blob: 31f431af38b6297993e11d872c999ec4a5d78100 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package afrouter
// Backend manager handles redundant connections per backend
import (
// backend represents a collection of backends in a HA configuration
type backend struct {
mutex sync.Mutex
name string
beType backendType
activeAssociation association
connFailCallback func(string, *backend) bool
connections map[string]*connection
openConns int
type association struct {
strategy associationStrategy
location associationLocation
field string // Used only if location is protobuf
key string
func (be *backend) openSouthboundStreams(srv interface{}, serverStream grpc.ServerStream, f *nbFrame) (*streams, error) {
rtrn := &streams{streams: make(map[string]*stream), activeStream: nil}
log.Debugf("Opening southbound streams for method '%s'", f.methodInfo.method)
// Get the metadata from the incoming message on the server
md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(serverStream.Context())
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("Could not get a server stream metadata")
// TODO: Need to check if this is an active/active backend cluster
// with a serial number in the header.
log.Debugf("Serial number for transaction allocated: %d", f.serialNo)
// If even one stream can be created then proceed. If none can be
// created then report an error becase both the primary and redundant
// connections are non-existant.
var atLeastOne = false
var errStr strings.Builder
log.Debugf("There are %d connections to open", len(be.connections))
for _, cn := range be.connections {
// Copy in the metadata
if cn.getState() == connectivity.Ready && cn.getConn() != nil {
log.Debugf("Opening southbound stream for connection '%s'",
// Create an outgoing context that includes the incoming metadata
// and that will cancel if the server's context is canceled
clientCtx, clientCancel := context.WithCancel(serverStream.Context())
clientCtx = metadata.NewOutgoingContext(clientCtx, md.Copy())
//TODO: Same check here, only add the serial number if necessary
clientCtx = metadata.AppendToOutgoingContext(clientCtx, "voltha_serial_number",
strconv.FormatUint(f.serialNo, 10))
// Create the client stream
if clientStream, err := grpc.NewClientStream(clientCtx, clientStreamDescForProxying,
cn.getConn(), f.methodInfo.all); err != nil {
log.Debugf("Failed to create a client stream '%s', %v",, err)
fmt.Fprintf(&errStr, "{{Failed to create a client stream '%s', %v}} ",, err)
rtrn.streams[] = nil
} else {
rtrn.streams[] = &stream{stream: clientStream, ctx: clientCtx,
cancel: clientCancel, s2cReturn: nil,
ok2Close: make(chan struct{}),
c2sReturn: make(chan error, 1)}
atLeastOne = true
} else if cn.getConn() == nil {
err := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Connection '%s' is closed",
fmt.Fprint(&errStr, err.Error())
} else {
err := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Connection '%s' isn't ready",
fmt.Fprint(&errStr, err.Error())
if atLeastOne {
return rtrn, nil
fmt.Fprintf(&errStr, "{{No streams available for backend '%s' unable to send}} ",
return nil, errors.New(errStr.String())
func (be *backend) handler(srv interface{}, serverStream grpc.ServerStream, nf *nbFrame, sf *sbFrame) error {
// Set up and launch each individual southbound stream
var beStrms *streams
var rtrn error = nil
var s2cOk = false
var c2sOk = false
beStrms, err := be.openSouthboundStreams(srv, serverStream, nf)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("openStreams failed: %v", err)
return err
// If we get here, there has to be AT LEAST ONE open stream
// *Do not explicitly close* s2cErrChan and c2sErrChan, otherwise the select below will not terminate.
// Channels do not have to be closed, it is just a control flow mechanism, see
log.Debug("Starting server to client forwarding")
s2cErrChan := beStrms.forwardServerToClient(serverStream, nf)
log.Debug("Starting client to server forwarding")
c2sErrChan := beStrms.forwardClientToServer(serverStream, sf)
// We don't know which side is going to stop sending first, so we need a select between the two.
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
select {
case s2cErr := <-s2cErrChan:
s2cOk = true
log.Debug("Processing s2cErr")
if s2cErr == io.EOF {
log.Debug("s2cErr reporting EOF")
// this is the successful case where the sender has encountered io.EOF, and won't be sending anymore./
// the clientStream>serverStream may continue sending though.
defer beStrms.closeSend()
if c2sOk {
return rtrn
} else {
log.Debugf("s2cErr reporting %v", s2cErr)
// however, we may have gotten a receive error (stream disconnected, a read error etc) in which case we need
// to cancel the clientStream to the backend, let all of its goroutines be freed up by the CancelFunc and
// exit with an error to the stack
return grpc.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed proxying s2c: %v", s2cErr)
case c2sErr := <-c2sErrChan:
c2sOk = true
log.Debug("Processing c2sErr")
// This happens when the clientStream has nothing else to offer (io.EOF), returned a gRPC error. In those two
// cases we may have received Trailers as part of the call. In case of other errors (stream closed) the trailers
// will be nil.
// c2sErr will contain RPC error from client code. If not io.EOF return the RPC error as server stream error.
// NOTE!!! with redundant backends, it's likely that one of the backends
// returns a response before all the data has been sent southbound and
// the southbound streams are closed. Should this happen one of the
// backends may not get the request.
if c2sErr != io.EOF {
rtrn = c2sErr
log.Debug("c2sErr reporting EOF")
if s2cOk {
return rtrn
return grpc.Errorf(codes.Internal, "gRPC proxying should never reach this stage.")
func newBackend(conf *BackendConfig, clusterName string) (*backend, error) {
var rtrn_err bool = false
log.Debugf("Configuring the backend with %v", *conf)
// Validate the conifg and configure the backend
be := &backend{name: conf.Name, connections: make(map[string]*connection), openConns: 0}
if conf.Type == BackendUndefined {
log.Error("Invalid type specified for backend %s in cluster %s", conf.Name, clusterName)
rtrn_err = true
be.beType = conf.Type
if conf.Association.Strategy == AssociationStrategyUndefined && be.beType == BackendActiveActive {
log.Errorf("An association strategy must be provided if the backend "+
"type is active/active for backend %s in cluster %s", conf.Name, clusterName)
rtrn_err = true
be.activeAssociation.strategy = conf.Association.Strategy
if conf.Association.Location == AssociationLocationUndefined && be.beType == BackendActiveActive {
log.Errorf("An association location must be provided if the backend "+
"type is active/active for backend %s in cluster %s", conf.Name, clusterName)
rtrn_err = true
be.activeAssociation.location = conf.Association.Location
if conf.Association.Field == "" && be.activeAssociation.location == AssociationLocationProtobuf {
log.Errorf("An association field must be provided if the backend "+
"type is active/active and the location is set to protobuf "+
"for backend %s in cluster %s", conf.Name, clusterName)
rtrn_err = true
be.activeAssociation.field = conf.Association.Field
if conf.Association.Key == "" && be.activeAssociation.location == AssociationLocationHeader {
log.Errorf("An association key must be provided if the backend "+
"type is active/active and the location is set to header "+
"for backend %s in cluster %s", conf.Name, clusterName)
rtrn_err = true
be.activeAssociation.key = conf.Association.Key
if rtrn_err {
return nil, errors.New("Backend configuration failed")
// Configure the connections
// Connections can consist of just a name. This allows for dynamic configuration
// at a later time.
// TODO: validate that there is one connection for all but active/active backends
if len(conf.Connections) > 1 && be.beType != BackendActiveActive {
log.Errorf("Only one connection must be specified if the association " +
"strategy is not set to 'active_active'")
rtrn_err = true
if len(conf.Connections) == 0 {
log.Errorf("At least one connection must be specified")
rtrn_err = true
for _, cnConf := range conf.Connections {
if cnConf.Name == "" {
log.Errorf("A connection must have a name for backend %s in cluster %s",
conf.Name, clusterName)
} else {
gc := &gConnection{conn: nil, cancel: nil, state: connectivity.Idle}
be.connections[cnConf.Name] = &connection{name: cnConf.Name, addr: cnConf.Addr, port: cnConf.Port, backend: be, gConn: gc}
if cnConf.Addr != "" { // This connection will be specified later.
if _, err := url.Parse(cnConf.Addr); err != nil {
log.Errorf("The address for connection %s in backend %s in cluster %s is invalid: %s",
cnConf.Name, conf.Name, clusterName, err)
rtrn_err = true
// Validate the port number. This just validtes that it's a non 0 integer
if n, err := strconv.Atoi(cnConf.Port); err != nil || n <= 0 || n > 65535 {
log.Errorf("Port %s for connection %s in backend %s in cluster %s is invalid",
cnConf.Port, cnConf.Name, conf.Name, clusterName)
rtrn_err = true
} else {
if n <= 0 && n > 65535 {
log.Errorf("Port %s for connection %s in backend %s in cluster %s is invalid",
cnConf.Port, cnConf.Name, conf.Name, clusterName)
rtrn_err = true
if rtrn_err {
return nil, errors.New("Connection configuration failed")
// All is well start the backend cluster connections
return be, nil
func (be *backend) incConn() {
defer be.mutex.Unlock()
func (be *backend) decConn() {
defer be.mutex.Unlock()
if be.openConns < 0 {
log.Error("Internal error, number of open connections less than 0")
be.openConns = 0
// Attempts to establish all the connections for a backend
// any failures result in an abort. This should only be called
// on a first attempt to connect. Individual connections should be
// handled after that.
func (be *backend) connectAll() {
for _, cn := range be.connections {
// Set a callback for connection failure notification
// This is currently not used.
func (be *backend) setConnFailCallback(cb func(string, *backend) bool) {
be.connFailCallback = cb