blob: 7c61725b1d6ea2159332fd3f49a0ada1dba88cfe [file] [log] [blame]
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright 2022-2024 Open Networking Foundation Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2024 Open Networking Foundation Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
package application
import (
cntlr "voltha-go-controller/internal/pkg/controller"
errorCodes "voltha-go-controller/internal/pkg/errorcodes"
common "voltha-go-controller/internal/pkg/types"
var logger log.CLogger
var ctx = context.TODO()
func init() {
// Setup this package so that it's log level can be modified at run time
var err error
logger, err = log.AddPackageWithDefaultParam()
if err != nil {
const (
// TODO - Need to identify a right place for this
// PriorityNone constant.
PriorityNone uint8 = 8
// AnyVlan constant.
AnyVlan uint16 = 0xFFFF
// List of Mac Learning Type
const (
MacLearningNone MacLearningType = iota
// MacLearningType represents Mac Learning Type
type MacLearningType int
var (
tickCount uint16
vgcRebooted bool
isUpgradeComplete bool
var db database.DBIntf
// PacketHandlers : packet handler for different protocols
var PacketHandlers map[string]CallBack
// CallBack : registered call back function for different protocol packets
type CallBack func(cntx context.Context, device string, port string, pkt gopacket.Packet)
const (
// ARP packet
ARP string = "ARP"
// DHCPv4 packet
DHCPv4 string = "DHCPv4"
// DHCPv6 packet
DHCPv6 string = "DHCPv6"
// IGMP packet
IGMP string = "IGMP"
// PPPOE packet
PPPOE string = "PPPOE"
// US packet side
US string = "US"
// DS packet side
DS string = "DS"
// NNI port name
NNI string = "nni"
// RegisterPacketHandler : API to register callback function for every protocol
func RegisterPacketHandler(protocol string, callback CallBack) {
if PacketHandlers == nil {
PacketHandlers = make(map[string]CallBack)
PacketHandlers[protocol] = callback
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VOLT Ports
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VOLT Ports are ports associated with VOLT devices. Each port is classified into
// Access/NNI. Each port is identified by Name (Identity known to the NB) and
// Id (Identity used on the SB). Both identities are presented when a port is
// discovered in the SB.
// VoltPortType type for Port Type
type VoltPortType uint8
const (
// VoltPortTypeAccess constant.
VoltPortTypeAccess VoltPortType = 0
// VoltPortTypeNni constant.
VoltPortTypeNni VoltPortType = 1
// PortState type for Port State.
type PortState uint8
const (
// PortStateDown constant.
PortStateDown PortState = 0
// PortStateUp constant.
PortStateUp PortState = 1
// VoltPort structure that is used to store the ports. The name is the
// the main identity used by the application. The SB and NB both present name
// as the identity. The SB is abstracted by VPAgent and the VPAgent transacts
// using name as identity
type VoltPort struct {
Name string
Device string
PonPort uint32
ActiveChannels uint32
ID uint32
Type VoltPortType
State PortState
ChannelPerSubAlarmRaised bool
// NewVoltPort : Constructor for the port.
func NewVoltPort(device string, name string, id uint32) *VoltPort {
var vp VoltPort
vp.Device = device
vp.Name = name
vp.ID = id
if util.IsNniPort(id) {
vp.Type = VoltPortTypeNni
} else {
vp.PonPort = GetPonPortIDFromUNIPort(id)
vp.State = PortStateDown
vp.ChannelPerSubAlarmRaised = false
return &vp
// SetPortID : The ID is used when constructing flows as the flows require ID.
func (vp *VoltPort) SetPortID(id uint32) {
vp.ID = id
if util.IsNniPort(id) {
vp.Type = VoltPortTypeNni
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VOLT Device
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VoltDevice is an OLT which contains ports of type access and NNI. Each OLT
// can only have one NNI port in the current release. The NNI port always uses
// identity 65536 and all the access ports use identities less than 65535. The
// identification of NNI is done by comparing the port identity with 65535
// VoltDevice fields :
// Name: This is the name presented by the device/VOLTHA. This doesn't
// have any relation to the physical device
// SerialNum: This is the serial number of the device and can be used to
// correlate the devices
// NniPort: The identity of the NNI port
// Ports: List of all ports added to the device
type VoltDevice struct {
VoltDeviceIntr VoltDevInterface
FlowAddEventMap *util.ConcurrentMap //map[string]*FlowEvent
FlowDelEventMap *util.ConcurrentMap //map[string]*FlowEvent
MigratingServices *util.ConcurrentMap //<vnetID,<RequestID, MigrateServicesRequest>>
VpvsBySvlan *util.ConcurrentMap // map[svlan]map[vnet_port]*VoltPortVnet
ConfiguredVlanForDeviceFlows *util.ConcurrentMap //map[string]map[string]bool
IgmpDsFlowAppliedForMvlan map[uint16]bool
State controller.DeviceState
SouthBoundID string
NniPort string
Name string
SerialNum string
Ports sync.Map
VlanPortStatus sync.Map
ActiveChannelsPerPon sync.Map // [PonPortID]*PonPortCfg
PonPortList sync.Map // [PonPortID]map[string]string
ActiveChannelCountLock sync.Mutex // This lock is used to update ActiveIGMPChannels
NniDhcpTrapVid of.VlanType
GlobalDhcpFlowAdded bool
icmpv6GroupAdded bool
type VoltDevInterface interface {
GetPortNameFromPortID(portID uint32) string
// NewVoltDevice : Constructor for the device
func NewVoltDevice(name string, slno, southBoundID string) *VoltDevice {
var d VoltDevice
d.Name = name
d.SouthBoundID = southBoundID
d.State = controller.DeviceStateDOWN
d.NniPort = ""
d.SouthBoundID = southBoundID
d.SerialNum = slno
d.icmpv6GroupAdded = false
d.IgmpDsFlowAppliedForMvlan = make(map[uint16]bool)
d.ConfiguredVlanForDeviceFlows = util.NewConcurrentMap()
d.MigratingServices = util.NewConcurrentMap()
d.VpvsBySvlan = util.NewConcurrentMap()
d.FlowAddEventMap = util.NewConcurrentMap()
d.FlowDelEventMap = util.NewConcurrentMap()
d.GlobalDhcpFlowAdded = false
if config, ok := GetApplication().DevicesConfig.Load(slno); ok {
//Update nni dhcp vid
deviceConfig := config.(*DeviceConfig)
d.NniDhcpTrapVid = of.VlanType(deviceConfig.NniDhcpTrapVid)
return &d
// GetAssociatedVpvsForDevice - return the associated VPVs for given device & svlan
func (va *VoltApplication) GetAssociatedVpvsForDevice(device string, svlan of.VlanType) *util.ConcurrentMap {
if d := va.GetDevice(device); d != nil {
return d.GetAssociatedVpvs(svlan)
return nil
// AssociateVpvsToDevice - updates the associated VPVs for given device & svlan
func (va *VoltApplication) AssociateVpvsToDevice(device string, vpv *VoltPortVnet) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "AssociateVpvsToDevice", log.Fields{"Device": device})
if d := va.GetDevice(device); d != nil {
vpvMap := d.GetAssociatedVpvs(vpv.SVlan)
vpvMap.Set(vpv, true)
d.VpvsBySvlan.Set(vpv.SVlan, vpvMap)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "VPVMap: SET", log.Fields{"Map": vpvMap.Length()})
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Set VPVMap failed: Device Not Found", log.Fields{"Svlan": vpv.SVlan, "Device": device})
// DisassociateVpvsFromDevice - disassociated VPVs from given device & svlan
func (va *VoltApplication) DisassociateVpvsFromDevice(device string, vpv *VoltPortVnet) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "DisassociateVpvsToDevice", log.Fields{"Device": device})
if d := va.GetDevice(device); d != nil {
vpvMap := d.GetAssociatedVpvs(vpv.SVlan)
d.VpvsBySvlan.Set(vpv.SVlan, vpvMap)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "VPVMap: Remove", log.Fields{"Map": vpvMap.Length()})
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Remove VPVMap failed: Device Not Found", log.Fields{"Svlan": vpv.SVlan, "Device": device})
// GetAssociatedVpvs - returns the associated VPVs for the given Svlan
func (d *VoltDevice) GetAssociatedVpvs(svlan of.VlanType) *util.ConcurrentMap {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Get Associated Vpvs", log.Fields{"svlan": svlan})
var vpvMap *util.ConcurrentMap
var mapIntf interface{}
var ok bool
if mapIntf, ok = d.VpvsBySvlan.Get(svlan); ok {
vpvMap = mapIntf.(*util.ConcurrentMap)
} else {
vpvMap = util.NewConcurrentMap()
logger.Debugw(ctx, "VPVMap: GET", log.Fields{"Map": vpvMap.Length()})
return vpvMap
// AddPort add port to the device.
func (d *VoltDevice) AddPort(port string, id uint32) *VoltPort {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Add Port", log.Fields{"Port": port, "ID": id})
addPonPortFromUniPort := func(vPort *VoltPort) {
if vPort.Type == VoltPortTypeAccess {
ponPortID := GetPonPortIDFromUNIPort(vPort.ID)
if ponPortUniList, ok := d.PonPortList.Load(ponPortID); !ok {
uniList := make(map[string]uint32)
uniList[port] = vPort.ID
d.PonPortList.Store(ponPortID, uniList)
} else {
ponPortUniList.(map[string]uint32)[port] = vPort.ID
d.PonPortList.Store(ponPortID, ponPortUniList)
va := GetApplication()
if pIntf, ok := d.Ports.Load(port); ok {
voltPort := pIntf.(*VoltPort)
va.AggActiveChannelsCountPerSub(d.Name, port, voltPort)
d.Ports.Store(port, voltPort)
return voltPort
p := NewVoltPort(d.Name, port, id)
va.AggActiveChannelsCountPerSub(d.Name, port, p)
d.Ports.Store(port, p)
if util.IsNniPort(id) {
d.NniPort = port
return p
// GetPort to get port information from the device.
func (d *VoltDevice) GetPort(port string) *VoltPort {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Get Port", log.Fields{"Port": port})
if pIntf, ok := d.Ports.Load(port); ok {
return pIntf.(*VoltPort)
return nil
// GetPortByPortID to get port information from the device.
func (d *VoltDevice) GetPortNameFromPortID(portID uint32) string {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Get Port Name from the device", log.Fields{"PortID": portID})
portName := ""
d.Ports.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
vp := value.(*VoltPort)
if vp.ID == portID {
portName = vp.Name
return true
return portName
// DelPort to delete port from the device
func (d *VoltDevice) DelPort(port string) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Delete Port from the device", log.Fields{"Port": port})
if _, ok := d.Ports.Load(port); ok {
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Port doesn't exist", log.Fields{"Device": d.Name, "Port": port})
// pushFlowsForUnis to send port-up-indication for uni ports.
func (d *VoltDevice) pushFlowsForUnis(cntx context.Context) {
logger.Info(ctx, "NNI Discovered, Sending Port UP Ind for UNIs")
d.Ports.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
port := key.(string)
vp := value.(*VoltPort)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "NNI Discovered. Sending Port UP Ind for UNI", log.Fields{"Port": port})
//Ignore if UNI port is not UP
if vp.State != PortStateUp {
return true
//Obtain all VPVs associated with the port
vnets, ok := GetApplication().VnetsByPort.Load(port)
if !ok {
return true
for _, vpv := range vnets.([]*VoltPortVnet) {
vpv.PortUpInd(cntx, d, port)
return true
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// VOLT Application - hosts all other objects
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// The VOLT application is a singleton implementation where
// there is just one instance in the system and is the gateway
// to all other components within the controller
// The declaration of the singleton object
var vapplication *VoltApplication
type VoltAppInterface interface {
AddVnet(cntx context.Context, cfg VnetConfig, oper *VnetOper) error
AddService(cntx context.Context, cfg VoltServiceCfg, oper *VoltServiceOper) error
AddDeviceConfig(cntx context.Context, serialNum, hardwareIdentifier, nasID, ipAddress, uplinkPort string, nniDhcpTrapID int) error
GetFlowProvisionStatus(portNo string) FlowProvisionStatus
DelServiceWithPrefix(cntx context.Context, prefix string) error
GetDevice(device string) *VoltDevice
GetTaskList(device string) map[int]*TaskInfo
AddMeterProf(cntx context.Context, cfg VoltMeter)
AddMvlanProfile(cntx context.Context, name string, mvlan of.VlanType, ponVlan of.VlanType, groups map[string][]string, isChannelBasedGroup bool, OLTSerialNum []string, activeChannelsPerPon int, proxy map[string]common.MulticastGroupProxy) error
DelMvlanProfile(cntx context.Context, name string) error
GetMvlanProfileByTag(vlan of.VlanType) *MvlanProfile
AddMcastConfig(cntx context.Context, MvlanProfileID string, IgmpProfileID string, IgmpProxyIP string, OltSerialNum string) error
DelMeterProf(cntx context.Context, name string) error
GetMeterByName(name string) (*VoltMeter, bool)
UpdateDeviceConfig(cntx context.Context, deviceConfig *DeviceConfig)
GetDeviceConfig(serNum string) *DeviceConfig
GetAllocations(cntx context.Context, deviceID string) ([]DhcpAllocation, error)
GetAllMacLearnerInfo() ([]MacLearnerInfo, error)
GetMacLearnerInfo(cntx context.Context, deviceID, portNumber, vlanID string) (MacLearnerInfo, error)
ActivateService(cntx context.Context, deviceID, portNo string, sVlan, cVlan of.VlanType, tpID uint16) error
DeactivateService(cntx context.Context, deviceID, portNo string, sVlan, cVlan of.VlanType, tpID uint16) error
GetProgrammedSubscribers(cntx context.Context, deviceID, portNo string) ([]*VoltService, error)
UpdateOltFlowService(cntx context.Context, oltFlowService OltFlowService)
GetIgnoredPorts() (map[string][]string, error)
// VoltApplication fields :
// ServiceByName - Stores the services by the name as key
// A record of NB configuration.
// VnetsByPort - Stores the VNETs by the ports configured
// from NB. A record of NB configuration.
// VnetsByTag - Stores the VNETs by the VLANS configured
// from NB. A record of NB configuration.
// VnetsByName - Stores the VNETs by the name configured
// from NB. A record of NB configuration.
// DevicesDisc - Stores the devices discovered from SB.
// Should be updated only by events from SB
// PortsDisc - Stores the ports discovered from SB.
// Should be updated only by events from SB
type VoltApplication struct {
DataMigrationInfo DataMigration
VnetsBySvlan *util.ConcurrentMap
IgmpGroupIds []*IgmpGroup
VoltPortVnetsToDelete map[*VoltPortVnet]bool
IgmpPendingPool map[string]map[*IgmpGroup]bool //[grpkey, map[groupObj]bool] //mvlan_grpName/IP
macPortMap map[string]string
VnetsToDelete map[string]bool
ServicesToDelete sync.Map
ServicesToDeactivate sync.Map
PortAlarmProfileCache map[string]map[string]int // [portAlarmID][ThresholdLevelString]ThresholdLevel
vendorID string
ServiceByName sync.Map // [serName]*VoltService
VnetsByPort sync.Map // [portName][]*VoltPortVnet
VnetsByTag sync.Map // [svlan-cvlan-uvlan]*VoltVnet
VnetsByName sync.Map // [vnetName]*VoltVnet
DevicesDisc sync.Map
PortsDisc sync.Map
IgmpGroups sync.Map // [grpKey]*IgmpGroup
MvlanProfilesByTag sync.Map
MvlanProfilesByName sync.Map
Icmpv6Receivers sync.Map
DeviceCounters sync.Map //[logicalDeviceId]*DeviceCounters
ServiceCounters sync.Map //[serviceName]*ServiceCounters
NbDevice sync.Map // [OLTSouthBoundID]*NbDevice
OltIgmpInfoBySerial sync.Map
McastConfigMap sync.Map //[OltSerialNo_MvlanProfileID]*McastConfig
DevicesConfig sync.Map //[serialNumber]*DeviceConfig
IgmpProfilesByName sync.Map
IgmpTasks tasks.Tasks
IndicationsTasks tasks.Tasks
MulticastAlarmTasks tasks.Tasks
IgmpKPIsTasks tasks.Tasks
pppoeTasks tasks.Tasks
OltFlowServiceConfig OltFlowService
PendingPoolLock sync.RWMutex
// MacAddress-Port MAP to avoid swap of mac across ports.
macPortLock sync.RWMutex
portLock sync.Mutex
type DeviceConfig struct {
SerialNumber string `json:"id"`
HardwareIdentifier string `json:"hardwareIdentifier"`
IPAddress string `json:"ipAddress"`
UplinkPort string `json:"uplinkPort"`
NasID string `json:"nasId"`
NniDhcpTrapVid int `json:"nniDhcpTrapVid"`
// PonPortCfg contains NB port config and activeIGMPChannels count
type PonPortCfg struct {
PortAlarmProfileID string
PortID uint32
MaxActiveChannels uint32
ActiveIGMPChannels uint32
EnableMulticastKPI bool
// NbDevice OLT Device info
type NbDevice struct {
SouthBoundID string
PonPorts sync.Map // [PortID]*PonPortCfg
// RestoreNbDeviceFromDb restores the NB Device in case of VGC pod restart.
func (va *VoltApplication) RestoreNbDeviceFromDb(cntx context.Context, deviceID string) *NbDevice {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Restore Nb Device From Db", log.Fields{"deviceID": deviceID})
nbDevice := NewNbDevice()
nbDevice.SouthBoundID = deviceID
nbPorts, _ := db.GetAllNbPorts(cntx, deviceID)
for key, p := range nbPorts {
b, ok := p.Value.([]byte)
if !ok {
logger.Warn(ctx, "The value type is not []byte")
var port PonPortCfg
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &port)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Unmarshal of PonPortCfg failed", log.Fields{"deviceID": deviceID, "port": port})
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Port recovered", log.Fields{"port": port})
ponPortID, _ := strconv.Atoi(key)
nbDevice.PonPorts.Store(uint32(ponPortID), &port)
va.NbDevice.Store(deviceID, nbDevice)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Recovered NbDevice From Db", log.Fields{"deviceID": deviceID, "nbDevice": nbDevice})
return nbDevice
// NewNbDevice Constructor for NbDevice
func NewNbDevice() *NbDevice {
var nbDevice NbDevice
return &nbDevice
// WriteToDb writes nb device port config to kv store
func (nbd *NbDevice) WriteToDb(cntx context.Context, portID uint32, ponPort *PonPortCfg) {
b, err := json.Marshal(ponPort)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "PonPortConfig-marshal-failed", log.Fields{"err": err, "ponPort": ponPort})
db.PutNbDevicePort(cntx, nbd.SouthBoundID, portID, string(b))
// AddPortToNbDevice Adds pon port to NB Device and DB
func (nbd *NbDevice) AddPortToNbDevice(cntx context.Context, portID, allowedChannels uint32,
enableMulticastKPI bool, portAlarmProfileID string) *PonPortCfg {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "AddPortToNbDevice", log.Fields{"PortID": portID, "EnableMulticastKPI": enableMulticastKPI, "PortAlarmProfileID": portAlarmProfileID})
ponPort := &PonPortCfg{
PortID: portID,
MaxActiveChannels: allowedChannels,
EnableMulticastKPI: enableMulticastKPI,
PortAlarmProfileID: portAlarmProfileID,
nbd.PonPorts.Store(portID, ponPort)
nbd.WriteToDb(cntx, portID, ponPort)
return ponPort
// RestoreDeviceConfigFromDb to restore vnet from port
func (va *VoltApplication) RestoreDeviceConfigFromDb(cntx context.Context) {
// VNETS must be learnt first
dConfig, _ := db.GetDeviceConfig(cntx)
for _, device := range dConfig {
b, ok := device.Value.([]byte)
if !ok {
logger.Warn(ctx, "The value type is not []byte")
devConfig := DeviceConfig{}
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &devConfig)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Unmarshal of device configuration failed", log.Fields{"Device Config": devConfig})
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Retrieved device config", log.Fields{"Device Config": devConfig})
if err := va.AddDeviceConfig(cntx, devConfig.SerialNumber, devConfig.HardwareIdentifier, devConfig.NasID, devConfig.IPAddress, devConfig.UplinkPort, devConfig.NniDhcpTrapVid); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Add device config failed", log.Fields{"DeviceConfig": devConfig, "Error": err})
// WriteDeviceConfigToDb writes sb device config to kv store
func (dc *DeviceConfig) WriteDeviceConfigToDb(cntx context.Context, serialNum string, deviceConfig *DeviceConfig) error {
b, err := json.Marshal(deviceConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("deviceConfig-marshal-failed - %w ", err)
dberr := db.PutDeviceConfig(cntx, serialNum, string(b))
if dberr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("update device config failed - %w ", err)
return nil
func (va *VoltApplication) AddDeviceConfig(cntx context.Context, serialNum, hardwareIdentifier, nasID, ipAddress, uplinkPort string, nniDhcpTrapID int) error {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Add device config", log.Fields{"SerialNumber": serialNum, "HardwareIdentifier": hardwareIdentifier, "NasID": nasID, "IPAddress": ipAddress, "UplinkPort": uplinkPort, "NniDhcpTrapID": nniDhcpTrapID})
var dc *DeviceConfig
deviceConfig := &DeviceConfig{
SerialNumber: serialNum,
HardwareIdentifier: hardwareIdentifier,
NasID: nasID,
UplinkPort: uplinkPort,
IPAddress: ipAddress,
NniDhcpTrapVid: nniDhcpTrapID,
va.DevicesConfig.Store(serialNum, deviceConfig)
err := dc.WriteDeviceConfigToDb(cntx, serialNum, deviceConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("DB update for device config failed - %w ", err)
// If device is already discovered update the VoltDevice structure
device, id := va.GetDeviceBySerialNo(serialNum)
if device != nil {
device.NniDhcpTrapVid = of.VlanType(nniDhcpTrapID)
va.DevicesDisc.Store(id, device)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Added device config", log.Fields{"Device Config": deviceConfig})
return nil
// GetDeviceConfig to get a device config.
func (va *VoltApplication) GetDeviceConfig(serNum string) *DeviceConfig {
if d, ok := va.DevicesConfig.Load(serNum); ok {
return d.(*DeviceConfig)
return nil
// UpdatePortToNbDevice Adds pon port to NB Device and DB
func (nbd *NbDevice) UpdatePortToNbDevice(cntx context.Context, portID, allowedChannels uint32, enableMulticastKPI bool, portAlarmProfileID string) *PonPortCfg {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Update Port To NbDevice", log.Fields{"portID": portID, "AllowedChannels": allowedChannels, "EnableMulticastKPI": enableMulticastKPI, "PortAlarmProfileID": portAlarmProfileID})
p, exists := nbd.PonPorts.Load(portID)
if !exists {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "PON port not exists in nb-device", log.Fields{"portID": portID})
return nil
port := p.(*PonPortCfg)
if allowedChannels != 0 {
port.MaxActiveChannels = allowedChannels
port.EnableMulticastKPI = enableMulticastKPI
port.PortAlarmProfileID = portAlarmProfileID
nbd.PonPorts.Store(portID, port)
nbd.WriteToDb(cntx, portID, port)
return port
// DeletePortFromNbDevice Deletes pon port from NB Device and DB
func (nbd *NbDevice) DeletePortFromNbDevice(cntx context.Context, portID uint32) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Delete Port from NbDevice", log.Fields{"portID": portID})
if _, ok := nbd.PonPorts.Load(portID); ok {
db.DelNbDevicePort(cntx, nbd.SouthBoundID, portID)
// GetApplication : Interface to access the singleton object
func GetApplication() *VoltApplication {
if vapplication == nil {
vapplication = newVoltApplication()
return vapplication
// newVoltApplication : Constructor for the singleton object. Hence this is not
// an exported function
func newVoltApplication() *VoltApplication {
var va VoltApplication
va.storeIgmpProfileMap(DefaultIgmpProfID, newDefaultIgmpProfile())
va.macPortMap = make(map[string]string)
va.IgmpPendingPool = make(map[string]map[*IgmpGroup]bool)
va.VnetsBySvlan = util.NewConcurrentMap()
va.VnetsToDelete = make(map[string]bool)
va.VoltPortVnetsToDelete = make(map[*VoltPortVnet]bool)
go va.Start(context.Background(), TimerCfg{tick: 100 * time.Millisecond}, tickTimer)
go va.Start(context.Background(), TimerCfg{tick: time.Duration(GroupExpiryTime) * time.Minute}, pendingPoolTimer)
db = database.GetDatabase()
return &va
// GetFlowEventRegister - returs the register based on flow mod type
func (d *VoltDevice) GetFlowEventRegister(flowModType of.Command) (*util.ConcurrentMap, error) {
switch flowModType {
case of.CommandDel:
return d.FlowDelEventMap, nil
case of.CommandAdd:
return d.FlowAddEventMap, nil
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Unknown Flow Mod received", log.Fields{"flowModtype": flowModType})
return util.NewConcurrentMap(), errors.New("unknown flow mod")
// RegisterFlowAddEvent to register a flow event.
func (d *VoltDevice) RegisterFlowAddEvent(cookie string, event *FlowEvent) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Registered Flow Add Event", log.Fields{"Cookie": cookie, "Event": event})
defer d.FlowAddEventMap.MapLock.Unlock()
d.FlowAddEventMap.Set(cookie, event)
// RegisterFlowDelEvent to register a flow event.
func (d *VoltDevice) RegisterFlowDelEvent(cookie string, event *FlowEvent) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Registered Flow Del Event", log.Fields{"Cookie": cookie, "Event": event})
defer d.FlowDelEventMap.MapLock.Unlock()
d.FlowDelEventMap.Set(cookie, event)
// UnRegisterFlowEvent to unregister a flow event.
func (d *VoltDevice) UnRegisterFlowEvent(cookie string, flowModType of.Command) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "UnRegistered Flow Add Event", log.Fields{"Cookie": cookie, "Type": flowModType})
flowEventMap, err := d.GetFlowEventRegister(flowModType)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Flow event map does not exists", log.Fields{"flowMod": flowModType, "Error": err})
defer flowEventMap.MapLock.Unlock()
// AddIgmpGroups to add Igmp groups.
func (va *VoltApplication) AddIgmpGroups(numOfGroups uint32) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "AddIgmpGroups", log.Fields{"NumOfGroups": numOfGroups})
//TODO: Temp change to resolve group id issue in pOLT
//for i := 1; uint32(i) <= numOfGroups; i++ {
for i := 2; uint32(i) <= (numOfGroups + 1); i++ {
ig := IgmpGroup{}
ig.GroupID = uint32(i)
va.IgmpGroupIds = append(va.IgmpGroupIds, &ig)
// GetAvailIgmpGroupID to get id of available igmp group.
func (va *VoltApplication) GetAvailIgmpGroupID() *IgmpGroup {
logger.Info(ctx, "GetAvailIgmpGroupID")
var ig *IgmpGroup
if len(va.IgmpGroupIds) > 0 {
ig, va.IgmpGroupIds = va.IgmpGroupIds[0], va.IgmpGroupIds[1:]
return ig
return nil
// GetIgmpGroupID to get id of igmp group.
func (va *VoltApplication) GetIgmpGroupID(gid uint32) (*IgmpGroup, error) {
logger.Info(ctx, "GetIgmpGroupID")
for id, ig := range va.IgmpGroupIds {
if ig.GroupID == gid {
va.IgmpGroupIds = append(va.IgmpGroupIds[0:id], va.IgmpGroupIds[id+1:]...)
return ig, nil
return nil, errors.New("group id missing")
// PutIgmpGroupID to add id of igmp group.
func (va *VoltApplication) PutIgmpGroupID(ig *IgmpGroup) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "GetIgmpGroupID", log.Fields{"GroupID": ig.GroupID})
va.IgmpGroupIds = append([]*IgmpGroup{ig}, va.IgmpGroupIds[0:]...)
// RestoreUpgradeStatus - gets upgrade/migration status from DB and updates local flags
func (va *VoltApplication) RestoreUpgradeStatus(cntx context.Context) {
logger.Info(ctx, "Received Restore Upgrade Status")
Migrate := new(DataMigration)
if err := GetMigrationInfo(cntx, Migrate); err == nil {
if Migrate.Status == MigrationInProgress {
isUpgradeComplete = false
isUpgradeComplete = true
logger.Infow(ctx, "Upgrade Status Restored", log.Fields{"Upgrade Completed": isUpgradeComplete})
// ReadAllFromDb : If we are restarted, learn from the database the current execution
// stage
func (va *VoltApplication) ReadAllFromDb(cntx context.Context) {
logger.Info(ctx, "Reading the meters from DB")
logger.Info(ctx, "Reading the VNETs from DB")
logger.Info(ctx, "Reading the VPVs from DB")
logger.Info(ctx, "Reading the Services from DB")
logger.Info(ctx, "Reading the MVLANs from DB")
logger.Info(ctx, "Reading the IGMP profiles from DB")
logger.Info(ctx, "Reading the Mcast configs from DB")
logger.Info(ctx, "Reading the IGMP groups for DB")
logger.Info(ctx, "Reading Upgrade status from DB")
logger.Info(ctx, "Reading OltFlowService from DB")
logger.Info(ctx, "Reading device config from DB")
logger.Info(ctx, "Reconciled from DB")
// InitStaticConfig to initialize static config.
func (va *VoltApplication) InitStaticConfig() {
// SetVendorID to set vendor id
func (va *VoltApplication) SetVendorID(vendorID string) {
va.vendorID = vendorID
// GetVendorID to get vendor id
func (va *VoltApplication) GetVendorID() string {
return va.vendorID
// SetRebootFlag to set reboot flag
func (va *VoltApplication) SetRebootFlag(flag bool) {
vgcRebooted = flag
// GetUpgradeFlag to get reboot status
func (va *VoltApplication) GetUpgradeFlag() bool {
return isUpgradeComplete
// SetUpgradeFlag to set reboot status
func (va *VoltApplication) SetUpgradeFlag(flag bool) {
isUpgradeComplete = flag
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Device related functions
// AddDevice : Add a device and typically the device stores the NNI port on the device
// The NNI port is used when the packets are emitted towards the network.
// The outport is selected as the NNI port of the device. Today, we support
// a single NNI port per OLT. This is true whether the network uses any
// protection mechanism (LAG, ERPS, etc.). The aggregate of the such protection
// is represented by a single NNI port
func (va *VoltApplication) AddDevice(cntx context.Context, device string, slno, southBoundID string) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Device Ind: Add", log.Fields{"Device": device, "SrNo": slno, "southBoundID": southBoundID})
if _, ok := va.DevicesDisc.Load(device); ok {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Device Exists", log.Fields{"Device": device})
d := NewVoltDevice(device, slno, southBoundID)
addPort := func(key, value interface{}) bool {
portID := key.(uint32)
port := value.(*PonPortCfg)
va.AggActiveChannelsCountForPonPort(device, portID, port)
d.ActiveChannelsPerPon.Store(portID, port)
return true
if nbDevice, exists := va.NbDevice.Load(southBoundID); exists {
// Pon Ports added before OLT activate.
} else {
// Check if NbPort exists in DB. VGC restart case.
nbd := va.RestoreNbDeviceFromDb(cntx, southBoundID)
va.DevicesDisc.Store(device, d)
// GetDevice to get a device.
func (va *VoltApplication) GetDevice(device string) *VoltDevice {
if d, ok := va.DevicesDisc.Load(device); ok {
return d.(*VoltDevice)
return nil
// DelDevice to delete a device.
func (va *VoltApplication) DelDevice(cntx context.Context, device string) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Device Ind: Delete", log.Fields{"Device": device})
if vdIntf, ok := va.DevicesDisc.Load(device); ok {
vd := vdIntf.(*VoltDevice)
_ = db.DelAllRoutesForDevice(cntx, device)
va.HandleFlowClearFlag(cntx, device, vd.SerialNum, vd.SouthBoundID)
_ = db.DelAllGroup(cntx, device)
_ = db.DelAllMeter(cntx, device)
_ = db.DelAllPorts(cntx, device)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Device deleted", log.Fields{"Device": device})
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Device Doesn't Exist", log.Fields{"Device": device})
// CheckServiceExists to check if service exists for the given uniport and tech profile ID.
func (va *VoltApplication) CheckServiceExists(port string, techProfID uint16) bool {
var serviceExists bool
va.ServiceByName.Range(func(key, existingServiceIntf interface{}) bool {
existingService := existingServiceIntf.(*VoltService)
if existingService.Port == port && existingService.TechProfileID == techProfID {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Service already exists for same Port and TP. Ignoring add service request", log.Fields{"ExistingService": existingService.Name})
serviceExists = true
return false
return true
return serviceExists
// GetDeviceBySerialNo to get a device by serial number.
// TODO - Transform this into a MAP instead
func (va *VoltApplication) GetDeviceBySerialNo(slno string) (*VoltDevice, string) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Device Ind: Get", log.Fields{"Serial Num": slno})
var device *VoltDevice
var deviceID string
getserial := func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
device = value.(*VoltDevice)
deviceID = key.(string)
return device.SerialNum != slno
return device, deviceID
// PortAddInd : This is a PORT add indication coming from the VPAgent, which is essentially
// a request coming from VOLTHA. The device and identity of the port is provided
// in this request. Add them to the application for further use
func (va *VoltApplication) PortAddInd(cntx context.Context, device string, id uint32, portName string) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Port Ind: Add", log.Fields{"Device": device, "ID": id, "Port": portName})
if d := va.GetDevice(device); d != nil {
p := d.AddPort(portName, id)
va.PortsDisc.Store(portName, p)
nni, _ := va.GetNniPort(device)
if nni == portName {
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Device Not Found - Dropping Port Ind: Add", log.Fields{"Device": device, "ID": id, "Port": portName})
// PortDelInd : Only the NNI ports are recorded in the device for now. When port delete
// arrives, only the NNI ports need adjustments.
func (va *VoltApplication) PortDelInd(cntx context.Context, device string, port string) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Port Ind: Delete", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Port": port})
if d := va.GetDevice(device); d != nil {
p := d.GetPort(port)
if p != nil && p.State == PortStateUp {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Port state is UP. Trigerring Port Down Ind before deleting", log.Fields{"Port": p})
va.PortDownInd(cntx, device, port)
// if RemoveFlowsOnDisable is flase, then flows will be existing till port delete. Remove the flows now
if !va.OltFlowServiceConfig.RemoveFlowsOnDisable {
vpvs, ok := va.VnetsByPort.Load(port)
if !ok || nil == vpvs || len(vpvs.([]*VoltPortVnet)) == 0 {
logger.Infow(ctx, "No VNETs on port", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Port": port})
} else {
for _, vpv := range vpvs.([]*VoltPortVnet) {
// Set delFlowsInDevice to true to delete flows only in DB/device during Port Delete.
vpv.PortDownInd(cntx, device, port, true, true)
defer va.portLock.Unlock()
if _, ok := va.PortsDisc.Load(port); ok {
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Device Not Found - Dropping Port Ind: Delete", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Port": port})
// PortUpdateInd Updates port Id incase of ONU movement
func (va *VoltApplication) PortUpdateInd(device string, portName string, id uint32) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Port Ind: Update", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Port": portName, "ID": id})
defer va.portLock.Unlock()
if d := va.GetDevice(device); d != nil {
vp := d.GetPort(portName)
vp.ID = id
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Device Not Found", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Port": portName, "ID": id})
// AddNbPonPort Add pon port to nbDevice
func (va *VoltApplication) AddNbPonPort(cntx context.Context, oltSbID string, portID, maxAllowedChannels uint32,
enableMulticastKPI bool, portAlarmProfileID string) error {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received NbPonPort Ind: Add", log.Fields{"oltSbID": oltSbID, "portID": portID, "maxAllowedChannels": maxAllowedChannels, "enableMulticastKPI": enableMulticastKPI, "portAlarmProfileID": portAlarmProfileID})
var nbd *NbDevice
nbDevice, ok := va.NbDevice.Load(oltSbID)
if !ok {
nbd = NewNbDevice()
nbd.SouthBoundID = oltSbID
} else {
nbd = nbDevice.(*NbDevice)
port := nbd.AddPortToNbDevice(cntx, portID, maxAllowedChannels, enableMulticastKPI, portAlarmProfileID)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Added Port To NbDevice", log.Fields{"port": port})
// Add this port to voltDevice
addPort := func(key, value interface{}) bool {
voltDevice := value.(*VoltDevice)
if oltSbID == voltDevice.SouthBoundID {
if _, exists := voltDevice.ActiveChannelsPerPon.Load(portID); !exists {
voltDevice.ActiveChannelsPerPon.Store(portID, port)
return false
return true
va.NbDevice.Store(oltSbID, nbd)
return nil
// UpdateNbPonPort update pon port to nbDevice
func (va *VoltApplication) UpdateNbPonPort(cntx context.Context, oltSbID string, portID, maxAllowedChannels uint32, enableMulticastKPI bool, portAlarmProfileID string) error {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received NbPonPort Ind: Update", log.Fields{"oltSbID": oltSbID, "portID": portID, "maxAllowedChannels": maxAllowedChannels, "enableMulticastKPI": enableMulticastKPI, "portAlarmProfileID": portAlarmProfileID})
var nbd *NbDevice
nbDevice, ok := va.NbDevice.Load(oltSbID)
if !ok {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Device-doesn't-exists", log.Fields{"deviceID": oltSbID})
return fmt.Errorf("device-doesn't-exists - %s", oltSbID)
nbd = nbDevice.(*NbDevice)
port := nbd.UpdatePortToNbDevice(cntx, portID, maxAllowedChannels, enableMulticastKPI, portAlarmProfileID)
if port == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("port-doesn't-exists-%d", portID)
va.NbDevice.Store(oltSbID, nbd)
// Add this port to voltDevice
updPort := func(key, value interface{}) bool {
voltDevice := value.(*VoltDevice)
if oltSbID == voltDevice.SouthBoundID {
if p, exists := voltDevice.ActiveChannelsPerPon.Load(portID); exists {
oldPort := p.(*PonPortCfg)
if port.MaxActiveChannels != 0 {
oldPort.MaxActiveChannels = port.MaxActiveChannels
oldPort.EnableMulticastKPI = port.EnableMulticastKPI
voltDevice.ActiveChannelsPerPon.Store(portID, oldPort)
return false
return true
return nil
// DeleteNbPonPort Delete pon port to nbDevice
func (va *VoltApplication) DeleteNbPonPort(cntx context.Context, oltSbID string, portID uint32) error {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received NbPonPort Ind: Delete", log.Fields{"oltSbID": oltSbID, "portID": portID})
nbDevice, ok := va.NbDevice.Load(oltSbID)
if ok {
nbDevice.(*NbDevice).DeletePortFromNbDevice(cntx, portID)
va.NbDevice.Store(oltSbID, nbDevice.(*NbDevice))
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Delete pon received for unknown device", log.Fields{"oltSbID": oltSbID})
return nil
// Delete this port from voltDevice
delPort := func(key, value interface{}) bool {
voltDevice := value.(*VoltDevice)
if oltSbID == voltDevice.SouthBoundID {
if _, exists := voltDevice.ActiveChannelsPerPon.Load(portID); exists {
return false
return true
return nil
// GetNniPort : Get the NNI port for a device. Called from different other applications
// as a port to match or destination for a packet out. The VOLT application
// is written with the assumption that there is a single NNI port. The OLT
// device is responsible for translating the combination of VLAN and the
// NNI port ID to identify possibly a single physical port or a logical
// port which is a result of protection methods applied.
func (va *VoltApplication) GetNniPort(device string) (string, error) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "NNI Get Ind", log.Fields{"device": device})
defer va.portLock.Unlock()
d, ok := va.DevicesDisc.Load(device)
if !ok {
return "", errors.New("device doesn't exist")
return d.(*VoltDevice).NniPort, nil
// NniDownInd process for Nni down indication.
func (va *VoltApplication) NniDownInd(cntx context.Context, deviceID string, devSrNo string) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "NNI Down Ind", log.Fields{"DeviceID": deviceID, "Device SrNo": devSrNo})
handleIgmpDsFlows := func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
mvProfile := value.(*MvlanProfile)
mvProfile.removeIgmpMcastFlows(cntx, devSrNo)
return true
//Clear Static Group
va.ReceiverDownInd(cntx, deviceID, StaticPort)
// DeviceUpInd changes device state to up.
func (va *VoltApplication) DeviceUpInd(device string) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Received Device Ind: UP", log.Fields{"Device": device})
if d := va.GetDevice(device); d != nil {
d.State = controller.DeviceStateUP
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Ignoring Device indication: UP. Device Missing", log.Fields{"Device": device})
// DeviceDownInd changes device state to down.
func (va *VoltApplication) DeviceDownInd(device string) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Received Device Ind: DOWN", log.Fields{"Device": device})
if d := va.GetDevice(device); d != nil {
d.State = controller.DeviceStateDOWN
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Ignoring Device indication: DOWN. Device Missing", log.Fields{"Device": device})
// DeviceRebootInd process for handling flow clear flag for device reboot
func (va *VoltApplication) DeviceRebootInd(cntx context.Context, device string, serialNum string, southBoundID string) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Received Device Ind: Reboot", log.Fields{"Device": device, "SerialNumber": serialNum, "SouthBoundID": southBoundID})
if d := va.GetDevice(device); d != nil {
if d.State == controller.DeviceStateREBOOTED {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Ignoring Device Ind: Reboot, Device already in Reboot state", log.Fields{"Device": device, "SerialNumber": serialNum, "State": d.State})
d.State = controller.DeviceStateREBOOTED
va.HandleFlowClearFlag(cntx, device, serialNum, southBoundID)
// DeviceDisableInd handles device deactivation process
func (va *VoltApplication) DeviceDisableInd(cntx context.Context, device string) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Received Device Ind: Disable", log.Fields{"Device": device})
d := va.GetDevice(device)
if d == nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Ignoring Device indication: DISABLED. Device Missing", log.Fields{"Device": device})
d.State = controller.DeviceStateDISABLED
va.HandleFlowClearFlag(cntx, device, d.SerialNum, d.SouthBoundID)
// ProcessIgmpDSFlowForMvlan for processing Igmp DS flow for device
func (va *VoltApplication) ProcessIgmpDSFlowForMvlan(cntx context.Context, d *VoltDevice, mvp *MvlanProfile, addFlow bool) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Process IGMP DS Flows for MVlan", log.Fields{"device": d.Name, "Mvlan": mvp.Mvlan, "addFlow": addFlow})
portState := false
p := d.GetPort(d.NniPort)
if p != nil && p.State == PortStateUp {
portState = true
if addFlow {
if portState {
mvp.pushIgmpMcastFlows(cntx, d.SerialNum)
} else {
mvp.removeIgmpMcastFlows(cntx, d.SerialNum)
// ProcessIgmpDSFlowForDevice for processing Igmp DS flow for device
func (va *VoltApplication) ProcessIgmpDSFlowForDevice(cntx context.Context, d *VoltDevice, addFlow bool) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Process IGMP DS Flows for device", log.Fields{"device": d.Name, "addFlow": addFlow})
handleIgmpDsFlows := func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
mvProfile := value.(*MvlanProfile)
va.ProcessIgmpDSFlowForMvlan(cntx, d, mvProfile, addFlow)
return true
// GetDeviceFromPort : This is suitable only for access ports as their naming convention
// makes them unique across all the OLTs. This must be called with
// port name that is an access port. Currently called from VNETs, attached
// only to access ports, and the services which are also attached only
// to access ports
func (va *VoltApplication) GetDeviceFromPort(port string) (*VoltDevice, error) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Get Device From Port", log.Fields{"Port": port})
defer va.portLock.Unlock()
var err error
err = nil
p, ok := va.PortsDisc.Load(port)
if !ok {
return nil, errorCodes.ErrPortNotFound
d := va.GetDevice(p.(*VoltPort).Device)
if d == nil {
err = errorCodes.ErrDeviceNotFound
return d, err
// GetPortID : This too applies only to access ports. The ports can be indexed
// purely by their names without the device forming part of the key
func (va *VoltApplication) GetPortID(port string) (uint32, error) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Get Port ID", log.Fields{"Port": port})
defer va.portLock.Unlock()
p, ok := va.PortsDisc.Load(port)
if !ok {
return 0, errorCodes.ErrPortNotFound
return p.(*VoltPort).ID, nil
// GetPortName : This too applies only to access ports. The ports can be indexed
// purely by their names without the device forming part of the key
func (va *VoltApplication) GetPortName(port uint32) (string, error) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Get Port Name", log.Fields{"Port": port})
defer va.portLock.Unlock()
var portName string
va.PortsDisc.Range(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
portInfo := value.(*VoltPort)
if portInfo.ID == port {
portName = portInfo.Name
return false
return true
return portName, nil
// GetPonFromUniPort to get Pon info from UniPort
func (va *VoltApplication) GetPonFromUniPort(port string) (string, error) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Get Pon From UniPort", log.Fields{"Port": port})
uniPortID, err := va.GetPortID(port)
if err == nil {
ponPortID := (uniPortID & 0x0FF00000) >> 20 //pon(8) + onu(8) + uni(12)
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(ponPortID), 10), nil
return "", err
// GetPortState : This too applies only to access ports. The ports can be indexed
// purely by their names without the device forming part of the key
func (va *VoltApplication) GetPortState(port string) (PortState, error) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Get Port State", log.Fields{"Port": port})
defer va.portLock.Unlock()
p, ok := va.PortsDisc.Load(port)
if !ok {
return 0, errors.New("port not configured")
return p.(*VoltPort).State, nil
// GetIcmpv6Receivers to get Icmp v6 receivers
func (va *VoltApplication) GetIcmpv6Receivers(device string) []uint32 {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Get Icmpv6 Receivers", log.Fields{"Device": device})
var receiverList []uint32
receivers, _ := va.Icmpv6Receivers.Load(device)
if receivers != nil {
receiverList = receivers.([]uint32)
return receiverList
// AddIcmpv6Receivers to add Icmp v6 receivers
func (va *VoltApplication) AddIcmpv6Receivers(device string, portID uint32) []uint32 {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Add Icmpv6 Receivers", log.Fields{"device": device, "portID": portID})
var receiverList []uint32
receivers, _ := va.Icmpv6Receivers.Load(device)
if receivers != nil {
receiverList = receivers.([]uint32)
receiverList = append(receiverList, portID)
va.Icmpv6Receivers.Store(device, receiverList)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Receivers after addition", log.Fields{"Receivers": receiverList})
return receiverList
// DelIcmpv6Receivers to delete Icmp v6 receievers
func (va *VoltApplication) DelIcmpv6Receivers(device string, portID uint32) []uint32 {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Add Icmpv6 Receivers", log.Fields{"device": device, "portID": portID})
var receiverList []uint32
receivers, _ := va.Icmpv6Receivers.Load(device)
if receivers != nil {
receiverList = receivers.([]uint32)
for i, port := range receiverList {
if port == portID {
receiverList = append(receiverList[0:i], receiverList[i+1:]...)
va.Icmpv6Receivers.Store(device, receiverList)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Receivers After deletion", log.Fields{"Receivers": receiverList})
return receiverList
// ProcessDevFlowForDevice - Process DS ICMPv6 & ARP flow for provided device and vnet profile
// device - Device Obj
// vnet - vnet profile name
// enabled - vlan enabled/disabled - based on the status, the flow shall be added/removed
func (va *VoltApplication) ProcessDevFlowForDevice(cntx context.Context, device *VoltDevice, vnet *VoltVnet, enabled bool) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Process Dev Flow For Device", log.Fields{"Device": device, "VnetName": vnet.Name, "Enabled": enabled})
_, applied := device.ConfiguredVlanForDeviceFlows.Get(VnetKey(vnet.SVlan, vnet.CVlan, 0))
if enabled {
va.PushDevFlowForVlan(cntx, vnet)
} else if !enabled && applied {
va.DeleteDevFlowForVlanFromDevice(cntx, vnet, device.SerialNum)
// NniVlanIndToIgmp - Trigger receiver up indication to all ports with igmp enabled
// and has the provided mvlan
func (va *VoltApplication) NniVlanIndToIgmp(device *VoltDevice, mvp *MvlanProfile) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Received Nni Vlan Ind To Igmp", log.Fields{"Vlan": mvp.Mvlan})
// Trigger nni indication for receiver only for first time
if device.IgmpDsFlowAppliedForMvlan[uint16(mvp.Mvlan)] {
device.Ports.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
port := key.(string)
if state, _ := va.GetPortState(port); state == PortStateUp {
vpvs, _ := va.VnetsByPort.Load(port)
if vpvs == nil {
return true
for _, vpv := range vpvs.([]*VoltPortVnet) {
// Send indication only for subscribers with the received mvlan profile
if vpv.IgmpEnabled && vpv.MvlanProfileName == mvp.Name {
return true
// PortUpInd :
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Port status change handling
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Port UP indication is passed to all services associated with the port
// so that the services can configure flows applicable when the port goes
// up from down state
func (va *VoltApplication) PortUpInd(cntx context.Context, device string, port string) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Received Southbound Port Ind: UP", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Port": port})
d := va.GetDevice(device)
if d == nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Device Not Found - Dropping Port Ind: UP", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Port": port})
// Fixme: If Port Update Comes in large numbers, this will result in slow update per device
// Do not defer the port mutex unlock here
// Some of the following func calls needs the port lock, so defering the lock here
// may lead to dead-lock
p := d.GetPort(port)
if p == nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Ignoring Port Ind: UP, Port doesnt exist", log.Fields{"Device": device, "PortName": port, "PortId": p})
p.State = PortStateUp
if p.Type == VoltPortTypeNni {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received NNI Port Ind: UP", log.Fields{"Device": device, "PortName": port, "PortId": p.ID})
//Build Igmp TrapFlowRule
//va.ProcessIgmpDSFlowForDevice(d, true)
vpvs, ok := va.VnetsByPort.Load(port)
if !ok || nil == vpvs || len(vpvs.([]*VoltPortVnet)) == 0 {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "No VNETs on port", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Port": port})
//msgbus.ProcessPortInd(msgbus.PortUp, d.SerialNum, p.Name, false, getServiceList(port))
// If NNI port is not UP, do not push Flows
if d.NniPort == "" {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "NNI port not UP. Not sending Port UP Ind for VPVs", log.Fields{"NNI": d.NniPort})
for _, vpv := range vpvs.([]*VoltPortVnet) {
// If no service is activated drop the portUpInd
if vpv.IsServiceActivated(cntx) {
// Do not trigger indication for the vpv which is already removed from vpv list as
// part of service delete (during the lock wait duration)
// In that case, the services associated wil be zero
if vpv.servicesCount.Load() != 0 {
vpv.PortUpInd(cntx, d, port)
} else {
// Service not activated, still attach device to service
// At the end of processing inform the other entities that
// are interested in the events
func getServiceList(port string) map[string]bool {
serviceList := make(map[string]bool)
getServiceNames := func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
serviceList[key.(string)] = value.(*VoltService).DsHSIAFlowsApplied
return true
if vpvs, _ := GetApplication().VnetsByPort.Load(port); vpvs != nil {
vpvList := vpvs.([]*VoltPortVnet)
for _, vpv := range vpvList {
return serviceList
// ReceiverUpInd - Send receiver up indication for service with Igmp enabled
func ReceiverUpInd(key, value interface{}) bool {
logger.Info(ctx, "Receiver Indication: UP")
svc := value.(*VoltService)
var vlan of.VlanType
if !svc.IPAssigned() {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "IP Not assigned, skipping general query", log.Fields{"Service": svc})
return false
// Send port up indication to igmp only for service with igmp enabled
if svc.IgmpEnabled {
if svc.VlanControl == ONUCVlan || svc.VlanControl == ONUCVlanOLTSVlan {
vlan = svc.CVlan
} else {
vlan = svc.UniVlan
if device, _ := GetApplication().GetDeviceFromPort(svc.Port); device != nil {
GetApplication().ReceiverUpInd(device.Name, svc.Port, svc.MvlanProfileName, vlan, svc.Pbits)
return false
return true
// PortDownInd : Port down indication is passed on to the services so that the services
// can make changes at this transition.
func (va *VoltApplication) PortDownInd(cntx context.Context, device string, port string) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Received SouthBound Port Ind: DOWN", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Port": port})
d := va.GetDevice(device)
if d == nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Device Not Found - Dropping Port Ind: DOWN", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Port": port})
// Fixme: If Port Update Comes in large numbers, this will result in slow update per device
// Do not defer the port mutex unlock here
// Some of the following func calls needs the port lock, so defering the lock here
// may lead to dead-lock
p := d.GetPort(port)
if p == nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Ignoring Port Ind: Down, Port doesnt exist", log.Fields{"Device": device, "PortName": port, "PortId": p})
p.State = PortStateDown
if d.State == controller.DeviceStateREBOOTED {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Ignoring Port Ind: Down, Device has been Rebooted", log.Fields{"Device": device, "PortName": port, "PortId": p})
if p.Type == VoltPortTypeNni {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received NNI Port Ind: DOWN", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Port": port})
va.DeleteDevFlowForDevice(cntx, d)
va.NniDownInd(cntx, device, d.SerialNum)
va.RemovePendingGroups(cntx, device, true)
vpvs, ok := va.VnetsByPort.Load(port)
if !ok || nil == vpvs || len(vpvs.([]*VoltPortVnet)) == 0 {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "No VNETs on port", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Port": port})
//msgbus.ProcessPortInd(msgbus.PortDown, d.SerialNum, p.Name, false, getServiceList(port))
for _, vpv := range vpvs.([]*VoltPortVnet) {
vpv.PortDownInd(cntx, device, port, false, false)
if vpv.IgmpEnabled {
va.ReceiverDownInd(cntx, device, port)
// PacketInInd :
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// PacketIn Processing
// Packet In Indication processing. It arrives with the identities of
// the device and port on which the packet is received. At first, the
// packet is decoded and the right processor is called. Currently, we
// plan to support only DHCP and IGMP. In future, we can add more
// capabilities as needed
func (va *VoltApplication) PacketInInd(cntx context.Context, device string, port string, pkt []byte) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Received a Packet-In Indication", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Port": port})
// Decode the incoming packet
packetSide := US
if strings.Contains(port, NNI) {
packetSide = DS
gopkt := gopacket.NewPacket(pkt, layers.LayerTypeEthernet, gopacket.Default)
var dot1qFound = false
for _, l := range gopkt.Layers() {
if l.LayerType() == layers.LayerTypeDot1Q {
dot1qFound = true
if !dot1qFound {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Ignoring Received Packet-In Indication without Dot1Q Header",
log.Fields{"Device": device, "Port": port})
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Southbound Packet In", log.Fields{"Pkt": hex.EncodeToString(gopkt.Data())})
// Classify the packet into packet types that we support
// The supported types are DHCP and IGMP. The DHCP packet is
// identified by matching the L4 protocol to UDP. The IGMP packet
// is identified by matching L3 protocol to IGMP
arpl := gopkt.Layer(layers.LayerTypeARP)
if arpl != nil {
if callBack, ok := PacketHandlers[ARP]; ok {
callBack(cntx, device, port, gopkt)
} else {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "ARP handler is not registered, dropping the packet", log.Fields{"Pkt": hex.EncodeToString(gopkt.Data())})
ipv4l := gopkt.Layer(layers.LayerTypeIPv4)
if ipv4l != nil {
ip := ipv4l.(*layers.IPv4)
if ip.Protocol == layers.IPProtocolUDP {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Southbound UDP ipv4 packet in", log.Fields{"StreamSide": packetSide})
dhcpl := gopkt.Layer(layers.LayerTypeDHCPv4)
if dhcpl != nil {
if callBack, ok := PacketHandlers[DHCPv4]; ok {
callBack(cntx, device, port, gopkt)
} else {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "DHCPv4 handler is not registered, dropping the packet", log.Fields{"Pkt": hex.EncodeToString(gopkt.Data())})
} else if ip.Protocol == layers.IPProtocolIGMP {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Southbound IGMP packet in", log.Fields{"StreamSide": packetSide})
if callBack, ok := PacketHandlers[IGMP]; ok {
callBack(cntx, device, port, gopkt)
} else {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "IGMP handler is not registered, dropping the packet", log.Fields{"Pkt": hex.EncodeToString(gopkt.Data())})
ipv6l := gopkt.Layer(layers.LayerTypeIPv6)
if ipv6l != nil {
ip := ipv6l.(*layers.IPv6)
if ip.NextHeader == layers.IPProtocolUDP {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Received Southbound UDP ipv6 packet in")
dhcpl := gopkt.Layer(layers.LayerTypeDHCPv6)
if dhcpl != nil {
if callBack, ok := PacketHandlers[DHCPv6]; ok {
callBack(cntx, device, port, gopkt)
} else {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "DHCPv6 handler is not registered, dropping the packet", log.Fields{"Pkt": hex.EncodeToString(gopkt.Data())})
pppoel := gopkt.Layer(layers.LayerTypePPPoE)
if pppoel != nil {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Southbound PPPoE packet in", log.Fields{"StreamSide": packetSide})
if callBack, ok := PacketHandlers[PPPOE]; ok {
callBack(cntx, device, port, gopkt)
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "PPPoE handler is not registered, dropping the packet", log.Fields{"Pkt": hex.EncodeToString(gopkt.Data())})
// GetVlans : This utility gets the VLANs from the packet. The VLANs are
// used to identify the right service that must process the incoming
// packet
func GetVlans(pkt gopacket.Packet) []of.VlanType {
var vlans []of.VlanType
for _, l := range pkt.Layers() {
if l.LayerType() == layers.LayerTypeDot1Q {
q, ok := l.(*layers.Dot1Q)
if ok {
vlans = append(vlans, of.VlanType(q.VLANIdentifier))
return vlans
// GetPriority to get priority
func GetPriority(pkt gopacket.Packet) uint8 {
for _, l := range pkt.Layers() {
if l.LayerType() == layers.LayerTypeDot1Q {
q, ok := l.(*layers.Dot1Q)
if ok {
return q.Priority
return PriorityNone
// HandleFlowClearFlag to handle flow clear flag during reboot
func (va *VoltApplication) HandleFlowClearFlag(cntx context.Context, deviceID string, serialNum, southBoundID string) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Clear All flags for Device", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID, "SerialNum": serialNum, "SBID": southBoundID})
dev, ok := va.DevicesDisc.Load(deviceID)
if ok && dev != nil {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Clear Flags for device", log.Fields{"voltDevice": dev.(*VoltDevice).Name})
dev.(*VoltDevice).icmpv6GroupAdded = false
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Clearing DS Icmpv6 Map",
log.Fields{"voltDevice": dev.(*VoltDevice).Name})
dev.(*VoltDevice).ConfiguredVlanForDeviceFlows = util.NewConcurrentMap()
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Clearing DS IGMP Map",
log.Fields{"voltDevice": dev.(*VoltDevice).Name})
for k := range dev.(*VoltDevice).IgmpDsFlowAppliedForMvlan {
delete(dev.(*VoltDevice).IgmpDsFlowAppliedForMvlan, k)
// Delete group 1 - ICMPv6/ARP group
if err := ProcessIcmpv6McGroup(deviceID, true); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "ProcessIcmpv6McGroup failed", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID, "Error": err})
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "VoltDevice not found for device ", log.Fields{"deviceID": deviceID})
getVpvs := func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
vpvs := value.([]*VoltPortVnet)
for _, vpv := range vpvs {
if vpv.Device == deviceID {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Clear Flags for vpv",
log.Fields{"device": vpv.Device, "port": vpv.Port,
"svlan": vpv.SVlan, "cvlan": vpv.CVlan, "univlan": vpv.UniVlan})
if vpv.IgmpEnabled {
va.ReceiverDownInd(cntx, vpv.Device, vpv.Port)
// Also clear service igmp stats
return true
// Clear Static Group
va.ReceiverDownInd(cntx, deviceID, StaticPort)
logger.Infow(ctx, "All flags cleared for device", log.Fields{"Device": deviceID})
// Reset pending group pool
va.RemovePendingGroups(cntx, deviceID, true)
// Process all Migrate Service Request - force udpate all profiles since resources are already cleaned up
if dev != nil {
triggerForceUpdate := func(key, value interface{}) bool {
msrList := value.(*util.ConcurrentMap)
forceUpdateServices := func(key, value interface{}) bool {
msr := value.(*MigrateServicesRequest)
forceUpdateAllServices(cntx, msr)
return true
return true
} else {
va.FetchAndProcessAllMigrateServicesReq(cntx, deviceID, forceUpdateAllServices)
// GetPonPortIDFromUNIPort to get pon port id from uni port
func GetPonPortIDFromUNIPort(uniPortID uint32) uint32 {
ponPortID := (uniPortID & 0x0FF00000) >> 20
return ponPortID
// ProcessFlowModResultIndication - Processes Flow mod operation indications from controller
func (va *VoltApplication) ProcessFlowModResultIndication(cntx context.Context, flowStatus intf.FlowStatus) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Flow Mod Result Indication.", log.Fields{"Cookie": flowStatus.Cookie, "Device": flowStatus.Device})
d := va.GetDevice(flowStatus.Device)
if d == nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Dropping Flow Mod Indication. Device not found", log.Fields{"Cookie": flowStatus.Cookie, "Device": flowStatus.Device})
cookieExists := ExecuteFlowEvent(cntx, d, flowStatus.Cookie, flowStatus)
if flowStatus.Flow != nil {
flowAdd := (flowStatus.FlowModType == of.CommandAdd)
if !cookieExists && !isFlowStatusSuccess(flowStatus.Status, flowAdd) {
// CheckAndDeactivateService - check if the attempts for flow delete has reached threshold or not
func (va *VoltApplication) CheckAndDeactivateService(ctx context.Context, flow *of.VoltSubFlow, devSerialNum string, devID string) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Check and Deactivate service", log.Fields{"Cookie": flow.Cookie, "FlowCount": flow.FlowCount, "DeviceSerial": devSerialNum})
if flow.FlowCount >= controller.GetController().GetMaxFlowRetryAttempt() {
devConfig := va.GetDeviceConfig(devSerialNum)
if devConfig != nil {
portNo := util.GetUniPortFromFlow(devConfig.UplinkPort, flow)
portName, err := va.GetPortName(portNo)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Error getting port name", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error(), "PortID": portNo})
} else if portName == "" {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Port does not exist", log.Fields{"PortID": portNo})
svc := va.GetServiceNameFromCookie(flow.Cookie, portName, uint8(of.PbitMatchNone), devID, flow.Match.TableMetadata)
if svc != nil {
va.DeactivateServiceForPort(ctx, svc, devID, portName)
// DeactivateServiceForPort - deactivate service for given UNI and remove flows from DB, after max flow install threshold has reached
func (va *VoltApplication) DeactivateServiceForPort(cntx context.Context, vs *VoltService, devID string, portName string) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Flow install threshold reached. Deactivating service", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name, "Port": portName})
if devID == vs.Device && portName == vs.Port && vs.IsActivated {
va.ServiceByName.Store(vs.Name, vs)
device, err := va.GetDeviceFromPort(portName)
if err != nil {
// Even if the port/device does not exists at this point in time, the deactivate request is succss.
// So no error is returned
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Error Getting Device", log.Fields{"Reason": err.Error(), "Port": portName})
p := device.GetPort(vs.Port)
if p != nil && (p.State == PortStateUp || !va.OltFlowServiceConfig.RemoveFlowsOnDisable) {
if vpv := va.GetVnetByPort(vs.Port, vs.SVlan, vs.CVlan, vs.UniVlan); vpv != nil {
// Port down call internally deletes all the flows
vpv.PortDownInd(cntx, device.Name, portName, true, true)
if vpv.IgmpEnabled {
va.ReceiverDownInd(cntx, device.Name, portName)
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "VPV does not exists!!!", log.Fields{"Device": device.Name, "port": portName, "SvcName": vs.Name})
logger.Infow(ctx, "Service deactivated after flow install threshold", log.Fields{"Device": device.Name, "Service": vs.Name, "Port": portName})
vs.DeactivateInProgress = false
va.ServiceByName.Store(vs.Name, vs)
func pushFlowFailureNotif(flowStatus intf.FlowStatus) {
subFlow := flowStatus.Flow
cookie := subFlow.Cookie
uniPort := cookie >> 16 & 0xFFFFFFFF
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Flow Failure Notification", log.Fields{"uniPort": uniPort, "Cookie": cookie})
// UpdateMvlanProfilesForDevice to update mvlan profile for device
func (va *VoltApplication) UpdateMvlanProfilesForDevice(cntx context.Context, device string) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Update Mvlan Profiles For Device", log.Fields{"device": device})
checkAndAddMvlanUpdateTask := func(key, value interface{}) bool {
mvp := value.(*MvlanProfile)
if mvp.IsUpdateInProgressForDevice(device) {
mvp.UpdateProfile(cntx, device)
return true
// TaskInfo structure that is used to store the task Info.
type TaskInfo struct {
ID string
Name string
Timestamp string
// GetTaskList to get task list information.
func (va *VoltApplication) GetTaskList(device string) map[int]*TaskInfo {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Get Task List", log.Fields{"device": device})
taskList := cntlr.GetController().GetTaskList(device)
taskMap := make(map[int]*TaskInfo)
for i, task := range taskList {
taskID := strconv.Itoa(int(task.TaskID()))
name := task.Name()
timestamp := task.Timestamp()
taskInfo := &TaskInfo{ID: taskID, Name: name, Timestamp: timestamp}
taskMap[i] = taskInfo
return taskMap
// UpdateDeviceSerialNumberList to update the device serial number list after device serial number is updated for vnet and mvlan
func (va *VoltApplication) UpdateDeviceSerialNumberList(oldOltSlNo string, newOltSlNo string) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Update Device Serial Number List", log.Fields{"oldOltSlNo": oldOltSlNo, "newOltSlNo": newOltSlNo})
voltDevice, _ := va.GetDeviceBySerialNo(oldOltSlNo)
if voltDevice != nil {
// Device is present with old serial number ID
logger.Warnw(ctx, "OLT Migration cannot be completed as there are dangling devices", log.Fields{"Serial Number": oldOltSlNo})
} else {
logger.Infow(ctx, "No device present with old serial number", log.Fields{"Serial Number": oldOltSlNo})
// Add Serial Number to Blocked Devices List.
updateSlNoForVnet := func(key, value interface{}) bool {
vnet := value.(*VoltVnet)
for i, deviceSlNo := range vnet.VnetConfig.DevicesList {
if deviceSlNo == oldOltSlNo {
vnet.VnetConfig.DevicesList[i] = newOltSlNo
logger.Infow(ctx, "device serial number updated for vnet profile", log.Fields{"Updated Serial Number": deviceSlNo, "Previous Serial Number": oldOltSlNo})
return true
updateSlNoforMvlan := func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
mvProfile := value.(*MvlanProfile)
for deviceSlNo := range mvProfile.DevicesList {
if deviceSlNo == oldOltSlNo {
mvProfile.DevicesList[newOltSlNo] = mvProfile.DevicesList[oldOltSlNo]
delete(mvProfile.DevicesList, oldOltSlNo)
logger.Infow(ctx, "device serial number updated for mvlan profile", log.Fields{"Updated Serial Number": deviceSlNo, "Previous Serial Number": oldOltSlNo})
return true
// Clear the serial number from Blocked Devices List
// GetVpvsForDsPkt to get vpv for downstream packets
func (va *VoltApplication) GetVpvsForDsPkt(cvlan of.VlanType, svlan of.VlanType, clientMAC net.HardwareAddr,
pbit uint8) ([]*VoltPortVnet, error) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Get Vpvs For Ds Pkt", log.Fields{"Cvlan": cvlan, "Svlan": svlan, "Mac": clientMAC})
var matchVPVs []*VoltPortVnet
findVpv := func(key, value interface{}) bool {
vpvs := value.([]*VoltPortVnet)
for _, vpv := range vpvs {
if vpv.isVlanMatching(cvlan, svlan) && vpv.MatchesPriority(pbit) != nil {
var subMac net.HardwareAddr
if NonZeroMacAddress(vpv.MacAddr) {
subMac = vpv.MacAddr
} else if vpv.LearntMacAddr != nil && NonZeroMacAddress(vpv.LearntMacAddr) {
subMac = vpv.LearntMacAddr
} else {
matchVPVs = append(matchVPVs, vpv)
if util.MacAddrsMatch(subMac, clientMAC) {
matchVPVs = append([]*VoltPortVnet{}, vpv)
logger.Infow(ctx, "Matching VPV found", log.Fields{"Port": vpv.Port, "SVLAN": vpv.SVlan, "CVLAN": vpv.CVlan, "UNIVlan": vpv.UniVlan, "MAC": clientMAC})
return false
return true
if len(matchVPVs) != 1 {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "No matching VPV found or multiple vpvs found", log.Fields{"Match VPVs": matchVPVs, "MAC": clientMAC})
return nil, errors.New("no matching VPV found or multiple vpvs found")
return matchVPVs, nil
// GetMacInPortMap to get PORT value based on MAC key
func (va *VoltApplication) GetMacInPortMap(macAddr net.HardwareAddr) string {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received Get PORT value based on MAC key", log.Fields{"MacAddr": macAddr.String()})
if NonZeroMacAddress(macAddr) {
defer va.macPortLock.Unlock()
if port, ok := va.macPortMap[macAddr.String()]; ok {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "found-entry-macportmap", log.Fields{"MacAddr": macAddr.String(), "Port": port})
return port
logger.Infow(ctx, "entry-not-found-macportmap", log.Fields{"MacAddr": macAddr.String()})
return ""
// UpdateMacInPortMap to update MAC PORT (key value) information in MacPortMap
func (va *VoltApplication) UpdateMacInPortMap(macAddr net.HardwareAddr, port string) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Update Macportmap", log.Fields{"MacAddr": macAddr.String(), "Port": port})
if NonZeroMacAddress(macAddr) {
va.macPortMap[macAddr.String()] = port
logger.Debugw(ctx, "updated-macportmap", log.Fields{"MacAddr": macAddr.String(), "Port": port})
// DeleteMacInPortMap to remove MAC key from MacPortMap
func (va *VoltApplication) DeleteMacInPortMap(macAddr net.HardwareAddr) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Delete Mac from Macportmap", log.Fields{"MacAddr": macAddr.String()})
if NonZeroMacAddress(macAddr) {
port := va.GetMacInPortMap(macAddr)
delete(va.macPortMap, macAddr.String())
logger.Debugw(ctx, "deleted-from-macportmap", log.Fields{"MacAddr": macAddr.String(), "Port": port})
// AddGroupToPendingPool - adds the IgmpGroup with active group table entry to global pending pool
func (va *VoltApplication) AddGroupToPendingPool(ig *IgmpGroup) {
var grpMap map[*IgmpGroup]bool
var ok bool
defer va.PendingPoolLock.Unlock()
logger.Infow(ctx, "Adding IgmpGroup to Global Pending Pool", log.Fields{"GroupID": ig.GroupID, "GroupName": ig.GroupName, "GroupAddr": ig.GroupAddr, "PendingDevices": len(ig.Devices)})
// Do Not Reset any current profile info since group table entry tied to mvlan profile
// The PonVlan is part of set field in group installed
// Hence, Group created is always tied to the same mvlan profile until deleted
for device := range ig.Devices {
key := getPendingPoolKey(ig.Mvlan, device)
if grpMap, ok = va.IgmpPendingPool[key]; !ok {
grpMap = make(map[*IgmpGroup]bool)
grpMap[ig] = true
//Add grpObj reference to all associated devices
va.IgmpPendingPool[key] = grpMap
// RemoveGroupFromPendingPool - removes the group from global pending group pool
func (va *VoltApplication) RemoveGroupFromPendingPool(device string, ig *IgmpGroup) bool {
defer GetApplication().PendingPoolLock.Unlock()
logger.Infow(ctx, "Removing IgmpGroup from Global Pending Pool", log.Fields{"Device": device, "GroupID": ig.GroupID, "GroupName": ig.GroupName, "GroupAddr": ig.GroupAddr, "PendingDevices": len(ig.Devices)})
key := getPendingPoolKey(ig.Mvlan, device)
if _, ok := va.IgmpPendingPool[key]; ok {
delete(va.IgmpPendingPool[key], ig)
return true
return false
// RemoveGroupsFromPendingPool - removes the group from global pending group pool
func (va *VoltApplication) RemoveGroupsFromPendingPool(cntx context.Context, device string, mvlan of.VlanType) {
defer GetApplication().PendingPoolLock.Unlock()
logger.Infow(ctx, "Removing IgmpGroups from Global Pending Pool for given Deivce & Mvlan", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Mvlan": mvlan.String()})
key := getPendingPoolKey(mvlan, device)
va.RemoveGroupListFromPendingPool(cntx, key)
// RemoveGroupListFromPendingPool - removes the groups for provided key
// 1. Deletes the group from device
// 2. Delete the IgmpGroup obj and release the group ID to pool
// Note: Make sure to obtain PendingPoolLock lock before calling this func
func (va *VoltApplication) RemoveGroupListFromPendingPool(cntx context.Context, key string) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Remove GroupList from Pending Pool for ", log.Fields{"key": key})
if grpMap, ok := va.IgmpPendingPool[key]; ok {
delete(va.IgmpPendingPool, key)
for ig := range grpMap {
for device := range ig.Devices {
ig.DeleteIgmpGroupDevice(cntx, device)
// RemoveGroupDevicesFromPendingPool - removes the group from global pending group pool
func (va *VoltApplication) RemoveGroupDevicesFromPendingPool(ig *IgmpGroup) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Removing IgmpGroup for all devices from Global Pending Pool", log.Fields{"GroupID": ig.GroupID, "GroupName": ig.GroupName, "GroupAddr": ig.GroupAddr, "PendingDevices": len(ig.Devices)})
for device := range ig.PendingGroupForDevice {
va.RemoveGroupFromPendingPool(device, ig)
// GetGroupFromPendingPool - Returns IgmpGroup obj from global pending pool
func (va *VoltApplication) GetGroupFromPendingPool(mvlan of.VlanType, device string) *IgmpGroup {
var ig *IgmpGroup
defer va.PendingPoolLock.Unlock()
key := getPendingPoolKey(mvlan, device)
logger.Infow(ctx, "Getting IgmpGroup from Global Pending Pool", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Mvlan": mvlan.String(), "Key": key})
// Gets all IgmpGrp Obj for the device
grpMap, ok := va.IgmpPendingPool[key]
if !ok || len(grpMap) == 0 {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Matching IgmpGroup not found in Global Pending Pool", log.Fields{"Device": device, "Mvlan": mvlan.String()})
return nil
// Gets a random obj from available grps
for ig = range grpMap {
// Remove grp obj reference from all devices associated in pending pool
for dev := range ig.Devices {
key := getPendingPoolKey(mvlan, dev)
delete(va.IgmpPendingPool[key], ig)
// Safety check to avoid re-allocating group already in use
if ig.NumDevicesActive() == 0 {
return ig
// Iteration will continue only if IG is not allocated
return nil
// RemovePendingGroups - removes all pending groups for provided reference from global pending pool
// reference - mvlan/device ID
// isRefDevice - true - Device as reference
// false - Mvlan as reference
func (va *VoltApplication) RemovePendingGroups(cntx context.Context, reference string, isRefDevice bool) {
defer va.PendingPoolLock.Unlock()
logger.Infow(ctx, "Removing IgmpGroups from Global Pending Pool", log.Fields{"Reference": reference, "isRefDevice": isRefDevice})
// Pending Pool key: "<mvlan>_<DeviceID>""
paramPosition := 0
if isRefDevice {
paramPosition = 1
// 1.Remove the Entry from pending pool
// 2.Deletes the group from device
// 3.Delete the IgmpGroup obj and release the group ID to pool
for key := range va.IgmpPendingPool {
keyParams := strings.Split(key, "_")
if keyParams[paramPosition] == reference {
va.RemoveGroupListFromPendingPool(cntx, key)
func getPendingPoolKey(mvlan of.VlanType, device string) string {
return mvlan.String() + "_" + device
func (va *VoltApplication) removeExpiredGroups(cntx context.Context) {
logger.Info(ctx, "Remove expired Igmp Groups")
removeExpiredGroups := func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
ig := value.(*IgmpGroup)
return true
// TriggerPendingProfileDeleteReq - trigger pending profile delete request
func (va *VoltApplication) TriggerPendingProfileDeleteReq(cntx context.Context, device string) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Trigger Pending Profile Delete for device", log.Fields{"Device": device})
va.TriggerPendingServiceDeactivateReq(cntx, device)
va.TriggerPendingServiceDeleteReq(cntx, device)
va.TriggerPendingVpvDeleteReq(cntx, device)
va.TriggerPendingVnetDeleteReq(cntx, device)
logger.Infow(ctx, "All Pending Profile Delete triggered for device", log.Fields{"Device": device})
// TriggerPendingServiceDeactivateReq - trigger pending service deactivate request
func (va *VoltApplication) TriggerPendingServiceDeactivateReq(cntx context.Context, device string) {
va.ServicesToDeactivate.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
serviceName := key.(string)
if vs := va.GetService(serviceName); vs != nil {
if vs.Device == device {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Triggering Pending Service Deactivate", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name})
vpv := va.GetVnetByPort(vs.Port, vs.SVlan, vs.CVlan, vs.UniVlan)
if vpv == nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Vpv Not found for Service", log.Fields{"vs": vs.Name, "port": vs.Port, "Vnet": vs.VnetID})
return true
// Set the flag to false and clear the SevicesToDeactivate map entry so that when core restarts, VGC will not
// try to deactivate the service again
vs.DeactivateInProgress = false
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Pending Service Not found during Deactivate", log.Fields{"Service": serviceName})
return true
// TriggerPendingServiceDeleteReq - trigger pending service delete request
func (va *VoltApplication) TriggerPendingServiceDeleteReq(cntx context.Context, device string) {
va.ServicesToDelete.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
serviceName := key.(string)
if vs := va.GetService(serviceName); vs != nil {
if vs.Device == device {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Triggering Pending Service delete", log.Fields{"Service": vs.Name})
// Clear the SevicesToDelete map so that when core restarts, VGC will not try to deactivate the service again
if vs.ForceDelete {
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Pending Service Not found during Delete", log.Fields{"Service": serviceName})
return true
// TriggerPendingVpvDeleteReq - trigger pending VPV delete request
func (va *VoltApplication) TriggerPendingVpvDeleteReq(cntx context.Context, device string) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Pending VPVs to be deleted", log.Fields{"Count": len(va.VoltPortVnetsToDelete)})
for vpv := range va.VoltPortVnetsToDelete {
if vpv.Device == device {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Triggering Pending VPv flow delete", log.Fields{"Port": vpv.Port, "Device": vpv.Device, "Vnet": vpv.VnetName})
va.DelVnetFromPort(cntx, vpv.Port, vpv)
// TriggerPendingVnetDeleteReq - trigger pending vnet delete request
func (va *VoltApplication) TriggerPendingVnetDeleteReq(cntx context.Context, device string) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Pending Vnets to be deleted", log.Fields{"Count": len(va.VnetsToDelete)})
for vnetName := range va.VnetsToDelete {
if vnetIntf, _ := va.VnetsByName.Load(vnetName); vnetIntf != nil {
vnet := vnetIntf.(*VoltVnet)
if d, _ := va.GetDeviceBySerialNo(vnet.PendingDeviceToDelete); d != nil && d.SerialNum == vnet.PendingDeviceToDelete {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Triggering Pending Vnet flows delete", log.Fields{"Vnet": vnet.Name, "Device": vnet.PendingDeviceToDelete})
va.DeleteDevFlowForVlanFromDevice(cntx, vnet, vnet.PendingDeviceToDelete)
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Vnet Delete Failed : Device Not Found", log.Fields{"Vnet": vnet.Name, "Device": vnet.PendingDeviceToDelete})
type OltFlowService struct {
DefaultTechProfileID int `json:"defaultTechProfileId"`
EnableDhcpOnNni bool `json:"enableDhcpOnNni"`
EnableIgmpOnNni bool `json:"enableIgmpOnNni"`
EnableEapol bool `json:"enableEapol"`
EnableDhcpV6 bool `json:"enableDhcpV6"`
EnableDhcpV4 bool `json:"enableDhcpV4"`
RemoveFlowsOnDisable bool `json:"removeFlowsOnDisable"`
func (va *VoltApplication) UpdateOltFlowService(cntx context.Context, oltFlowService OltFlowService) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "UpdateOltFlowService", log.Fields{"oldValue": va.OltFlowServiceConfig, "newValue": oltFlowService})
va.OltFlowServiceConfig = oltFlowService
b, err := json.Marshal(va.OltFlowServiceConfig)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Failed to Marshal OltFlowServiceConfig", log.Fields{"OltFlowServiceConfig": va.OltFlowServiceConfig})
_ = db.PutOltFlowService(cntx, string(b))
// RestoreOltFlowService to read from the DB and restore olt flow service config
func (va *VoltApplication) RestoreOltFlowService(cntx context.Context) {
oltflowService, err := db.GetOltFlowService(cntx)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Failed to Get OltFlowServiceConfig from DB", log.Fields{"Error": err})
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(oltflowService), &va.OltFlowServiceConfig)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, "Unmarshal of oltflowService failed")
logger.Infow(ctx, "updated OltFlowServiceConfig from DB", log.Fields{"OltFlowServiceConfig": va.OltFlowServiceConfig})
func (va *VoltApplication) UpdateDeviceConfig(cntx context.Context, deviceConfig *DeviceConfig) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Received UpdateDeviceConfig", log.Fields{"DeviceInfo": deviceConfig})
var dc *DeviceConfig
va.DevicesConfig.Store(deviceConfig.SerialNumber, deviceConfig)
err := dc.WriteDeviceConfigToDb(cntx, deviceConfig.SerialNumber, deviceConfig)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "DB update for device config failed", log.Fields{"err": err})
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Added OLT configurations", log.Fields{"DeviceInfo": deviceConfig})
// If device is already discovered update the VoltDevice structure
device, id := va.GetDeviceBySerialNo(deviceConfig.SerialNumber)
if device != nil {
device.NniDhcpTrapVid = of.VlanType(deviceConfig.NniDhcpTrapVid)
va.DevicesDisc.Store(id, device)