| #vendor |
| vendor/ |
| |
| # Created by .ignore support plugin (hsz.mobi) |
| coverage.txt |
| ### Go template |
| # Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects) |
| *.o |
| *.a |
| *.so |
| |
| # Folders |
| _obj |
| _test |
| |
| # Architecture specific extensions/prefixes |
| *.[568vq] |
| [568vq].out |
| |
| *.cgo1.go |
| *.cgo2.c |
| _cgo_defun.c |
| _cgo_gotypes.go |
| _cgo_export.* |
| |
| _testmain.go |
| |
| *.exe |
| *.test |
| *.prof |
| ### Windows template |
| # Windows image file caches |
| Thumbs.db |
| ehthumbs.db |
| |
| # Folder config file |
| Desktop.ini |
| |
| # Recycle Bin used on file shares |
| |
| # Windows Installer files |
| *.cab |
| *.msi |
| *.msm |
| *.msp |
| |
| # Windows shortcuts |
| *.lnk |
| ### Kate template |
| # Swap Files # |
| .*.kate-swp |
| .swp.* |
| ### SublimeText template |
| # cache files for sublime text |
| *.tmlanguage.cache |
| *.tmPreferences.cache |
| *.stTheme.cache |
| |
| # workspace files are user-specific |
| *.sublime-workspace |
| |
| # project files should be checked into the repository, unless a significant |
| # proportion of contributors will probably not be using SublimeText |
| # *.sublime-project |
| |
| # sftp configuration file |
| sftp-config.json |
| ### Linux template |
| *~ |
| |
| # temporary files which can be created if a process still has a handle open of a deleted file |
| .fuse_hidden* |
| |
| # KDE directory preferences |
| .directory |
| |
| # Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk |
| .Trash-* |
| ### JetBrains template |
| # Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio and Webstorm |
| # Reference: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544839 |
| |
| # User-specific stuff: |
| .idea |
| .idea/tasks.xml |
| .idea/dictionaries |
| .idea/vcs.xml |
| .idea/jsLibraryMappings.xml |
| |
| # Sensitive or high-churn files: |
| .idea/dataSources.ids |
| .idea/dataSources.xml |
| .idea/dataSources.local.xml |
| .idea/sqlDataSources.xml |
| .idea/dynamic.xml |
| .idea/uiDesigner.xml |
| |
| # Gradle: |
| .idea/gradle.xml |
| .idea/libraries |
| |
| # Mongo Explorer plugin: |
| .idea/mongoSettings.xml |
| |
| ## File-based project format: |
| *.iws |
| |
| ## Plugin-specific files: |
| |
| # IntelliJ |
| /out/ |
| |
| # mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin |
| .idea_modules/ |
| |
| # JIRA plugin |
| atlassian-ide-plugin.xml |
| |
| # Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) |
| com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml |
| crashlytics.properties |
| crashlytics-build.properties |
| fabric.properties |
| ### Xcode template |
| # Xcode |
| # |
| # gitignore contributors: remember to update Global/Xcode.gitignore, Objective-C.gitignore & Swift.gitignore |
| |
| ## Build generated |
| build/ |
| DerivedData/ |
| |
| ## Various settings |
| *.pbxuser |
| !default.pbxuser |
| *.mode1v3 |
| !default.mode1v3 |
| *.mode2v3 |
| !default.mode2v3 |
| *.perspectivev3 |
| !default.perspectivev3 |
| xcuserdata/ |
| |
| ## Other |
| *.moved-aside |
| *.xccheckout |
| *.xcscmblueprint |
| ### Eclipse template |
| |
| .metadata |
| bin/ |
| tmp/ |
| *.tmp |
| *.bak |
| *.swp |
| *~.nib |
| local.properties |
| .settings/ |
| .loadpath |
| .recommenders |
| |
| # Eclipse Core |
| .project |
| |
| # External tool builders |
| .externalToolBuilders/ |
| |
| # Locally stored "Eclipse launch configurations" |
| *.launch |
| |
| # PyDev specific (Python IDE for Eclipse) |
| *.pydevproject |
| |
| # CDT-specific (C/C++ Development Tooling) |
| .cproject |
| |
| # JDT-specific (Eclipse Java Development Tools) |
| .classpath |
| |
| # Java annotation processor (APT) |
| .factorypath |
| |
| # PDT-specific (PHP Development Tools) |
| .buildpath |
| |
| # sbteclipse plugin |
| .target |
| |
| # Tern plugin |
| .tern-project |
| |
| # TeXlipse plugin |
| .texlipse |
| |
| # STS (Spring Tool Suite) |
| .springBeans |
| |
| # Code Recommenders |
| .recommenders/ |
| |