blob: a6c0c8de60817fcd27d49800e8f6eab980488fe2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package core
import (
type DeviceManager struct {
deviceAgents map[string]*DeviceAgent
adapterProxy *AdapterProxy
logicalDeviceMgr *LogicalDeviceManager
kafkaProxy *kafka.KafkaMessagingProxy
stateTransitions *TransitionMap
localDataProxy *model.Proxy
exitChannel chan int
lockDeviceAgentsMap sync.RWMutex
func NewDeviceManager(kafkaProxy *kafka.KafkaMessagingProxy, ldProxy *model.Proxy) *DeviceManager {
var deviceMgr DeviceManager
deviceMgr.exitChannel = make(chan int, 1)
deviceMgr.deviceAgents = make(map[string]*DeviceAgent)
deviceMgr.adapterProxy = NewAdapterProxy(kafkaProxy)
deviceMgr.kafkaProxy = kafkaProxy
deviceMgr.localDataProxy = ldProxy
deviceMgr.lockDeviceAgentsMap = sync.RWMutex{}
return &deviceMgr
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) Start(ctx context.Context, logicalDeviceMgr *LogicalDeviceManager) {
dMgr.logicalDeviceMgr = logicalDeviceMgr
dMgr.stateTransitions = NewTransitionMap(dMgr)
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) Stop(ctx context.Context) {
dMgr.exitChannel <- 1
func sendResponse(ctx context.Context, ch chan interface{}, result interface{}) {
if ctx.Err() == nil {
// Returned response only of the ctx has not been cancelled/timeout/etc
// Channel is automatically closed when a context is Done
ch <- result
log.Debugw("sendResponse", log.Fields{"result": result})
} else {
// Should the transaction be reverted back?
log.Debugw("sendResponse-context-error", log.Fields{"context-error": ctx.Err()})
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) addDeviceAgentToMap(agent *DeviceAgent) {
defer dMgr.lockDeviceAgentsMap.Unlock()
if _, exist := dMgr.deviceAgents[agent.deviceId]; !exist {
dMgr.deviceAgents[agent.deviceId] = agent
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) getDeviceAgent(deviceId string) *DeviceAgent {
defer dMgr.lockDeviceAgentsMap.Unlock()
if agent, ok := dMgr.deviceAgents[deviceId]; ok {
return agent
return nil
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) createDevice(ctx context.Context, device *voltha.Device, ch chan interface{}) {
log.Debugw("createDevice-start", log.Fields{"device": device, "aproxy": dMgr.adapterProxy})
// Create and start a device agent for that device
agent := newDeviceAgent(dMgr.adapterProxy, device, dMgr, dMgr.localDataProxy)
sendResponse(ctx, ch, nil)
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) enableDevice(ctx context.Context, id *voltha.ID, ch chan interface{}) {
log.Debugw("enableDevice-start", log.Fields{"deviceid": id})
var res interface{}
if agent := dMgr.getDeviceAgent(id.Id); agent != nil {
res = agent.enableDevice(ctx)
log.Debugw("EnableDevice-result", log.Fields{"result": res})
} else {
res = status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "%s", id.Id)
sendResponse(ctx, ch, res)
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) getDevice(id string) (*voltha.Device, error) {
log.Debugw("getDevice-start", log.Fields{"deviceid": id})
if device := dMgr.localDataProxy.Get("/devices/"+id, 1, false, ""); device == nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "%s", id)
} else {
cloned := reflect.ValueOf(device).Elem().Interface().(voltha.Device)
return &cloned, nil
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) ListDevices() (*voltha.Devices, error) {
result := &voltha.Devices{}
defer dMgr.lockDeviceAgentsMap.Unlock()
for _, agent := range dMgr.deviceAgents {
if device := dMgr.localDataProxy.Get("/devices/"+agent.deviceId, 1, false, ""); device != nil {
cloned := reflect.ValueOf(device).Elem().Interface().(voltha.Device)
result.Items = append(result.Items, &cloned)
return result, nil
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) updateDevice(device *voltha.Device) error {
log.Debugw("updateDevice-start", log.Fields{"deviceid": device.Id, "device": device})
if agent := dMgr.getDeviceAgent(device.Id); agent != nil {
return agent.updateDevice(device)
return status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "%s", device.Id)
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) addPort(deviceId string, port *voltha.Port) error {
if agent := dMgr.getDeviceAgent(deviceId); agent != nil {
return agent.addPort(port)
return status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "%s", deviceId)
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) updatePmConfigs(deviceId string, pmConfigs *voltha.PmConfigs) error {
if agent := dMgr.getDeviceAgent(deviceId); agent != nil {
return agent.updatePmConfigs(pmConfigs)
return status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "%s", deviceId)
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) getSwitchCapability(ctx context.Context, deviceId string) (*core_adapter.SwitchCapability, error) {
log.Debugw("getSwitchCapability-start", log.Fields{"deviceid": deviceId})
if agent := dMgr.getDeviceAgent(deviceId); agent != nil {
return agent.getSwitchCapability(ctx)
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "%s", deviceId)
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) getNNIPorts(ctx context.Context, deviceId string) (*voltha.Ports, error) {
log.Debugw("getNNIPorts-start", log.Fields{"deviceid": deviceId})
if agent := dMgr.getDeviceAgent(deviceId); agent != nil {
return agent.getNNIPorts(ctx), nil
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "%s", deviceId)
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) getPortCapability(ctx context.Context, deviceId string, portNo uint32) (*core_adapter.PortCapability, error) {
log.Debugw("getPortCapability-start", log.Fields{"deviceid": deviceId})
if agent := dMgr.getDeviceAgent(deviceId); agent != nil {
return agent.getPortCapability(ctx, portNo)
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "%s", deviceId)
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) updateDeviceState(deviceId string, operState *core_adapter.IntType, connState *core_adapter.IntType) error {
log.Debugw("updateDeviceState-start", log.Fields{"deviceid": deviceId, "operState": operState, "connState": connState})
if agent := dMgr.getDeviceAgent(deviceId); agent != nil {
return agent.updateDeviceState(operState, connState)
return status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "%s", deviceId)
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) childDeviceDetected(parentDeviceId string, parentPortNo int64, deviceType string, channelId int64) error {
log.Debugw("childDeviceDetected-start", log.Fields{"parentDeviceId": parentDeviceId})
// Create the ONU device
childDevice := &voltha.Device{}
childDevice.Id = CreateDeviceId()
childDevice.Type = deviceType
childDevice.ParentId = parentDeviceId
childDevice.ParentPortNo = uint32(parentPortNo)
childDevice.Root = false
childDevice.ProxyAddress = &voltha.Device_ProxyAddress{ChannelId: uint32(channelId)}
// Create and start a device agent for that device
agent := newDeviceAgent(dMgr.adapterProxy, childDevice, dMgr, dMgr.localDataProxy)
// Activate the child device
if agent := dMgr.getDeviceAgent(childDevice.Id); agent != nil {
return agent.enableDevice(nil)
return nil
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) processTransition(previous *voltha.Device, current *voltha.Device) error {
// This will be triggered on every update to the device.
handler := dMgr.stateTransitions.GetTransitionHandler(previous, current)
if handler != nil {
log.Debugw("found-handler", log.Fields{"handler": funcName(handler)})
return handler(previous, current)
log.Debugw("handler-not-found", log.Fields{"deviceId": current.Id})
return nil
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) createLogicalDevice(pDevice *voltha.Device, cDevice *voltha.Device) error {
var logicalId *string
var err error
if logicalId, err = dMgr.logicalDeviceMgr.CreateLogicalDevice(nil, cDevice); err != nil {
log.Warnw("createlogical-device-error", log.Fields{"device": cDevice})
return err
// Update the parent device with the logical id
dMgr.UpdateDeviceAttribute(cDevice.Id, "ParentId", *logicalId)
return nil
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) addUNILogicalPort(pDevice *voltha.Device, cDevice *voltha.Device) error {
if err := dMgr.logicalDeviceMgr.AddUNILogicalPort(nil, cDevice); err != nil {
log.Warnw("addUNILogicalPort-error", log.Fields{"device": cDevice, "err": err})
return err
return nil
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) activateDevice(pDevice *voltha.Device, cDevice *voltha.Device) error {
return nil
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) disableDevice(pDevice *voltha.Device, cDevice *voltha.Device) error {
return nil
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) abandonDevice(pDevice *voltha.Device, cDevice *voltha.Device) error {
return nil
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) reEnableDevice(pDevice *voltha.Device, cDevice *voltha.Device) error {
return nil
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) noOp(pDevice *voltha.Device, cDevice *voltha.Device) error {
return nil
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) notAllowed(pDevice *voltha.Device, cDevice *voltha.Device) error {
return errors.New("Transition-not-allowed")
func funcName(f interface{}) string {
p := reflect.ValueOf(f).Pointer()
rf := runtime.FuncForPC(p)
return rf.Name()
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) UpdateDeviceAttribute(deviceId string, attribute string, value interface{}) {
if agent, ok := dMgr.deviceAgents[deviceId]; ok {
agent.updateDeviceAttribute(attribute, value)
func (dMgr *DeviceManager) GetParentDeviceId(deviceId string) *string {
if device, _ := dMgr.getDevice(deviceId); device != nil {
log.Infow("GetParentDeviceId", log.Fields{"device": device})
return &device.ParentId
return nil