blob: 69db753eb16f4e68e58fa47632f6f63c28d5f89f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package model
import (
// PersistedRevision holds information of revision meant to be saved in a persistent storage
type PersistedRevision struct {
mutex sync.RWMutex
Compress bool
kvStore *Backend
// NewPersistedRevision creates a new instance of a PersistentRevision structure
func NewPersistedRevision(branch *Branch, data interface{}, children map[string][]Revision) Revision {
pr := &PersistedRevision{}
pr.kvStore = branch.Node.GetRoot().KvStore
pr.Revision = NewNonPersistedRevision(nil, branch, data, children)
return pr
// Finalize is responsible of saving the revision in the persistent storage
func (pr *PersistedRevision) Finalize(skipOnExist bool) {
type revData struct {
Children map[string][]string
Config string
func (pr *PersistedRevision) store(skipOnExist bool) {
if pr.GetBranch().Txid != "" {
if pair, _ := pr.kvStore.Get(pr.GetHash()); pair != nil && skipOnExist {
log.Debugf("Config already exists - hash:%s, stack: %s", pr.GetConfig().Hash, string(debug.Stack()))
if blob, err := proto.Marshal(pr.GetConfig().Data.(proto.Message)); err != nil {
// TODO report error
} else {
if pr.Compress {
var b bytes.Buffer
w := gzip.NewWriter(&b)
blob = b.Bytes()
if err := pr.kvStore.Put(pr.GetHash(), blob); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Problem storing revision config - error: %s, hash: %s, data: %+v", err.Error(),
} else {
log.Debugf("Stored config - hash:%s, blob: %+v, stack: %s", pr.GetHash(), pr.GetConfig().Data,
func (pr *PersistedRevision) LoadFromPersistence(path string, txid string) []Revision {
var response []Revision
var rev Revision
rev = pr
if pr.kvStore != nil {
blobMap, _ := pr.kvStore.List(path)
partition := strings.SplitN(path, "/", 2)
name := partition[0]
if len(partition) < 2 {
path = ""
} else {
path = partition[1]
field := ChildrenFields(rev.GetBranch().Node.Type)[name]
if field.IsContainer {
for _, blob := range blobMap {
output := blob.Value.([]byte)
data := reflect.New(field.ClassType.Elem())
if err := proto.Unmarshal(output, data.Interface().(proto.Message)); err != nil {
// TODO report error
} else {
var children []Revision
if path == "" {
if field.Key != "" {
// e.g. /logical_devices/abcde --> path="" name=logical_devices key=abcde
if field.Key != "" {
children = make([]Revision, len(rev.GetChildren()[name]))
copy(children, rev.GetChildren()[name])
_, key := GetAttributeValue(data.Interface(), field.Key, 0)
childRev := rev.GetBranch().Node.MakeNode(data.Interface(), txid).Latest(txid)
childRev.SetHash(name + "/" + key.String())
children = append(children, childRev)
rev = rev.UpdateChildren(name, children, rev.GetBranch())
rev.GetBranch().Node.makeLatest(rev.GetBranch(), rev, nil)
response = append(response, childRev)
} else if field.Key != "" {
// e.g. /logical_devices/abcde/flows/vwxyz --> path=abcde/flows/vwxyz
partition := strings.SplitN(path, "/", 2)
key := partition[0]
if len(partition) < 2 {
path = ""
} else {
path = partition[1]
keyValue := field.KeyFromStr(key)
children = make([]Revision, len(rev.GetChildren()[name]))
copy(children, rev.GetChildren()[name])
idx, childRev := rev.GetBranch().Node.findRevByKey(children, field.Key, keyValue)
newChildRev := childRev.LoadFromPersistence(path, txid)
children[idx] = newChildRev[0]
rev := rev.UpdateChildren(name, rev.GetChildren()[name], rev.GetBranch())
rev.GetBranch().Node.makeLatest(rev.GetBranch(), rev, nil)
response = append(response, newChildRev[0])
return response
// UpdateData modifies the information in the data model and saves it in the persistent storage
func (pr *PersistedRevision) UpdateData(data interface{}, branch *Branch) Revision {
newNPR := pr.Revision.UpdateData(data, branch)
log.Debugf("Updating data %+v", data)
newPR := &PersistedRevision{
Revision: newNPR,
Compress: pr.Compress,
kvStore: pr.kvStore,
return newPR
// UpdateChildren modifies the children of a revision and of a specific component and saves it in the persistent storage
func (pr *PersistedRevision) UpdateChildren(name string, children []Revision, branch *Branch) Revision {
newNPR := pr.Revision.UpdateChildren(name, children, branch)
newPR := &PersistedRevision{
Revision: newNPR,
Compress: pr.Compress,
kvStore: pr.kvStore,
return newPR
// UpdateAllChildren modifies the children for all components of a revision and saves it in the peristent storage
func (pr *PersistedRevision) UpdateAllChildren(children map[string][]Revision, branch *Branch) Revision {
newNPR := pr.Revision.UpdateAllChildren(children, branch)
newPR := &PersistedRevision{
Revision: newNPR,
Compress: pr.Compress,
kvStore: pr.kvStore,
return newPR
// Drop takes care of eliminating a revision hash that is no longer needed
// and its associated config when required
func (pr *PersistedRevision) Drop(txid string, includeConfig bool) {
defer pr.mutex.Unlock()
if pr.kvStore != nil && txid == "" {
if includeConfig {
log.Debugf("removing rev config - hash: %s", pr.GetConfig().Hash)
if err := pr.kvStore.Delete(pr.GetConfig().Hash); err != nil {
"failed to remove rev config - hash: %s, err: %s",
log.Debugf("removing rev - hash: %s", pr.GetHash())
if err := pr.kvStore.Delete(pr.GetHash()); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to remove rev - hash: %s, err: %s", pr.GetHash(), err.Error())
} else {
if includeConfig {
log.Debugf("Attempted to remove revision config:%s linked to transaction:%s", pr.GetConfig().Hash, txid)
log.Debugf("Attempted to remove revision:%s linked to transaction:%s", pr.GetHash(), txid)
pr.Revision.Drop(txid, includeConfig)