blob: b9cef0c1cbf811b18f02dafdb02742f92f28a1c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package mocks
import (
com ""
ic ""
of ""
const (
numONUPerOLT = 4
// OLTAdapter represent OLT adapter
type OLTAdapter struct {
// NewOLTAdapter - creates OLT adapter instance
func NewOLTAdapter(cp adapterif.CoreProxy) *OLTAdapter {
a := &OLTAdapter{}
a.coreProxy = cp
return a
// Adopt_device creates new handler for added device
func (oltA *OLTAdapter) Adopt_device(device *voltha.Device) error { // nolint
go func() {
d := proto.Clone(device).(*voltha.Device)
d.Root = true
d.Vendor = "olt_adapter_mock"
d.Model = "go-mock"
d.SerialNumber = com.GetRandomSerialNumber()
d.MacAddress = strings.ToUpper(com.GetRandomMacAddress())
if res := oltA.coreProxy.DeviceUpdate(context.TODO(), d); res != nil {
log.Fatalf("deviceUpdate-failed-%s", res)
nniPort := &voltha.Port{
PortNo: 2,
Label: fmt.Sprintf("nni-%d", 2),
Type: voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI,
OperStatus: voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE,
var err error
if err = oltA.coreProxy.PortCreated(context.TODO(), d.Id, nniPort); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("PortCreated-failed-%s", err)
ponPort := &voltha.Port{
PortNo: 1,
Label: fmt.Sprintf("pon-%d", 1),
Type: voltha.Port_PON_OLT,
OperStatus: voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE,
if err = oltA.coreProxy.PortCreated(context.TODO(), d.Id, ponPort); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("PortCreated-failed-%s", err)
d.ConnectStatus = voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE
d.OperStatus = voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE
if err = oltA.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(context.TODO(), d.Id, d.ConnectStatus, d.OperStatus); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Device-state-update-failed-%s", err)
//Get the latest device data from the Core
if d, err = oltA.coreProxy.GetDevice(context.TODO(), d.Id, d.Id); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("getting-device-failed-%s", err)
if err = oltA.updateDevice(d); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("saving-device-failed-%s", err)
// Register Child devices
initialUniPortNo := 100
for i := 0; i < numONUPerOLT; i++ {
go func(seqNo int) {
if _, err := oltA.coreProxy.ChildDeviceDetected(
int64(seqNo)); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failure-sending-child-device-%s", err)
return nil
// Get_ofp_device_info returns ofp device info
func (oltA *OLTAdapter) Get_ofp_device_info(device *voltha.Device) (*ic.SwitchCapability, error) { // nolint
if d := oltA.getDevice(device.Id); d == nil {
log.Fatalf("device-not-found-%s", device.Id)
return &ic.SwitchCapability{
Desc: &of.OfpDesc{
HwDesc: "olt_adapter_mock",
SwDesc: "olt_adapter_mock",
SerialNum: "12345678",
SwitchFeatures: &of.OfpSwitchFeatures{
NBuffers: 256,
NTables: 2,
Capabilities: uint32(of.OfpCapabilities_OFPC_FLOW_STATS |
of.OfpCapabilities_OFPC_TABLE_STATS |
of.OfpCapabilities_OFPC_PORT_STATS |
}, nil
// Get_ofp_port_info returns ofp port info
func (oltA *OLTAdapter) Get_ofp_port_info(device *voltha.Device, portNo int64) (*ic.PortCapability, error) { // nolint
if d := oltA.getDevice(device.Id); d == nil {
log.Fatalf("device-not-found-%s", device.Id)
capability := uint32(of.OfpPortFeatures_OFPPF_1GB_FD | of.OfpPortFeatures_OFPPF_FIBER)
return &ic.PortCapability{
Port: &voltha.LogicalPort{
OfpPort: &of.OfpPort{
HwAddr: macAddressToUint32Array("11:22:33:44:55:66"),
Config: 0,
State: uint32(of.OfpPortState_OFPPS_LIVE),
Curr: capability,
Advertised: capability,
Peer: capability,
CurrSpeed: uint32(of.OfpPortFeatures_OFPPF_1GB_FD),
MaxSpeed: uint32(of.OfpPortFeatures_OFPPF_1GB_FD),
DeviceId: device.Id,
DevicePortNo: uint32(portNo),
}, nil
// GetNumONUPerOLT returns number of ONUs per OLT
func (oltA *OLTAdapter) GetNumONUPerOLT() int {
return numONUPerOLT
// Disable_device disables device
func (oltA *OLTAdapter) Disable_device(device *voltha.Device) error { // nolint
go func() {
if d := oltA.getDevice(device.Id); d == nil {
log.Fatalf("device-not-found-%s", device.Id)
cloned := proto.Clone(device).(*voltha.Device)
// Update the all ports state on that device to disable
if err := oltA.coreProxy.PortsStateUpdate(context.TODO(), cloned.Id, voltha.OperStatus_UNKNOWN); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("updating-ports-failed", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
//Update the device state
cloned.ConnectStatus = voltha.ConnectStatus_UNREACHABLE
cloned.OperStatus = voltha.OperStatus_UNKNOWN
if err := oltA.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(context.TODO(), cloned.Id, cloned.ConnectStatus, cloned.OperStatus); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("device-state-update-failed", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
if err := oltA.updateDevice(cloned); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("saving-device-failed-%s", err)
// Tell the Core that all child devices have been disabled (by default it's an action already taken by the Core
if err := oltA.coreProxy.ChildDevicesLost(context.TODO(), cloned.Id); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("lost-notif-of-child-devices-failed", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
return nil
// Reenable_device reenables device
func (oltA *OLTAdapter) Reenable_device(device *voltha.Device) error { // nolint
go func() {
if d := oltA.getDevice(device.Id); d == nil {
log.Fatalf("device-not-found-%s", device.Id)
cloned := proto.Clone(device).(*voltha.Device)
// Update the all ports state on that device to enable
if err := oltA.coreProxy.PortsStateUpdate(context.TODO(), cloned.Id, voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("updating-ports-failed", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
//Update the device state
cloned.ConnectStatus = voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE
cloned.OperStatus = voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE
if err := oltA.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(context.TODO(), cloned.Id, cloned.ConnectStatus, cloned.OperStatus); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("device-state-update-failed", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
// Tell the Core that all child devices have been enabled
if err := oltA.coreProxy.ChildDevicesDetected(context.TODO(), cloned.Id); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("detection-notif-of-child-devices-failed", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
return nil
// Enable_port -
func (oltA *OLTAdapter) Enable_port(deviceId string, Port *voltha.Port) error { //nolint
go func() {
if Port.Type == voltha.Port_PON_OLT {
if err := oltA.coreProxy.PortStateUpdate(context.TODO(), deviceId, voltha.Port_PON_OLT, Port.PortNo, voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("updating-ports-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": deviceId, "error": err})
return nil
// Disable_port -
func (oltA *OLTAdapter) Disable_port(deviceId string, Port *voltha.Port) error { //nolint
go func() {
if Port.Type == voltha.Port_PON_OLT {
if err := oltA.coreProxy.PortStateUpdate(context.TODO(), deviceId, voltha.Port_PON_OLT, Port.PortNo, voltha.OperStatus_DISCOVERED); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("updating-ports-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": deviceId, "error": err})
return nil