blob: 46d4ffb1bb0ada8bdf4b740fdac47821124c763e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package device
import (
coreutils ""
fu ""
ofp ""
// listLogicalDeviceFlows returns logical device flows
func (agent *LogicalAgent) listLogicalDeviceFlows() map[uint64]*ofp.OfpFlowStats {
flowIDs := agent.flowLoader.ListIDs()
flows := make(map[uint64]*ofp.OfpFlowStats, len(flowIDs))
for flowID := range flowIDs {
if flowHandle, have := agent.flowLoader.Lock(flowID); have {
flows[flowID] = flowHandle.GetReadOnly()
return flows
//updateFlowTable updates the flow table of that logical device
func (agent *LogicalAgent) updateFlowTable(ctx context.Context, flow *ofp.FlowTableUpdate) error {
logger.Debug(ctx, "update-flow-table")
if flow == nil {
return nil
switch flow.FlowMod.GetCommand() {
case ofp.OfpFlowModCommand_OFPFC_ADD:
return agent.flowAdd(ctx, flow)
case ofp.OfpFlowModCommand_OFPFC_DELETE:
return agent.flowDelete(ctx, flow)
case ofp.OfpFlowModCommand_OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT:
return agent.flowDeleteStrict(ctx, flow)
case ofp.OfpFlowModCommand_OFPFC_MODIFY:
return agent.flowModify(flow)
case ofp.OfpFlowModCommand_OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT:
return agent.flowModifyStrict(flow)
return status.Errorf(codes.Internal,
"unhandled-command: lDeviceId:%s, command:%s", agent.logicalDeviceID, flow.FlowMod.GetCommand())
//flowAdd adds a flow to the flow table of that logical device
func (agent *LogicalAgent) flowAdd(ctx context.Context, flowUpdate *ofp.FlowTableUpdate) error {
mod := flowUpdate.FlowMod
logger.Debugw(ctx, "flow-add", log.Fields{"flow": mod})
if mod == nil {
return nil
flow, err := fu.FlowStatsEntryFromFlowModMessage(mod)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "flow-add-failed", log.Fields{"flow-mod": mod, "err": err})
return err
var updated bool
var changed bool
if changed, updated, err = agent.decomposeAndAdd(ctx, flow, flowUpdate); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "flow-decompose-and-add-failed ", log.Fields{"flow-mod": mod, "err": err})
return err
if changed && !updated {
if dbupdated := agent.updateFlowCountOfMeterStats(ctx, mod, flow, false); !dbupdated {
return fmt.Errorf("couldnt-updated-flow-stats-%s", strconv.FormatUint(flow.Id, 10))
return nil
func (agent *LogicalAgent) decomposeAndAdd(ctx context.Context, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats, flowUpdate *ofp.FlowTableUpdate) (bool, bool, error) {
changed := false
updated := false
mod := flowUpdate.FlowMod
var flowToReplace *ofp.OfpFlowStats
//if flow is not found in the map, create a new entry, otherwise get the existing one.
flowHandle, created, err := agent.flowLoader.LockOrCreate(ctx, flow)
if err != nil {
return changed, updated, err
defer flowHandle.Unlock()
flows := make([]*ofp.OfpFlowStats, 0)
checkOverlap := (mod.Flags & uint32(ofp.OfpFlowModFlags_OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP)) != 0
if checkOverlap {
// TODO: this currently does nothing
if overlapped := fu.FindOverlappingFlows(flows, mod); len(overlapped) != 0 {
// TODO: should this error be notified other than being logged?
logger.Warnw(ctx, "overlapped-flows", log.Fields{"logical-device-id": agent.logicalDeviceID})
} else {
// Add flow
changed = true
} else {
if !created {
flowToReplace = flowHandle.GetReadOnly()
if (mod.Flags & uint32(ofp.OfpFlowModFlags_OFPFF_RESET_COUNTS)) != 0 {
flow.ByteCount = flowToReplace.ByteCount
flow.PacketCount = flowToReplace.PacketCount
if !proto.Equal(flowToReplace, flow) {
changed = true
updated = true
} else {
changed = true
logger.Debugw(ctx, "flowAdd-changed", log.Fields{"changed": changed, "updated": updated})
if changed {
updatedFlows := map[uint64]*ofp.OfpFlowStats{flow.Id: flow}
flowMeterConfig, err := agent.GetMeterConfig(ctx, updatedFlows)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "meter-referred-in-flow-not-present")
return changed, updated, err
groupIDs := agent.groupLoader.ListIDs()
groups := make(map[uint32]*ofp.OfpGroupEntry, len(groupIDs))
for groupID := range groupIDs {
if groupHandle, have := agent.groupLoader.Lock(groupID); have {
groups[groupID] = groupHandle.GetReadOnly()
deviceRules, err := agent.flowDecomposer.DecomposeRules(ctx, agent, updatedFlows, groups)
if err != nil {
return changed, updated, err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "rules", log.Fields{"rules": deviceRules.String()})
// Update store and cache
if updated {
if err := flowHandle.Update(ctx, flow); err != nil {
return changed, updated, err
respChannels := agent.addFlowsAndGroupsToDevices(ctx, deviceRules, toMetadata(flowMeterConfig))
// Create the go routines to wait
go func() {
// Wait for completion
if res := coreutils.WaitForNilOrErrorResponses(agent.defaultTimeout, respChannels...); res != nil {
logger.Infow(ctx, "failed-to-add-flow-will-attempt-deletion", log.Fields{
"errors": res,
"logical-device-id": agent.logicalDeviceID,
"flow": flow,
"groups": groups,
subCtx := coreutils.WithSpanAndRPCMetadataFromContext(ctx)
// Revert added flows
if err := agent.revertAddedFlows(subCtx, mod, flow, flowToReplace, deviceRules, toMetadata(flowMeterConfig)); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "failure-to-delete-flow-after-failed-addition", log.Fields{
"error": err,
"logical-device-id": agent.logicalDeviceID,
"flow": flow,
"groups": groups,
// send event
agent.ldeviceMgr.SendFlowChangeEvent(ctx, agent.logicalDeviceID, res, flowUpdate.Xid, flowUpdate.FlowMod.Cookie)
context := make(map[string]string)
context["rpc"] = coreutils.GetRPCMetadataFromContext(ctx)
context["flow-id"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", flow.Id)
context["flow-cookie"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", flowUpdate.FlowMod.Cookie)
context["logical-device-id"] = agent.logicalDeviceID
if deviceRules != nil {
context["device-rules"] = deviceRules.String()
agent.logicalDeviceID, "failed-to-add-flow", context, "RPC_ERROR_RAISE_EVENT",
voltha.EventCategory_COMMUNICATION, nil, time.Now().Unix())
return changed, updated, nil
// revertAddedFlows reverts flows after the flowAdd request has failed. All flows corresponding to that flowAdd request
// will be reverted, both from the logical devices and the devices.
func (agent *LogicalAgent) revertAddedFlows(ctx context.Context, mod *ofp.OfpFlowMod, addedFlow *ofp.OfpFlowStats, replacedFlow *ofp.OfpFlowStats, deviceRules *fu.DeviceRules, metadata *voltha.FlowMetadata) error {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "revert-flow-add", log.Fields{"added-flow": addedFlow, "replaced-flow": replacedFlow, "device-rules": deviceRules, "metadata": metadata})
flowHandle, have := agent.flowLoader.Lock(addedFlow.Id)
if !have {
// Not found - do nothing
logger.Debugw(ctx, "flow-not-found", log.Fields{"added-flow": addedFlow})
return nil
defer flowHandle.Unlock()
if replacedFlow != nil {
if err := flowHandle.Update(ctx, replacedFlow); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := flowHandle.Delete(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// Revert meters
if changedMeterStats := agent.updateFlowCountOfMeterStats(ctx, mod, addedFlow, true); !changedMeterStats {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable-to-revert-meterstats-for-flow-%s", strconv.FormatUint(addedFlow.Id, 10))
// Update the devices
respChnls := agent.deleteFlowsAndGroupsFromDevices(ctx, deviceRules, metadata, mod)
// Wait for the responses
go func() {
// Since this action is taken following an add failure, we may also receive a failure for the revert
if res := coreutils.WaitForNilOrErrorResponses(agent.defaultTimeout, respChnls...); res != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "failure-reverting-added-flows", log.Fields{
"logical-device-id": agent.logicalDeviceID,
"flow-cookie": mod.Cookie,
"errors": res,
return nil
//flowDelete deletes a flow from the flow table of that logical device
func (agent *LogicalAgent) flowDelete(ctx context.Context, flowUpdate *ofp.FlowTableUpdate) error {
logger.Debug(ctx, "flow-delete")
mod := flowUpdate.FlowMod
if mod == nil {
return nil
//build a list of what to delete
toDelete := make(map[uint64]*ofp.OfpFlowStats)
// add perfectly matching entry if exists
fs, err := fu.FlowStatsEntryFromFlowModMessage(mod)
if err != nil {
return err
if handle, have := agent.flowLoader.Lock(fs.Id); have {
toDelete[fs.Id] = handle.GetReadOnly()
// search through all the flows
for flowID := range agent.flowLoader.ListIDs() {
if flowHandle, have := agent.flowLoader.Lock(flowID); have {
if flow := flowHandle.GetReadOnly(); fu.FlowMatchesMod(flow, mod) {
toDelete[flow.Id] = flow
//Delete the matched flows
if len(toDelete) > 0 {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "flow-delete", log.Fields{"logical-device-id": agent.logicalDeviceID, "to-delete": len(toDelete)})
for _, flow := range toDelete {
if flowHandle, have := agent.flowLoader.Lock(flow.Id); have {
// TODO: Flow should only be updated if meter is updated, and meter should only be updated if flow is updated
// currently an error while performing the second operation will leave an inconsistent state in kv.
// This should be a single atomic operation down to the kv.
if changedMeter := agent.updateFlowCountOfMeterStats(ctx, mod, flowHandle.GetReadOnly(), false); !changedMeter {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot-delete-flow-%d. Meter-update-failed", flow.Id)
// Update store and cache
if err := flowHandle.Delete(ctx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot-delete-flows-%d. Delete-from-store-failed", flow.Id)
// TODO: since this is executed in a loop without also updating meter stats, and error part way through this
// operation will leave inconsistent state in the meter stats & flows on the devices.
// This & related meter updates should be a single atomic operation down to the kv.
metersConfig, err := agent.GetMeterConfig(ctx, toDelete)
if err != nil { // This should never happen
logger.Error(ctx, "meter-referred-in-flows-not-present")
return err
groups := make(map[uint32]*ofp.OfpGroupEntry)
for groupID := range agent.groupLoader.ListIDs() {
if groupHandle, have := agent.groupLoader.Lock(groupID); have {
groups[groupID] = groupHandle.GetReadOnly()
var respChnls []coreutils.Response
var partialRoute bool
var deviceRules *fu.DeviceRules
deviceRules, err = agent.flowDecomposer.DecomposeRules(ctx, agent, toDelete, groups)
if err != nil {
// A no route error means no route exists between the ports specified in the flow. This can happen when the
// child device is deleted and a request to delete flows from the parent device is received
if !errors.Is(err, route.ErrNoRoute) {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "unexpected-error-received", log.Fields{"flows-to-delete": toDelete, "error": err})
return err
partialRoute = true
// Update the devices
if partialRoute {
respChnls = agent.deleteFlowsFromParentDevice(ctx, toDelete, toMetadata(metersConfig), mod)
} else {
respChnls = agent.deleteFlowsAndGroupsFromDevices(ctx, deviceRules, toMetadata(metersConfig), mod)
// Wait for the responses
go func() {
// Wait for completion
if res := coreutils.WaitForNilOrErrorResponses(agent.defaultTimeout, respChnls...); res != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "failure-updating-device-flows", log.Fields{"logical-device-id": agent.logicalDeviceID, "errors": res})
context := make(map[string]string)
context["rpc"] = coreutils.GetRPCMetadataFromContext(ctx)
context["logical-device-id"] = agent.logicalDeviceID
context["flow-id"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", fs.Id)
context["flow-cookie"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", flowUpdate.FlowMod.Cookie)
if deviceRules != nil {
context["device-rules"] = deviceRules.String()
agent.logicalDeviceID, "failed-to-update-device-flows", context, "RPC_ERROR_RAISE_EVENT",
voltha.EventCategory_COMMUNICATION, nil, time.Now().Unix())
// TODO: Revert the flow deletion
// send event, and allow any queued events to be sent as well
agent.ldeviceMgr.SendFlowChangeEvent(ctx, agent.logicalDeviceID, res, flowUpdate.Xid, flowUpdate.FlowMod.Cookie)
//TODO: send announcement on delete
return nil
//flowDeleteStrict deletes a flow from the flow table of that logical device
func (agent *LogicalAgent) flowDeleteStrict(ctx context.Context, flowUpdate *ofp.FlowTableUpdate) error {
mod := flowUpdate.FlowMod
logger.Debugw(ctx, "flow-delete-strict", log.Fields{"mod": mod})
if mod == nil {
return nil
flow, err := fu.FlowStatsEntryFromFlowModMessage(mod)
if err != nil {
return err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "flow-id-in-flow-delete-strict", log.Fields{"flow-id": flow.Id})
flowHandle, have := agent.flowLoader.Lock(flow.Id)
if !have {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "skipping-flow-delete-strict-request-no-flow-found", log.Fields{"flow-mod": mod})
return nil
defer flowHandle.Unlock()
groups := make(map[uint32]*ofp.OfpGroupEntry)
for groupID := range agent.groupLoader.ListIDs() {
if groupHandle, have := agent.groupLoader.Lock(groupID); have {
groups[groupID] = groupHandle.GetReadOnly()
if changedMeter := agent.updateFlowCountOfMeterStats(ctx, mod, flow, false); !changedMeter {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot delete flow - %s. Meter update failed", flow)
flowsToDelete := map[uint64]*ofp.OfpFlowStats{flow.Id: flowHandle.GetReadOnly()}
flowMetadata, err := agent.GetMeterConfig(ctx, flowsToDelete)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "meter-referred-in-flows-not-present")
return err
var respChnls []coreutils.Response
var partialRoute bool
deviceRules, err := agent.flowDecomposer.DecomposeRules(ctx, agent, flowsToDelete, groups)
if err != nil {
// A no route error means no route exists between the ports specified in the flow. This can happen when the
// child device is deleted and a request to delete flows from the parent device is received
if !errors.Is(err, route.ErrNoRoute) {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "unexpected-error-received", log.Fields{"flows-to-delete": flowsToDelete, "error": err})
return err
partialRoute = true
// Update the model
if err := flowHandle.Delete(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// Update the devices
if partialRoute {
respChnls = agent.deleteFlowsFromParentDevice(ctx, flowsToDelete, toMetadata(flowMetadata), mod)
} else {
respChnls = agent.deleteFlowsAndGroupsFromDevices(ctx, deviceRules, toMetadata(flowMetadata), mod)
// Wait for completion
go func() {
if res := coreutils.WaitForNilOrErrorResponses(agent.defaultTimeout, respChnls...); res != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "failure-deleting-device-flows", log.Fields{
"flow-cookie": mod.Cookie,
"logical-device-id": agent.logicalDeviceID,
"errors": res,
// TODO: Revert flow changes
// send event, and allow any queued events to be sent as well
agent.ldeviceMgr.SendFlowChangeEvent(ctx, agent.logicalDeviceID, res, flowUpdate.Xid, flowUpdate.FlowMod.Cookie)
context := make(map[string]string)
context["rpc"] = coreutils.GetRPCMetadataFromContext(ctx)
context["flow-id"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", flow.Id)
context["flow-cookie"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", flowUpdate.FlowMod.Cookie)
context["logical-device-id"] = agent.logicalDeviceID
if deviceRules != nil {
context["device-rules"] = deviceRules.String()
// Create context and send extra information as part of it.
agent.logicalDeviceID, "failed-to-delete-device-flows", context, "RPC_ERROR_RAISE_EVENT",
voltha.EventCategory_COMMUNICATION, nil, time.Now().Unix())
return nil
//flowModify modifies a flow from the flow table of that logical device
func (agent *LogicalAgent) flowModify(flowUpdate *ofp.FlowTableUpdate) error {
return errors.New("flowModify not implemented")
//flowModifyStrict deletes a flow from the flow table of that logical device
func (agent *LogicalAgent) flowModifyStrict(flowUpdate *ofp.FlowTableUpdate) error {
return errors.New("flowModifyStrict not implemented")
// TODO: Remove this helper, just pass the map through to functions directly
func toMetadata(meters map[uint32]*ofp.OfpMeterConfig) *voltha.FlowMetadata {
ctr, ret := 0, make([]*ofp.OfpMeterConfig, len(meters))
for _, meter := range meters {
ret[ctr] = meter
return &voltha.FlowMetadata{Meters: ret}
func (agent *LogicalAgent) deleteFlowsHavingMeter(ctx context.Context, meterID uint32) error {
logger.Infow(ctx, "delete-flows-matching-meter", log.Fields{"meter": meterID})
for flowID := range agent.flowLoader.ListIDs() {
if flowHandle, have := agent.flowLoader.Lock(flowID); have {
if flowMeterID := fu.GetMeterIdFromFlow(flowHandle.GetReadOnly()); flowMeterID != 0 && flowMeterID == meterID {
if err := flowHandle.Delete(ctx); err != nil {
//TODO: Think on carrying on and deleting the remaining flows, instead of returning.
//Anyways this returns an error to controller which possibly results with a re-deletion.
//Then how can we handle the new deletion request(Same for group deletion)?
return err
return nil
func (agent *LogicalAgent) deleteFlowsHavingGroup(ctx context.Context, groupID uint32) (map[uint64]*ofp.OfpFlowStats, error) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "delete-flows-matching-group", log.Fields{"group-id": groupID})
flowsRemoved := make(map[uint64]*ofp.OfpFlowStats)
for flowID := range agent.flowLoader.ListIDs() {
if flowHandle, have := agent.flowLoader.Lock(flowID); have {
if flow := flowHandle.GetReadOnly(); fu.FlowHasOutGroup(flow, groupID) {
if err := flowHandle.Delete(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
flowsRemoved[flowID] = flow
return flowsRemoved, nil