inport
flow.PortName = vs.Port
// Add Table-0 flow that deals with the inner VLAN in ONU
subflow1 := of.NewVoltSubFlow()
if vs.ServiceType == DpuMgmtTraffic {
} else if vs.ServiceType == DpuAncpTraffic {
if err := vs.setUSMatchActionVlanT0(subflow1); err != nil {
return nil, err
/* WriteMetaData 8 Byte(uint64) usage:
| Byte8 | Byte7 | Byte6 | Byte5 | Byte4 | Byte3 | Byte2 | Byte1 |
| reserved | reserved | TpID | TpID | uinID | uniID | uniID | uniID | */
//metadata := uint64(vs.CVlan)<<48 + uint64(vs.TechProfileID)<<32 + uint64(outport)
metadata := uint64(vs.TechProfileID)<<32 + uint64(outport)
if vs.ServiceType == FttbSubscriberTraffic {
metadata = uint64(of.VlanAny)<<48 + uint64(vs.TechProfileID)<<32 + uint64(outport)
if vs.VlanControl == OLTCVlanOLTSVlan {
* The new cookie generation is only for OLT_CVLAN_OLT_SVLAN case (TEF residential case) within a UNI.
* After vgc upgrade, if we have to deactivate an already existing TEF residential service, then we have to
* use old cookie.
subflow1.Cookie = vs.generateUSCookie(vs.UniVlan, 0, inport, pbits)
if vgcRebooted {
subflow1.OldCookie = vs.generateUSCookie(vs.CVlan, 0, inport, pbits)
} else {
// In case of Olt_Svlan , CVLAN=UNIVLAN so cookie can be constructed with CVLAN as well
subflow1.Cookie = vs.generateUSCookie(vs.CVlan, 0, inport, pbits)
subflow1.Priority = of.HsiaFlowPriority
flow.SubFlows[subflow1.Cookie] = subflow1
logger.Infow(ctx, "Building upstream HSIA flow for T0", log.Fields{"cookie": subflow1.Cookie, "subflow": subflow1})
// Add Table-1 flow that deals with the outer vlan in pOLT
subflow2 := of.NewVoltSubFlow()
if err := vs.setUSMatchActionVlanT1(subflow2); err != nil {
return nil, err
if vs.ServiceType == DpuMgmtTraffic {
// refer Table-0 flow generation for byte information
metadata := uint64(vs.TechProfileID)<<32 + uint64(outport)
if vs.ServiceType == FttbSubscriberTraffic {
metadata = uint64(of.VlanAny)<<48 + uint64(vs.TechProfileID)<<32 + uint64(outport)
if vs.VlanControl == OLTCVlanOLTSVlan {
* The new cookie generation is only for OLT_CVLAN_OLT_SVLAN case (TEF residential case) within a UNI.
* After vgc upgrade, if we have to deactivate an already existing TEF residential service, then we have to
* use old cookie.
subflow2.Cookie = vs.generateUSCookie(vs.UniVlan, 1, inport, pbits)
if vgcRebooted {
subflow2.OldCookie = vs.generateUSCookie(vs.CVlan, 1, inport, pbits)
} else {
// In case of Olt_Svlan , CVLAN=UNIVLAN so cookie can be constructed with CVLAN as well
subflow2.Cookie = vs.generateUSCookie(vs.CVlan, 1, inport, pbits)
subflow2.Priority = of.HsiaFlowPriority
flow.SubFlows[subflow2.Cookie] = subflow2
logger.Infow(ctx, "Building upstream HSIA flow for T1", log.Fields{"cookie": subflow2.Cookie, "subflow": subflow2})
return flow, nil
func (vs *VoltService) generateUSCookie(vlan of.VlanType, valToShift uint64, inport uint32, pbits of.PbitType) uint64 {
// | 12-bit cvlan/UniVlan | 4 bits empty | <32-bits uniport>| 16-bits HSIA mask OR flow mask OR pbit |
cookie := uint64(vlan)<<52 + uint64(inport)<<16 | of.HsiaFlowMask
cookie = cookie | of.UsFlowMask
cookie = cookie + (valToShift << 4) + uint64(pbits)
return cookie
// setUSMatchActionVlanT1 - Sets the Match & Action w.r.t Vlans for US Table-1
// based on different Vlan Controls
func (vs *VoltService) setUSMatchActionVlanT1(flow *of.VoltSubFlow) error {
switch vs.VlanControl {
case None:
case ONUCVlanOLTSVlan:
flow.SetPushVlan(vs.SVlan, vs.SVlanTpid)
case OLTCVlanOLTSVlan:
flow.SetPushVlan(vs.SVlan, vs.SVlanTpid)
case ONUCVlan:
case OLTSVlan:
if vs.UniVlan != of.VlanAny && vs.UniVlan != of.VlanNone {
} else if vs.UniVlan != of.VlanNone {
flow.SetPushVlan(vs.SVlan, layers.EthernetTypeDot1Q)
} else {
flow.SetPushVlan(vs.SVlan, layers.EthernetTypeDot1Q)
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Invalid Vlan Control Option", log.Fields{"Value": vs.VlanControl})
return errorCodes.ErrInvalidParamInRequest
return nil
// setDSMatchActionVlanT0 - Sets the Match & Action w.r.t Vlans for DS Table-0
// based on different Vlan Controls
func (vs *VoltService) setDSMatchActionVlanT0(flow *of.VoltSubFlow) error {
switch vs.VlanControl {
case None:
case ONUCVlanOLTSVlan:
case OLTCVlanOLTSVlan:
case ONUCVlan:
case OLTSVlan:
if vs.UniVlan != of.VlanNone && vs.UniVlan != of.VlanAny {
} else {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Invalid Vlan Control Option", log.Fields{"Value": vs.VlanControl})
return errorCodes.ErrInvalidParamInRequest
return nil
// setUSMatchActionVlanT0 - Sets the Match & Action w.r.t Vlans for US Table-0
// based on different Vlan Controls
func (vs *VoltService) setUSMatchActionVlanT0(flow *of.VoltSubFlow) error {
switch vs.VlanControl {
case None:
case ONUCVlanOLTSVlan:
if vs.UniVlan != of.VlanNone {
} else {
flow.SetPushVlan(vs.CVlan, layers.EthernetTypeDot1Q)
case OLTCVlanOLTSVlan:
case ONUCVlan:
if vs.UniVlan != of.VlanNone {
} else {
flow.SetPushVlan(vs.SVlan, layers.EthernetTypeDot1Q)
case OLTSVlan:
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Invalid Vlan Control Option", log.Fields{"Value": vs.VlanControl})
return errorCodes.ErrInvalidParamInRequest
return nil
// setDSMatchActionVlanT1 - Sets the Match & Action w.r.t Vlans for DS Table-1
// based on different Vlan Controls
func (vs *VoltService) setDSMatchActionVlanT1(flow *of.VoltSubFlow) error {
switch vs.VlanControl {
case None:
case ONUCVlanOLTSVlan:
if vs.UniVlan != of.VlanNone {
} else {
case OLTCVlanOLTSVlan:
case ONUCVlan:
if vs.UniVlan != of.VlanNone {
} else {
case OLTSVlan:
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Invalid Vlan Control Option", log.Fields{"Value": vs.VlanControl})
return errorCodes.ErrInvalidParamInRequest
return nil
// SvcUpInd for service up indication
func (vs *VoltService) SvcUpInd(cntx context.Context) {
// SvcDownInd for service down indication
func (vs *VoltService) SvcDownInd(cntx context.Context) {
// SetIpv4Addr to set ipv4 address
func (vs *VoltService) SetIpv4Addr(addr net.IP) {
vs.Ipv4Addr = addr
// SetIpv6Addr to set ipv6 address
func (vs *VoltService) SetIpv6Addr(addr net.IP) {
vs.Ipv6Addr = addr
// SetMacAddr to set mac address
func (vs *VoltService) SetMacAddr(addr net.HardwareAddr) {
vs.MacAddr = addr
// ----------------------------------------------
// VOLT Application - Related to services
// ---------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Service CRUD functions. These are exposed to the overall binary
// to be invoked from the point where the CRUD operations are received
// from the external entities
// AddService : A service in the context of VOLT is a subscriber or service of a
// subscriber which is uniquely identified by a combination of MAC
// address, VLAN tags, 802.1p bits. However, in the context of the
// current implementation, a service is an entity that is identified by a
// unique L2 (MAC address + VLANs) or unique L3 (VLANs + IP address)
// FUNC: Add Service
func (va *VoltApplication) AddService(cntx context.Context, cfg VoltServiceCfg, oper *VoltServiceOper) error {
var mmUs, mmDs *VoltMeter
var err error
// Take the Device lock only in case of NB add request.
// Allow internal adds since internal add happen only under
// 1. Restore Service from DB
// 2. Service Migration
if oper == nil {
if svc := va.GetService(cfg.Name); svc != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Service Already Exists. Ignoring Add Service Request", log.Fields{"Name": cfg.Name})
return errors.New("Service Already Exists")
logger.Infow(ctx, "Service to be configured", log.Fields{"Cfg": cfg})
// Service doesn't exist. So create it and add to the port
vs := NewVoltService(&cfg)
if oper != nil {
vs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied = oper.UsHSIAFlowsApplied
vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied = oper.DsHSIAFlowsApplied
vs.Ipv4Addr = oper.Ipv4Addr
vs.Ipv6Addr = oper.Ipv6Addr
vs.MacLearning = cfg.MacLearning
vs.PendingFlows = oper.PendingFlows
vs.AssociatedFlows = oper.AssociatedFlows
vs.DeleteInProgress = oper.DeleteInProgress
vs.DeactivateInProgress = oper.DeactivateInProgress
vs.BwAvailInfo = oper.BwAvailInfo
vs.Device = oper.Device
} else {
// Sorting Pbit from highest
sort.Slice(vs.Pbits, func(i, j int) bool {
return vs.Pbits[i] > vs.Pbits[j]
logger.Infow(ctx, "Sorted Pbits", log.Fields{"Pbits": vs.Pbits})
logger.Infow(ctx, "VolthService...", log.Fields{"vs": vs.Name})
// The bandwidth and shaper profile combined into meter
if mmDs, err = va.GetMeter(cfg.DsMeterProfile); err == nil {
vs.DsMeterID = mmDs.ID
} else {
return errors.New("DownStream meter profile not found")
// The aggregated downstream meter profile
// if mmAg, err = va.GetMeter(cfg.AggDsMeterProfile); err == nil {
// vs.AggDsMeterID = mmAg.ID
// } else {
// return errors.New("Aggregated meter profile not found")
// }
// if cfg.AggDsMeterProfile == cfg.UsMeterProfile {
// vs.UsMeterID = mmAg.ID
// } else {
// The bandwidth and shaper profile combined into meter
if mmUs, err = va.GetMeter(cfg.UsMeterProfile); err == nil {
vs.UsMeterID = mmUs.ID
} else {
return errors.New("Upstream meter profile not found")
defer AppMutex.ServiceDataMutex.Unlock()
// Add the service to the VNET
vnet := va.GetVnet(cfg.SVlan, cfg.CVlan, cfg.UniVlan)
if vnet != nil {
if vpv := va.GetVnetByPort(vs.Port, cfg.SVlan, cfg.CVlan, cfg.UniVlan); vpv != nil {
vpv.AddSvc(cntx, vs)
} else {
va.AddVnetToPort(cntx, vs.Port, vnet, vs)
} else {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "VNET-does-not-exist-for-service", log.Fields{"ServiceName": cfg.Name})
return errors.New("VNET doesn't exist")
// If the device is already discovered, update the device name in service
d, err := va.GetDeviceFromPort(vs.Port)
if err == nil {
vs.Device = d.Name
vs.Version = database.PresentVersionMap[database.ServicePath]
// Add the service to the volt application
va.ServiceByName.Store(vs.Name, vs)
if nil == oper {
if !vs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied {
// Update meter profiles service count if service is being added from northbound
va.UpdateMeterProf(cntx, *mmDs)
if mmUs != nil {
va.UpdateMeterProf(cntx, *mmUs)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "northbound-service-add-successful", log.Fields{"ServiceName": vs.Name})
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Added Service to DB", log.Fields{"Name": vs.Name, "Port": (vs.Port), "ML": vs.MacLearning})
return nil
// DelServiceWithPrefix - Deletes service with the provided prefix.
// Added for DT/TT usecase with sadis replica interface
func (va *VoltApplication) DelServiceWithPrefix(cntx context.Context, prefix string) error {
var isServiceExist bool
va.ServiceByName.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
srvName := key.(string)
vs := value.(*VoltService)
if strings.Contains(srvName, prefix) {
isServiceExist = true
va.DelService(cntx, srvName, true, nil, false)
vnetName := strconv.FormatUint(uint64(vs.SVlan), 10) + "-"
vnetName = vnetName + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(vs.CVlan), 10) + "-"
vnetName = vnetName + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(vs.UniVlan), 10)
if err := va.DelVnet(cntx, vnetName, ""); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Delete Vnet Failed", log.Fields{"Name": vnetName, "Error": err})
return true
if !isServiceExist {
return errorCodes.ErrServiceNotFound
return nil
// DelService delete a service form the application
func (va *VoltApplication) DelService(cntx context.Context, name string, forceDelete bool, newSvc *VoltServiceCfg, serviceMigration bool) {
defer AppMutex.ServiceDataMutex.Unlock()
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Delete Service Request", log.Fields{"Service": name, "ForceDelete": forceDelete, "serviceMigration": serviceMigration})
var noFlowsPresent bool
vsIntf, ok := va.ServiceByName.Load(name)
if !ok {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Service doesn't exist", log.Fields{"ServiceName": name})
vs := vsIntf.(*VoltService)
vpv := va.GetVnetByPort(vs.Port, vs.SVlan, vs.CVlan, vs.UniVlan)
if vpv == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Vpv Not found for Service", log.Fields{"vs": vs.Name})
// Set this to avoid race-condition during flow result processing
vs.DeleteInProgress = true
vs.ForceDelete = forceDelete
if len(vs.AssociatedFlows) == 0 {
noFlowsPresent = true
defer vpv.VpvLock.Unlock()
if vpv.IgmpEnabled {
va.ReceiverDownInd(cntx, vpv.Device, vpv.Port)
logger.Infow(ctx, "Delete Service from VPV", log.Fields{"VPV_Port": vpv.Port, "VPV_SVlan": vpv.SVlan, "VPV_CVlan": vpv.CVlan, "VPV_UniVlan": vpv.UniVlan, "ServiceName": name})
vpv.DelService(cntx, vs)
if vpv.servicesCount.Load() == 0 {
va.DelVnetFromPort(cntx, vs.Port, vpv)
// Delete the service immediately in case of Force Delete
// This will be enabled when profile reconciliation happens after restore
// of backedup data
if vs.ForceDelete {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Deleted service from DB/Cache successfully", log.Fields{"serviceName": vs.Name})
if nil != newSvc {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Old Service meter profiles", log.Fields{"AGG": vs.AggDsMeterProfile, "DS": vs.DsMeterProfile, "US": vs.UsMeterProfile})
logger.Infow(ctx, "New Service meter profiles", log.Fields{"AGG": newSvc.AggDsMeterProfile, "DS": newSvc.DsMeterProfile, "US": newSvc.UsMeterProfile})
logger.Infow(ctx, "About to mark meter for deletion\n", log.Fields{"serviceName": vs.Name})
if aggMeter, ok := va.MeterMgr.GetMeterByID(vs.AggDsMeterID); ok {
if nil == newSvc || (nil != newSvc && aggMeter.Name != newSvc.AggDsMeterProfile) {
if aggMeter.AssociatedServices > 0 {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Agg Meter associated services updated\n", log.Fields{"MeterID": aggMeter})
va.UpdateMeterProf(cntx, *aggMeter)
if dsMeter, ok := va.MeterMgr.GetMeterByID(vs.DsMeterID); ok {
if nil == newSvc || (nil != newSvc && dsMeter.Name != newSvc.DsMeterProfile) {
if dsMeter.AssociatedServices > 0 {
logger.Infow(ctx, "DS Meter associated services updated\n", log.Fields{"MeterID": dsMeter})
va.UpdateMeterProf(cntx, *dsMeter)
if vs.AggDsMeterID != vs.UsMeterID {
if usMeter, ok := va.MeterMgr.GetMeterByID(vs.UsMeterID); ok {
if nil == newSvc || (nil != newSvc && usMeter.Name != newSvc.UsMeterProfile) {
if usMeter.AssociatedServices > 0 {
logger.Infow(ctx, "US Meter associated services updated\n", log.Fields{"MeterID": usMeter})
va.UpdateMeterProf(cntx, *usMeter)
if noFlowsPresent || vs.ForceDelete {
// Delete the per service counter too
if vs.IgmpEnabled && vs.EnableMulticastKPI {
_ = db.DelAllServiceChannelCounter(cntx, name)
// AddFlows - Adds the flow to the service
// Triggers flow addition after registering for flow indication event
func (vs *VoltService) AddFlows(cntx context.Context, device *VoltDevice, flow *of.VoltFlow) error {
// Using locks instead of concurrent map for PendingFlows to avoid
// race condition during flow response indication processing
defer vs.ServiceLock.Unlock()
for cookie := range flow.SubFlows {
cookie := strconv.FormatUint(cookie, 10)
fe := &FlowEvent{
eType: EventTypeServiceFlowAdded,
device: device.Name,
cookie: cookie,
eventData: vs,
device.RegisterFlowAddEvent(cookie, fe)
vs.PendingFlows[cookie] = true
return cntlr.GetController().AddFlows(cntx, vs.Port, device.Name, flow)
// FlowInstallSuccess - Called when corresponding service flow installation is success
// If no more pending flows, HSIA indication wil be triggered
func (vs *VoltService) FlowInstallSuccess(cntx context.Context, cookie string, bwAvailInfo of.BwAvailDetails) {
if vs.DeleteInProgress {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Skipping Flow Add Success Notification. Service deletion in-progress", log.Fields{"Cookie": cookie, "Service": vs.Name})
if _, ok := vs.PendingFlows[cookie]; !ok {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Flow Add Success for unknown Cookie", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "Cookie": cookie})
delete(vs.PendingFlows, cookie)
vs.AssociatedFlows[cookie] = true
var prevBwAvail, presentBwAvail string
if bwAvailInfo.PrevBw != "" && bwAvailInfo.PresentBw != "" {
prevBwAvail = bwAvailInfo.PrevBw
presentBwAvail = bwAvailInfo.PresentBw
vs.BwAvailInfo = prevBwAvail + "," + presentBwAvail
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Bandwidth-value-formed", log.Fields{"BwAvailInfo": vs.BwAvailInfo})
if len(vs.PendingFlows) == 0 && vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied {
device, err := GetApplication().GetDeviceFromPort(vs.Port)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Getting Device. Dropping HSIA Success indication to NB", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error(), "Service": vs.Name, "Port": vs.Port})
} else if device.State != controller.DeviceStateUP {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Device state Down. Dropping HSIA Success indication to NB", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "Port": vs.Port})
if vs.Trigger == ServiceVlanUpdate {
vs.Trigger = NBActivate
defer vs.WriteToDb(cntx)
logger.Infow(ctx, "All Flows installed for Service", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name})
logger.Infow(ctx, "Processed Service Flow Add Success Indication", log.Fields{"Cookie": cookie, "Service": vs.Name, "DsFlowsApplied": vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied})
// FlowInstallFailure - Called when corresponding service flow installation is failed
// Trigger service failure indication to NB
func (vs *VoltService) FlowInstallFailure(cookie string, errorCode uint32, errReason string) {
if _, ok := vs.PendingFlows[cookie]; !ok {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Flow Add Failure for unknown Cookie", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "Cookie": cookie})
logger.Errorw(ctx, "HSIA Flow Add Failure Notification", log.Fields{"uniPort": vs.Port, "Cookie": cookie, "Service": vs.Name, "ErrorCode": errorCode, "ErrorReason": errReason})
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(errorCode, errReason)
// DelFlows - Deletes the flow from the service
// Triggers flow deletion after registering for flow indication event
func (vs *VoltService) DelFlows(cntx context.Context, device *VoltDevice, flow *of.VoltFlow) error {
if !vs.ForceDelete {
// Using locks instead of concurrent map for AssociatedFlows to avoid
// race condition during flow response indication processing
defer vs.ServiceLock.Unlock()
for cookie := range flow.SubFlows {
cookie := strconv.FormatUint(cookie, 10)
fe := &FlowEvent{
eType: EventTypeServiceFlowRemoved,
cookie: cookie,
eventData: vs,
device.RegisterFlowDelEvent(cookie, fe)
return cntlr.GetController().DelFlows(cntx, vs.Port, device.Name, flow)
// CheckAndDeleteService - remove service from DB is there are no pending flows to be removed
func (vs *VoltService) CheckAndDeleteService(cntx context.Context) {
if vs.DeleteInProgress && len(vs.AssociatedFlows) == 0 && !vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Deleted service from DB/Cache successfully", log.Fields{"serviceName": vs.Name})
// FlowRemoveSuccess - Called when corresponding service flow removal is success
// If no more associated flows, DelHSIA indication wil be triggered
func (vs *VoltService) FlowRemoveSuccess(cntx context.Context, cookie string) {
// if vs.DeleteInProgress {
// logger.Warnw(ctx, "Skipping Flow Remove Success Notification. Service deletion in-progress", log.Fields{"Cookie": cookie, "Service": vs.Name})
// return
// }
logger.Infow(ctx, "Processing Service Flow Remove Success Indication", log.Fields{"Cookie": cookie, "Service": vs.Name, "Associated Flows": vs.AssociatedFlows, "DsFlowsApplied": vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied})
if _, ok := vs.AssociatedFlows[cookie]; ok {
delete(vs.AssociatedFlows, cookie)
} else if _, ok := vs.PendingFlows[cookie]; ok {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Service Flow Remove: Cookie Present in Pending Flow list. No Action", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "Cookie": cookie, "AssociatedFlows": vs.AssociatedFlows, "PendingFlows": vs.PendingFlows})
} else {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Service Flow Remove Success for unknown Cookie", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "Cookie": cookie, "AssociatedFlows": vs.AssociatedFlows, "PendingFlows": vs.PendingFlows})
if len(vs.AssociatedFlows) == 0 && !vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied {
device := GetApplication().GetDevice(vs.Device)
if device == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Getting Device. Dropping DEL_HSIA Success indication to NB", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "Port": vs.Port})
} else if device.State != controller.DeviceStateUP {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Device state Down. Dropping DEL_HSIA Success indication to NB", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "Port": vs.Port})
if vs.UpdateInProgress {
vs.updateVnetProfile(cntx, vs.Device)
// Not sending DEL_HSIA Indication since it wil be generated internally by SubMgr
logger.Infow(ctx, "All Flows removed for Service. Triggering Service De-activation Success indication to NB", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "DeleteFlag": vs.DeleteInProgress})
logger.Infow(ctx, "Processed Service Flow Remove Success Indication", log.Fields{"Cookie": cookie, "Service": vs.Name, "Associated Flows": vs.AssociatedFlows, "DsFlowsApplied": vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied})
// FlowRemoveFailure - Called when corresponding service flow installation is failed
// Trigger service failure indication to NB
func (vs *VoltService) FlowRemoveFailure(cntx context.Context, cookie string, errorCode uint32, errReason string) {
if _, ok := vs.AssociatedFlows[cookie]; !ok {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Flow Failure for unknown Cookie", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "Cookie": cookie})
if vs.DeleteInProgress {
delete(vs.AssociatedFlows, cookie)
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Service Flow Remove Failure Notification", log.Fields{"uniPort": vs.Port, "Cookie": cookie, "Service": vs.Name, "ErrorCode": errorCode, "ErrorReason": errReason})
vs.triggerServiceFailureInd(errorCode, errReason)
func (vs *VoltService) triggerServiceFailureInd(errorCode uint32, errReason string) {
device, err := GetApplication().GetDeviceFromPort(vs.Port)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Getting Device. Dropping DEL_HSIA Failure indication to NB", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error(), "Service": vs.Name, "Port": vs.Port})
} else if device.State != controller.DeviceStateUP {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Device state Down. Dropping DEL_HSIA Failure indication to NB", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "Port": vs.Port})
// RestoreSvcsFromDb read from the DB and restore all the services
func (va *VoltApplication) RestoreSvcsFromDb(cntx context.Context) {
// VNETS must be learnt first
vss, _ := db.GetServices(cntx)
for _, vs := range vss {
b, ok := vs.Value.([]byte)
if !ok {
logger.Warn(ctx, "The value type is not []byte")
var vvs VoltService
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &vvs)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, "Unmarshal of VNET failed")
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Retrieved Service", log.Fields{"Service": vvs.VoltServiceCfg})
if err := va.AddService(cntx, vvs.VoltServiceCfg, &vvs.VoltServiceOper); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Add New Service Failed", log.Fields{"Service": vvs.Name, "Error": err})
if vvs.VoltServiceOper.DeactivateInProgress {
va.ServicesToDeactivate[vvs.VoltServiceCfg.Name] = true
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Service (restored) to be deactivated", log.Fields{"Service": vvs.Name})
if vvs.VoltServiceOper.DeleteInProgress {
va.ServicesToDelete[vvs.VoltServiceCfg.Name] = true
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Service (restored) to be deleted", log.Fields{"Service": vvs.Name})
// GetService to get service
func (va *VoltApplication) GetService(name string) *VoltService {
if vs, ok := va.ServiceByName.Load(name); ok {
return vs.(*VoltService)
return nil
// GetCircuitID to get circuit id
func (vs *VoltService) GetCircuitID() []byte {
return []byte(vs.CircuitID)
// GetRemoteID to get remote id
func (vs *VoltService) GetRemoteID() []byte {
return []byte(vs.RemoteID)
// IPAssigned to check if ip is assigned
func (vs *VoltService) IPAssigned() bool {
if vs.Ipv4Addr != nil && !vs.Ipv4Addr.Equal(net.ParseIP("")) {
return true
} else if vs.Ipv6Addr != nil && !vs.Ipv6Addr.Equal(net.ParseIP("0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0")) {
return true
return false
// GetServiceNameFromCookie to get service name from cookie
func (va *VoltApplication) GetServiceNameFromCookie(cookie uint64, portName string, pbit uint8, device string, tableMetadata uint64) *VoltService {
var vlan uint64
vlanControl := (tableMetadata >> 32) & 0xF
if vlanControl == uint64(OLTCVlanOLTSVlan) {
// Fetching UniVlan for vlanControl OLTCVLANOLTSVLAN
vlan = (tableMetadata >> 16) & 0xFFFF
} else {
// Fetching CVlan for other vlanControl
vlan = cookie >> 52
logger.Infow(ctx, "Configured Params", log.Fields{"VlanControl": vlanControl, "vlan": vlan})
var vlans []of.VlanType
vlans = append(vlans, of.VlanType(vlan))
service := GetApplication().GetServiceFromCvlan(device, portName, vlans, uint8(pbit))
if nil != service {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Service Found for", log.Fields{"serviceName": service.Name, "portName": portName, "ctag": vlan})
} else {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "No Service for", log.Fields{"portName": portName, "ctag": vlan, "Pbit": pbit, "device": device, "VlanControl": vlanControl})
return service
// MigrateServicesReqStatus - update vnet request status
type MigrateServicesReqStatus string
const (
// MigrateSrvsReqInit constant
MigrateSrvsReqInit MigrateServicesReqStatus = "Init"
// MigrateSrvsReqDeactTriggered constant
MigrateSrvsReqDeactTriggered MigrateServicesReqStatus = "Profiles Deactivated"
// MigrateSrvsReqCompleted constant
MigrateSrvsReqCompleted MigrateServicesReqStatus = "Update Complete"
// MigrateServicesRequest - update vnet request params
type MigrateServicesRequest struct {
ID string
OldVnetID string
NewVnetID string
ServicesList map[string]bool
DeviceID string
Status MigrateServicesReqStatus
MigrateServicesLock sync.RWMutex
func newMigrateServicesRequest(id string, oldVnetID string, newVnetID string, serviceMap map[string]bool, deviceID string) *MigrateServicesRequest {
var msr MigrateServicesRequest
msr.OldVnetID = oldVnetID
msr.NewVnetID = newVnetID
msr.ID = id
msr.ServicesList = serviceMap
msr.DeviceID = deviceID
msr.Status = MigrateSrvsReqInit
return &msr
// GetMsrKey - generates migrate service request key
func (msr *MigrateServicesRequest) GetMsrKey() string {
return msr.OldVnetID + "-" + msr.ID
// //isRequestComplete - return if all request has been processed and completed
// // RequestProcessed indicates that all the profile de-activation has been triggered
// // And the associated profiles indicates the profiles awaiting results
// func (msr *MigrateServicesRequest) isRequestComplete() bool {
// //return edr.RequestProcessed && (len(edr.AssociatedProfiles) == 0)
// return (len(edr.AssociatedProfiles) == 0)
// }
// WriteToDB - writes the udpate vnet request details ot DB
func (msr *MigrateServicesRequest) WriteToDB(cntx context.Context) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Adding Migrate Service Request to DB", log.Fields{"OldVnet": msr.OldVnetID, "NewVnet": msr.NewVnetID, "Device": msr.DeviceID, "RequestID": msr.ID, "ServiceCount": len(msr.ServicesList)})
if b, err := json.Marshal(msr); err == nil {
if err = db.PutMigrateServicesReq(cntx, msr.DeviceID, msr.GetMsrKey(), string(b)); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "PutMigrateServicesReq Failed", log.Fields{"OldVnet": msr.OldVnetID, "NewVnet": msr.NewVnetID,
"Device": msr.DeviceID, "Error": err})
// MigrateServices - updated vnet profile for services
func (va *VoltApplication) MigrateServices(cntx context.Context, serialNum string, reqID string, oldVnetID, newVnetID string, serviceList []string) error {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Migrate Serviec Request Received", log.Fields{"SerialNum": serialNum, "RequestID": reqID, "OldVnet": oldVnetID, "NewVnet": newVnetID, "ServiceList": serviceList})
if _, ok := va.VnetsByName.Load(oldVnetID); !ok {
return errors.New("Old Vnet Id not found")
if _, ok := va.VnetsByName.Load(newVnetID); !ok {
return errors.New("New Vnet Id not found")
d, _ := va.GetDeviceBySerialNo(serialNum)
if d == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Getting Device", log.Fields{"SerialNum": serialNum})
return errorCodes.ErrDeviceNotFound
serviceMap := make(map[string]bool)
for _, service := range serviceList {
serviceMap[service] = false
msr := newMigrateServicesRequest(reqID, oldVnetID, newVnetID, serviceMap, d.Name)
go msr.ProcessMigrateServicesProfRequest(cntx)
return nil
// ProcessMigrateServicesProfRequest - collects all associated profiles
func (msr *MigrateServicesRequest) ProcessMigrateServicesProfRequest(cntx context.Context) {
va := GetApplication()
for srv, processed := range msr.ServicesList {
// Indicates new service is already created and only deletion of old one is pending
if processed {
va.DelService(cntx, srv, true, nil, true)
msr.serviceMigrated(cntx, srv)
logger.Infow(ctx, "Migrate Service Triggering", log.Fields{"Service": srv})
if vsIntf, ok := va.ServiceByName.Load(srv); ok {
vs := vsIntf.(*VoltService)
vpv := va.GetVnetByPort(vs.Port, vs.SVlan, vs.CVlan, vs.UniVlan)
if vpv == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Vpv Not found for Service", log.Fields{"vs": vs.Name, "port": vs.Port, "Vnet": vs.VnetID})
logger.Infow(ctx, "Migrating Service", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "UsFlowApplied": vs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied})
vpv.Blocked = true
// setDeactTrigger := func(key, value interface{}) bool {
// vs := value.(*VoltService)
vs.UpdateInProgress = true
metadata := &MigrateServiceMetadata{
NewVnetID: msr.NewVnetID,
RequestID: msr.ID,
vs.Metadata = metadata
// vpv flows will be removed when last service is removed from it and
// new vpv flows will be installed when new service is added
if vs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Remove Service Flows Triggered", log.Fields{"Service": srv, "US": vs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied, "DS": vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied})
} else {
vs.updateVnetProfile(cntx, msr.DeviceID)
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Migrate Service Failed: Service Not Found", log.Fields{"Service": srv, "Vnet": msr.OldVnetID})
// AddMigratingServices - store msr info to device obj
func (d *VoltDevice) AddMigratingServices(msr *MigrateServicesRequest) {
var msrMap *util.ConcurrentMap
if msrMapIntf, ok := d.MigratingServices.Get(msr.OldVnetID); !ok {
msrMap = util.NewConcurrentMap()
} else {
msrMap = msrMapIntf.(*util.ConcurrentMap)
msrMap.Set(msr.ID, msr)
logger.Infow(ctx, "1: MsrListLen", log.Fields{"Len": msrMap.Length(), "Vnet": msr.OldVnetID})
d.MigratingServices.Set(msr.OldVnetID, msrMap)
logger.Infow(ctx, "1: DeviceMsr", log.Fields{"Device": d.Name, "Vnet": msr.OldVnetID, "Len": d.MigratingServices.Length()})
// getMigrateServicesRequest - fetches msr info from device
func (va *VoltApplication) getMigrateServicesRequest(deviceID string, oldVnetID string, requestID string) *MigrateServicesRequest {
if vd := va.GetDevice(deviceID); vd != nil {
logger.Infow(ctx, "2: DeviceMsr", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID, "Vnet": oldVnetID, "Len": vd.MigratingServices.Length()})
if msrListIntf, ok := vd.MigratingServices.Get(oldVnetID); ok {
msrList := msrListIntf.(*util.ConcurrentMap)
logger.Infow(ctx, "2: MsrListLen", log.Fields{"Len": msrList.Length(), "Vnet": oldVnetID})
if msrObj, ok := msrList.Get(requestID); ok {
return msrObj.(*MigrateServicesRequest)
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Device Not Found", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID})
return nil
// updateMigrateServicesRequest - Updates the device with updated msr
func (va *VoltApplication) updateMigrateServicesRequest(deviceID string, oldVnetID string, requestID string, msr *MigrateServicesRequest) {
if vd := va.GetDevice(deviceID); vd != nil {
if msrList, ok := vd.MigratingServices.Get(oldVnetID); ok {
if _, ok := msrList.(*util.ConcurrentMap).Get(requestID); ok {
msrList.(*util.ConcurrentMap).Set(requestID, msr)
// updateVnetProfile - Called on flow process completion
// Removes old service and creates new VPV & service with updated vnet profile
func (vs *VoltService) updateVnetProfile(cntx context.Context, deviceID string) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Update Vnet Profile Triggering", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "US": vs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied, "DS": vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied})
nvs := VoltService{}
nvs.VoltServiceCfg = vs.VoltServiceCfg
nvs.Device = vs.Device
nvs.Ipv4Addr = vs.Ipv4Addr
nvs.Ipv6Addr = vs.Ipv6Addr
nvs.UsMeterID = vs.UsMeterID
nvs.DsMeterID = vs.DsMeterID
nvs.AggDsMeterID = vs.AggDsMeterID
nvs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied = vs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied
nvs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied = vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied
nvs.UsDhcpFlowsApplied = vs.UsDhcpFlowsApplied
nvs.DsDhcpFlowsApplied = vs.DsDhcpFlowsApplied
nvs.IgmpFlowsApplied = vs.IgmpFlowsApplied
nvs.Icmpv6FlowsApplied = vs.Icmpv6FlowsApplied
nvs.PendingFlows = vs.PendingFlows
nvs.AssociatedFlows = vs.AssociatedFlows
nvs.DeleteInProgress = vs.DeleteInProgress
nvs.DeactivateInProgress = vs.DeactivateInProgress
nvs.ForceDelete = vs.ForceDelete
nvs.BwAvailInfo = vs.BwAvailInfo
nvs.UpdateInProgress = vs.UpdateInProgress
if nvs.DeleteInProgress {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Skipping Service Migration. Service Delete in Progress", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID, "Service": vs.Name, "Vnet": vs.VnetID})
metadata := vs.Metadata.(*MigrateServiceMetadata)
oldVnetID := vs.VnetID
oldSrvName := vs.Name
if metadata == nil || metadata.NewVnetID == "" {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Migrate Service Metadata not found. Dropping vnet profile update request", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "Vnet": vs.VnetID})
nvs.VnetID = metadata.NewVnetID
id := metadata.RequestID
// First add the new service and then only delete the old service
// Since if post del service in case of pod crash or reboot, the service data will be lost
va := GetApplication()
msr := va.getMigrateServicesRequest(deviceID, oldVnetID, id)
vnets := strings.Split(metadata.NewVnetID, "-")
svlan, _ := strconv.Atoi(vnets[0])
nvs.SVlan = of.VlanType(svlan)
nvs.UpdateInProgress = false
nvs.Metadata = nil
nvs.Trigger = ServiceVlanUpdate
svcName := vs.Port + "-" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(nvs.SVlan), 10) + "-"
svcName = svcName + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(vs.CVlan), 10) + "-"
nvs.Name = svcName + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(vs.TechProfileID), 10)
// TODO:Nav Pass a copy, not the pointer
logger.Infow(ctx, "Add New Service Triggering", log.Fields{"Service": nvs.Name, "US": nvs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied, "DS": nvs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied, "DelFlag": nvs.DeleteInProgress})
if err := va.AddService(cntx, nvs.VoltServiceCfg, &nvs.VoltServiceOper); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Add New Service Failed", log.Fields{"Service": nvs.Name, "Error": err})
logger.Infow(ctx, "Add New Service Triggered", log.Fields{"Service": nvs.Name, "US": nvs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied, "DS": nvs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied, "DelFlag": nvs.DeleteInProgress})
msr.ServicesList[oldSrvName] = true
va.updateMigrateServicesRequest(deviceID, oldVnetID, id, msr)
logger.Infow(ctx, "Del Old Service Triggering", log.Fields{"Service": oldSrvName, "US": vs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied, "DS": vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied, "DelFlag": vs.DeleteInProgress})
va.DelService(cntx, oldSrvName, true, nil, true)
logger.Infow(ctx, "Del Old Service Triggered", log.Fields{"Service": oldSrvName, "US": vs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied, "DS": vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied, "DelFlag": vs.DeleteInProgress})
msr.serviceMigrated(cntx, oldSrvName)
// serviceMigrated - called on successful service updation
// Removes the service entry from servicelist and deletes the request on process completion
func (msr *MigrateServicesRequest) serviceMigrated(cntx context.Context, serviceName string) {
defer msr.MigrateServicesLock.Unlock()
delete(msr.ServicesList, serviceName)
if len(msr.ServicesList) == 0 {
_ = db.DelMigrateServicesReq(cntx, msr.DeviceID, msr.GetMsrKey())
// TODO:Nav - Need for any Response to SubMgr?
// TriggerPendingMigrateServicesReq - trigger pending service request
func (va *VoltApplication) TriggerPendingMigrateServicesReq(cntx context.Context, device string) {
va.FetchAndProcessAllMigrateServicesReq(cntx, device, storeAndProcessMigrateSrvRequest)
// FetchAndProcessAllMigrateServicesReq - fetch all pending migrate services req from DB and process based on provided func
func (va *VoltApplication) FetchAndProcessAllMigrateServicesReq(cntx context.Context, device string, msrAction func(context.Context, *MigrateServicesRequest)) {
msrList, _ := db.GetAllMigrateServicesReq(cntx, device)
for _, msr := range msrList {
b, ok := msr.Value.([]byte)
if !ok {
logger.Warn(ctx, "The value type is not []byte")
msr := va.createMigrateServicesFromString(b)
msrAction(cntx, msr)
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Triggering Pending Migrate Services Req", log.Fields{"OldVnet": msr.OldVnetID, "NewVnet": msr.NewVnetID, "Device": device, "PendingProfiles": len(msr.ServicesList)})
// createMigrateServicesFromString to create Service from string
func (va *VoltApplication) createMigrateServicesFromString(b []byte) *MigrateServicesRequest {
var msr MigrateServicesRequest
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &msr); err == nil {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Adding Migrate Services Request From Db", log.Fields{"Vlan": msr.OldVnetID})
} else {
logger.Warn(ctx, "Unmarshal failed")
return &msr
// storeAndProcessMigrateSrvRequest - stores the msr info in device obj and triggers req
func storeAndProcessMigrateSrvRequest(cntx context.Context, msr *MigrateServicesRequest) {
d := GetApplication().GetDevice(msr.DeviceID)
// forceUpdateAllServices - force udpate services with new vnet profile
func forceUpdateAllServices(cntx context.Context, msr *MigrateServicesRequest) {
for srv := range msr.ServicesList {
if vsIntf, ok := GetApplication().ServiceByName.Load(srv); ok {
vsIntf.(*VoltService).updateVnetProfile(cntx, msr.DeviceID)
_ = db.DelMigrateServicesReq(cntx, msr.DeviceID, msr.GetMsrKey())
// nolint: gocyclo
// DeepEqualServicecfg - checks if the given service cfgs are same
func (va *VoltApplication) DeepEqualServicecfg(evs *VoltServiceCfg, nvs *VoltServiceCfg) bool {
if nvs.Name != evs.Name {
return false
if nvs.UniVlan != evs.UniVlan {
return false
if nvs.CVlan != evs.CVlan {
return false
if nvs.SVlan != evs.SVlan {
return false
if nvs.SVlanTpid != 0 && nvs.SVlanTpid != evs.SVlanTpid {
return false
if !util.IsPbitSliceSame(nvs.Pbits, evs.Pbits) {
return false
if !reflect.DeepEqual(nvs.DsRemarkPbitsMap, evs.DsRemarkPbitsMap) {
return false
if nvs.TechProfileID != evs.TechProfileID {
return false
if nvs.CircuitID != evs.CircuitID {
return false
if !bytes.Equal(nvs.RemoteID, evs.RemoteID) {
return false
if nvs.Port != evs.Port {
return false
if nvs.PonPort != evs.PonPort {
return false
if evs.MacLearning == MacLearningNone && !util.MacAddrsMatch(nvs.MacAddr, evs.MacAddr) {
return false
if nvs.IsOption82Enabled != evs.IsOption82Enabled {
return false
if nvs.IgmpEnabled != evs.IgmpEnabled {
return false
if nvs.McastService != evs.McastService {
return false
if nvs.ONTEtherTypeClassification != evs.ONTEtherTypeClassification {
return false
if nvs.UsMeterProfile != evs.UsMeterProfile {
return false
if nvs.DsMeterProfile != evs.DsMeterProfile {
return false
if nvs.AggDsMeterProfile != evs.AggDsMeterProfile {
return false
if nvs.VnetID != evs.VnetID {
return false
if nvs.MvlanProfileName != evs.MvlanProfileName {
return false
if nvs.RemoteIDType != evs.RemoteIDType {
return false
if nvs.SchedID != evs.SchedID {
return false
if nvs.AllowTransparent != evs.AllowTransparent {
return false
if nvs.EnableMulticastKPI != evs.EnableMulticastKPI {
return false
if nvs.DataRateAttr != evs.DataRateAttr {
return false
if nvs.MinDataRateUs != evs.MinDataRateUs {
return false
if nvs.MinDataRateDs != evs.MinDataRateDs {
return false
if nvs.MaxDataRateUs != evs.MaxDataRateUs {
return false
if nvs.MaxDataRateDs != evs.MaxDataRateDs {
return false
return true
// TriggerAssociatedFlowDelete - re-trigger service flow delete for pending delete flows
func (vs *VoltService) TriggerAssociatedFlowDelete(cntx context.Context) bool {
// Clear the Flows flag if already set
// This case happens only in case of some race condition
if vs.UsHSIAFlowsApplied {
if err := vs.DelUsHsiaFlows(cntx); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "DelUsHsiaFlows Failed", log.Fields{"Device": vs.Device, "Service": vs.Name, "Error": err})
if vs.DsHSIAFlowsApplied {
if err := vs.DelDsHsiaFlows(cntx); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "DelDsHsiaFlows Failed", log.Fields{"Device": vs.Device, "Service": vs.Name, "Error": err})
cookieList := []uint64{}
for cookie := range vs.AssociatedFlows {
cookieList = append(cookieList, convertToUInt64(cookie))
if len(cookieList) == 0 {
return false
// Trigger Flow Delete
for _, cookie := range cookieList {
if vd := GetApplication().GetDevice(vs.Device); vd != nil {
flow := &of.VoltFlow{}
flow.SubFlows = make(map[uint64]*of.VoltSubFlow)
subFlow := of.NewVoltSubFlow()
subFlow.Cookie = cookie
flow.SubFlows[cookie] = subFlow
logger.Infow(ctx, "Retriggering Service Delete Flow", log.Fields{"Device": vs.Device, "Service": vs.Name, "Cookie": cookie})
if err := vs.DelFlows(cntx, vd, flow); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "DelFlows Failed", log.Fields{"Device": vs.Device, "Service": vs.Name, "Cookie": cookie, "Error": err})
return true
// triggerServiceInProgressInd - Indication is generated when Service is not provisioned after add serviec req from NB
func (vs *VoltService) triggerServiceInProgressInd() {
// JSONMarshal wrapper function for json Marshal VoltService
func (vs *VoltService) JSONMarshal() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(VoltService{
VoltServiceCfg: vs.VoltServiceCfg,
VoltServiceOper: VoltServiceOper{
Device: vs.VoltServiceOper.Device,
Ipv4Addr: vs.VoltServiceOper.Ipv4Addr,
Ipv6Addr: vs.VoltServiceOper.Ipv6Addr,
UsMeterID: vs.VoltServiceOper.UsMeterID,
DsMeterID: vs.VoltServiceOper.DsMeterID,
AggDsMeterID: vs.VoltServiceOper.AggDsMeterID,
UsHSIAFlowsApplied: vs.VoltServiceOper.UsHSIAFlowsApplied,
DsHSIAFlowsApplied: vs.VoltServiceOper.DsHSIAFlowsApplied,
UsDhcpFlowsApplied: vs.VoltServiceOper.UsDhcpFlowsApplied,
DsDhcpFlowsApplied: vs.VoltServiceOper.DsDhcpFlowsApplied,
IgmpFlowsApplied: vs.VoltServiceOper.IgmpFlowsApplied,
Icmpv6FlowsApplied: vs.VoltServiceOper.Icmpv6FlowsApplied,
PendingFlows: vs.VoltServiceOper.PendingFlows,
AssociatedFlows: vs.VoltServiceOper.AssociatedFlows,
DeleteInProgress: vs.VoltServiceOper.DeleteInProgress,
DeactivateInProgress: vs.VoltServiceOper.DeactivateInProgress,
ForceDelete: vs.VoltServiceOper.ForceDelete,
BwAvailInfo: vs.VoltServiceOper.BwAvailInfo,
UpdateInProgress: vs.VoltServiceOper.UpdateInProgress,
Metadata: vs.VoltServiceOper.Metadata,
// GetProgrammedSubscribers to get list of programmed subscribers
func (va *VoltApplication) GetProgrammedSubscribers(cntx context.Context, deviceID, portNo string) ([]*VoltService, error) {
var svcList []*VoltService
logger.Infow(ctx, "GetProgrammedSubscribers Request ", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID, "Port": portNo})
va.ServiceByName.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
vs := value.(*VoltService)
if len(deviceID) > 0 {
if len(portNo) > 0 {
if deviceID == vs.Device && portNo == vs.Port {
svcList = append(svcList, vs)
} else {
if deviceID == vs.Device {
svcList = append(svcList, vs)
} else {
svcList = append(svcList, vs)
return true
return svcList, nil
// ActivateService to activate pre-provisioned service
func (va *VoltApplication) ActivateService(cntx context.Context, deviceID, portNo string, sVlan, cVlan of.VlanType, tpID uint16) error {
var isParmsInvalid bool
logger.Infow(ctx, "Service Activate Request ", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID, "Port": portNo})
device, err := va.GetDeviceFromPort(portNo)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Error Getting Device", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error(), "Port": portNo})
return errorCodes.ErrPortNotFound
// If device id is not provided check only port number
if deviceID == DeviceAny {
deviceID = device.Name
} else if deviceID != device.Name {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Wrong Device ID", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID, "Port": portNo})
return errorCodes.ErrDeviceNotFound
va.ServiceByName.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
vs := value.(*VoltService)
// If svlan if provided, then the tags and tpID of service has to be matching
if sVlan != of.VlanNone && (sVlan != vs.SVlan || cVlan != vs.CVlan || tpID != vs.TechProfileID) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Service Activate Request Does not match", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID, "voltService": vs})
isParmsInvalid = true
return true
if portNo == vs.Port && !vs.IsActivated {
isParmsInvalid = false
p := device.GetPort(vs.Port)
if p == nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Wrong device or port", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID, "Port": portNo})
return true
logger.Infow(ctx, "Service Activate", log.Fields{"Name": vs.Name})
vs.IsActivated = true
va.ServiceByName.Store(vs.Name, vs)
// If port is already up send indication to vpv
if p.State == PortStateUp {
if vpv := va.GetVnetByPort(vs.Port, vs.SVlan, vs.CVlan, vs.UniVlan); vpv != nil {
// PortUp call initiates flow addition
vpv.PortUpInd(cntx, device, portNo)
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "VPV does not exists!!!", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID, "port": portNo, "SvcName": vs.Name})
return true
if isParmsInvalid {
return errorCodes.ErrInvalidParamInRequest
return nil
// DeactivateService to activate pre-provisioned service
func (va *VoltApplication) DeactivateService(cntx context.Context, deviceID, portNo string, sVlan, cVlan of.VlanType, tpID uint16) error {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Service Deactivate Request ", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID, "Port": portNo})
var isServiceExist bool
var isParmsInvalid bool
va.ServiceByName.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
vs := value.(*VoltService)
// If svlan if provided, then the tags and tpID of service has to be matching
logger.Infow(ctx, "Service Deactivate Request ", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID, "Port": portNo})
if sVlan != of.VlanNone && (sVlan != vs.SVlan || cVlan != vs.CVlan || tpID != vs.TechProfileID) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "condition not matched", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID, "Port": portNo, "sVlan": sVlan, "cVlan": cVlan, "tpID": tpID})
isParmsInvalid = true
return true
if portNo == vs.Port && vs.IsActivated {
isServiceExist = true
isParmsInvalid = false
vs.IsActivated = false
vs.DeactivateInProgress = true
va.ServiceByName.Store(vs.Name, vs)
device, err := va.GetDeviceFromPort(portNo)
if err != nil {
// Even if the port/device does not exists at this point in time, the deactivate request is succss.
// So no error is returned
logger.Infow(ctx, "Error Getting Device", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error(), "Port": portNo})
return true
p := device.GetPort(vs.Port)
if p != nil && (p.State == PortStateUp || !va.OltFlowServiceConfig.RemoveFlowsOnDisable) {
if vpv := va.GetVnetByPort(vs.Port, vs.SVlan, vs.CVlan, vs.UniVlan); vpv != nil {
// Port down call internally deletes all the flows
vpv.PortDownInd(cntx, deviceID, portNo, true)
if vpv.IgmpEnabled {
va.ReceiverDownInd(cntx, deviceID, portNo)
vs.DeactivateInProgress = false
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "VPV does not exists!!!", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID, "port": portNo, "SvcName": vs.Name})
return true
if isParmsInvalid {
return errorCodes.ErrInvalidParamInRequest
} else if !isServiceExist && !isParmsInvalid {
return errorCodes.ErrPortNotFound
return nil
// GetServicePbit to get first set bit in the pbit map
// returns -1 : If configured to match on all pbits
// returns 8 : If no pbits are configured
// returns first pbit if specific pbit is configured
func (vs *VoltService) GetServicePbit() int {
if vs.IsPbitExist(of.PbitMatchAll) {
return -1
for pbit := 0; pbit < int(of.PbitMatchNone); pbit++ {
if vs.IsPbitExist(of.PbitType(pbit)) {
return pbit
return int(of.PbitMatchNone)