blob: d45a84e3d0d0b06fa80660d5421a5d2f65b44793 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package core
import (
// startKafkInterContainerProxy is responsible for starting the Kafka Interadapter Proxy
func startKafkInterContainerProxy(ctx context.Context, kafkaClient kafka.Client, address string, coreTopic string, connectionRetryInterval time.Duration) (kafka.InterContainerProxy, error) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "initialize-kafka-manager", log.Fields{"address": address, "topic": coreTopic})
probe.UpdateStatusFromContext(ctx, adapterMessageBus, probe.ServiceStatusPreparing)
// create the kafka RPC proxy
kmp := kafka.NewInterContainerProxy(
kafka.DefaultTopic(&kafka.Topic{Name: coreTopic}))
probe.UpdateStatusFromContext(ctx, adapterMessageBus, probe.ServiceStatusPrepared)
// wait for connectivity
logger.Infow(ctx, "starting-kafka-manager", log.Fields{"address": address, "topic": coreTopic})
for {
// If we haven't started yet, then try to start
logger.Infow(ctx, "starting-kafka-proxy", log.Fields{})
if err := kmp.Start(ctx); err != nil {
// We failed to start. Delay and then try again later.
// Don't worry about liveness, as we can't be live until we've started.
probe.UpdateStatusFromContext(ctx, adapterMessageBus, probe.ServiceStatusNotReady)
logger.Warnw(ctx, "error-starting-kafka-messaging-proxy", log.Fields{"error": err})
select {
case <-time.After(connectionRetryInterval):
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
// We started. We only need to do this once.
// Next we'll fall through and start checking liveness.
logger.Infow(ctx, "started-kafka-proxy", log.Fields{})
return kmp, nil
func startEventProxy(ctx context.Context, kafkaClient kafka.Client, eventTopic string, connectionRetryInterval time.Duration) (*events.EventProxy, error) {
ep := events.NewEventProxy(events.MsgClient(kafkaClient), events.MsgTopic(kafka.Topic{Name: eventTopic}))
for {
if err := kafkaClient.Start(ctx); err != nil {
probe.UpdateStatusFromContext(ctx, clusterMessageBus, probe.ServiceStatusNotReady)
logger.Warnw(ctx, "failed-to-setup-kafka-connection-on-kafka-cluster-address", log.Fields{"error": err})
select {
case <-time.After(connectionRetryInterval):
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
logger.Info(ctx, "started-connection-on-kafka-cluster-address")
return ep, nil
// Interface that is valid for both EventProxy and InterContainerProxy
type KafkaProxy interface {
EnableLivenessChannel(ctx context.Context, enable bool) chan bool
SendLiveness(ctx context.Context) error
* monitorKafkaLiveness is responsible for monitoring the Kafka Interadapter Proxy connectivity state
* Any producer that fails to send will cause KafkaInterContainerProxy to
* post a false event on its liveness channel. Any producer that succeeds in sending
* will cause KafkaInterContainerProxy to post a true event on its liveness
* channel. Group receivers also update liveness state, and a receiver will typically
* indicate a loss of liveness within 3-5 seconds of Kafka going down. Receivers
* only indicate restoration of liveness if a message is received. During normal
* operation, messages will be routinely produced and received, automatically
* indicating liveness state. These routine liveness indications are rate-limited
* inside sarama_client.
* This thread monitors the status of KafkaInterContainerProxy's liveness and pushes
* that state to the core's readiness probes. If no liveness event has been seen
* within a timeout, then the thread will make an attempt to produce a "liveness"
* message, which will in turn trigger a liveness event on the liveness channel, true
* or false depending on whether the attempt succeeded.
* The gRPC server in turn monitors the state of the readiness probe and will
* start issuing UNAVAILABLE response while the probe is not ready.
* startupRetryInterval -- interval between attempts to start
* liveProbeInterval -- interval between liveness checks when in a live state
* notLiveProbeInterval -- interval between liveness checks when in a notLive state
* liveProbeInterval and notLiveProbeInterval can be configured separately,
* though the current default is that both are set to 60 seconds.
func monitorKafkaLiveness(ctx context.Context, kmp KafkaProxy, liveProbeInterval time.Duration, notLiveProbeInterval time.Duration, serviceName string) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "started-kafka-message-proxy", log.Fields{"service": serviceName})
livenessChannel := kmp.EnableLivenessChannel(ctx, true)
logger.Infow(ctx, "enabled-kafka-liveness-channel", log.Fields{"service": serviceName})
timeout := liveProbeInterval
for {
timeoutTimer := time.NewTimer(timeout)
select {
case liveness := <-livenessChannel:
logger.Infow(ctx, "kafka-manager-thread-liveness-event", log.Fields{"liveness": liveness, "service": serviceName})
// there was a state change in Kafka liveness
if !liveness {
probe.UpdateStatusFromContext(ctx, serviceName, probe.ServiceStatusNotReady)
logger.Infow(ctx, "kafka-manager-thread-set-server-notready", log.Fields{"service": serviceName})
// retry frequently while life is bad
timeout = notLiveProbeInterval
} else {
probe.UpdateStatusFromContext(ctx, serviceName, probe.ServiceStatusRunning)
logger.Infow(ctx, "kafka-manager-thread-set-server-ready", log.Fields{"service": serviceName})
// retry infrequently while life is good
timeout = liveProbeInterval
if !timeoutTimer.Stop() {
case <-timeoutTimer.C:
logger.Infow(ctx, "kafka-proxy-liveness-recheck", log.Fields{"service": serviceName})
// send the liveness probe in a goroutine; we don't want to deadlock ourselves as
// the liveness probe may wait (and block) writing to our channel.
go func() {
err := kmp.SendLiveness(ctx)
if err != nil {
// Catch possible error case if sending liveness after Sarama has been stopped.
logger.Warnw(ctx, "error-kafka-send-liveness", log.Fields{"error": err, "service": serviceName})
case <-ctx.Done():
return // just exit
func registerAdapterRequestHandlers(ctx context.Context, kmp kafka.InterContainerProxy, dMgr *device.Manager, aMgr *adapter.Manager, coreTopic string) {
requestProxy := api.NewAdapterRequestHandlerProxy(dMgr, aMgr)
// Register the broadcast topic to handle any core-bound broadcast requests
if err := kmp.SubscribeWithRequestHandlerInterface(ctx, kafka.Topic{Name: coreTopic}, requestProxy); err != nil {
logger.Fatalw(ctx, "Failed-registering-broadcast-handler", log.Fields{"topic": coreTopic})
logger.Info(ctx, "request-handler-registered")