blob: daf2508f8bbe9b3bf9d835103cdb9f774998b606 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package device
import (
cm ""
tst ""
com ""
mock_etcd ""
mock_kafka ""
ofp ""
type DATest struct {
etcdServer *mock_etcd.EtcdServer
deviceMgr *Manager
logicalDeviceMgr *LogicalManager
adapterMgr *adapter.Manager
kmp kafka.InterContainerProxy
kClient kafka.Client
kEventClient kafka.Client
kvClientPort int
oltAdapter *cm.OLTAdapter
onuAdapter *cm.ONUAdapter
oltAdapterName string
onuAdapterName string
coreInstanceID string
defaultTimeout time.Duration
maxTimeout time.Duration
device *voltha.Device
devicePorts map[uint32]*voltha.Port
done chan int
func newDATest(ctx context.Context) *DATest {
test := &DATest{}
// Start the embedded etcd server
var err error
test.etcdServer, test.kvClientPort, err = tst.StartEmbeddedEtcdServer(ctx, "voltha.rwcore.da.test", "voltha.rwcore.da.etcd", "error")
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Create the kafka client
test.kClient = mock_kafka.NewKafkaClient()
test.kEventClient = mock_kafka.NewKafkaClient()
test.oltAdapterName = "olt_adapter_mock"
test.onuAdapterName = "onu_adapter_mock"
test.coreInstanceID = "rw-da-test"
test.defaultTimeout = 5 * time.Second
test.maxTimeout = 20 * time.Second
test.done = make(chan int)
parentID := com.GetRandomString(10)
test.device = &voltha.Device{
Type: "onu_adapter_mock",
ParentId: parentID,
ParentPortNo: 1,
VendorId: "onu_adapter_mock",
Adapter: "onu_adapter_mock",
Vlan: 100,
Address: nil,
ProxyAddress: &voltha.Device_ProxyAddress{
DeviceId: parentID,
DeviceType: "olt_adapter_mock",
ChannelId: 100,
ChannelGroupId: 0,
ChannelTermination: "",
OnuId: 2,
AdminState: voltha.AdminState_PREPROVISIONED,
OperStatus: voltha.OperStatus_UNKNOWN,
Reason: "All good",
ConnectStatus: voltha.ConnectStatus_UNKNOWN,
Custom: nil,
test.devicePorts = map[uint32]*voltha.Port{
1: {PortNo: 1, Label: "pon-1", Type: voltha.Port_PON_ONU, AdminState: voltha.AdminState_ENABLED,
OperStatus: voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE, Peers: []*voltha.Port_PeerPort{{DeviceId: parentID, PortNo: 1}}},
100: {PortNo: 100, Label: "uni-100", Type: voltha.Port_ETHERNET_UNI, AdminState: voltha.AdminState_ENABLED,
OperStatus: voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE},
return test
func (dat *DATest) startCore(ctx context.Context) {
cfg := config.NewRWCoreFlags()
cfg.CoreTopic = "rw_core"
cfg.EventTopic = ""
cfg.DefaultRequestTimeout = dat.defaultTimeout
cfg.KVStoreAddress = "" + ":" + strconv.Itoa(dat.kvClientPort)
grpcPort, err := freeport.GetFreePort()
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(ctx, "Cannot get a freeport for grpc")
cfg.GrpcAddress = "" + ":" + strconv.Itoa(grpcPort)
client := tst.SetupKVClient(ctx, cfg, dat.coreInstanceID)
backend := &db.Backend{
Client: client,
StoreType: cfg.KVStoreType,
Address: cfg.KVStoreAddress,
Timeout: cfg.KVStoreTimeout,
LivenessChannelInterval: cfg.LiveProbeInterval / 2}
dat.kmp = kafka.NewInterContainerProxy(
kafka.DefaultTopic(&kafka.Topic{Name: cfg.CoreTopic}))
endpointMgr := kafka.NewEndpointManager(backend)
proxy := model.NewDBPath(backend)
dat.adapterMgr = adapter.NewAdapterManager(ctx, proxy, dat.coreInstanceID, dat.kClient)
eventProxy := events.NewEventProxy(events.MsgClient(dat.kEventClient), events.MsgTopic(kafka.Topic{Name: cfg.EventTopic}))
dat.deviceMgr, dat.logicalDeviceMgr = NewManagers(proxy, dat.adapterMgr, dat.kmp, endpointMgr, cfg, dat.coreInstanceID, eventProxy)
if err = dat.kmp.Start(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Fatal(ctx, "Cannot start InterContainerProxy")
if err := dat.kmp.SubscribeWithDefaultRequestHandler(ctx, kafka.Topic{Name: cfg.CoreTopic}, kafka.OffsetNewest); err != nil {
logger.Fatalf(ctx, "Cannot add default request handler: %s", err)
func (dat *DATest) stopAll(ctx context.Context) {
if dat.kClient != nil {
if dat.kmp != nil {
if dat.etcdServer != nil {
tst.StopEmbeddedEtcdServer(ctx, dat.etcdServer)
if dat.kEventClient != nil {
func (dat *DATest) createDeviceAgent(t *testing.T) *Agent {
deviceMgr := dat.deviceMgr
clonedDevice := proto.Clone(dat.device).(*voltha.Device)
deviceAgent := newAgent(deviceMgr.adapterProxy, clonedDevice, deviceMgr, deviceMgr.dbPath, deviceMgr.dProxy, deviceMgr.defaultTimeout)
d, err := deviceAgent.start(context.TODO(), clonedDevice)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, d)
for _, port := range dat.devicePorts {
err := deviceAgent.addPort(context.TODO(), port)
assert.Nil(t, err)
return deviceAgent
func (dat *DATest) updateDeviceConcurrently(t *testing.T, da *Agent, globalWG *sync.WaitGroup) {
originalDevice, err := da.getDeviceReadOnly(context.Background())
originalDevicePorts := da.listDevicePorts()
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, originalDevice)
var localWG sync.WaitGroup
// Update device routine
var (
root = false
vendor = "onu_adapter_mock"
model = "go-mock"
serialNumber = com.GetRandomSerialNumber()
macAddress = strings.ToUpper(com.GetRandomMacAddress())
vlan = rand.Uint32()
reason = "testing concurrent device update"
portToAdd = &voltha.Port{PortNo: 101, Label: "uni-101", Type: voltha.Port_ETHERNET_UNI, AdminState: voltha.AdminState_ENABLED,
OperStatus: voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE}
go func() {
deviceToUpdate := proto.Clone(originalDevice).(*voltha.Device)
deviceToUpdate.Root = root
deviceToUpdate.Vendor = vendor
deviceToUpdate.Model = model
deviceToUpdate.SerialNumber = serialNumber
deviceToUpdate.MacAddress = macAddress
deviceToUpdate.Vlan = vlan
deviceToUpdate.Reason = reason
err := da.updateDeviceUsingAdapterData(context.Background(), deviceToUpdate)
assert.Nil(t, err)
// Update the device status routine
go func() {
err := da.updateDeviceStatus(context.Background(), voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE, voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE)
assert.Nil(t, err)
// Add a port routine
go func() {
err := da.addPort(context.Background(), portToAdd)
assert.Nil(t, err)
// wait for go routines to be done
expectedChange := proto.Clone(originalDevice).(*voltha.Device)
expectedChange.OperStatus = voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE
expectedChange.ConnectStatus = voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE
expectedChange.Root = root
expectedChange.Vendor = vendor
expectedChange.Model = model
expectedChange.SerialNumber = serialNumber
expectedChange.MacAddress = macAddress
expectedChange.Vlan = vlan
expectedChange.Reason = reason
updatedDevice, _ := da.getDeviceReadOnly(context.Background())
updatedDevicePorts := da.listDevicePorts()
assert.NotNil(t, updatedDevice)
fmt.Printf("1 %+v\n", expectedChange)
fmt.Printf("2 %+v\n", updatedDevice)
assert.True(t, proto.Equal(expectedChange, updatedDevice))
assert.Equal(t, len(originalDevicePorts)+1, len(updatedDevicePorts))
assert.True(t, proto.Equal(updatedDevicePorts[portToAdd.PortNo], portToAdd))
func TestConcurrentDevices(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
da := newDATest(ctx)
assert.NotNil(t, da)
defer da.stopAll(ctx)
log.SetPackageLogLevel("", log.DebugLevel)
// Start the Core
var wg sync.WaitGroup
numConCurrentDeviceAgents := 20
for i := 0; i < numConCurrentDeviceAgents; i++ {
a := da.createDeviceAgent(t)
go da.updateDeviceConcurrently(t, a, &wg)
func TestFlowUpdates(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
da := newDATest(ctx)
assert.NotNil(t, da)
defer da.stopAll(ctx)
log.SetPackageLogLevel("", log.DebugLevel)
// Start the Core
da.oltAdapter, da.onuAdapter = tst.CreateAndregisterAdapters(ctx, t, da.kClient, da.coreInstanceID, da.oltAdapterName, da.onuAdapterName, da.adapterMgr)
a := da.createDeviceAgent(t)
err1 := a.requestQueue.WaitForGreenLight(ctx)
assert.Nil(t, err1)
cloned := a.cloneDeviceWithoutLock()
cloned.AdminState, cloned.ConnectStatus, cloned.OperStatus = voltha.AdminState_ENABLED, voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE, voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE
err2 := a.updateDeviceAndReleaseLock(ctx, cloned)
assert.Nil(t, err2)
da.testFlowAddDeletes(t, a)
func TestGroupUpdates(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
da := newDATest(ctx)
assert.NotNil(t, da)
defer da.stopAll(ctx)
// Start the Core
da.oltAdapter, da.onuAdapter = tst.CreateAndregisterAdapters(ctx, t, da.kClient, da.coreInstanceID, da.oltAdapterName, da.onuAdapterName, da.adapterMgr)
a := da.createDeviceAgent(t)
err1 := a.requestQueue.WaitForGreenLight(ctx)
assert.Nil(t, err1)
cloned := a.cloneDeviceWithoutLock()
cloned.AdminState, cloned.ConnectStatus, cloned.OperStatus = voltha.AdminState_ENABLED, voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE, voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE
err2 := a.updateDeviceAndReleaseLock(ctx, cloned)
assert.Nil(t, err2)
da.testGroupAddDeletes(t, a)
func isFlowSliceEqual(a, b []*ofp.OfpFlowStats) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool {
return a[i].Id < a[j].Id
sort.Slice(b, func(i, j int) bool {
return b[i].Id < b[j].Id
for idx := range a {
if !proto.Equal(a[idx], b[idx]) {
return false
return true
func isGroupSliceEqual(a, b []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool {
return a[i].Desc.GroupId < a[j].Desc.GroupId
sort.Slice(b, func(i, j int) bool {
return b[i].Desc.GroupId < b[j].Desc.GroupId
for idx := range a {
if !proto.Equal(a[idx], b[idx]) {
return false
return true
func changeToFlowList(flowList map[uint64]*ofp.OfpFlowStats) []*ofp.OfpFlowStats {
flows := make([]*ofp.OfpFlowStats, 0)
for _, flow := range flowList {
flows = append(flows, flow)
return flows
func changeToGroupList(groupList map[uint32]*ofp.OfpGroupEntry) []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry {
groups := make([]*ofp.OfpGroupEntry, 0)
for _, group := range groupList {
groups = append(groups, group)
return groups
func (dat *DATest) testFlowAddDeletes(t *testing.T, da *Agent) {
//Add new Flows on empty list
newFlows := []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{
{Id: 123, TableId: 1230, Priority: 100, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1230000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 124, TableId: 1240, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1240000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 125, TableId: 1250, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1250000, PacketCount: 0},
err := da.addFlowsAndGroups(context.Background(), newFlows, []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{}, &voltha.FlowMetadata{})
assert.Nil(t, err)
daFlows := changeToFlowList(da.listDeviceFlows())
assert.True(t, isFlowSliceEqual(newFlows, daFlows))
//Add new Flows on existing ones
newFlows = []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{
{Id: 126, TableId: 1260, Priority: 100, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1260000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 127, TableId: 1270, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1270000, PacketCount: 0},
expectedFlows := []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{
{Id: 123, TableId: 1230, Priority: 100, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1230000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 124, TableId: 1240, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1240000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 125, TableId: 1250, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1250000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 126, TableId: 1260, Priority: 100, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1260000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 127, TableId: 1270, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1270000, PacketCount: 0},
err = da.addFlowsAndGroups(context.Background(), newFlows, []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{}, &voltha.FlowMetadata{})
assert.Nil(t, err)
daFlows = changeToFlowList(da.listDeviceFlows())
assert.True(t, isFlowSliceEqual(expectedFlows, daFlows))
//Add existing Flows again with a new flow
newFlows = []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{
{Id: 126, TableId: 1260, Priority: 100, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1260000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 127, TableId: 1270, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1270001, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 128, TableId: 1280, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1280000, PacketCount: 0},
expectedFlows = []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{
{Id: 123, TableId: 1230, Priority: 100, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1230000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 124, TableId: 1240, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1240000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 125, TableId: 1250, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1250000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 126, TableId: 1260, Priority: 100, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1260000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 127, TableId: 1270, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1270001, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 128, TableId: 1280, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1280000, PacketCount: 0},
err = da.addFlowsAndGroups(context.Background(), newFlows, []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{}, &voltha.FlowMetadata{})
assert.Nil(t, err)
daFlows = changeToFlowList(da.listDeviceFlows())
assert.True(t, isFlowSliceEqual(expectedFlows, daFlows))
//Add already existing flows again
newFlows = []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{
{Id: 126, TableId: 1260, Priority: 100, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1260000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 127, TableId: 1270, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1270001, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 128, TableId: 1280, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1280000, PacketCount: 0},
expectedFlows = []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{
{Id: 123, TableId: 1230, Priority: 100, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1230000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 124, TableId: 1240, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1240000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 125, TableId: 1250, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1250000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 126, TableId: 1260, Priority: 100, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1260000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 127, TableId: 1270, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1270001, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 128, TableId: 1280, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1280000, PacketCount: 0},
err = da.addFlowsAndGroups(context.Background(), newFlows, []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{}, &voltha.FlowMetadata{})
assert.Nil(t, err)
daFlows = changeToFlowList(da.listDeviceFlows())
assert.True(t, isFlowSliceEqual(expectedFlows, daFlows))
//Delete flows
flowsToDelete := []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{
{Id: 126, TableId: 1260, Priority: 100, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1260000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 127, TableId: 1270, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1270001, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 128, TableId: 1280, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1280000, PacketCount: 0},
expectedFlows = []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{
{Id: 123, TableId: 1230, Priority: 100, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1230000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 124, TableId: 1240, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1240000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 125, TableId: 1250, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1250000, PacketCount: 0},
err = da.deleteFlowsAndGroups(context.Background(), flowsToDelete, []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{}, &voltha.FlowMetadata{})
assert.Nil(t, err)
daFlows = changeToFlowList(da.listDeviceFlows())
assert.True(t, isFlowSliceEqual(expectedFlows, daFlows))
//Delete flows with an unexisting one
flowsToDelete = []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{
{Id: 125, TableId: 1250, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1250000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 129, TableId: 1290, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1290000, PacketCount: 0},
expectedFlows = []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{
{Id: 123, TableId: 1230, Priority: 100, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1230000, PacketCount: 0},
{Id: 124, TableId: 1240, Priority: 1000, IdleTimeout: 0, Flags: 0, Cookie: 1240000, PacketCount: 0},
err = da.deleteFlowsAndGroups(context.Background(), flowsToDelete, []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{}, &voltha.FlowMetadata{})
assert.Nil(t, err)
daFlows = changeToFlowList(da.listDeviceFlows())
assert.True(t, isFlowSliceEqual(expectedFlows, daFlows))
func (dat *DATest) testGroupAddDeletes(t *testing.T, da *Agent) {
//Add new Groups on empty list
newGroups := []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 1, GroupId: 10, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 2, GroupId: 20, Buckets: nil}},
err := da.addFlowsAndGroups(context.Background(), []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{}, newGroups, &voltha.FlowMetadata{})
assert.Nil(t, err)
daGroups := changeToGroupList(da.listDeviceGroups())
assert.True(t, isGroupSliceEqual(newGroups, daGroups))
//Add new Groups on existing ones
newGroups = []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 3, GroupId: 30, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 4, GroupId: 40, Buckets: nil}},
expectedGroups := []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 1, GroupId: 10, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 2, GroupId: 20, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 3, GroupId: 30, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 4, GroupId: 40, Buckets: nil}},
err = da.addFlowsAndGroups(context.Background(), []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{}, newGroups, &voltha.FlowMetadata{})
assert.Nil(t, err)
daGroups = changeToGroupList(da.listDeviceGroups())
assert.True(t, isGroupSliceEqual(expectedGroups, daGroups))
//Add new Groups on existing ones
newGroups = []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 3, GroupId: 30, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 44, GroupId: 40, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 5, GroupId: 50, Buckets: nil}},
expectedGroups = []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 1, GroupId: 10, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 2, GroupId: 20, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 3, GroupId: 30, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 44, GroupId: 40, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 5, GroupId: 50, Buckets: nil}},
err = da.addFlowsAndGroups(context.Background(), []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{}, newGroups, &voltha.FlowMetadata{})
assert.Nil(t, err)
daGroups = changeToGroupList(da.listDeviceGroups())
assert.True(t, isGroupSliceEqual(expectedGroups, daGroups))
//Modify Group
updtGroups := []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 33, GroupId: 30, Buckets: nil}},
expectedGroups = []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 1, GroupId: 10, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 2, GroupId: 20, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 33, GroupId: 30, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 44, GroupId: 40, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 5, GroupId: 50, Buckets: nil}},
err = da.updateFlowsAndGroups(context.Background(), []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{}, updtGroups, &voltha.FlowMetadata{})
assert.Nil(t, err)
daGroups = changeToGroupList(da.listDeviceGroups())
assert.True(t, isGroupSliceEqual(expectedGroups, daGroups))
//Delete Group
delGroups := []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 33, GroupId: 30, Buckets: nil}},
expectedGroups = []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 1, GroupId: 10, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 2, GroupId: 20, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 44, GroupId: 40, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 5, GroupId: 50, Buckets: nil}},
err = da.deleteFlowsAndGroups(context.Background(), []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{}, delGroups, &voltha.FlowMetadata{})
assert.Nil(t, err)
daGroups = changeToGroupList(da.listDeviceGroups())
assert.True(t, isGroupSliceEqual(expectedGroups, daGroups))
//Delete Group
delGroups = []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 4, GroupId: 40, Buckets: nil}},
expectedGroups = []*ofp.OfpGroupEntry{
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 1, GroupId: 10, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 2, GroupId: 20, Buckets: nil}},
{Desc: &ofp.OfpGroupDesc{Type: 5, GroupId: 50, Buckets: nil}},
err = da.deleteFlowsAndGroups(context.Background(), []*ofp.OfpFlowStats{}, delGroups, &voltha.FlowMetadata{})
assert.Nil(t, err)
daGroups = changeToGroupList(da.listDeviceGroups())
assert.True(t, isGroupSliceEqual(expectedGroups, daGroups))