blob: bfd7ba9a86327db84be737bd8e747ca2143f060b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package main
import (
pb ""
cmn ""
ic ""
vpb ""
metav1 ""
type volthaPod struct {
name string
ipAddr string
node string
devIds map[string]struct{}
cluster string
backend string
connection string
type podTrack struct {
pod *volthaPod
dn bool
type Configuration struct {
DisplayVersionOnly *bool
var (
// if k8s variables are undefined, will attempt to use in-cluster config
k8sApiServer = getStrEnv("K8S_API_SERVER", "")
k8sKubeConfigPath = getStrEnv("K8S_KUBE_CONFIG_PATH", "")
podNamespace = getStrEnv("POD_NAMESPACE", "voltha")
podGrpcPort = uint64(getIntEnv("POD_GRPC_PORT", 0, math.MaxUint16, 50057))
numRWPods = getIntEnv("NUM_RW_PODS", 1, math.MaxInt32, 6)
numROPods = getIntEnv("NUM_RO_PODS", 1, math.MaxInt32, 3)
afrouterApiAddress = getStrEnv("AFROUTER_API_ADDRESS", "localhost:55554")
afrouterRouterName = getStrEnv("AFROUTER_ROUTER_NAME", "vcore")
afrouterRWClusterName = getStrEnv("AFROUTER_RW_CLUSTER_NAME", "vcore")
afrouterROClusterName = getStrEnv("AFROUTER_RO_CLUSTER_NAME", "ro_vcore")
kafkaTopic = getStrEnv("KAFKA_TOPIC", "AffinityRouter")
kafkaClientType = getStrEnv("KAFKA_CLIENT_TYPE", "sarama")
kafkaHost = getStrEnv("KAFKA_HOST", "kafka")
kafkaPort = getIntEnv("KAFKA_PORT", 0, math.MaxUint16, 9092)
kafkaInstanceID = getStrEnv("KAFKA_INSTANCE_ID", "arouterd")
func getIntEnv(key string, min, max, defaultValue int) int {
if val, have := os.LookupEnv(key); have {
num, err := strconv.Atoi(val)
if err != nil || !(min <= num && num <= max) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%s must be a number in the range [%d, %d]; default: %d", key, min, max, defaultValue))
return num
return defaultValue
func getStrEnv(key, defaultValue string) string {
if val, have := os.LookupEnv(key); have {
return val
return defaultValue
func newKafkaClient(clientType string, host string, port int, instanceID string) (kafka.Client, error) {
log.Infow("kafka-client-type", log.Fields{"client": clientType})
switch clientType {
case "sarama":
return kafka.NewSaramaClient(
kafka.ProducerRetryBackoff(time.Millisecond*30)), nil
return nil, errors.New("unsupported-client-type")
func k8sClientSet() *kubernetes.Clientset {
var config *rest.Config
if k8sApiServer != "" || k8sKubeConfigPath != "" {
// use combination of URL & local kube-config file
c, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags(k8sApiServer, k8sKubeConfigPath)
if err != nil {
config = c
} else {
// use in-cluster config
c, err := rest.InClusterConfig()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to load in-cluster config. Try setting K8S_API_SERVER and K8S_KUBE_CONFIG_PATH?")
config = c
// creates the clientset
clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
if err != nil {
return clientset
func connect(ctx context.Context, addr string) (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
log.Debugf("Trying to connect to %s", addr)
conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, addr,
grpc.WithKeepaliveParams(keepalive.ClientParameters{Time: time.Second * 10, Timeout: time.Second * 5}))
if err == nil {
log.Debugf("Connection succeeded")
return conn, err
func getVolthaPods(cs *kubernetes.Clientset, coreFilter *regexp.Regexp) ([]*volthaPod, error) {
pods, err := cs.CoreV1().Pods(podNamespace).List(metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
//log.Debugf("There are a total of %d pods in the cluster\n", len(pods.Items))
var rtrn []*volthaPod
for _, v := range pods.Items {
if coreFilter.MatchString(v.Name) {
log.Debugf("Namespace: %s, PodName: %s, PodIP: %s, Host: %s\n", v.Namespace, v.Name,
v.Status.PodIP, v.Spec.NodeName)
// Only add the pod if it has an IP address. If it doesn't then it likely crashed and
// and is still in the process of getting re-started.
if v.Status.PodIP != "" {
rtrn = append(rtrn, &volthaPod{name: v.Name, ipAddr: v.Status.PodIP, node: v.Spec.NodeName,
devIds: make(map[string]struct{}), backend: "", connection: ""})
return rtrn, nil
func reconcilePodDeviceIds(pod *volthaPod, ids map[string]struct{}) bool {
ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*5)
conn, err := connect(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", pod.ipAddr, podGrpcPort))
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Could not query devices from %s, could not connect",
return false
defer conn.Close()
var idList cmn.IDs
for k := range ids {
idList.Items = append(idList.Items, &cmn.ID{Id: k})
client := vpb.NewVolthaServiceClient(conn)
_, err = client.ReconcileDevices(context.Background(), &idList)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
func queryPodDeviceIds(pod *volthaPod) map[string]struct{} {
var rtrn = make(map[string]struct{})
// Open a connection to the pod
ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*5)
conn, err := connect(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", pod.ipAddr, podGrpcPort))
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Could not query devices from %s, could not connect",
return rtrn
defer conn.Close()
client := vpb.NewVolthaServiceClient(conn)
devs, err := client.ListDeviceIds(context.Background(), &empty.Empty{})
if err != nil {
return rtrn
for _, dv := range devs.Items {
rtrn[dv.Id] = struct{}{}
return rtrn
func queryDeviceIds(pods []*volthaPod) {
for pk := range pods {
// Keep the old Id list if a new list is not returned
if idList := queryPodDeviceIds(pods[pk]); len(idList) != 0 {
pods[pk].devIds = idList
func allEmpty(pods []*volthaPod) bool {
for k := range pods {
if len(pods[k].devIds) != 0 {
return false
return true
func rmPod(pods []*volthaPod, idx int) []*volthaPod {
return append(pods[:idx], pods[idx+1:]...)
func groupIntersectingPods1(pods []*volthaPod, podCt int) ([][]*volthaPod, []*volthaPod) {
var rtrn [][]*volthaPod
var out []*volthaPod
for {
if len(pods) == 0 {
if len(pods[0].devIds) == 0 { // Ignore pods with no devices
////log.Debugf("%s empty pod", pd[k]
out = append(out, pods[0])
pods = rmPod(pods, 0)
// Start a pod group with this pod
var grp []*volthaPod
grp = append(grp, pods[0])
pods = rmPod(pods, 0)
//log.Debugf("Creating new group %s", pd[k]
// Find the peer pod based on device overlap
// It's ok if one isn't found, an empty one will be used instead
for k := range pods {
if len(pods[k].devIds) == 0 { // Skip pods with no devices
//log.Debugf("%s empty pod", pd[k1]
if intersect(grp[0].devIds, pods[k].devIds) {
//log.Debugf("intersection found %s:%s", pd[k], pd[k1]
if grp[0].node == pods[k].node {
// This should never happen
log.Errorf("pods %s and %s intersect and are on the same server!! Not pairing",
grp[0].name, pods[k].name)
grp = append(grp, pods[k])
pods = rmPod(pods, k)
rtrn = append(rtrn, grp)
//log.Debugf("Added group %s", grp[0].name)
// Check if the number of groups = half the pods, if so all groups are started.
if len(rtrn) == podCt>>1 {
// Append any remaining pods to out
out = append(out, pods[0:]...)
return rtrn, out
func unallocPodCount(pd []*podTrack) int {
var rtrn int = 0
for _, v := range pd {
if !v.dn {
return rtrn
func sameNode(pod *volthaPod, grps [][]*volthaPod) bool {
for _, v := range grps {
if v[0].node == pod.node {
return true
if len(v) == 2 && v[1].node == pod.node {
return true
return false
func startRemainingGroups1(grps [][]*volthaPod, pods []*volthaPod, podCt int) ([][]*volthaPod, []*volthaPod) {
var grp []*volthaPod
for k := range pods {
if sameNode(pods[k], grps) {
grp = []*volthaPod{}
grp = append(grp, pods[k])
pods = rmPod(pods, k)
grps = append(grps, grp)
if len(grps) == podCt>>1 {
return grps, pods
func hasSingleSecondNode(grp []*volthaPod) bool {
var servers = make(map[string]struct{})
for k := range grp {
if k == 0 {
continue // Ignore the first item
servers[grp[k].node] = struct{}{}
if len(servers) == 1 {
return true
return false
func addNode(grps [][]*volthaPod, idx *volthaPod, item *volthaPod) [][]*volthaPod {
for k := range grps {
if grps[k][0].name == {
grps[k] = append(grps[k], item)
return grps
// TODO: Error checking required here.
return grps
func removeNode(grps [][]*volthaPod, item *volthaPod) [][]*volthaPod {
for k := range grps {
for k1 := range grps[k] {
if grps[k][k1].name == {
grps[k] = append(grps[k][:k1], grps[k][k1+1:]...)
return grps
func groupRemainingPods1(grps [][]*volthaPod, pods []*volthaPod) [][]*volthaPod {
var lgrps [][]*volthaPod
// All groups must be started when this function is called.
// Copy incomplete groups
for k := range grps {
if len(grps[k]) != 2 {
lgrps = append(lgrps, grps[k])
// Add all pairing candidates to each started group.
for k := range pods {
for k2 := range lgrps {
if lgrps[k2][0].node != pods[k].node {
lgrps[k2] = append(lgrps[k2], pods[k])
//TODO: If any member of lgrps doesn't have at least 2
// nodes something is wrong. Check for that here
for {
for { // Address groups with only a single server choice
var ssn bool = false
for k := range lgrps {
// Now if any of the groups only have a single
// node as the choice for the second member
// address that one first.
if hasSingleSecondNode(lgrps[k]) {
ssn = true
// Add this pairing to the groups
grps = addNode(grps, lgrps[k][0], lgrps[k][1])
// Since this node is now used, remove it from all
// remaining tenative groups
lgrps = removeNode(lgrps, lgrps[k][1])
// Now remove this group completely since
// it's been addressed
lgrps = append(lgrps[:k], lgrps[k+1:]...)
if !ssn {
// Now address one of the remaining groups
if len(lgrps) == 0 {
break // Nothing left to do, exit the loop
grps = addNode(grps, lgrps[0][0], lgrps[0][1])
lgrps = removeNode(lgrps, lgrps[0][1])
lgrps = append(lgrps[:0], lgrps[1:]...)
return grps
func groupPods1(pods []*volthaPod) [][]*volthaPod {
var rtrn [][]*volthaPod
var podCt int = len(pods)
rtrn, pods = groupIntersectingPods1(pods, podCt)
// There are several outcomes here
// 1) All pods have been paired and we're done
// 2) Some un-allocated pods remain
// 2.a) All groups have been started
// 2.b) Not all groups have been started
if len(pods) == 0 {
return rtrn
} else if len(rtrn) == podCt>>1 { // All groupings started
// Allocate the remaining (presumably empty) pods to the started groups
return groupRemainingPods1(rtrn, pods)
} else { // Some groupings started
// Start empty groups with remaining pods
// each grouping is on a different server then
// allocate remaining pods.
rtrn, pods = startRemainingGroups1(rtrn, pods, podCt)
return groupRemainingPods1(rtrn, pods)
func intersect(d1 map[string]struct{}, d2 map[string]struct{}) bool {
for k := range d1 {
if _, ok := d2[k]; ok {
return true
return false
func setConnection(ctx context.Context, client pb.ConfigurationClient, cluster string, backend string, connection string, addr string, port uint64) {
log.Debugf("Configuring backend %s : connection %s in cluster %s\n\n",
backend, connection, cluster)
cnf := &pb.Conn{Server: "grpc_command", Cluster: cluster, Backend: backend,
Connection: connection, Addr: addr,
Port: port}
if res, err := client.SetConnection(ctx, cnf); err != nil {
log.Debugf("failed SetConnection RPC call: %s", err)
} else {
log.Debugf("Result: %v", res)
func setAffinity(ctx context.Context, client pb.ConfigurationClient, ids map[string]struct{}, backend string) {
log.Debugf("Configuring backend %s : affinities \n", backend)
aff := &pb.Affinity{Router: afrouterRouterName, Route: "dev_manager", Cluster: afrouterRWClusterName, Backend: backend}
for k := range ids {
log.Debugf("Setting affinity for id %s", k)
aff.Id = k
if res, err := client.SetAffinity(ctx, aff); err != nil {
log.Debugf("failed affinity RPC call: %s", err)
} else {
log.Debugf("Result: %v", res)
func getBackendForCore(coreId string, coreGroups [][]*volthaPod) string {
for _, v := range coreGroups {
for _, v2 := range v {
if == coreId {
return v2.backend
log.Errorf("No backend found for core %s\n", coreId)
return ""
func monitorDiscovery(ctx context.Context,
client pb.ConfigurationClient,
ch <-chan *ic.InterContainerMessage,
coreGroups [][]*volthaPod,
doneCh chan<- struct{}) {
defer close(doneCh)
var id = make(map[string]struct{})
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case msg := <-ch:
log.Debugf("Received a device discovery notification")
device := &ic.DeviceDiscovered{}
if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(msg.Body, device); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Could not unmarshal received notification %v", msg)
} else {
// Set the affinity of the discovered device.
if be := getBackendForCore(device.Id, coreGroups); be != "" {
id[device.Id] = struct{}{}
setAffinity(ctx, client, id, be)
} else {
log.Error("Cant use an empty string as a backend name")
func startDiscoveryMonitor(ctx context.Context,
client pb.ConfigurationClient,
coreGroups [][]*volthaPod) (<-chan struct{}, error) {
doneCh := make(chan struct{})
var ch <-chan *ic.InterContainerMessage
// Connect to kafka for discovery events
topic := &kafka.Topic{Name: kafkaTopic}
kc, err := newKafkaClient(kafkaClientType, kafkaHost, kafkaPort, kafkaInstanceID)
defer kc.Stop()
if ch, err = kc.Subscribe(topic); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Could not subscribe to the '%s' channel, discovery disabled", kafkaTopic)
return doneCh, err
go monitorDiscovery(ctx, client, ch, coreGroups, doneCh)
return doneCh, nil
// Determines which items in core groups
// have changed based on the list provided
// and returns a coreGroup with only the changed
// items and a pod list with the new items
func getAddrDiffs(coreGroups [][]*volthaPod, rwPods []*volthaPod) ([][]*volthaPod, []*volthaPod) {
var nList []*volthaPod
var rtrn = make([][]*volthaPod, numRWPods>>1)
var ipAddrs = make(map[string]struct{})
log.Debug("Get addr diffs")
// Start with an empty array
for k := range rtrn {
rtrn[k] = make([]*volthaPod, 2)
// Build a list with only the new items
for _, v := range rwPods {
if !hasIpAddr(coreGroups, v.ipAddr) {
nList = append(nList, v)
ipAddrs[v.ipAddr] = struct{}{} // for the search below
// Now build the coreGroups with only the changed items
for k1, v1 := range coreGroups {
for k2, v2 := range v1 {
if _, ok := ipAddrs[v2.ipAddr]; !ok {
rtrn[k1][k2] = v2
return rtrn, nList
// Figure out where best to put the new pods
// in the coreGroup array based on the old
// pods being replaced. The criteria is that
// the new pod be on the same server as the
// old pod was.
func reconcileAddrDiffs(coreGroupDiffs [][]*volthaPod, rwPodDiffs []*volthaPod) [][]*volthaPod {
var srvrs map[string][]*volthaPod = make(map[string][]*volthaPod)
log.Debug("Reconciling diffs")
log.Debug("Building server list")
for _, v := range rwPodDiffs {
log.Debugf("Adding %v to the server list", *v)
srvrs[v.node] = append(srvrs[v.node], v)
for k1, v1 := range coreGroupDiffs {
log.Debugf("k1:%v, v1:%v", k1, v1)
for k2, v2 := range v1 {
log.Debugf("k2:%v, v2:%v", k2, v2)
if v2 == nil { // Nothing to do here
if _, ok := srvrs[v2.node]; ok {
coreGroupDiffs[k1][k2] = srvrs[v2.node][0]
if len(srvrs[v2.node]) > 1 { // remove one entry from the list
srvrs[v2.node] = append(srvrs[v2.node][:0], srvrs[v2.node][1:]...)
} else { // Delete the endtry from the map
delete(srvrs, v2.node)
} else {
log.Error("This should never happen, node appears to have changed names")
// attempt to limp along by keeping this old entry
return coreGroupDiffs
func applyAddrDiffs(ctx context.Context, client pb.ConfigurationClient, coreList interface{}, nPods []*volthaPod) {
var newEntries [][]*volthaPod
log.Debug("Applying diffs")
switch cores := coreList.(type) {
case [][]*volthaPod:
newEntries = reconcileAddrDiffs(getAddrDiffs(cores, nPods))
// Now replace the information in coreGropus with the new
// entries and then reconcile the device ids on the core
// that's in the new entry with the device ids of it's
// active-active peer.
for k1, v1 := range cores {
for k2, v2 := range v1 {
if newEntries[k1][k2] != nil {
// TODO: Missing is the case where bothe the primary
// and the secondary core crash and come back.
// Pull the device ids from the active-active peer
ids := queryPodDeviceIds(cores[k1][k2^1])
if len(ids) != 0 {
if !reconcilePodDeviceIds(newEntries[k1][k2], ids) {
log.Errorf("Attempt to reconcile ids on pod %v failed", newEntries[k1][k2])
// Send the affininty router new connection information
setConnection(ctx, client, afrouterRWClusterName, v2.backend, v2.connection, newEntries[k1][k2].ipAddr, podGrpcPort)
// Copy the new entry information over
cores[k1][k2].ipAddr = newEntries[k1][k2].ipAddr
cores[k1][k2].name = newEntries[k1][k2].name
cores[k1][k2].devIds = ids
case []*volthaPod:
var mia []*volthaPod
var found bool
// TODO: Break this using functions to simplify
// reading of the code.
// Find the core(s) that have changed addresses
for k1, v1 := range cores {
found = false
for _, v2 := range nPods {
if v1.ipAddr == v2.ipAddr {
found = true
if !found {
mia = append(mia, cores[k1])
// Now plug in the new addresses and set the connection
for _, v1 := range nPods {
found = false
for _, v2 := range cores {
if v1.ipAddr == v2.ipAddr {
found = true
if found {
mia[0].ipAddr = v1.ipAddr
mia[0].name =
setConnection(ctx, client, afrouterROClusterName, mia[0].backend, mia[0].connection, v1.ipAddr, podGrpcPort)
// Now get rid of the mia entry just processed
mia = append(mia[:0], mia[1:]...)
log.Error("Internal: Unexpected type in call to applyAddrDiffs")
func updateDeviceIds(coreGroups [][]*volthaPod, rwPods []*volthaPod) {
var byName = make(map[string]*volthaPod)
// Convenience
for _, v := range rwPods {
byName[] = v
for k1, v1 := range coreGroups {
for k2 := range v1 {
coreGroups[k1][k2].devIds = byName[v1[k2].name].devIds
func startCoreMonitor(ctx context.Context,
client pb.ConfigurationClient,
clientset *kubernetes.Clientset,
rwCoreFltr *regexp.Regexp,
roCoreFltr *regexp.Regexp,
coreGroups [][]*volthaPod,
oRoPods []*volthaPod) {
// Now that initial allocation has been completed, monitor the pods
// for IP changes
// The main loop needs to do the following:
// 1) Periodically query the pods and filter out
// the vcore ones
// 2) Validate that the pods running are the same
// as the previous check
// 3) Validate that the IP addresses are the same
// as the last check.
// If the pod name(s) ha(s/ve) changed then remove
// the unused pod names and add in the new pod names
// maintaining the cluster/backend information.
// If an IP address has changed (which shouldn't
// happen unless a pod is re-started) it should get
// caught by the pod name change.
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// if we're done, exit
break loop
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second): //wait a while
// Get the rw core list from k8s
rwPods, err := getVolthaPods(clientset, rwCoreFltr)
if err != nil {
updateDeviceIds(coreGroups, rwPods)
// If we didn't get 2n+1 pods then wait since
// something is down and will hopefully come
// back up at some point.
if len(rwPods) != numRWPods {
// We have all pods, check if any IP addresses
// have changed.
for _, v := range rwPods {
if !hasIpAddr(coreGroups, v.ipAddr) {
log.Debug("Address has changed...")
applyAddrDiffs(ctx, client, coreGroups, rwPods)
roPods, err := getVolthaPods(clientset, roCoreFltr)
if err != nil {
if len(roPods) != numROPods {
for _, v := range roPods {
if !hasIpAddr(oRoPods, v.ipAddr) {
applyAddrDiffs(ctx, client, oRoPods, roPods)
func hasIpAddr(coreList interface{}, ipAddr string) bool {
switch cores := coreList.(type) {
case []*volthaPod:
for _, v := range cores {
if v.ipAddr == ipAddr {
return true
case [][]*volthaPod:
for _, v1 := range cores {
for _, v2 := range v1 {
if v2.ipAddr == ipAddr {
return true
log.Error("Internal: Unexpected type in call to hasIpAddr")
return false
// endOnClose cancels the context when the connection closes
func connectionActiveContext(conn *grpc.ClientConn) context.Context {
ctx, disconnected := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go func() {
for state := conn.GetState(); state != connectivity.TransientFailure && state != connectivity.Shutdown; state = conn.GetState() {
if !conn.WaitForStateChange(context.Background(), state) {
log.Infof("Connection to afrouter lost")
return ctx
func main() {
config := &Configuration{}
cmdParse := flag.NewFlagSet(path.Base(os.Args[0]), flag.ContinueOnError)
config.DisplayVersionOnly = cmdParse.Bool("version", false, "Print version information and exit")
if err := cmdParse.Parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)
if *config.DisplayVersionOnly {
fmt.Println("VOLTHA API Server (afrouterd)")
fmt.Println(version.VersionInfo.String(" "))
// Set up logging
if _, err := log.SetDefaultLogger(log.JSON, 0, nil); err != nil {
log.With(log.Fields{"error": err}).Fatal("Cannot setup logging")
// Set up kubernetes api
clientset := k8sClientSet()
for {
// Connect to the affinity router
conn, err := connect(context.Background(), afrouterApiAddress) // This is a sidecar container so communicating over localhost
if err != nil {
// monitor the connection status, end context if connection is lost
ctx := connectionActiveContext(conn)
// set up the client
client := pb.NewConfigurationClient(conn)
// determine config & repopulate the afrouter
generateAndMaintainConfiguration(ctx, client, clientset)
// generateAndMaintainConfiguration does the pod-reconciliation work,
// it only returns once all sub-processes have completed
func generateAndMaintainConfiguration(ctx context.Context, client pb.ConfigurationClient, clientset *kubernetes.Clientset) {
// Set up the regular expression to identify the voltha cores
rwCoreFltr := regexp.MustCompile(`rw-core[0-9]-`)
roCoreFltr := regexp.MustCompile(`ro-core-`)
// Get the voltha rw-core podes
rwPods, err := getVolthaPods(clientset, rwCoreFltr)
if err != nil {
// Fetch the devices held by each running core
// For debugging... comment out l8r
for _, v := range rwPods {
log.Debugf("Pod list %v", *v)
coreGroups := groupPods1(rwPods)
// Assign the groupings to the the backends and connections
for k := range coreGroups {
for k1 := range coreGroups[k] {
coreGroups[k][k1].cluster = afrouterRWClusterName
coreGroups[k][k1].backend = afrouterRWClusterName + strconv.Itoa(k+1)
coreGroups[k][k1].connection = afrouterRWClusterName + strconv.Itoa(k+1) + strconv.Itoa(k1+1)
log.Info("Core grouping completed")
// TODO: Debugging code, comment out for production
for k, v := range coreGroups {
for k2, v2 := range v {
log.Debugf("Core group %d,%d: %v", k, k2, v2)
log.Info("Setting affinities")
// Now set the affinities for exising devices in the cores
for _, v := range coreGroups {
setAffinity(ctx, client, v[0].devIds, v[0].backend)
setAffinity(ctx, client, v[1].devIds, v[1].backend)
log.Info("Setting connections")
// Configure the backeds based on the calculated core groups
for _, v := range coreGroups {
setConnection(ctx, client, afrouterRWClusterName, v[0].backend, v[0].connection, v[0].ipAddr, podGrpcPort)
setConnection(ctx, client, afrouterRWClusterName, v[1].backend, v[1].connection, v[1].ipAddr, podGrpcPort)
// Process the read only pods
roPods, err := getVolthaPods(clientset, roCoreFltr)
if err != nil {
for k, v := range roPods {
log.Debugf("Processing ro_pod %v", v)
vN := afrouterROClusterName + strconv.Itoa(k+1)
log.Debugf("Setting connection %s, %s, %s", vN, vN+"1", v.ipAddr)
roPods[k].cluster = afrouterROClusterName
roPods[k].backend = vN
roPods[k].connection = vN + "1"
setConnection(ctx, client, afrouterROClusterName, v.backend, v.connection, v.ipAddr, podGrpcPort)
log.Info("Starting discovery monitoring")
doneCh, _ := startDiscoveryMonitor(ctx, client, coreGroups)
log.Info("Starting core monitoring")
startCoreMonitor(ctx, client, clientset, rwCoreFltr, roCoreFltr, coreGroups, roPods)
//ensure the discovery monitor to quit