blob: 87f5573cac0496ca01ad3ba8743c6558306d854c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package afrouter
import (
pb ""
type ArouterApi struct {
addr string
port int
apiListener net.Listener
apiServer *grpc.Server
running bool
ar *ArouterProxy
func newApi(config *ApiConfig, ar *ArouterProxy) (*ArouterApi, error) {
var rtrn_err bool
// Create a seperate server and listener for the API
// Validate the ip address if one is provided
if ip := net.ParseIP(config.Addr); config.Addr != "" && ip == nil {
log.Errorf("Invalid address '%s' provided for API server", config.Addr)
rtrn_err = true
if rtrn_err {
return nil, errors.New("Errors in API configuration")
} else {
var err error = nil
aa := &ArouterApi{addr: config.Addr, port: int(config.Port), ar: ar}
// Create the listener for the API server
if aa.apiListener, err =
net.Listen("tcp", config.Addr+":"+
strconv.Itoa(int(config.Port))); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create the API server
aa.apiServer = grpc.NewServer()
pb.RegisterConfigurationServer(aa.apiServer, *aa)
return aa, err
func (aa *ArouterApi) getServer(srvr string) (*server, error) {
if s, ok :=[srvr]; !ok {
err := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Server '%s' doesn't exist", srvr))
return nil, err
} else {
return s, nil
func (aa *ArouterApi) getRouter(s *server, clstr string) (Router, error) {
for _, pkg := range s.routers {
for _, r := range pkg {
if c := r.FindBackendCluster(clstr); c != nil {
return r, nil
err := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Cluster '%s' doesn't exist", clstr))
return nil, err
func (aa *ArouterApi) getCluster(s *server, clstr string) (*cluster, error) {
for _, pkg := range s.routers {
for _, r := range pkg {
if c := r.FindBackendCluster(clstr); c != nil {
return c, nil
err := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Cluster '%s' doesn't exist", clstr))
return nil, err
func (aa *ArouterApi) getBackend(c *cluster, bknd string) (*backend, error) {
for _, b := range c.backends {
if == bknd {
return b, nil
err := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Backend '%s' doesn't exist in cluster %s",
return nil, err
func (aa *ArouterApi) getConnection(b *backend, con string) (*connection, error) {
if c, ok := b.connections[con]; !ok {
err := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Connection '%s' doesn't exist", con))
return nil, err
} else {
return c, nil
func (aa *ArouterApi) updateConnection(in *pb.Conn, cn *connection, b *backend) error {
sPort := strconv.FormatUint(in.Port, 10)
// Check that the ip address and or port are different
if in.Addr == cn.addr && sPort == cn.port {
err := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Refusing to change connection '%s' to identical values", in.Connection))
return err
cn.addr = in.Addr
cn.port = sPort
return nil
func (aa ArouterApi) SetAffinity(ctx context.Context, in *pb.Affinity) (*pb.Result, error) {
log.Debugf("SetAffinity called! %v", in)
//return &pb.Result{Success:true,Error:""},nil
// Navigate down tot he connection and compare IP addresses and ports if they're
// not the same then close the existing connection. If they are bothe the same
// then return an error describing the situation.
var err error
aap := &aa
_ = aap
log.Debugf("Getting router %s and route %s", in.Router, in.Route)
if r, ok := allRouters[in.Router+in.Route]; ok {
switch rr := r.(type) {
case AffinityRouter:
log.Debug("Affinity router found")
b := rr.FindBackendCluster(in.Cluster).getBackend(in.Backend)
if b != nil {
rr.setAffinity(in.Id, b)
} else {
log.Errorf("Requested backend '%s' not found", in.Backend)
_ = rr
case MethodRouter:
log.Debug("Method router found")
_ = rr
log.Debug("Some other router found")
_ = rr
} else {
log.Debugf("Couldn't get router type")
return &pb.Result{Success: false, Error: err.Error()}, err
return &pb.Result{Success: true, Error: ""}, nil
func (aa ArouterApi) SetConnection(ctx context.Context, in *pb.Conn) (*pb.Result, error) {
// Navigate down tot he connection and compare IP addresses and ports if they're
// not the same then close the existing connection. If they are bothe the same
// then return an error describing the situation.
var s *server
var c *cluster
var b *backend
var cn *connection
var err error
log.Debugf("SetConnection called! %v", in)
aap := &aa
if s, err = (aap).getServer(in.Server); err != nil {
err := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Server '%s' doesn't exist", in.Server))
return &pb.Result{Success: false, Error: err.Error()}, err
// The cluster is usually accessed via tha router but since each
// cluster is unique it's good enough to find the router that
// has the cluster we're looking for rather than fully keying
// the path
if c, err = aap.getCluster(s, in.Cluster); err != nil {
return &pb.Result{Success: false, Error: err.Error()}, err
if b, err = aap.getBackend(c, in.Backend); err != nil {
return &pb.Result{Success: false, Error: err.Error()}, err
if cn, err = aap.getConnection(b, in.Connection); err != nil {
return &pb.Result{Success: false, Error: err.Error()}, err
if err = aap.updateConnection(in, cn, b); err != nil {
return &pb.Result{Success: false, Error: err.Error()}, err
return &pb.Result{Success: true, Error: ""}, nil
func (aa ArouterApi) GetGoroutineCount(ctx context.Context, in *pb.Empty) (*pb.Count, error) {
return &pb.Count{Count: uint32(runtime.NumGoroutine())}, nil
func (aa *ArouterApi) serve() {
// Start a serving thread
go func() {
aa.running = true
if err := aa.apiServer.Serve(aa.apiListener); err != nil {
aa.running = false
errChan <- err